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Acne Mega Thread

I had a problem with acne to an annoying extent, not so bad. It lasted from 12-13 untill I stopped washing my face with soap directly when i was in maybe 22.
I come to the conclusion that ist all based on hereditary. I had very minimal acne in my teen yrs.- like maybe 1 here and there.

My sons- one had terrible acne- very bad. But so did his Dad.
The other kid- had minimal like me- but his Dad, (different one) had hardly any.

The best thing you can do is not to pick- or so I'm told. It can leave scars.
If it gets WAY out of hand and you can afford it try that Proactive stuff or a dermatologist.:)
Had it during adolescence. Went away (at 16) when I stopped eating chocolate and coffee (anything with caffeine). Just my experience.
i take prescription antibiotics, namely minocycline.

but as mentioned, the biggest problem lies in touching your face.

i don't really touch mine, but it will make any problem worse!
I never had an acne issue but I would be prone to breakouts a few times a year as a result of working out...I also would have the tendency to touch certain parts of my face..I've heard that acne is just a result of a hormonal imbalance. I definately recommend trying the 3-step Proactiv treatment if you have acne issues...Like I said, I never had an acne problem but once I started using Proactiv I haven't had a pimple yet, and my skin gives off a radiant glow..
ive had alot of acne. now i look like a rugged motherfucker who wiped out on a harley at 70mph...

anyway, dont touch yer face all day
wash 2x with a NON SOAP face cleanser. PAT dry. dont rub.
apply benzoyl peroxide a few times a day
if you dont have super oily skin and your skin gets dry from the above, moisturize as well. im italian and make enough oil a day to fry a turkey so...
First of all go to http://www.acne.org Only website that helped me

LIFESTYLE -------------------------

Drink loads of water
Cut out fatty/sugary junk food
Drink decaf green tea
Cut out excessive dairy
If you're a girl look into taking the pill (helps skin)

Exercise everyday til you sweat
Smoking/drinking/drugs will make your skin worse :|

Dont get sunburnt
Dont touch your skin mofo EVEN IF IT ITCHES

SKIN CARE ---------------------------

wash only twice a day with gentle non-comedegenic cleanser
apply 2.5% benzoyl peroxide daily
moisturize with aloe vera/ non-comedegenic moisturizer

when your skin starts to clear up a little try the following....

I was skeptical at first but it made my skin glow
iwish said:
apply 2.5% benzoyl peroxide daily

ya peeps always remember that high concentration benzoyl peroxide cremes are bullshit. All they do is irritate more, they arent more effective. While it is ok to use a shitload of 2.5% cream once your skin is acclimated to the stuff, you should never use the 10% crap. alcohol analogy: One can gargle beer (LOL) all day and not irritate ones mouth tissues...but gargle everclear for 10 seconds and...
In my experience....

In the morning:

Use an exfoliating scrub
Use a cleanser
Use a SMALL amount of oil free face moisturiser

In the evening:

Wash your face with cleanser before bed
Apply oil free moisturiser.

Drink water all day long.

For a breakout I use 10% Benzyl Peroxide. That will dry it out in about 24 hours. Just don't put on your lips, that will produce peeling similar to sunburn, and it hurts! I have never used 2.5% but I do only use it on a single pimple if I get one (not often now).

I used to have really bad skin as a teenager. It got better when I started shaving, but only really has been "perfect" since I was more astute with my hygeine.

I feel for you.... good luck!
Benzoyl Peroxide 2.5% is what Proactiv is...I really recommend this for people with troubled skin
i use the oiliest moisturizer known to man-- ponds cold cream.. and it makes my skin soo soft and nice.. i really don't think it causes acne. but i also exfoliate lots. i don't know. i have medium to dry skin so i non-oily moisturizers make my skin itch.

i'm allergic to benzoyl peroxide. once i put it all over my face, when my doctor prescribed me some topical cream... LOL my eyes got all puffy. but i do endure a little allergic reaction when i have a pimple that needs spot treatment w/ some benzoyl peroxide.
I sometimes put toothpaste on spots before i go to bed, it helps get rid of the redness i've heard. Might wanna google that yourself before you try it though.

Binge drinking, smoking, drugs, greasy and sugary food all make my acne worse. Some people say that diet has no effect on acne, but i think thats a load of bullshit. I noticed obvious improvements when i started eating healthier, excersising, drinking more water, and not drinking as much alcohol.
i use the neutragina face-wash with the little beads in it---i used to have horrible acne and now its all gone.

i had acne at 15 tho, im 19 now so it might have been a biological change....
9mmCensor said:
grow a beard and hide it.

and let the pustules fester in the dingy near-anaearobic environment below beardhair. bargh!