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Okay guys, I'm now nearing 72 hours from my last dose of fentanyl and I feel just fantastic! I am incredibly surprised myself since yesterday was the hardest at the 48 hr mark. I was able to deal with that using tizanidine which knocks me out for 2 hrs or so and I kept repeating this until I got my gabapentin refill this morning at which point I took a megadose of 8g (8000mg) and I just went to sleep (along with more tizanidine) for 6 hrs. So I actually slept through about 15 hrs of my WD. Once I took the gabapentin and I felt the gabapentin high, there was no more WD and I feel great now. I just took another 8g and am waiting for it to kick in (takes a long time, up to 2 hrs, helped by coca cola).

So I did manage a sort of taper and I'm FREE from the cursed fentanyl patch for now! The problem is what happens when I get my refill in about 20-25 days which I will address below. I am supposed to be tapering off the patch, but my doc keeps forgetting and keeps prescribing 50mcg/hr patches. So being the addictive personality I am, I go get it filled, extract the fentanyl, and use it intranasally (IN; see the thread by oxymorphone). It works well. But to taper down, I went back to the patch and I cut my patch up into 2 so that I'd have a 25mcg/hr delivery (this works with the drug-in-adhesive patches) and then I did another cut so I'd have 12.5mcg/hr delivery and I did this over 10 days or so, and then I got my refill which I immediately extracted and abused 11 in 5 days and then over the course of a week (7 days) I used the remaining patches (so it was a taper of the IN use).

I finally jumped off Friday around midnight and at this point I had actually been using gabapentin during the taper down and so it had lost its effectiveness (not to mention that I didn't have any more after Sat). So Sun was the worst day for me where I was having hot and cold flashes mostly which was uncomfortable but tolerable (and this is with tramadol which helped a bit I think but not that much) and I dealt with it by taking tizanidine and melatonin and just having a sweaty sleep. Since the gabapentin kicked in this morning, I've not felt anything. Not taking gabapentin for about 40 hours restored some of my tolerance so today's megadose actually put me to sleep along with the tizanidine.

So I'm going to really make it clear to my doctor that he should cut me down (I did last time too, this is all over voicemail, since I just leave a message and pick up my prescription) and use my patches IN for a few days and then stop again. I'm pretty sure I can do this. I don't know if I'll experience WD again or not if I use for only 5 days after a 20 day break. I probably will taper down there again too. There're probably risks to doing this but I'm sure some of you must do something like this, so I'd love to hear about any experiences, you know the whole weekend warrior thing.

But now I feel great, almost "normal"....
I'm now nearing the end of Day 4 and the worst seems definitely behind me. I really owe it to gabapentin though (now on a 12g or 12000mg dose), since it has staved off the WDs completely. I feel zero opiate WD when I am on the gabapentin high, which kind of has a euphoric feeling for me. I love this medicine and I seem to develop such a high tolerance that it's useless after a while so I have to stop. I mean I've gone up to 50g in a day and then when nothing happens, it's just time to stop (plus I've run out of my prescriptions). It's due to gabapentin's dose dependent response (or should I say nonresponse---the more you take, the less is bioavailable.). Once I lose tolerance (which can be in as little as 36 hrs, i.e., some tolerance is lost), then taking lower doses works like before. So this is a drug I have to stop and start to enjoy. With the powdered capsules, with low tolerance, less than 2g is enough to get me feeling good. 2-4g is a good dose level for me.
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How are you doing now? Did the tramadol work for you? If you go down the duragesic patches (containing fentanyl; look at Oxymorphone's thread on the extraction) or even the subutex, it is going back the heavy opiate route. Fentanyl is the most powerful opiate I've encountered and perhaps the hardest to taper down from in my subjective experience (but then I've never been dependent on anything other than oxycodone, five years back for a back vertebrae fracture which I successfully tapered down off of, though I have (mis)used most of the standard opiates). I had a rocky taper down with fentanyl which was sometimes frustrating but I did it with the aid of gabapentin (which is another thing to try to taper down).

I do have to say taking 60mg of loperamide did absolutely nothing thusfar (after like 4h now) for me (yeah, I got it mainly to avoid going to the toilet so often now that the fentanyl was out of my system but got curious about high doses crossing the blood brain barrier. I guess I could try it with prilosec.

I dont know man sounds great cause i got a script of trams I never used because they gave me that and duragisc patches for pain I just used the patch but after a lil research looks like tramadol could be perfect to help, Not a true opiate so I can taper it and possiblly still pass my drug screens, Also the few times i took it i just felt at ease maybe a touch but not much euphoria so maybe it well help my mental obsession with that feeling of pure pliss, I never took that much benadryl oral but when I was still in hospital getting injections of sublmaise my tolerance was so high that they had to give me enought to make me puke up stomach acid and scratch till i bled just to get the pain down to a 8 it was msiserable but anyway they would give me shots of benadrl for the itching and it was damn relaxing!!, Also cant see sub doc with no parent im a minor and I need to save up money from working a min wage job at chuckee chesse just to pay for the visit and script, but i scored a few subutex today I find after one use it illeviates craving and withdrawl for days so I plan on usin 3- 4 times then taper that hopefully besides counselling thaats the only help I need!
alot of people are addicted to drugs and it is NEVER good!
if you become dependent and need it everyday and you don't wanna do anything about it.. then to each their own. but my advise would be to not quit cold turkey! i have never been adicted to a drug just because i play them safe and don't do them all the time.. but even with Zoloft and that is just an antidepressent.. i ran out of pills and didnt pick them up for a week thinking nothing would happen and i could quit cold turkey! NO WAY! i was zapping and anxiety attacks and puking and everything. it was the worst feeling in the world. i couldnt even imagine what quiting a hard drug would be like! you should go to rehab.. and if you don't want that which (i wouldnt either unless it was ruining my life) they have helplines out there that you can call! give it a try!
As brand new to Bluelight (my first post) ~ I am also a licensed but disabled RN, I feel that I became addicted even as I was taking medication for actual PAIN. I would like to ask if anyone believes that addiction actually CAN occur (not commonly accepted) along with tolerance even if actual chronic physical PAIN is the reason (initially, at least) for taking the drugs. I am referring to oxycodone/apap, aka percocet, and oxycontin. :/

Thats how I became dependent physically on opiates. Started with hydro, then oxy. Then I would take more than my script, buy extras to supplement. Then turned into buying dope and became really addicted as well as physically dependent and here I am.

No longer physically addicted as of 6 months ago. I'm sure I'll get back to that point sooner or later though. Using once or twice a week now. And doing somewhat of a good job keeping it to that, taking 10 days off sometimes. Although I just did dope 2 days in a row, so I gotta cool it on that.
well the other day I just decided to score a script of subutex of the street met this nice old lady connect she was great guys I told her how I wanted to get the sub for long lasting effext and just taper down painlessly and she sold me whole script for 200$ this lady is loaded though has syriges everywhere adopted two childred from china and had stacked hundred dollar bills everywhere and then the best part of the night right after i gave the cash for the sub she said know anyone who likes 40 mg opana I said I love them bitches there so good and she said Im selling them for 50 and i was like damn i only have 25 left wish i could have one for my last bump though and she ended up sellling me 1 and a half for 25!! now thats a score, also she said since I was such a nice young man if the taper didnt work or if I ever relapsed she told me not to bother dealing with other dealers she said just call and come up to her apertment and she would give me 8mg dillies just give them in times of need sell me subs for 5$ roxie 30 for 10$ and oopana for 20$ i mean to an opiate addict thats heaven good thing I didnt stumble across her earlier!!!
That aspect (where the quitting is so fearful) is what keeps the addiction going for drugs that cause severe physical dependence. I myself have no problems not craving opiates, and have been disciplined enough to taper off (twice, now, second time with fentanyl which was WAY harder than oxycodone).

I agree with you, quitting cold turkey is a horrible, horrible, experience. I experienced it for all of 3 hours (after immense WDs commenced and the patch I put on to stop it took effect) after stopping fentanyl CT. The weird thing is that during WD at least I tend to intially sleep very well and so after day 1 or day 2, I wake up and it's full on WD (i.e. I avoid waking up until it has hit). I think you have to discipline to taper down. Or the suggestions given below are good.

I'm at the end of day 5 off my fentanyl taper jump off. I overdid it today on the tizanidne (slept 14 hrs) and woke up lethargic and groggy and I felt mild piloerection (that's goose pimples), some diarrhea initially though it's all normal now even after taking 60mg of loperamide yesterday, and I went back to taking about 14g of gabapentin since I'd rather not feel any discomfort. I feel pretty good now...

Okay, 2 hrs after taking gabapentin, I took 130mg of loperamide. I can confirm that I am definitely now high on loperamide, not just the gabapentin. It is a definite body high primarily (it's hard to say if there's anything happening in mind, but it looks like some mind/body interactions could cause perturbations in the brain) and it feels like most opiates would on the body (actually I'd say it would be best described as a muscle relaxer). It's quite pleasant. This is my first time getting high off of loperamide. I tried 60mg last night and it didn't do anything. So 130mg is certain extremely effective. The gabapentin gives you diarrhea at large doses, and I've been taking fentanyl for several months, so there's no "plugging up" happening. I can see it be extremely effective against WD, must like gabapentin is. The high distracts you from the real WD. So count me in among the believers of loperamide highs now.

I do have one question about my taper/WD. Even though the worst happened on day 2, intermittently I feel some light WD symptoms (like piloerections (goosebumps) or yawning or tearing up or sniffles). It just randomly comes and in about a few minutes it goes away and then I feel "normal" again. I experience this totally about 30-60 minutes in a 24 hour period. Is this normal for a taper + jump off? One of the megathreads here says that even if one tapers down really well, the jump off will lead to mild WD. Is what I am experiencing consistent with that, OR is it a feature of fentanyl (fentanyl users going cold turkey complain of weird WDs that go beyond standard opiate WDs)?

alot of people are addicted to drugs and it is NEVER good!
if you become dependent and need it everyday and you don't wanna do anything about it.. then to each their own. but my advise would be to not quit cold turkey! i have never been adicted to a drug just because i play them safe and don't do them all the time.. but even with Zoloft and that is just an antidepressent.. i ran out of pills and didnt pick them up for a week thinking nothing would happen and i could quit cold turkey! NO WAY! i was zapping and anxiety attacks and puking and everything. it was the worst feeling in the world. i couldnt even imagine what quiting a hard drug would be like! you should go to rehab.. and if you don't want that which (i wouldnt either unless it was ruining my life) they have helplines out there that you can call! give it a try!
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help quitting opiates

How can swim quit heroin stamps without going to a rehab or buying suboxone like pills to stop withdrawls. Swim has been trying to quit for quite some time now and does it privately without friends or family knowing. Swim absolutely will never take pills to quit or goto rehab, swims family is really straight when it comes to drugs and will disown me..

Can anyone give help ??

First off we don't use swim here at Bluelight. Change this post to take credit for your question and you should get some responses. Also have a look around as we have hundreds of threads on ways to quit opiates.
Im assuming you've been snorting heroin & not shooting it? If so, why are you so bent on not using pills to get off heroin?

Also, how long have you been using heroin? You need to give us a bit more information so we can help.
there's basically no information that you gave about your usage. why are you not willing to use suboxone/subutex to help with your detox? they are a MAJOR help if you're looking to get off the shit. for me, i've been to rehab a number of times and it just buys me clean time away from drugs. i wouldn't recommend quitting heroin cold turkey, especially if you have a heavy habit. you're going to be pretty miserable. if you are set on not taking subs for withdrawls, i recommend getting something to help with your stomach and diarrhea(sp?), like some immodium or something like that. i also say get something to help you sleep, some tylenol PMs or something. best of luck with your detox :)
Sorry I assumed to write swim..

I snort it and I first tried it a year and a half ago then did it on weekends for 6 months and the past 6 months its been everyday.. I can't get suboxone, I don't have the money for it and I don't know any dealers really..

I've tried quitting cold turkey a few times also and the 2nd day I get headachs and I vomit non stop, I also get this shaky feeling inside of my skin along with cold sweats.. its just so unbareable.

Its hard when I don't have many options, is it possible to taper myself off them? I heard that doing 10 or 1 a day makes no difference in withdrawls when you quit.
I am in the same boat, I started using opiates about 4 years ago , first it was a couple bags of dope snorted a week, then it became pain pills every day then it got to the point where I was doing 120 mg of oxycodone/ hydrocodone every day, then to the point where I was taking about 300 mg of oxy/hydro a day, I then decided to cut the tylenol out and began shooting dope about half a bundle a day (5 bags), now I am the worse I've ever been, eating about 100 mg of hydrocodone or oxycodone a day, along with a 100 mcg fentyl patch chewed up like gum a day, and the occasional bag of dope, my tolerance is through the roof and I am about to hit rock bottom, any recommendations rehab is not an option for me. More than likely I am going to just start buying a lot of vicodin or percocet and try taking it in smaller doses so I can just take the edge off and not feel the full effects of withdrawal, I'll do that until my tolerance is a bit lower then maybe go cold turkey. I would like to know how long I will be very sick for. I know it can last a month or so but how long would it take to get "over the hump"? thanks
I am in the same boat, I started using opiates about 4 years ago , first it was a couple bags of dope snorted a week, then it became pain pills every day then it got to the point where I was doing 120 mg of oxycodone/ hydrocodone every day, then to the point where I was taking about 300 mg of oxy/hydro a day, I then decided to cut the tylenol out and began shooting dope about half a bundle a day (5 bags), now I am the worse I've ever been, eating about 100 mg of hydrocodone or oxycodone a day, along with a 100 mcg fentyl patch chewed up like gum a day, and the occasional bag of dope, my tolerance is through the roof and I am about to hit rock bottom, any recommendations rehab is not an option for me. More than likely I am going to just start buying a lot of vicodin or percocet and try taking it in smaller doses so I can just take the edge off and not feel the full effects of withdrawal, I'll do that until my tolerance is a bit lower then maybe go cold turkey. I would like to know how long I will be very sick for. I know it can last a month or so but how long would it take to get "over the hump"? thanks

Hey, what I'm doing is.. I just baught a bundle (10 bags) and I'm doing 1 in the morning 1 in the afternoon and another before bed.. my problem is I just wana quit but I'm really trying to stop doing so much so it might be easier.. I don't have much cravings, its more of my body needing it..
I hope that works for you but i seriously doubt that it will. You have to have amazing self control to stop using heroin cold turkey without some sort of rock bottom circumstances(no money, in jail, cant get it, etc.) Im sure if you search hard enough u should be able to find some subutex or suboxone or even methadone to make the detox easier for you. Ask other users you know. Or ask your dealers to ask their customers. Tell them you will pay them to get it for you. Most dealers will do anything to make a buck off you whatever it is.
How long will this last????

I am 9 days clean--have been doing lots of hydrocodone/oxycodone, sometimes oxycontin, mscontin,fentanyl,dilaudid for 5 years now. I am 55 years old, was addicted to IV dilaudid in my 20's but stayed clean for a long time. This detox is far worse. Is it because I'm older, have chronic health problems? I still can't eat hardly anything, have continuous shakes, severely depressed, just want to curl up in a fetal position but cant be still long enough. I am in outpt tx and they gave me clonazepam. It doesnt do a thing. How long will this last? I desperately have to stay clean. i am going to die if I go back out. I have totally screwed my life up this time. Help!:(
^It does seem to me that withdrawal gets harder with time, not just age but also each additional withdrawal your body experiences. IMO go to the store and get loperamide (Immodim), it will help you more than clonazepam and isn't addicting like clonazepam. Start with maybe 6mg and it should get rid of the restless feeling. If not, try 2mg more. Be sure to give it at least 2 hours to work... it does take about that long. It won't get you high or totally resolve the symptoms but at some point you will notice that you don't feel as bad. Take ~4mg doses after that totaling 3x daily, going ~6mg in the morning and ~4mg for the later two doses. Try to only do this for a few days.

Good luck, and feel free to ask any further questions.
I have heard that clonidine (not klonapin) works for withdrawals. Does it? How much and how often? I know clonidine is a blood pressure lowering drug--don't really want to bottom my pressure out but this 10 days now and I still feel like shit. I also have a very long history of clinical depression (take abilify, depakote, and zoloft for that) so I am sure my age plus my chronic depresssion is adding to the withdrawal. I tried to walk my dog today. only made it 1/2 mile without getting weak, nauseated, and feeling like each foot weighed 500 pounds. This sucks. And the psychological cravings are kicking in pretty bad, too
I'd say more like "once a month or (preferably) less." Once a week won't get you addicted ... but how long will it be before you're doing it twice a week, then three times, etc.?

If you've been able to maintain a long-term schedule of weekly usage, you're a stronger user than I am. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I'd say you're getting uncomfortably close to using on a level where you will start to develop physical addiction, with little room for error should you slip off your schedule.

Agree. I try for weekly and then it usually is twice a week.