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A Quote Thread....

Confess your hidden faults.
Approach what you find repulsive.
Help those you think you cannot help.
Anything you are attached to, let it go.
Go to places that scare you.
— Pema Chodron
"It is final proof of god's omnipotence that he need not exist in order to save us." -Peter DeVries
"Didja ever look at a dollar bill, man? There's some spooky shit goin' on there. And it's green too."
- Slater, Dazed and Confused
"The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

"Two men look out the same prison bars; one sees mud and the other stars." Frederick Langbridge
Spider Rob said:
Confess your hidden faults.
Approach what you find repulsive.
Help those you think you cannot help.
Anything you are attached to, let it go.
Go to places that scare you.
— Pema Chodron

cant remember where i saw that person's name before

but i really like the quote :)
"Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy"
-Benjamin Franklin

"I like to keep a bottle of stimulant handy in case I see a snake, which I also keep handy."
-W.C. Fields
"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."
-Albert Einstein
that's a good one

ass and titty's ass ass and tittys ass and tittys ass and titty's - ad nauseum - anonimous

bleep-bleep-bleep - r2d2 (everyone knows this one yet no knows what it means brilliant imo)
"I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered." - George Best
"It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen."


Dont know if that one has been done already..
A successful man is a man who can make more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is a woman who can find that man.

-- anon
Turn on, tune in, drop out.” - Timothy Leary

Drop acid, not bombs!” - Unknown

Through my LSD experience and my new picture of reality, I became aware of the wonder of creation, the magnificence of nature and of the animal and plant kingdom. I became very sensitive to what will happen to all this and all of us.”
- Albert Hofmann

Last night, I was meditating, absorbed in the contemplation of nature. I was filled with wonder at its immensity, at the stars in their courses, at the mutual interaction of those countess orbs, one upon another, which people look upon unmoved. And I marveled still more at the Mind which governs the whole mighty scheme. A man must be blind I said to myself, not to be dazzled by such a spectacle, a fool not to acknowledge its Author, a madman not to adore him.”
- Voltare
Being conscious is
cutting through your own melodrama
and being right here.
Exist in no mind, be empty, here now,
and trust that as a situation arises,
out of you will come what is necessary
to deal with that situation
including the use of your intellect
when appropriate.
Your intellect need not be
constantly held on to
to keep reassuring you
that you know where you’re at,
out of fear of loss of control.
Ultimately, when you stop identifying
so much
with your physical body
and with your psychological entity,
that anxiety starts to disintegrate.
And your start to define yourself
as in flow with the universe;
and whatever comes along ~
death, life joy, sadness ~
is grist for the mill of awakening,
Not this versus that

_Baba Ram Dass
The difference between smart people and wise people is that wise people don't get themselves into the trouble that smart people think they can get themselves out of
- unknown

This your lot as a male: you get in the saddle and you pull and you pull until you die. Then they bury you, and if you did well, they say nice things about you.
-My dad
In heaven all the interesting people are missing.-Nietzsche

When I die, I want people to play my music, go wild and freak out and do anything they want to do. -Jimi Hendrix

The worst crime is faking it.-Kurt Cobain

If you die you're completely happy and your soul somewhere lives on. I'm not afraid of dying. Total peace after death, becoming someone else is the best hope I've got.-Kurt Cobain

There's countless of other Cobain quotes that I love. Tons of great quotes in Nirvana lyrics and his Journals.