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advice to quit smoking pot

Anyway update: haven't smoked since I posted the OP.

Good job.

I know you have medical in Michigan so maybe try a CBD-dominant strain next time? (if there is a next time) Should really ease up on the crappy feelings and anxiety.
Basically this is my situation:

I've smoked pot for most of my adolescence and my entire adult life.
I pretty much smoked daily, many times per day, for most of that time. Usually went through 1-2 grams per day when I had the money, .25-.5 when I didn't.

I am extremely addicted to smoking pot.

I've managed to get my use down to like... 1 hit per session, about once per week. (Which with my low tolerance and the fact that everything around here is chron gets me 10/10) it's been like this for the past 6 months or so.

The thing is, I don't even enjoy smoking anymore or know why I do it. I used to love getting high, now I just feel shitty, tired, anxious, bored, and unable to think correctly.

I guess it's just out of habit/compulsion-- I think it's a good idea and I'll enjoy it and then-- nope.

Any people have a similar situation you dealt with?
Any tips?

I'm on bupe for opioid dependency, so that helps also with some of the "need to get high" feeling.

But I'm really at a loss as to what to do-- I don't want to smoke, yet I do... and it sucks.

my advice would be to find a hobby to replace it. if it's something you really get into, you may hardly even think about it anymore. as time passes it gets easier and easier. my first time quitting after getting into it hard was my first year of college. i was young and dumb and lets just say one day the police came to my house to pick me up for what they considered a somewhat serious crime. i quit for months after because i was so scared of a drug test. some of my friends were retarded and said shit like come on man you gotta smoke it's really good. i would just tell them what are you crazy? if i get piss tested and fail i go to jail. i just did my other normal hobbies and quitting didnt even bother me much. in the end they made me get drug counseling, metal health counseling, and do a shit load of community service. in the end it was all worth it LOL. i made friends doing community service, cool people that i partied with after. the drug counseling was a joke in a good way. the counselors wre actually all for smoking weed and said the media is full of bullshit. they just wanted to educate us on the facts and make it easy for us. then the mental health counseling was good too. the shrink was cool as hell and very understanding. he put me on pills including xanax LOL. he even told me not to stop smoking weed or increase my normal daily intake because when going on the medication it's best to keep all other variables the same. weed was even illegal here at that time. get busted for drugs get put on more drugs. the fucking judge was even cool as hell in the whole thing being as lenient as he was. he punished me in a way that had a positive outcome. sure was a lot better idea than throwing me in jail. as good as this sounds, im not saying smoking weed is the best idea for anyone. for me it just did more good than bad. it makes me happy.

what do you normally do for fun not involving drugs? do you have friends you can hang around to play video games or just have some fun drug free? even if they do drugs, it doesnt mean you have to. do you have a girl you can spend time with? go watch some movies, make out and have sex. what about family? parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, see how their doing and just visit to shoot the shit. you can never visit your family too often especially parents. do you have good employment? you can never work too much, you will only make more money. i find on days where i have a lot of work i dont even have time to smoke. some things i find fun that are drug free but keep me entertained are hiking, swimming, going to the gym, watch a movie or tv series(netflix is awesome), find a recipe online and cook it up, grill some tenderloin steaks for you and your mates, find a science you're interested in and read about it, go shopping you dont have to buy anything, just see what is out there, i see you're in MI i am as well. winter time the snow can be a lot of fun. shooting guns is another great stress reliever. save up and take a vacation to somewhere tropical.

im really sorry to hear about the bupe. when you go to the drs are you just getting it refilled or are you planning on tapering off? this stuff is very dangerous and im telling you right now it is no good. EVERYONE i know personally that has tried it either did not have a good time, or it really effected their life greatly in a negative way. if your dr is just giving you refill after refill i highly suggest you see a doctor who can properly taper you off at a very slow and more comfortable rate. where i live it has become the new heroin on the streets. i've seen it change people over time worse than what i've seen on faces of meth. where i live it is probably the most prevalent and demanded prescription drug on the black market. even though people can just go to a clinic and get it legally, many buy/sell it on the streets. it's an epidemic worse than meth here. and meth is pretty bad even after pseudo regulation became stronger.

I know you have medical in Michigan so maybe try a CBD-dominant strain next time? (if there is a next time) Should really ease up on the crappy feelings and anxiety.
from my experience CBDs are useless against anxiety/panic attacks. pills work much better. for me SSRIs, SNRIs, benzos, tetracyclics, and even opiates worked better than weed did high cbd or not. im in mi and use marijauan legally btw. everyone is different though.
my advice would be to find a hobby to replace it. if it's something you really get into, you may hardly even think about it anymore. as time passes it gets easier and easier. my first time quitting after getting into it hard was my first year of college. i was young and dumb and lets just say one day the police came to my house to pick me up for what they considered a somewhat serious crime. i quit for months after because i was so scared of a drug test. some of my friends were retarded and said shit like come on man you gotta smoke it's really good. i would just tell them what are you crazy? if i get piss tested and fail i go to jail. i just did my other normal hobbies and quitting didnt even bother me much. in the end they made me get drug counseling, metal health counseling, and do a shit load of community service. in the end it was all worth it LOL. i made friends doing community service, cool people that i partied with after. the drug counseling was a joke in a good way. the counselors wre actually all for smoking weed and said the media is full of bullshit. they just wanted to educate us on the facts and make it easy for us. then the mental health counseling was good too. the shrink was cool as hell and very understanding. he put me on pills including xanax LOL. he even told me not to stop smoking weed or increase my normal daily intake because when going on the medication it's best to keep all other variables the same. weed was even illegal here at that time. get busted for drugs get put on more drugs. the fucking judge was even cool as hell in the whole thing being as lenient as he was. he punished me in a way that had a positive outcome. sure was a lot better idea than throwing me in jail. as good as this sounds, im not saying smoking weed is the best idea for anyone. for me it just did more good than bad. it makes me happy.

what do you normally do for fun not involving drugs? do you have friends you can hang around to play video games or just have some fun drug free? even if they do drugs, it doesnt mean you have to. do you have a girl you can spend time with? go watch some movies, make out and have sex. what about family? parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, see how their doing and just visit to shoot the shit. you can never visit your family too often especially parents. do you have good employment? you can never work too much, you will only make more money. i find on days where i have a lot of work i dont even have time to smoke. some things i find fun that are drug free but keep me entertained are hiking, swimming, going to the gym, watch a movie or tv series(netflix is awesome), find a recipe online and cook it up, grill some tenderloin steaks for you and your mates, find a science you're interested in and read about it, go shopping you dont have to buy anything, just see what is out there, i see you're in MI i am as well. winter time the snow can be a lot of fun. shooting guns is another great stress reliever. save up and take a vacation to somewhere tropical.

im really sorry to hear about the bupe. when you go to the drs are you just getting it refilled or are you planning on tapering off? this stuff is very dangerous and im telling you right now it is no good. EVERYONE i know personally that has tried it either did not have a good time, or it really effected their life greatly in a negative way. if your dr is just giving you refill after refill i highly suggest you see a doctor who can properly taper you off at a very slow and more comfortable rate. where i live it has become the new heroin on the streets. i've seen it change people over time worse than what i've seen on faces of meth. where i live it is probably the most prevalent and demanded prescription drug on the black market. even though people can just go to a clinic and get it legally, many buy/sell it on the streets. it's an epidemic worse than meth here. and meth is pretty bad even after pseudo regulation became stronger.

from my experience CBDs are useless against anxiety/panic attacks. pills work much better. for me SSRIs, SNRIs, benzos, tetracyclics, and even opiates worked better than weed did high cbd or not. im in mi and use marijauan legally btw. everyone is different though.

I have hobbies, a girlfriend, things to do both for recreation and not-- which all helps but it's just a compulsion thing really. When it strikes its hard not to get some and smoke, although now that it's been a bit it is getting easier.

As for the bupe, I was on a steady dosage for about a year, asked my doctor to lower my dosage and he told me no. (Wtf, right?)
So I found a new doctor and am currently on a slow taper.
Come off your bupe cold turkey. Suffer for one day. Take your bupe again. Quit the weed, realize cannabis dependency is absolutely nothing compared to the fucking hell you just tasted, quit like it's nothing.
Personally if you smoke both cigs and weed I think if you continue to smoke cigs you will want to smoke weed. I like the act of smoking, so if I was a cig smoker trying to quit pot, I'd need to quit cigs too.

Exercise your ass off, find new interests. It's not easy. The amount you use you have a mental addiction to it so IMO quitting shouldn't be rough. Perhaps some mild insomnia.

Good luck.
I want to get off cannabis and I'd like to know what can I expect in terms of withdrawal? I smoke every day for the past 5 months, only once a day, one or two bong rips before bed (80-150 mg of home grown hydro per session).
Main reason to quit - mental fog and feeling of stupidity when I'm sober. It's like I've lost my older self who has far brighter mind. This disappoints me to no end (paranoia maybe?). Also I don't remember shit.
Man you're gonna be facing slim to nothing if at all anything; to most people a .5-1g+ daily habit is when things like insomnia and eating difficulties can happen over the next few days. It may take you an extra hour or something to go to sleep, just do lots of exercise in the day you'll be laughing, truly.

You definitely won't be clawing your eyes out, just more irritated you won't be getting them couple of billies. Tbh I'm sure a lot of people like myself are liking (envying) your willpower/tolerance, I can't just have two cones, it just doesn't happen.
I want to get off cannabis and I'd like to know what can I expect in terms of withdrawal? I smoke every day for the past 5 months, only once a day, one or two bong rips before bed (80-150 mg of home grown hydro per session).
Main reason to quit - mental fog and feeling of stupidity when I'm sober. It's like I've lost my older self who has far brighter mind. This disappoints me to no end (paranoia maybe?). Also I don't remember shit.

it's nothing you should need to go to a detox center for. 1 or 2 bong rips before should be nothing to worry about. you may not even get any physical withdrawals. i been smoking for many years everyday. i get loss of appetite and insomnia. i just kinda dealt with it and tried not to think about it. the best thing about quitting is the longer you wait, the higher you will get the next time. my short term memory has turned to shit. i'll call someone and forget who im calling. my memory was never great before smoking, but sure as hell got worse. years ago when i quit for several months i noticed i felt a lot more clear headed. i dont ever get that feeling stupid when im sober. as a matter of fact i think a lot more clear when im sober. thc has such a long half life though. sure you may not feel high the next day but sometimes people feel the side effects for quite some time after. if the withdrawal symptoms become irritating you could go to the dr and get something for it. benzos help cope especially with sleep. you dont want to take them very often though, they can be more addicting than opiates. you could also try a medication called remeron. it's used for people in nursing homes that have trouble eating and sleeping. it's a tetracyclic antidepressant. it can cause weight gain so if you're overweight you may not want to try it. it will make you even hungrier and sleepier than pot does. the low dose 15mgs is better for sleep for some strange reason compared to 30 or 45 mgs. it even has properties that help with opiate withdrawal. i took it a while back for a short period of time. i was sick, lost a bunch of weight, and had trouble sleeping. not even pot was working so i went to the drs. you won't get addicted to it but if you take it long enough you need to go off slow because you get what they call discontinuation syndrome. the difference between that and addiction is you don't get mental cravings like you would for say cocaine or heroin. i know a lot of people hate pills and such but i found with a good doctor the right pills make life much easier. exercise and eating healthy had no effect for me although i still try to as much as possible anyway so i have less problems when i get older.
I have hobbies, a girlfriend, things to do both for recreation and not-- which all helps but it's just a compulsion thing really. When it strikes its hard not to get some and smoke, although now that it's been a bit it is getting easier.

As for the bupe, I was on a steady dosage for about a year, asked my doctor to lower my dosage and he told me no. (Wtf, right?)
So I found a new doctor and am currently on a slow taper.

sounds like positive news to me for the most part. i would try and explore deeper into your favorite hobbies. if you get into it enough along with time passing, you may not even think about getting high anymore or just not care. it's always been kind of a compulsion for me as well. it's definitely much easier said than done. glad you found a good doctor. thats crazy the other one didnt want to ween you. i always thought that was the whole point of going on suboxone. slowly ween off but at the same time the users cannot do any other opiates because the naloxone makes them sick. it's a nightmare where i am. no one even wants to get off the shit it's sad. many have become slaves to drugs, even pot. people will do almost anything to get just a nug of some good home grown. medical marijuana laws have increased break in as well. police cant really do much unless they find suggestive evidence.
for me the anxiety that would result from me getting high, started outweighing the very minimal positive effects i was getting from weed

so after a while i just didn't want to smoke any more, so i don't. if i'm with a friend and they are getting high, i just say i'm not smoking anymore and they respect that

Know the feeling all too well.

Smoked for 9 years.
Started out occasionally smoking, socially, was all fun and giggles.
Few years later, was regularly smoking, still socially.
Few years after that, I was daily toking. More smoking on my own, still with friends, but more on my own.

Last few years of smoking, I was smoking because it was reality and I was dependent on it. Life seemed dull if I wasn't high(kinda backwards that I felt I needed to smoke to enjoy life. Though that's what cannabis does when you become dependent on it).
At the tail end of the last year of smoking, started getting bad anxiety, which led to panic attacks. So I stopped smoking daily, though still kept trying to get high on occasion, feeling the want to get high. Till one day, I smoked and like the past few times, I experienced a panic attack. So I threw all the cannabis I had down the toilet and never looked back. It was easy to quit because I knew it wasn't the same anymore. It felt shitty(if you've experienced panic attacks. They're fucking dreadful) and I didn't want to feel like that. After a month or two of being sober, I felt great and hardly ever thought about cannabis or wanting a smoke.

Best decision my body ever made for me.

I want to get off cannabis and I'd like to know what can I expect in terms of withdrawal? I smoke every day for the past 5 months, only once a day, one or two bong rips before bed (80-150 mg of home grown hydro per session).
Main reason to quit - mental fog and feeling of stupidity when I'm sober. It's like I've lost my older self who has far brighter mind. This disappoints me to no end (paranoia maybe?). Also I don't remember shit.

The worst you're going to experience is:

Night sweats
Lack of motivation(not really finding enjoyment in things)

and the wanting(call it craving if you will) to smoke

In honesty man, if you can make it 2 weeks without smoking, the rest is a doddle. Considering you're not really a heavy user, I doubt you'll get night sweats. Though the rest might still be something you've got to face.

Good luck man.
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In regards to many comments:

My problem isn't physical.

Anyway, it's been a bit and I don't really think about it too much.

I think I'm good til it's legalized recreationally here. Then I'll probably have quite a lot of trouble.
we're in the same boat Pal ◕‿-

likewise, i'm finding some way to quit it now. MJ is one of the most important thing happen in my life, i love being stoned, but i guess, i'm done with MJ. ◕‿- and looking forward to be weed/alcohol/drug free for the rest of my life.
Thank you all for the advice and suggestions, guys! One more question. How does everyday weed habit relate to the enjoyment of psychedelics? I plan to trip 9th time on LSD and don't wanna feel retarded. Will I? Is it all just in my head?
from reading all your responses to the posts it would seem you feel like there is just nothing that can help you...I mean yeah fair play if you play an instrument already, have this hobby, have that hobby...watever...but i think the best thing you can do for yourself is change your attitude...you obv want to knock it on the head otherwise why would you create the thread right?

Believe that you can knock it on the head completely. If im wrong I apologise, but I really think you can do it. You have all these other things in your life to bring you pleasure, you dont need it. People in much worse positions have done it so why cant you!?

If you really feel there is no other way (there def is ;)) but if you do feel that way i would suggest smoking some weaker stuff..may enjoy the high a bit more if its subtle? anyway good look man.
Yeah, even if I wanted to (which I don't), since it became legal medically-- you literally cannot find weed that isn't straight up chronic.

Regs literally don't even exist here anymore.

Anyway it's been like... I think 1.5 - 2.5 months since I've smoked.
I only really crave it once in a while, now and I'm definitely past the worst of it.

I don't know what is different about this attempt, but something is definitely different and I'm having a much easier time.

Anyway if I ever do smoke again it will be when it's legal recreationally here, and even then maybe not.

It would be nice to just smoke like once every couple months, but idk if I'm capable of doing that.. It's kind of an all or nothing thing.
Get rid of any bowls or weed paraphernalia. Then think of how the negatives outweigh the benefits and just stop. Get a hobby , I suggest car audio and maybe take some shrooms or iboga. Either of those will confront your issues and most likely will help you stop.
Get rid of any bowls or weed paraphernalia. Then think of how the negatives outweigh the benefits and just stop. Get a hobby , I suggest car audio and maybe take some shrooms or iboga. Either of those will confront your issues and most likely will help you stop.
Yes, get rid of your smoking/vaping paraphernalia. Get rid of the bud/flowers/hash if you have a little of that left.

There's no real need to take either mushrooms or iboga. Just tell yourself that you're going to stop/quit, and think of it as though you're quitting tobacco. Good luck.
Basically this is my situation:

I've smoked pot for most of my adolescence and my entire adult life.
I pretty much smoked daily, many times per day, for most of that time. Usually went through 1-2 grams per day when I had the money, .25-.5 when I didn't.

I am extremely addicted to smoking pot.

I've managed to get my use down to like... 1 hit per session, about once per week. (Which with my low tolerance and the fact that everything around here is chron gets me 10/10) it's been like this for the past 6 months or so.

The thing is, I don't even enjoy smoking anymore or know why I do it. I used to love getting high, now I just feel shitty, tired, anxious, bored, and unable to think correctly.

I guess it's just out of habit/compulsion-- I think it's a good idea and I'll enjoy it and then-- nope.

Any people have a similar situation you dealt with?
Any tips?

I'm on bupe for opioid dependency, so that helps also with some of the "need to get high" feeling.

But I'm really at a loss as to what to do-- I don't want to smoke, yet I do... and it sucks.

There is no such thing as physical addiction to marijuana, now you can be mentally addicted, but that also does not mean every person is the same, while some may find it mentally addictive, others can simply walk away from it even after smoking for 20 years. (as an example) "Mental addiction" is literally a mental illness rather than a dependance sort of thing. So any person prone to "mental addiction" would also be most likely prone to smoke cigarettes, or take hardcore drugs as well.

Plus the number of people actually mentally addicted to cannabis is so small that it doesn't qualify as something you should go "get help" for.
My best suggestion is just to get a medical marijuana card as it sounds as if you could definitely use the weed anyways.
Just quit you'll be glad that you did. I haven't smoked in 15 months... best decision I ever made.

It took 2 weeks to stop puking my guts out, and 6 months to stop obsessing and fiending over it but I was using all day every day. Never again. That stuff completely fucked my head up and my body as well, for 6 months I was coughing up black mucous throughout the day. It was the most miserable addiction I have ever experienced. I am so happy that I finally managed to quit but I relapsed many times and it took years for me to finally beat my addiction.

To me saying weed isn't addictive is like making the claim that cocaine or heroin are not addictive, that's just me though. Some people seem to think that it is not addictive at all. But everyone I know in life is either 'on the dope' or 'off the dope' and I experienced an extreme, chaotic physical reaction when I went cold turkey from smoking around $20,000 worth of weed a year. That was definitely not all in my head... my body went haywire for 6 months as I was adjusting to no weed in my system. I was reduced to skin and bones, unhealthiest I've ever been.
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There is no such thing as physical addiction to marijuana, now you can be mentally addicted, but that also does not mean every person is the same, while some may find it mentally addictive, others can simply walk away from it even after smoking for 20 years. (as an example) "Mental addiction" is literally a mental illness rather than a dependance sort of thing. So any person prone to "mental addiction" would also be most likely prone to smoke cigarettes, or take hardcore drugs as well.

Plus the number of people actually mentally addicted to cannabis is so small that it doesn't qualify as something you should go "get help" for.
My best suggestion is just to get a medical marijuana card as it sounds as if you could definitely use the weed anyways.


So your advice to quit doing a drug, is to keep doing the drug?
(Once again, Wat)

Please explain how doing something that negatively impacts my life will befinfit me... Please.

So since most people aren't heroin addicts, heroin addiction doesn't quality as something you should "get help for".

I know people love to split hairs about addiction to cling to the delusion that pot can do no wrong and is somehow completely different than those "other drugs"-- but I am definitely addicted to pot, and so are many other people.


Literally nothing you said made any sort of sense.
I'll let you have another shot at that if you want, but somehow I feel it will be just as nonsensical as the last time...