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Anyone had trouble with pharmacists -?


Jul 8, 2021
By which I mean is unwarranted, discriminatory ATTITUDE.

... I've had plenty from being flat - out refused clean syringes, to being publicly flagged up as a methadone user.

So for instance, when I was receiving the methadone ( and I didn't even ever wanna be ON that, was an ultimatum from my then employer ; different story), they'd make you enter the pharmacy via the back entrance. Instead of the street front like all the 'normal' folks.
Nope ; you had to go in the 'junkie line'.
THEN once you were in, the staff would make you wait like FOREVER. On occasions I counted up to 10 (!) customers being seen before I was, who had entered the premises AFTER me.

.. And finally instead of being shown into that little private consultation room most pharmacies have nowadays, they always would insist on you taking your dose right there at the counter in front of everyone, so the general 'respectable' public would be left in no doubt as to what your personal issue was.

As for clean needles, for a long time I was not living near any needle exchange so had to ask random pharmacies.
The common response I got is that they weren't gonna sell me any. When I asked as to why, I'd get, 'oh we think you might use them to inject drugs' (anytime
you ask for a 27G folks, you've just outed yourselves Xd).
Internally I'd be like NO. REALLY? You don't say. Outwardly I'd go something like, 'OF COURSE NOT. I WAS THINKING OF TAPING THEM TO THE FRIDGE FOR DECORATION .'

.. I just fucking can't be having with the snarky judgmental garbage and WILL open my big mouth and am liable to get extremely sarcastic.
Thing is, those people already had me down as a lowlife the second I walked through the door ; once I respond like THAT I'm now a lowlife with 'an attitude' and it doesn't go well from there 🙄

... Any of you lot had a similar shit experience?
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What country are you describing?

Only had a few issues with pharmacists. Once over something tremendously stupid. They wouldn't fill a script for 60mg/day of mirtazapine, an antidepressant with no abuse potential. She said, "i can't fill this the dose is too high"....i said "oh i didn't know it was too high, where did you go to medical school again?".
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... Even had one tell me he would refuse to sell me any needles 'for moral reasons'. Like I'd suddenly stop because I couldn't get clean ones?! And like it's not his 'moral' duty to help people be healthy??
When I had oxazepam on script many years ago, the pharmacist was worried that my dose was high.
Being high on Xanax already, it pissed me off- when she handed me the box, I popped an entire blister in front of her.
She called my doc, and that was the last box I picked up.

Oh well.

I don't get why they get their panties in a bunch. Just STFU and give me my drugs.
I think some of 'em have a moral superiority complex and feel the need to publicly shame / otherwise aggravate you for your sinfully degraded life

... Even had one tell me he would refuse to sell me any needles 'for moral reasons'. Like I'd suddenly stop because I couldn't get clean ones?! And like it's not his 'moral' duty to help people be healthy??
I'm in Uk, most pharmacys here give them out for free? Boots for example. They just ask your initials, DOB and what you're using them for.
Of course you can lie, too.
Can get a pretty wide selection of stuff, im surprised you've had issues!
I'm in Uk, most pharmacys here give them out for free? Boots for example. They just ask your initials, DOB and what you're using them for.
Of course you can lie, too.
Can get a pretty wide selection of stuff, im surprised you've had issues!
I was bloody surprised to have (repeated) issues! However I found my perfect solution. I get most my works from ExchangeSupplies via mail order now.
They're based in Dorchester, stock everything you could possibly want (they even finally have plastic ampoules of sterile water instead of just the glass ones which don't always snap safely).
Everything gets delivered in a discreet package. Might be a bit expensive if you're a multiple daily user; but theirs is a truly excellent service.
I also found a free needle exchange in a nearby town so I use them too. But at the minute I try to mostly avoid public transport so glad I found the mail order option.
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I was bloody surprised to have (repeated) issues! However I found my perfect solution. I get most my works from ExchangeSupplies via mail order now.
They're based in Dorchester, stock everything you could possibly want (they even finally have plastic ampoules of sterile water instead of just the glass ones which don't always snap safely).
Everything gets delivered in a discreet package. Might be a bit expensive if you're a multiple daily user; but theirs is a truly excellent service.
I also found a free needle exchange in a nearby town so I use them too. But at the minute I try to mostly avoid public transport so glad I found the mail order option.
My town doesnt do the water or spoon/cookers, but i can get;
-Packs of ~15 x 1ml fixed 29g head, which includes 15 alcohol swabs and a sharps bin.
-Packs of ~15 x 2.5ml luer lock barrels, with swabs and a sharps bin.
-Packs of ~15 x heads, orange 25gs, blue 23gs and green 21gs
-packs of citric
-packs of vit c

In the city you can get
-'1 use' packs of 1ml or 2.5ml which include 1 rig, 1 cooker and filter, 1 swab, 1 pack of citric and a small bin big enough for 1 rig. The 2.5ml packs are orange, blue or green, considering which size head you require.
-cookers/filters(up to 10 at a time, unless you get someone friendly who'll give over 2 packs of 10)
-loose swabs, they'll give about 20 at a time
-glass amps of water but only if you're homeless

Maybe more stuff available, but thats all I know. I've heard some places do the yellow heads, i think they are 29g but ive never found anywhere doing them.
Maybe more stuff available, but thats all I know. I've heard some places do the yellow heads, i think they are 29g but ive never found anywhere doing them.
ExchangeSupplies stock all sizes including 29G and even 30G.
Also single-use spoons and a super - neat innovation called 'sterifilt' that's a single - use filter which fits over the needle so you draw up with it stuck on and then remove it ; it's particularly useful if you wanna inject tablets because it's designed to remove all particulates large enough to potentially block blood vessels.
They ship worldwide ; I'd check them out if you need certain items that are difficult to get hold of where you live.
I'm a very satisfied customer and can highly recommend.
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Switzerland/Germany, when you want to buy dextromethorphan, or until 1-2 years ago in CH, codeine/DHC. Both were technically OTC but depending on the pharmacy, your look, gender, age etc. they'd refuse to sell. Then began to request ID card and enter your data into some database - never got rejected cause of that though, maybe it was more to psychologically reject the abuse folks. Even once when I wanted to buy isopropanol to clean a printer head, it ended up with a 15+ min dialogue about that it's not for human consumption (while 20ml cost like 15$ there, so really no point).

Once I had a pretty fucked-up looking guy with me who bought needles. That wasn't a problem but the DXM.

Or when I asked about carbidopa to make 5-htp more potent. They said they can't source it. Ephedra tea needs prescription - nowadays also DXM and the codeines. They still can sell it without if they want but you need to be seriously serious to get it in most places.
Switzerland/Germany, when you want to buy dextromethorphan, or until 1-2 years ago in CH, codeine/DHC. Both were technically OTC but depending on the pharmacy, your look, gender, age etc. they'd refuse to sell. Then began to request ID card and enter your data into some database - never got rejected cause of that though, maybe it was more to psychologically reject the abuse folks. Even once when I wanted to buy isopropanol to clean a printer head, it ended up with a 15+ min dialogue about that it's not for human consumption (while 20ml cost like 15$ there, so really no point).

Once I had a buddy with me who bought needles. That wasn't a problem but the DXM.

Or when I asked about carbidopa to make 5-htp more potent. They said they can't source it. Ephedra tea needs prescription - nowadays also DXM and the codeines. They still can sell it without if they want but you need to be seriously serious to get it in most places.
Haha, man at one point I had like 16 pharmacies within a radius of about 40 square miles on the go for codeine.
This was so I could avoid anyone recognizing me (or the story I'd spun for why I needed them) by going to any same one too many times in a row. 😜
By which I mean is unwarranted, discriminatory ATTITUDE.

... I've had plenty from being flat - out refused clean syringes, to being publicly flagged up as a methadone user.

So for instance, when I was receiving the methadone ( and I didn't even ever wanna be ON that, was an ultimatum from my then employer ; different story), they'd make you enter the pharmacy via the back entrance. Instead of the street front like all the 'normal' folks.
Nope ; you had to go in the 'junkie line'.
THEN once you were in, the staff would make you wait like FOREVER. On occasions I counted up to 10 (!) customers being seen before I was, who had entered the premises AFTER me.

.. And finally instead of being shown into that little private consultation room most pharmacies have nowadays, they always would insist on you taking your dose right there at the counter in front of everyone, so the general 'respectable' public would be left in no doubt as to what your personal issue was.

As for clean needles, for a long time I was not living near any needle exchange so had to ask random pharmacies.
The common response I got is that they weren't gonna sell me any. When I asked as to why, I'd get, 'oh we think you might use them to inject drugs' (anytime
you ask for a 27G folks, you've just outed yourselves Xd).
Internally I'd be like NO. REALLY? You don't say. Outwardly I'd go something like, 'OF COURSE NOT. I WAS THINKING OF TAPING THEM TO THE FRIDGE FOR DECORATION .'

.. I just fucking can't be having with the snarky judgmental garbage and WILL open my big mouth and am liable to get extremely sarcastic.
Thing is, those people already had me down as a lowlife the second I walked through the door ; once I respond like THAT I'm now a lowlife with 'an attitude' and it doesn't go well from there 🙄

... Any of you lot had a similar shit experience?

There's no private consult rooms here for anything so no idea what that's about.

Most folk who go to their local pharmacy would know its a methadone clinic and blow no or one offs are in there for 5 mins tops so individual opinions don't matter.

The company image and selling shit like make up, hair shit or overpriced soap means being inviting overall, probably at the expense of the original purpose of a pharmacy .

Rules have changed, revenue is being squeezed from the drugs so to survive appeal to people with money to waste on jasmine scented toe wipes or fad jewellery do matter to them and if that means they aren't coming because omg methadone clientele, guess who will win?

Look ppl are entitled to opinions about anything as ate you. Are they worth being upset over? Just ignore them.

As for pharmacists having opinions, they're human, maybe they're assholes to everyone, judging young women wanting morning after pill, laughing at condom buyers fatties wanting useless diet shakes, old dudes wanting Viagra.

Its not important, just put your ear buds in, take your meds and thrn leave, not worth your time man.

If they use unpleasant tones, just be polite and wish them well with finding some manners .
There's no private consult rooms here for anything so no idea what that's about.
Ah, here in the UK most (unless they're very small) now have this cubicle that is seperate off from the main pharmacy, where you can go to speak to the pharmacist about your more embarrassing ailments that you may not want every other customer present to overhear.
jasmine scented toe wipes

I need to know if these are a thing 😂

No, I made them up but not sure if anyone else has patented it. Theres wipes for all types of things and body parts so who knows?
No, I made them up but not sure if anyone else has patented it. Theres wipes for all types of things and body parts so who knows?

I dont get fit packs anymore but didn't like getting them from anywhere, even needle exchanges , dont like buying sanitary pads either, who does really- but rest assured if pharmacy employees are uncomfortable doing their job then you can either make them more uncomfortable by asking them about the specifics of each gauge or brand, in infinite detail at a non private voice, or what the different choices of fit packs are there. Maybe ask for advice of identifying various STDs, what to do about anal leakage, lice shampoo, lubricants, fungal treatments, anything really. Its their job to explain their stock to you and your job as customer to ask your local pharmacist for the best deals!
No, I made them up but not sure if anyone else has patented it. Theres wipes for all types of things and body parts so who knows?
I've come across 'feminine hygiene wipes' which was a new one on me, and then immediately wondered why aren't there ones to freshen up cheesy balls?
We smell worse when we get sweaty xd
Most of the people at pharmacy school are people who have been rejected from medical school. So, of course they are bitter.

They get their kicks from refusing to sell codeine and DXM. That's pretty much all they have power to do.

Btw, yesterday I bought a single 1 cc syringe and the pharmacist asked me if I have bought them before. I wonder why? :rolleyes:
^ You could reply by saying "No sir, I haven't and I thought I would come here specifically to buy this syringe just in case I need to inject myself safely, can you please now show me exactly how to use them or demonstrate please since you stock this device?"
I'm not discounting anyone's experiences and I am a little biased living with and loving a pharmacist and all. But keep in mind they have been under valued, over worked, mostly unappreciated front line workers throughout this pandemic. They are pinched between corporate overlords who exploit them while reaping huge government pay days (nothing new there, classic labor disconnect we mostly all suffer) and the good ones are all caught between providing the best patient care they can and having to ring up goddamn dog food. I know I am involved with a rarity, a syringe selling, all valid prescription filling, lowest cost finding blood hound who believes drugs are a tool to IMPROVE life and your post makes me appreciate her even more. Sorry your experience has been so shitty.