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"Allah" is the SAME as the Christian "God"

ML: Read those links i gave. you will be suprised i am sure. A lot of misconceptions out there about all of this hat cant be settled right here on BL without researching into it. Thats all i am saying.
Well i am not sure how much of the links you read, but i am obviously a christian and it is a christian site. So how could it not be considered somewhat biased on the surface?

The thing that is cool about it is that it is set up for a muslim reader and it is very accurate in what is says about Islam and the Quran. It would have to be if its readers might be muslims. So give it a chance...I doubt there are any sites out there that couldnt be considered biased in one way or the other, if you find one let me know.

Give it a chance, it has a lot of good stuff. If not, i cant give other good links. But i really dontthink it is necessary.

Think about it, that would be like saying that a defense attorney is biased towards his client. Assuming the client truely is not guilt and is innocent, would him being biased be a bad thing? Same thing goes for this.
I did read a bit from those links and it seemed they were saying christianity is the right way and what the Quran teaches is wrong. It has too much of a slant. I admit I have a considerable slant towards all religions so I won't be able to continue in this conversation.
Stasis said:
Well if we take the core religious beliefs of all the religions seriously, then we're going to have to accept on faith that there exists many gods, and that each one claims to be the only one. So we end up believing in many gods, and believing that each one is the true one. Quite a conundrum isn't it?

No, because it is NOT a core religious tenet of either group that the other religion is worshipping a different God.

Muslims themselves will tell you that they are worshipping the same God as Christians. So will Arab Christians.

The only logical conundrum is created if you insist on adopting SoHi's interpretation, which is itself in conflict with Christianity's own historical roots.

SoHi is ignoring the Arab Christians and the Muslims. He is asserting his own very strict, limited interpretation of Christianity. That's fine for him, but it isn't in congruence with much of the rest of the Christian and/or Muslim world.
I am reading those links at the moment, it is quite voluminous and in parts very interesting. However - it simply approaches this from a point of view that I don't find terribly convincing because it starts off on the premise that Christians are basically right and anything about God can be discovered by hair-splitting every word ever attributed to him.

I realize there are contradictions between some things the Bible says and some things the Quran says - but this means nothing in terms of the argument : "is it the same God". The site you linked to seems to assume that because there are contradictions, that means the Quran is lying when it says to be authored by the same God.

A Muslim site, on the other hand, would probably frame the issue the same way but come to the conclusion that the scriptures have been corrupted or misinterpreted. Indeed, we are dealing with Hebrew to English vs. Arabic to English translations.

Also, there are some misunderstandings in the analasys of the wording of the Quran - whoever wrote this doesn't seem to pay much attention to the form of the Quran - it is written in poetic form. It also uses wordplay that just cannot be translated, such as "Allah is the greatest schemer" - this doesn't say anything at all about actually laying down some kind of nefarious plan! Indeed the word "scheme" doesn't exist in Arabic, there are translations using other words in the place of "Makara" - even though I accept it is probably the closest one.

This passage means "don't try to fool God because he knows and sees all and can pre-empt any attempt you make at outsmarting him" - in this case the Arabic word that best fit into the rhyme can possibly be interpreted as the verb "to scheme" in English - as it uses the word in similar terms in the sentance before to describe the schemes of wicked men. To me this is just splitting hairs - the meaning is very clear: "you can't win if you struggle against God" - plain and simple. It has nothing to do with schemes and people looking for word-for-word meaning should probably not be reading poetry anyway because it is rarely literal =D

I could go on and on, but basically I think analysing every single letter of the books and saying: "HAH! LOOK! INCONSISTANCIES!" doesn't do anything for anyone. Of course there are inconsistancies between the Bible and Quran, even within the Bible itself there are tons of them!

--- G.
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Mahan, I think I understand what you're saying, and I agree. They are all worshipping the same god, because after you chip away all the memes that have evolved alongside the god meme, you are left with only the god meme, which was the original idea that spawned the whole religion memeplex evolution.

Consider the idea of God. We do not know how it arose in the meme pool. Probably it arose many times by independent ‘mutation’. Why does it have such a high survival value? What is it about the idea of a god that gives it stability and penetrance in the cultural environment? The survival value of the god meme in the meme pool results from its great psychological appeal. It provides a superficially plausible answer to deep and troubling questions about existence. It suggests that injustices in this world may be rectified in the next. The ‘everlasting arms’ hold out a cushion against our own inadequacies which, like a doctor’s placebo, is none the less effective for being imaginary. - Richard Dawkins
Meant for ML: ^Besides that, it shows how COMPLETELY OPPOSITE the God of the Quran and the God of the Bible are by showing how different the characteristics of each God is from each other. If they were in fact the "same God" their characteristics wouldnt be so much different. No? Thats a very important factor dont you agree?

thanks for at least readin the links. I am open to your comment for sure :)

Also, i really dont care much about the incosistancies so much as i care about how each book describes a God completely opposite of the other God. Plus the talk about Ishamels decendants is interesting. (the 3rd link)

Like i said, this site isnt the final word on the issue by any means, i just think reading it helps understand what it takes to really sort this issue out in a way to truely find an answer.
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Those sites are actually a lot better done than a lot of similar stuff I have seen in the past - I just look at it and it seems... well... slanted. Ever so slightly, but still slanted.

Basically it seems most of the positive elements are attributed to Yahwe while parts of the Quran are taken to show that Allah is not as "nice" in some respects... I haven't read the whole thing so there may be exceptions, but that first "Allah is the greatest schemer" thing kind of keeps coming to mind.

I mean, to me that doesn't contradict anything - but to someone else it does. I guess it comes down to semantics and how literally you interpret the "word of God" - personally I believe man has had a hand in almost everything being passed off as His word and thus taking it literally is extremely dangerous.

The Quran, for one, is not even meant to be taken literally except in parts (and remember that it is largely written in poetic verse) - so I find it a bit hard to compare it with the Bible.

But anyway, I'm glad we can discuss this amicably - it is an issue I have a great deal of interest in - yet at the same time I have already formed an oppinion on it. It can make it hard to debate - but I accept that in matters of faith there is no one true perspective - we always have to remember what things look like from the other side as well.

In this case - I fully understand the argument even though I can't bring myself to agree with it because of several issues outlined above. Anyway, this thread is apparently shaping up :)

--- G.
The good news for you is that if your interpretation is right you are going to heaven for being a good Christian and if mine is right you are STILL going to heaven for being a good Christian (i.e. follower of the scriptures).

How's that for win-win? =D

--- G.
Mahan, just because all three religions have one god that they call 'God' in their language, and one Satan.. just because they all come from the same region of the world and even share part of the same history.. even though they all have the idea of heaven and hell and think that all will be judged on a final judgement day.. doesnt mean that they are the same thing =D

if you compare any religion (besides these three) to these three i doubt you'd find that many core similarities. could it be because all three religions actually stem from Zoroastrianism? thats what my catholic school taught
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Just because i said it was a Muslim site and not a Christain one doesnt mean i didnt read it. I assumed it was Muslim and didnt even care what it was.I read enough of the site to get the drift.
I read:
"It is asserted by Muslims that the Meccan Arabs are descendents of Ishmael. They also claim that Ishmael settled in Mecca where he, along with Abraham, built the Kabah and passed on the religion of the true God to his offspring. It is believed that throughout time the Ishmaelites perverted the worship of the true God, not by abandoning their belief in him, but by adding other gods in their worship, thus perverting the religion of the God of their father Ishmael."

~ and could we not change it to "It is believed that throughout time the Israelites perverted the worship of the true God, not by abandoning their belief in him, but by adding other gods in their worship, thus perverting the religion of the God of their father Isacc".?

Yes, could change it because the same thing happened that way.

Your site points out the paganism of them but yet they are blind to their own paganism in the Bible. Rachel stole her father's idols to keep as her own. why? It has been said that Rachel worshipped other gods.Jacob put a pillar of her god on her grave. Flesh eating was pagan as was sacrefices. Heck, the Christains are even more pagan because their holy day is the nonbiblical Sunday fully taking on the pagan's day of worship unlike the Jews and Muslims who kept the Sabbath as Commanded by God in the 10 Commandents. Since Jesus, Peter, and Paul all observed the Sabbath some christains who say they are following the Bible, do not. So the Muslims could point that all out because there is nothing about "being saved under grace and needing to change the Sabbath because that is the day Jesus rose" from in the Bible. The Muslims could take that alone and tell you that you don't believe in "THE GOD", the God of Abraham.

Also, speaking of the God of Abraham it was him that was the first Jew. Adam and Noah werent Jewish but of Arab descent.
"Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel: Long ago your ancestors-Terah and his sons Abraham and Nahor... served other gods." (Joshua 24:2 ) For the first seventy-five years of his life Abraham worshipped Sumerian gods. Then, God called him out of his family and out of his country. Since he is the father of Ishmael and Isacc, then he is the father of both nations.

But that is beside the point. Your referred to site points mainly to the pagan worship that went on among the tribes yet ignoring the fact that their own Bible stories have their Fathers honoring the same gods.

In Numbers 25:1-3 of our Bible it says " And Israel abode in Shittim and the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab. And they called the people unto the sacrefices of their gods and the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods. and Israel joined himself unto Baal and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel.
in Psalms 106 after Moses has led the Israelites to Canaan things looked so good for the Canaanites the Jews began to worship their god (baal) too in a "let's not take chances with just one God kind of way"
It says they married the heathans and had their children and served their idols including sacreficing their children. When things got bad for them and they cried out to God he delivered them but they would forget and turn back towards Him for other gods again.. It took them along time before they came back to serving God.
In place of the firstborn Israelites, God specifically appointed the tribe of Levi as his special servants so they had no excuse for offering their children ( numbers 3:11-13).

The book of Judges writes about the struggle between God Almighty and Baal for His people and the attraction to and worshipping of the Canaanites god's by the Isrealites.It took the Assyrians totally destroying Israel and the Babylonian captivity of Judah to convince the Israelites that there is only one true God. God and Allah both bring their people back the same way by showing them His wrath.
There really is many examples of Israelites worshipping idols and other gods but i think i made my point there.

~ So my point is that depending on the time in question the Muslims could write that the Isrealites didn't worship the one true God. And at one time the Ishemelites could have prayed the same Psalm as the site used to support the Ishemelites turning away from God as their own. They could have sang a Psalm about the Isrealites "who have turned away from the one true God for baal".

As far as the site saying "Allah says this" and critiquing unGodlike characteristics about what He allegedly said, again the same thing can apply to God's contridictions out of His mouth in the Bible. I don't believe that any true God would tell someone to murder another leading someone astray from His Laws. But Christains usually justify why babies were allowed to be murdered. I don't buy that God wanted that anymore then your site has perversed Allah's words the same way.- as a tool for their own gain.

And speaking of Moses and God's Law i believe that Moses worshipped other gods too before God rescued him. He was trained while being brought up to learn about all of the gods especially Re-Harakhty, Aton, the Sun-disc (Horus, previously)who was the biggest god in Egypt. When God gave the Ten Commandments to him it was with good reason. God wanted everything written in stone since they had taken on the ways of the Egyptians after being slaves for a few thousand years. God was very specific concerning other gods when He told Moses what He wanted. He didnt want any Gods before Him or worshipping of graven images. He wanted His day observed by resting, the 7th Day as He created in Eden when we were created in his image. Not SUNday, which the Egyptians had been worshipping on. And no murder. All of these laws were especially important because it seperated Him from all of the other gods which He wanted an end to all practices of. Hmmm, Moses is another thread, though. nonetheless, Moses himself and what he brings with him walks the fine line of "whose side was he on" if you read about what theologist have revealed of his history. It was through him that Yahweh, the god of Horeb (a volcano), became Yahweh the Lord God of Israel. And despite the fact that Moses managed to bring his people back to the God of Israel he still struggled with sorting out everything for himself.

The site claims that Ishmael is not the father of Muhammad because of what the Bible has recorded. It also says "Furthermore, there is no evidence apart from the later Muslim traditions that Ishmael ever married a Jurhumite woman since the Holy Bible indicates that he married an Egyptian. The Holy Bible also tells us where Ishmael's sons settled."

Okay my problem with that is the Bible follows the history of the Jews. I would suspect that the Bible would be in error on the part of Ishemel marrying an Egyptian instead of a Jurhumite woman, and not the other way around. Ishemel no longer became relevant as far as the Bible is concerned after he was castaway. I think the Muslims know their history a little better then the Hebrews would. Trying to prove that Muhammad didnt descend from Ishmeal would be like trying to prove Jesus's descendants at all. What we have as "evidence" can easily be disputed. We have the same faith in our evidence of Jesus as the Muslims hold for Muhammad.

The site says that " Unlike the Quran, the Holy Bible contains no historical errors" as well as " For the Quran to be the word of Allah and for Allah to be God one should find no grammatical mistakes, especially since Muslims claim that the Quran contains no human element whatsoever. Muslim view is that the Quran was dictated word for word to Muhammad, which implies that Allah is the Author of these grammatical errors. This disqualifies Allah from being God, especially Yahweh God of the Holy Bible.

The Bible contains grammactical errors on parts of the scholars and yet it is supposed to have been wrote the same way. They could say the same thing about our Bible. In fact, they could go through it bit by bit just as this site did and point out contridictions in the God of the Bible.Also, for them to say that the Bible contains NO historical errors is a pretty broad statement.

At that point was when i stopped reading your sites. I had my answers. This site doesnt do anything but attack the Muslim religion in the same way it could be done to Christainity.

I did read something else but i will comment on it tomorrow.

And despite what you may think Sohi it is not in my agenda to go against whatever mainstream suggest. It is in my best interest though to be my own leader in my own Light and research everything i can and not limit myself to one book all the time. By doing so i found the truth in all religions and have found how they are really one. By doing so i can see what stories change from book to book, religion to religion. All different, yet all a common thread. All have what man has brought in... man made lies sowed into it for their own control and intentions, but somewhere in them all is the Light.You believe youre right, they believe they are, Hindus believe they are... everyone knowing they are right. In some ways they are, in some ways they are not.
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i'm sure if you have been told that everything you need to know is in one book and that that book is infallible and perfect (as i was told for 20 years of my life) then you would be told that other books would be a distraction. that's the intimidation and control they use to keep you on a one track mind.
my mind has jumped the track. God has a plan for all His children. He is fair to us all.
Beanergrl: I havent read your long post yet, but i will. I did read the first part though...The story of the Jews turning their back on God and worshipping idols is no secret. In fact!!! All you have to do is read the OT and it is all written right there for your pleasure. I dont see anyone trying to hide it, i think you are just overly sensitive to anything that doesnt fit into your idea of what is right. I dont know why you wasted all that time talking about idol worship of the Jews, that is the whole story of the OT, i am sure you knew that. As far as your comments on the sabbath, i take it you didnt even look at the stuff i sent you via PM a little while back??? I am not suprised. I was thinking, maybe you should start your own religion since you have it all figured out.

As far as your post above goes, i personally believe God gave us His Word in one book through devine inspiration through the prophets. I cant see why he would give us several different books that paint Him in a different picture depending on which one you read. the God of the Quran is totally opposite of the God of the Bible.

Here is the link for the sabbath info for you again to read. Enjoy :)link
actually Sohi, i tried to email you some stuff back to show how you were dead wrong in your email you sent me but your PMbox was full (as it has been almost everytime i have tried to return your emails). i would really like to discuss it with you. really. if it is clear now, i would be more then happy to send it. :) last year over 20,000 baptist and churches of other denominations finally caught onto why they were worshipping on Sunday and now observe the Sabbath.
My point with that and the other idol worship by the Israelites being referenced is that the site you posted largely counts on the Ismealites pagan worship to support it.You can't do that. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.
I havent cleared my PM box in a while and i just recieved 2 PM's yesterday. So i would love to discuss it with you. I may learn something. To me, this isnt a heaven or hell issue, as far as i am concerned i can worship on sunday or saturday or anyday, it matters not to me and i think that is what the issue boils down to. We arent forced to follow the law anymmore, if it isnt sin for me then i can worship on sunday, but if you feel convicted by worship on sunday then you should worship on saturday. Send away, if it doesnt go through post a message and i will clear it out. :)

For the record, i am a firm believer in keeping or at least acknowledging Jewish holidays and traditions. I think they are imprtant to our faith. I attend a "Jewish Roots" bible study. The teacher isa a Jew and most people that attend are Jewish so i am lucky to get to take part in a lot of traditional Jewish festives. :)
Jesus says:

Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him.

1Jo 5:2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments.

1Jo 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

John 14:21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

John 15:10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.

Also see:
1 John 2:3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
5 But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.
6 He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.

~~ look for a PM from me and i will also discuss your link on the subject.
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^Yes please go PM with this. We are cluttering up this thread.

First you say the Bible isnt %100 accurate, but then you say to follow its commandments and use it as a source....Hmmm If it isnt accurate then i am not following its commandments. The verses you listed really proved no real point, maybe to the average joe who doesnt know anything about the Bible (which is why i am sure you posted it in this thread), but we will discuss it further via PM.

This is the last post i am making in this thread that is off topic. So my public counter to your post is right out of the link i provided:

Don't keep the Sabbath:

(Romans 14:5) - "One man regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Let each man be fully convinced in his own mind."

(Colossians 2:16) - "Therefore let no one act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day."

It was the custom of the Jews to come together on the Sabbath, which is Saturday, cease work, and worship God. Of the 10 commandments listed in Exodus 20:1-17, only nine of them were reinstituted by in the New Testament. (Six in Matthew 19:18, murder, adultery, stealing, false witness, honor parents, and worshiping God; Romans 13:9, coveting. Worshiping God properly covers the first three commandments) The one that was not reaffirmed was the one about the Sabbath. Instead, Jesus said that He is the Lord of the Sabbath (Matt. 12:8).

[Edited post to try and keep thread on topic. I left the part in bold since it is short and to the point.]
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