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A Timeline for Recovery from MDMA - Two Years and Counting

Hey first bad comedown. I have been having many symptoms of seretonin syndrome. I think I may have it. I have gone to two doctors and they have done an ECG and the works and said I'm fine like you said they would. Will I be fine with no treatment? Or must I seek medical help?
I abused MDMA, because I didnt know how much to use and dropped average like 600mg. I even did 1.6g mdma once. Still can't believe i did that. Anyway I dropped about 12 times in 2 years. I think this is abuse, mostly because I dropped high doses of mdma.

I notice now it's harder for me to study, because I lack concentration. Thou I dont know if thats directly related to my mdma use. I consumed a lot of alcohol those days to. Most of my symptoms are gone now. I wasn't depressed, in my case it was anxiety. Overall i'm feeling fine and relaxt, but if i could turn back time if would do that instantly :p.
First bad comedown idk if your ever on any more but if you are could you shoot me a message through my inbox yours is full thanks
Hi, I've been having a really hard time for a little over a month now, message me
I would just like to encourage anyone who is having issues to find a good general practitioner doctor who is open to natural medicine and get your vitamin levels checked. It sounds lame, I know. However, my husband had severe depression and anxiety and it turned out he had bottomed out his B12 levels somehow and also his vitamin D levels. B12 injections and D3 supplements have returned him to normal, and the anxiety and depression are gone. I only wish someone would have mentioned this to us before he suffered for years with severe depression. Believe me, it is worth the cost of the test.