Anyone into classical music?

Fuck yeah classical is my second favorite genre under heavy metal (some people find it strange that I can appreciate both, all I can say is we all have our tastes) my favorite composers are Mahler, Chopin, Tchaikovsky and my beloved Beethoven.

His 9th symphony 2nd movement brings me to an orgasm.
Fuck yeah classical is my second favorite genre under heavy metal (some people find it strange that I can appreciate both, all I can say is we all have our tastes) my favorite composers are Mahler, Chopin, Tchaikovsky and my beloved Beethoven.

His 9th symphony 2nd movement brings me to an orgasm.

Another Mahler fan, that's wassup! :) Lovin' his third symphony.

Something a bit more contemporary:

Eluvium - Prelude for Time Feelers

The Well Meaning Professor - Eluvium
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if thats "classical" or not?

very victorian and borderline theater leaning towards Maria Callas..?


im not trying to be a jerk or press buttons
No, of course you're not being a jerk, lol!
I judged a booked by it's cover. When seeing the artists name I thought you were trolling and it was gonna be some kind of poppy tune.
Then I listened, and yes, I agree with your above post.

And my post before your most recent one was just kinda supposed to be mimicking my reaction. ;)