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annoying sayings from drug users

Indeed. Monkeys & elephants seek out fermenting fruits to get drunk on. :)
and we all know how a bad trip can turn out...:(


Haha actually made me burst out laughing! =D

<3 the 500mg "Vicadin" pic too, classic! ;)
I haven't read through this whole thread yet but one that really irks me:

"Don't do Oxy's man. Percs are way safer"

And also "I dont do drugs, I just drink alcohol" and the "double-stacked/triple-stacked" bullshit for ecstasy
drug users who never learn are annoying. i was telling my friend how the stamp of a thizzle has nothing to do with quality and how smart dealers will make bunk stamps off the reputation of a known stamp. he agreed with my logic. days later when he was picking up pills he was like "blue aliens yes! those are always fucking bomb!"

thats not cannbis culture, any self respecting stoner wouldn't identify themself as a white rasta


Cannabis culture is actually pretty awesome, its just when you have to deal with white people that think they're bob marley that it gets gay to deal with
They certainly sound like fucking physically addictive symptomns to me, cannabis is physically and mentally addictive, \

You are confusing physical dependence and the rebound syndrome--feeling the exaggerated, opposite effects of being on the drug. Certain drugs are psychologically addictive, but not physically addictive. You may feel physical SYMPTOMS, but that does NOT mean that its a physical withdrawal. Just becuz you experience symptoms other than the mental ones, does not mean that its physical withdrawal. Withdrawal is a specific, medical phenomenon with a specific definition, and it dont happen with just any drug that you happen to feel physical symptoms of when you stop.

There is absolutely ZERO PHYSICAL DEPENDENCE on marijuana. The symptoms you describing are psychological and rebound symptoms, meaning you smoke weed and you always hungry, so you stop and get hungry. You smoke and feel relaxed and calm, you stop and get anxious. Those aint symptoms of physical withdrawal.

There is no reaction in marijuana users that creates specific, unique symptoms that are more than just simply the opposite of the effects a person feels while they on the drug. There is zero physical dependence. So many people confuse a physical dependence with the simple fact that once you do something all the time everyday for a while, when you stop, you feel EXAGGERATED opposite effects. Those shouldnt be confused with withdrawal symptoms from physical dependence but so many people are completely unable to tell the difference between the 2.

When you stop heroin or opiates, the symptoms you experience from stopping aint just the opposite effects. They are a seperate set of symptoms that are directly caused by the substance leaving your body, its a very specific and particular group of effects, it happens in a certain order, etc. Its a very recognized, specific thing. The "marijuana withdrawal symptoms" aint nothing like this. There aint no withdrawal scale to measure it like there is for opiates (the COWS-comprehensive opiate withdrawal symptoms-scale). It aint a medically recognized phenomenon. its in a totally, completely different category than opiates.

Weed seems to be psychologically addictive for some people but there is no physical dependence or physical withdrawal , as far as withdrawal is technically, officially, medically defined. Dont confuse the exaggerated opposite effects of bein on the drug, the rebound syndrome, for a physical withdrawal.
and we all know how a bad trip can turn out...:(


bahahahaha lmao OMG i remember hearing this one the first time i tripped. wow i didnt know that many people had heard about this one. I figgured it was made up some where local.

thats fucking hilarious
shrooms make you high by making your brain bleed so do lsd cause it only fucks up your spine
Fuck I hate this one.

From people at my college who binge drink everynight and then tell me this:

"Dude you've done heroin?!?! That shit is SOOOOO bad for your body!"

Yeah, smoking tar is bad for you, but drinking every night til you puke your fucking guts out is right up there with it buddy.
it's incredibly annoying when people are like "______ sucks, just smoke some good weed man!"

hop off weed's dick pls
Yesterday, someone asked me "Do you know how the guy who invented LSD died?"
He said "He stuck his whole head in a bucket of acid and died almost instantly. They said that he even though he died in less than 5 seconds, he experienced multiple lifetimes because the trip was so intense."

First of all, no one invented LSD, it was synthesized by Albert Hoffman, who died in '08 from natural causes.

I just nodded my head and said "Wow."
Pretty sure that means he invented it.

I don't see it that way but I respect that opinion.

The whole story was completely bogus. I'm not sure if he ad-libbed that shit, or if some other dumbass was spreading it.
How can you not see it that way exactly? If you're the first person to create something then you invented it... That's the definition of invention.
If I count one number higher than anyone else ever has, then write that number down, I have created something new. Would we say that I invented a number? I think we'd say I discovered a number that has been there all along.

I warned you we were getting into metaphysics.