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advice to quit smoking pot


Aug 16, 2014
Basically this is my situation:

I've smoked pot for most of my adolescence and my entire adult life.
I pretty much smoked daily, many times per day, for most of that time. Usually went through 1-2 grams per day when I had the money, .25-.5 when I didn't.

I am extremely addicted to smoking pot.

I've managed to get my use down to like... 1 hit per session, about once per week. (Which with my low tolerance and the fact that everything around here is chron gets me 10/10) it's been like this for the past 6 months or so.

The thing is, I don't even enjoy smoking anymore or know why I do it. I used to love getting high, now I just feel shitty, tired, anxious, bored, and unable to think correctly.

I guess it's just out of habit/compulsion-- I think it's a good idea and I'll enjoy it and then-- nope.

Any people have a similar situation you dealt with?
Any tips?

I'm on bupe for opioid dependency, so that helps also with some of the "need to get high" feeling.

But I'm really at a loss as to what to do-- I don't want to smoke, yet I do... and it sucks.
for me the anxiety that would result from me getting high, started outweighing the very minimal positive effects i was getting from weed

so after a while i just didn't want to smoke any more, so i don't. if i'm with a friend and they are getting high, i just say i'm not smoking anymore and they respect that
You take one hit once a week? That kind of habit shouldn't really be very difficult to quit. Try to think of something positive to do instead during that time, it's what has helped me. Some kind of physical exercise for example.
Ya this happens to a lot of us and it happens with a lot of different drugs. The shit stops working and we keep chasing a high that doesn't exist anymore. Maybe start vaporizing ? :p not weed but the nic juice. nicotine increases brain activity by around 30% and you won't be burning anything or paying a ton of money for it. It might make you feel better than THC and you won't get ashy lungs.
You take one hit once a week? That kind of habit shouldn't really be very difficult to quit. Try to think of something positive to do instead during that time, it's what has helped me. Some kind of physical exercise for example.

Yeah, you would think so.

It's like.. I randomly get the urge to smoke, I smoke and then am like "wtf why did I even do that"
Ya this happens to a lot of us and it happens with a lot of different drugs. The shit stops working and we keep chasing a high that doesn't exist anymore. Maybe start vaporizing ? :p not weed but the nic juice. nicotine increases brain activity by around 30% and you won't be burning anything or paying a ton of money for it. It might make you feel better than THC and you won't get ashy lungs.

I love smoking cigs-- don't want to stop that.
I also do snus.

I definitely prefer snus to nic vapor.
Try finding something that you really enjoy doing, and do that in your free time if you can keep busy enough you won't think about it. Another thing is to look at the cons of smoking, I know its extremely hard, but don't think about the positives. Push the thoughts and urges for it completely out of your head, its important to stay as busy as possible the first week or two, after that it should be easier. Staying busy, especially physically will help with appetite and sleep problems that will occur also.

At least thats what worked for me, and I went from 1/2-1oz a week for a few years, to absolutely nothing, going on seven months now. Sure I'm tempted, but I just remind myself I've made it this long don't give in. It helps to have strong support from good friends or family. You can do it, and what your feeling is completely normal for a lot of people.
for me the anxiety that would result from me getting high, started outweighing the very minimal positive effects i was getting from weed

so after a while i just didn't want to smoke any more, so i don't. if i'm with a friend and they are getting high, i just say i'm not smoking anymore and they respect that

Exactly the same thing happened to me in my early 20s.It started to do nothing but heighten my anxiety,totally not worth it.IMO it's a pretty shitty rec drug anyway.Btw,just curious as to how people get high from bupe.I even tried 16mg that I had stashed when I got home from a stint in jail.6 moths of nothing so I figured it would do something but nope.I only ask because the OP said something about bupe filling the void.But back OT:I don't really see what people see in weed anyway so if it gives you negative effects too I would just not do it.It's not like you'll be sick or anything.Just a random idea but why not learn an instrument?Playing music is a lot of fun and can be a great outlet and help fill the void when you need another activity besides getting fucked up.Just a thought but if you picked up a guitar or something you might open up a whole new world of coolness,if you don't play something already that is.%)
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Exactly the same thing happened to me in my early 20s.It started to do nothing but heighten my anxiety,totally not worth it.IMO it's a pretty shitty rec drug anyway.Btw,just curious as to how people get high from bupe.I even tried 16mg that I had stashed when I got home from a stint in jail.6 moths of nothing so I figured it would do something but nope.I only ask because the OP said something about bupe filling the void.But back OT:I don't really see what people see in weed anyway so if it gives you negative effects too I would just not do it.It's not like you'll be sick or anything.Just a random idea but why not learn an instrument?Playing music is a lot of fun and can be a great outlet and help fill the void when you need another activity besides getting fucked up.Just a thought but if you picked up a guitar or something you might open up a whole new world of coolness,if you don't play something already that is.%)

Yeah I already play guitar, bass, drums, accordion, bitt of piano, cello, and sing.
So I'm pretty well stocked in that area.
I do a lot of stuff so idk if that's my problem.

As far as bupe, you don't really get high per se. I don't know what your opiate tolerance is but if you took 16 and didn't feel anything I'd wager it's super high.
If you don't have a high opiate tolerance then it must've expired or something (or you took it incorrectly I.e. swallowing it instead of letting it dissolve).
But 16mg is a pretty strong dosage and you would have been fucked without a tolerance.

In terms of how it helps, when you first start you get high. But when you're on it for awhile you kinda just get a little buzz and just feel good in general-- so it helps in that respect.
When I could get bupe in pill form, I could snort abt 1mg and stay stay high for a day and even nodding, I tried heroin a few times a few times as well but nothing ever beat that first bupe high.
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Mind over matter baby its literally the easiest drug in the world to quit, just keep your mind occupied, have sex, jerk off, fuck some sluts. Do something just don't sit on your arse all day or the temptation will never go away
Tip: Realize that you are paying money to make yourself feel like crap. Maybe you could stop cold turkey if you keep that in mind.

If you aren't enjoying it, why waste time and money on it? Weed is not physically addictive, but imo the hardest part of quitting is getting used to eating food when you're not high.

I've quit in the past, and that was the only roadblock I had.
There's no way you're addicted to weed at those doses, at least no kind of physical addiction. If you don't like it then just don't smoke it, it's that easy, nothing bad will happen. Sort yourself out, if you think you're addicted to weed then stay well away from any other drugs, alcohol & tobacco, or you'll find out about real addiction. Stick to milk & cookies.

It takes real dedication to get addicted to weed, lots of grams a day for months or years on end, even then it's stupidly easy to taper off.
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OP is on Bupe. I don't think he/she needs the "pot is the easiest drug to quit" discussion.

You answered your own question right here OP:
...I guess it's just out of habit/compulsion-- I think it's a good idea...
Addiction sometimes is as simple as making a decision. You have already made a decision in your mind that it will be a good idea to do it again, so you are going to do it again (even if you don't like it).

I've done this more times with more drugs than I remember.
There's no way you're addicted to weed at those doses, at least no kind of physical addiction. If you don't like it then just don't smoke it, it's that easy, nothing bad will happen. Sort yourself out, if you think you're addicted to weed then stay well away from any other drugs, alcohol & tobacco, or you'll find out about real addiction. Stick to milk & cookies.

It takes real dedication to get addicted to weed, lots of grams a day for months or years on end, even then it's stupidly easy to taper off.

Yeah definitely did heroin for like 5 years, so I know what addiction is. Then again if you read the OP you would be aware of that.

But apparently you don't know what addiction is...

In my situation it has nothing to do with the physical aspect at this point, but the psychological-- so a taper is irrelevant.

Anyway those were my CURRENT doses.
I smoked much more than that for the first few years when I first got addicted.
It's not like doing it less magically makes you not addicted.

But thanks for being a douche.
It's like.. I randomly get the urge to smoke, I smoke and then am like "wtf why did I even do that"

Just think about this the next time you get the urge to smoke, remember back to the last time that you smoked and remember how you felt after taking that hit and realize that you are just going to feel the same exact way, you're going to say to yourself "why did i do that"
You dont want to get to the point of saying "why did i do that", so just dont let yourself.
If the urge is too strong you can tell yourself that you will hold off and smoke in a little bit after thinking about it and doing something else for a minute, even just walking in to the other room. By then you might have lost the urge to smoke or realized that you really dont want to smoke.
You can also try meditation, meditate a little every day and try to get to the root cause of your addiction and try to come to the realization that you dont need weed or any other drug in your life to be happy
Drugs can fuck with your head in and of themselves and make you feel like you need them. Addictions like this are a simple malfunction of the reward system of the brain. That does not make it easy to address. The cravings to use can be uncontrollable. If you really want to stop, don't afraid to seek external help even if it's 'just weed'... I had the most intense psychological addiction to weed out of all the drugs I have ever used including heroin and cocaine. It screwed my brain up too really bad, I had a psychotic break that was directly correlated with my weed abuse. I spent $20,000 in one year on weed, hash, hash oil, bongs etc. so obviously my brain was not functioning properly as that was the top priority. I had no medical purpose whatsoever to use cannabis unless you consider warding off mental and physical withdrawal symptoms a medical purpose which it kind of is in a way I guess since it took me 3 - 6 months before I could lift a finger after I quit.

It started off as a psychological addiction similar to what you describe but it progressed until I couldn't eat food without smoking and the anxiety would cripple me without it. Never had anxiety before weed abuse.

It took 6 - 8 months for the obsessive thoughts about weed and the cravings to go away.

It took 2 - 3 weeks for me to stop puking my guts out whenever I tried to eat food and I was reduced to skin and bones.

The extreme anxiety and chronic panic attacks that were brought on during withdrawal never went away. Actually they got worse. I never had that before I smoked a shit ton of weed, there's an obvious correlation... so maybe that is motivation for some people to quit? That is, if you believe what I'm telling you... that weed screwed my brain with anxiety and panic disorder for life and I know myself better than anyone and I am 100% certain it was caused by the weed abuse in and of itself. I abused weed because I loved getting blazed, simple as that.

I did get my shit together since I quit, and my life is on a better track now but there is more to life than being on the right track... I miss blazing it up and I'm jealous of people who can. I just have mad anxiety issues now so it's out of the question for me. I really miss it sometimes, this seems to happen to a lot of people. Weed starts making them feel like shit, all the positives go away but they still associate it with pleasure and good times so they continue to smoke even though it can turn into a miserable thing.

I know this is not constructive advice, but if you raise your tolerance by smoking more you may find that you get better effects (after a few initial days of feeling shitty). For me weed was always an all or nothing type drug... I was unable in any way, shape, or form to moderate my use of it. If I smoked too infrequently, I would panic and the highs just plain sucked. If I smoked frequently, I would be a typical pothead and it would relax me and make me feel euphoric and chill me out, but then I was get bad withdrawals. Catch 22.
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