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"Allah" is the SAME as the Christian "God"

SoHi - which version of the Bible? why exclude people who cant read?

have you ever read the Koran?
^I have never read the Quran. I have read scritures from it off of websites and during debates with others in the same manner most here read bible verses when i post them. But i dont read the Quran.

I PERSONALLY read the New King James Version Bible.
okay, since you posted all of that it hardly seems unfair that the whole board doesnt get to see my rebuttal to you. i will make it into a thread.
^ I will delete it then if you want...I was only responding to what you publicly posted. PM me or start new thread...I would rather PM because a new thread will be hard to stick to the main topic.
SoHiAllTheTime said:
I cant see why he would give us several different books that paint Him in a different picture depending on which one you read.

it's surely as likely as one book which is written in such a way that a different picture emerges depending on who is interpreting the one book?

I fail to see much logic in most matters of religion - thus looking for it here (i.e. "does this make sense for God to do") is probably going to be fruitless.

Allah works in mysterious ways (or just doesn't exist - which would also tie up some of these lose ends) =D

--- G.
SoHI - are you aware of the history of the king james version? it was compiled from translations of the vulgate - in the abscence of the vulgate.
MA: You're basically arguing that I'm not worthy to answer your question because I'm not a theist. OK, fine, it's your game, you make the rules, have fun. ;)

But I'll simply restate a simple equation:

"Is Jesus God in the Flesh?"

Those who believe he is have some very different beliefs about the nature of God than those who don't.

So the beliefs end up being similar categorically, and quite different in particular.

And Stasis: You could trace most all digital devices back to the punchcards... but even keeping the focus in the Windows realm... you can't say that Windows XP = Windows 3.x , you can note marked similarities and common lineage, but you can't call them the same.
it says in the bible if any of u read it, that jesus was gods first created angel and jesus helped god creat all the heavens and the earth im not sure if thats how its writen but u kno notice why u all are misleed about jehovas witnesses...because u kno nothing about them and your prone to hate them as it is writen and satan is on the earth chillin around us with his 3rd of all the angels and there all messin with the media and rounding as many of us up b4 armegedon when all the crap on the earth will be ridded of and then start the 1000 years of fixing wat has been left behind.and thats what i kno about it and theres loads more but if u read this stuff it would make alot of meaning and its not being told to u the way the priest wants u to hear,one more thing,symbols of anything heavenly perhaps a statue of an angel are forbiden as well as the cross which is sitting on your godly dollar bill? anyways if someone knows about any of this shit u should tell me bout it cuz i find this stuff preaty significant to our times
_high_life_ said:
it says in the bible if any of u read it, that jesus was gods first created angel and jesus helped god creat all the heavens and the earth im not sure if thats how its writen but u kno notice why u all are misleed about jehovas witnesses...because u kno nothing about them and your prone to hate them as it is writen and satan is on the earth chillin around us with his 3rd of all the angels and there all messin with the media and rounding as many of us up b4 armegedon when all the crap on the earth will be ridded of and then start the 1000 years of fixing wat has been left behind.and thats what i kno about it and theres loads more but if u read this stuff it would make alot of meaning and its not being told to u the way the priest wants u to hear,one more thing,symbols of anything heavenly perhaps a statue of an angel are forbiden as well as the cross which is sitting on your godly dollar bill? anyways if someone knows about any of this shit u should tell me bout it cuz i find this stuff preaty significant to our times

Your post was very hard to follow...But i will comment on the part about Jesus being "gods first created angel"...My comment is that NOWHERE in the Bible does it say that, i am not sure where you got that from but it is wrong.
Indeed it seems pretty clear that angels were happily going about their business long before J.C. was born =D

--- G.
I have a better, more important question...how many angels can *really* dance on the head of a pin?
The Monads did it!

After they went through the eye of a needle on the backs of camels to get into the kingdom of heaven!

Pissed off, tired, angry, female camels, at that.
it wasnt writen but it was implied but im not sure was book/verse i read it out of.and did u kno there is more than one version of the bible?? kinda makes shit complicated dont it
i beleive jesus was very important to god because god would onlyu send his greatest sacrifice to earth for our sins,and what was so complicating about my post maybe i can make it a bit more literate?
Interestingly, there has never been much agreement on this issue.

I'd agree that "Alllah" was the same monotheistic g-d that was worshipped by Jews. as pointed out above the religions fought (among a million other things) over who was the blessed child ishmael or jacob.

I think in light of the common father of both religions, Abraham the arab and jewish g-d are similar, if not the same.

However, Christianity does throw a wrench into things because on the one hand, Christianity is monotheistic, but on the other there are 3 g-ds, not one.

At times it would appear that Christian G-d is three distinct beings and so different. However, the old testament/torah discusses angels which many ancient scholars believed were nothing more than extensions of g-d, although not exactly g-d himself (or herself for you progressive thinkers), so its not really clear that christianity invented the idea that g-d could splinter although basically is one being. ( A loose analogy to the Christian g-d is a football team that team consists of three different parts, offense, defense, and special teams--all diferent but all part of the same team).

Bottom line is that whether or not g-d is the same, the members of these religions behave very differently.
^^ members within the same religion behave very differently. depending on how you define the differences you could say that catholics and baptists worship different gods. so in the same sense that they worship the same god or concept of god, christians, jews and muslims all worship the same god, or basic concept of the same god. These three religions are very similar and not at all similar to other religions

frizzantik said:
Mahan, just because all three religions have one god that they call 'God' in their language, and one Satan.. just because they all come from the same region of the world and even share part of the same history.. even though they all have the idea of heaven and hell and think that all will be judged on a final judgement day.. doesnt mean that they are the same thing =D

if you compare any religion (besides these three) to these three i doubt you'd find that many core similarities. could it be because all three religions actually stem from Zoroastrianism? thats what my catholic school taught

nobody refuted that.. anybody wanna? =D
^^^^^^^Actually Judaism does not believe in eternal damnation. Everyone goes into "hell" when they die before passing in2 heaven and depending on how bad you are/were, the length of stay in hell could be quite a while or as little as a second.