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Acne Mega Thread

I recommend a product called 'Bio-Oil' it is an oil based moisturiser but it is non-comedogenic. It allows the vitamins in it(A,C,E and some botanical stuff) to actually penetrate the skin, rather than just sitting on the surface as with all other moisturisers. Good Luck and I can't stress enough how much an improved diet, exercise and drinking lots of water has helped my acne. Quitting smoking has done wonders too! Good luck!
I erm have just been prescriced Dalacin and i dont really understand it - i believe it is also used for woman, on the vagina, but for what im not sure.

its a greasy kind of substance, Dalacin Topical Lotion ( Clindamcyin Phosphate )

suppose to roll it on to my skin twice a day, but im a bit weary, as it makes my skin appear oilly - has anyone had any experiences with this stuff, apparently it takes a while to work in.

would using it a lot on certain days be okay? such as when im not around lots of people i can put a heavier layer on?

got most of my answers here :D, read up if your interested in non tablet acne help.

clindamycin is an antibiotic, and as such should be taken/used strictly as directed.

It'll take a while for it to work to reduce the number of bacteria.
A lot of people dont realise what this condition does to one mentally. I woke up this morning in such bad pain I thought of suicide. Im just so tired, Ive been fighting this for so long. Im paying for medications I cannot afford, all to see it literally get worse and worse every day. Ive tried every medication almost, I think that Dr. Murad stuff is the only thing I havent tried, and I dont know what to do, if I should try it, its expensive too. And what if it doesnt work? Then what? What do you do when youve tried everything and it just keeps getting worse? :(
I had terrible acne when I was a teenager, then I got on roaccutane and I've never had another spot.

I know what a misery bad acne can be but please remember, other people aren't staring each zit the way you do when you see your reflection. It's just skin deep.

Not that that helps when you've got twenty hot ones erupting. Beware of false spot medicines, as they only make it worse.
For me its more a thing of physical pain than anything. There are times my face is so swollen its agony to even wash it.
I didn't read this thread at all, or even the original post, but the answer to your question is Acutane.

You're welcome!

Seriously though... to anyone who has an acne problem Acutane absolutely WILL work for you, you will be completely clear in 4 months of treatment (and 90% clear after 1 month) and it will never come back. There are side effects but they are mostly exagerated and I never noticed _any_ of them.
I've always had dry lips, but after starting Accutane 2 years ago, they got much drier to the point of cheilosis, which is quite embarrassing as it is generally confused with herpes and doesn't go away on its own, either.
And doctors wont prescribe accutane if you have a history of depression or suicide attempts. :( At least thats what my derm said. I doubt I could afford it without insurance anyways.
Dalacin Topical Lotion ( Clindamcyin Phosphate )

Again, this is what im currently using, i have moderate acne,

Seems to come and go regulary - IE if i leave my skin alone and wash regular it subsides, but as soon as i get one spot, then its like an outbreak!

hopefully this stuff is doing me well, i noticed my skin was clearing up a little just before getting the stuff, but since, it seems to have dulled down my skin a fair bit, and looks like its aiding the process - i've been told it takes a while for this stuff to take good effect.

Which is perfect in a way, as my skin should clear up soon, and by the time it starts taking effect i should have no surface acne, and therefore it should make it appear that i no longer have acne (although we all know i will as soon as i stop)

Im quite happy with it, will keep using it for a few months, and hopefully ill be much better!
Its amazing to me that with all the wonders of modern science they have still yet to find a cure for this condition that hurts so many people.
Lalisse skin serum is the only acne product i have found to do what it says it does every time without fail. there are two types, one for regular acne and a stronger one for deep, cystic acne. i can vouch for both, with even very deep cystic acne clearing up in three days or so...good luck peeps!
accutane cured my acne, I reccomend it for everyone. True, there is a small percentage of people that just can't handle accutane, but most people can.
i had some pretty bad side effects from accutane for only taking it for a month, rectal bleeding, rashes, and spots all over my skin. fuck that shit. if it worked for u with no side effects than more power to u
I have had acne for the past 5-6 years, and have tried most OTC remedies plus one prescription cream that is called Skinoren (it only made my skin worse, but that might have been because of the fact that I did not clean my skin well enough at the time).

My conclusion, after many years of trying this and that, is that what works is a healthy lifestyle. No sugar, no alcohol (or, very little), no dairy products, no nicotine and lots of vegetables, fruits, essential fatty acids, fiber, water and supplements of zinc and vitamin B complex . In addition, try to get plenty of sleep, some exercise (not too much though. It increases testosterone production, witch can worsen the acne), fresh air and good personel hygiena.

If one overdo the face-washin, one can end up drying out the skin, causing the fat production to increas and thereby pores clog up more easely.
jond2005 - that sucks

The only side effects I got from accutane was chapped lips and a very dry nose. Heavy simple moisturizure controlled any peeling I had on my face, which was minimal. Mostly chapped lips and dry nasal.
My secret to clear, acne free skin (Warning: if you have sensitive/dry skin this is possibly not an option for you because it is meant for OILY skin, which I have in spades!) But anyway: Get a capsule (50 mgs) of Dalacin-C (Clindamycin) and pour the contents into 150 ml fl oz astringent (I use a local brand ). I use this when I have sporadic outbreaks, a huge zit from time to time (esp before my period, etc). It clears it up FAST. (Clindamycin is OTC here ; also like I stated above, if you are particularly sensitive or prone to contact-dermatitis dont try this.)

Me and my bestfriend in junior high have been doing this EVER since and it's kept us pimple free and up till now everybody still tells me I have baby skin.