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Anyone got life all figured out?

O would seriously doubt, with data, history and evidence, that the quality of education is improved at all. Schooling is producing people who can't think for themselves and who think Authority is a source of knowledge. education is NOT what you learn in schools and some very rich men spent decades getting the people to accept allowing the Govt to control what their kids could learn - they wouldn't have done that without massive benefits for themselves.

Another count against the possibility life is so much better is the very technology everyone points to as evidence. Should the power fail tomorrow, millions will die almost immediately because they have zero knowledge about how to get or prepare food. Is it truly an advance to live in a world where others control your very existence?

That might be why so many people are easy prey for the New Age types and a wide variety of 'gurus' who take their money - if they can't do anything about their physical helplessness, the attraction of being told you are a spiritual power (subject of course to the guru/religion) must be very attractive.
Nooo. no..no. If anything it gets more complex. Prepare yourself. its not a fight so much as a everyday bracing. Find good music, a nice place to live, surround yourself with like minded folk and never think you have it figured out for, once you do, you are wrong.

Much love all the same.
have you ever noticed that the best way to cuicumvent...i think i spelled that right....is to talk with people and hear the oral traditions?
My extended family has it all figured out. What that is I ain't sure but it's not my way that is all I'm sure of. Seems they have had all the answers all along and I'm the only one out of place. Must be me.
O would seriously doubt, with data, history and evidence, that the quality of education is improved at all. Schooling is producing people who can't think for themselves and who think Authority is a source of knowledge. education is NOT what you learn in schools and some very rich men spent decades getting the people to accept allowing the Govt to control what their kids could learn - they wouldn't have done that without massive benefits for themselves.

I feel like you are making a fair few assumptions, but I can't really be fucked arguing them so I won't :D I am more referring to the sharing of raw knowledge and understanding of the world. Not really promoting schools as such; I sucked at them myself :) Schools are not a place where much practical knowledge is taught, but thats not their real aim. I think some schooling is vital for things like literacy and numeracy; with these tools, individuals have much more potential for successful self-determination. So I agree, the schooling structure promotes hierarchical bullshit, but I am more referring to the sharing of and access to knowledge which I think is vital. I'm not even talking about the internet or computing but the value societies around the world are starting to place on knowledge and awareness for all members of society. If this becomes more widespread, I see that as positive.
got a funny feeling it aint you that doesnt have it figured. ust because theres a consensus, doest not indicate truth.
what happens when you have life 'all figured out', and then you get in a car crash and you can't walk anymore..

figure out what is going on in this moment, every moment, then figure out who it is that is figuring stuff out. who are you?
I came to a powerful realization after turning 25 and finding myself at the beginning of a circle again, it dawned on me in a very dramatic sense that unless you take control of your life you will find yourself repeating the same cycle over and over.. you must enact a long-term goal to focus on and allow it to be the foundation for which you will build yourself upon. The cruel part is you often won't have enough life experience while your young to understand what you want to work towards..

A lot of people here are offering advice suited for this sub-forum, but i want to offer some practical advice.

Avoid Debt
Live at home and save for as long as you can/or are willing/possible
Learn how to invest and manage money
Avoid children/marriage until later
Travel as much as you can

This will make everything much easier, but you'll still need to figure out what you want.. which will only come with time.

I have no idea what i'm doing really, but my freedom is paramount above all else in life and im taking every measure to ensure it remains that way.
I always say to myself I'll figure it all out when im 30 imo settling down is a big part of figuring life out
so far......

Knowledge and perception changes with time.

We learn more as we grow.

Experience is the only real knowledge.
Life is just about finding out what is the pile of refuse and what isn't. :) I'm convinced that 99% of what I care about and pay attention to and value is meaningless garbage so my life's quest is to refine this until I have the truth/answer/light. <3

I think the world is probably getting better in many ways. If ignorance of the true nature of reality is a darkness, then wisdom and knowledge is light, and it would seem that, globally, there has been an increase in education quality/quantity which, if taken to its fullest, will psychologically and spiritually liberate the majority of humans and usher in a rational time of love and compassion for all life. The problems we have are caused by us, so only we can fix them. There is no help coming from outside; it can only come from here and I see signs that we are trying to manifest it. Hopefully we can all start sorting the gold from the shit soon enough.

I also believe this. It's not that the establishment is giving better education (this might not be true at all), but that, mainly due to the Internet and instantly accessible information of all sorts, people are educating themselves at a higher rate, and becoming more interested in learning. And perhaps even more importantly, people are sharing with one another. We're slowly forming a sort of collective consciousness through the Internet. Additionally, the number of people that I encounter who question and think about spiritual and intellectual topics has increased dramatically since I was younger. I believe we're slowly headed towards a better time in history but it will take a while to get there and some things will continue to get worse before they get better.

I always say to myself I'll figure it all out when im 30 imo settling down is a big part of figuring life out

Haha, I always said that too. I'm 31 now. You never stop figuring things out. I also figured I'd settle down around 30 but here I am and I want to "settle down" less than ever. IMO settling down can be a trap... one should always seek to continue expanding one's horizons, it's how you stay mentally young and vibrant.
^It depends what you mean by settling down. For me, I did all the partying, doofing, drug-binging, fucking, dirt stomping and fire lighting in my twenties (am now 32). I enjoyed the chaos of partying in the bush, deafened by psy trance and tribal drums. I still do, but in comparison, I prefer things like star gazing and reading. Settling down doesn't have to mean whipping out the pipe and cardigan, with excitement from gardening and walking the daschund. If I hadn't lived it up through my twenties and done the travelling and itinerant thing I imagine I would feel bored when I now get stoned and read. But I think there comes a time when you need to learn to just be within yourself with no need for the external world to provide you with light and glamor and exciting and learn to have fun and gain stuff in a sustainable way. I've grown up; I only take drugs once a day now. :\ But in truth, now that I am financially secure for life (bar the rise of the dead or similar apocalypse), I can relax more into doing very little outside of work hours. By the time I am 80, I hope to have been sitting under a tree for a year minimum. One must aim for something said the arrow to the bow.

I've always found it quite interesting that Dr Timothy Leary didn't become the psychedelic guru of the sixties until he was about 40 years old. I'd always assumed that by that age all fun and spontaneity would have fallen to the bottom of the tea pot. I like the idea of settling down into free love and Pink Floyd.

I guess- I see education as the key FOR ME. I have an aim, and its quite different to what I am currently doing, and I plan to continuously educate myself until I get there. I enjoy my unexpected nature :)
Yeah I guess the term brought negative connotations to mind for me... just where I'm at I guess. I was certainly crazier in my twenties (and late teens) than I am now... but at the moment I'm in a really intense exploratory phase of my life since my 12 year long oppressive relationship/marriage is over, and my opiate addiction is over. I feel like I've come back to life and I'm really getting out there, meeting a lot of new people, forming new relationships, getting involved in new activities, and a nice peppering of psychedelics (but not like 2006-2008, I'm sure you remember that craziness). I feel like I was trying to settle down (in the negative sense I felt your words in) for years before this in an attempt to make a bad situation work, and now it's time to fly again. It feels a lot like college for me now, except with the added benefit of 12/13 more years of life experience and serious life responsibilities as well.
^A butterfly emerging? (I am pleased as ever to hear of your recent glowing life <3)

I might settle down but I shall never grow up! :)
I get what you're saying Xorkoth, and I do agree with you to an extent. But the affordances we have in the West, at this time in history, make us very lucky individuals. For many people life is still about pain and fear, and we could quite easily fall back into that era of history too if we're not careful. Those people will still find the moments that make life worth living.. but they will acknowledge the fact that no amount of positivity changes the fact that life is brutal, that's just how it is.

like i said start in the third world and work backwards find out how good you really have it and then reevaluate your shit every few years and make changes as necessary. avoid the trap all of us in the west are conditioned to fall into, money. it doesnt mean shit after a certain point and will provide your life with with no addittional value unless you are a materialistic cunt. age is a construct there is no light that goes off at 20,25,30,40,50,75 and provides you with answers.
I've had glimpses into what I believe was the meaning of life and "the answer," but they were fleeting, and were more about a feeling of everything just being perfectly right in that moment rather than an intellectual realization which seemingly explained how life worked demonstrably (i.e. 2+2 = life answer.)
I would hazard a guess that those glimpses were accompanied by endorphins and or adrenaline rushes? Maybe during a particularly good trip or orgasm?
I've had glimpses into what I believe was the meaning of life and "the answer," but they were fleeting, and were more about a feeling of everything just being perfectly right in that moment rather than an intellectual realization which seemingly explained how life worked demonstrably (i.e. 2+2 = life answer.)
was you said reminded me of an enlightened person who said nearly the same thing as he was awoken to his true nature. John wren Louise was his name. If you want a little clarity into your experience read about his story for more insight into what you saw search his name and put the wanderling after.