• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Answer joeraver

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penn and teller

the one on exercising:

,my girlfriend used to be 250, now she's 160, are they saying u can't lose weight with exercise and weight lifting?
It probably isnt a good idea to be taking drugs when you're sick in the first place. But this forum isn't for drug questions. Try asking that in Basic Drug Discussion.
now my shirt is wrinkled, i shook it up and put it on, without ironing would that make a signifigance amount of difference to where it wouldn't be as wrinkly, or no get real "should iron it"

a) may make it better but not perfect

b) need to iron b/c its not good at all.
Throw it in the dryer for 10 minutes with some other clothes, no more wrinkles, or you can just iron it, either way you will need heat.
ok but....

GOd im freaking out! i want to go to dj irene tonight but.....

My car is messing up, see when i went in a puddle it flooded it out, under a puddle that is.

now my friend told me that cold air intake is why, that most cars have factory and dont do that.

would most of you still go out knowing that, avoid the puddles? would u go out if there was a flash flood, do regular thunderstorms cause enough water to make it flood or no just stay out of puddles?
If you hydro-locked your car you would know about it. The engine would seize up and it wouldn't run again.

jesus wept, this has gone on long enough.

joeraver, please refrain from posting ridiculous questions or i will lock your account.

use google in the future or babble in a bluelight journal.
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