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a question to you regarding MDMA, a serious, mature inquiry for serious mature people

ok.. wow nice thread.
OK.. mabd if wat i gotta say doesnt answer the questions.. but .. i kno i over did this crap.. i guess you can say i abused it... i alwyz knew it but never actually admitted it. it was all good for few times.. but yeh the feeling tottaly went down becus of the way i used it. im through with this shiet. BUT im sure some of u agreee about how it changed the way u look at life(etc) then u did before ya started dropping... but then again it had the other changes like short term memory...and lost of friends.. etc. ykno?. so yeh overall i think its pretty kew to try it like ONCE but.. more then dat is like useless.. cus once u hooked u hooked..
^^crazy you've kinda sorta come to the right place :) #1 make sure you're old/mature enough to handle the consequences all this may bring. and secondly, read up on as much as you can before you do it.
New to XTC, and the FAQ here are great places to start. As well as Erowid.org
Just be sure you know what you're getting yourself into, whatever you decide.
thanks guys, if anyone has any more theories on long term abuse effects throw em at me.
So i'm digging up this old post because I was about to start a topic along the same lines. Basically I was going to ask - "Is it worth it?" but this post is a lot better and its a thread that EVERYONE should read.
It'll be one year in June since I dropped my first pill and I've had many ups and downs with E. I won't get into all of it but this drug is definetly psychologically addictive.
Why? You're fighting against your own brain. While on one hand your brain tells you that E is damaging and has bad effects in the long run, on the other hand your brain KNOWS how good it feels to pop that pill right now. Your brain might not even care too much about the future it just wants that unbelievable feeling again. Maybe not tomorrow, or next week, or even next month, but sometime in the future you will want to experience it again. I don't think anyone can deny this.
Until a user experiences that hellish comedown or had a bad trip, there's no way you can win the argument against your own brain. How can you!?
IMO, unless i get alzhimers disease at an early age (my number one fear), my E use was worth it. I won't get into why but as mentioned everyone has different reasons for taking it.
As for stoppping, I don't know. I told myself i'd stop once i reach a certain pill count and hopefully I'll be strong enough to do it.
I'd be cool to see the people who replied to this thread before RE-POST just to see if their thoughts have changed...
quite frankly i think that you are a moron, it is peoples personal decision to take pills, and obviosly if they continue to do it they enjoy it. The funniest and perhaps most stupid part of your anti drug report is within the irony that your name is "acid raver" AHHAHAHAHAHHAHA. So please, this site is meant to inform users (whether they be regular or occasional)about the problems and more importantly safety issues related to drug usage.
Dont waste our time with that shit, rather than trying to warn people off drugs (which obviosly will not work), spend your time reporting on safety issues which will innevitably benifit all of us......
******************Gabba stomp*****************
funny seeing someone quote me, saying that 50 pills a year isnt light use.
well, everyone is different i say.
some people die from 2 or 3 pills of panadol, most dont.
i have never suffered a comedown EVER.
so what does that make me? what if i increase my use of stop it completely?
what what what...
try not to generalise too much people.
my grandmother recently passed away from ovarian cancer. she never did drugs, no alcohol, didnt smoke, eats healthy and was in perfect health before suffering for 2 years.
what does that tell you?
if the answer was "no answer" then u got a very good concept ive developed over the years.
this causes cancer, that will kill you...blah blah blah
aside from the obvious risks, dangers etc. i still beleive in mortality.
there is NO escaping the inevitable death, there is NO reason to die even sooner ofcourse.
but there is NO WAY you can avoid it.
so remember that the next time you "think" you have a good reason to do, or even not to do something.
a bit too philosophical? maybe....
i will just take it one step at a time, and live my life in the hope that when i am old and nearing death, i can remenise(sp?) on all those good and bad experiences, that other would label as "MY LIFE"
live and let live(and dont forget your time release ALA!!)
remix starting a chill out phase :)
Speaking strictly from personal experience:
I do have comedowns after I roll, but they are not any worse than a regular alcohol hangover, DEFINITELy not as bad as coming down on Crystal Meth, and just slightly worse than the headaches I get after smoking pot.
(It's only when I mix X with other stuff that it gets really painful)
As for the neurotoxicity issue, well, doesn't alcohol kill braincells, too? True, MDMA affects a very specific neurotransmitting function, and can have ugly consequences if abused.
is this not the case with any other drug, legal or otherwise?
My point is pretty simple: everything in excess is bad. Every thing we choose to put into our bodies will have an effect depending on a variety of factors.
Take too much sun and get melanoma, drink too much water and your blood will thin out, eat too much candy, lose your teeth and get fat.
I know this sounds very obvious, but in my view, the adverse effects of drugs such as ecstasy tend to get overdramatized.
On the other hand, MDMA, just like any other mind-altering substance, must be treated with respect; and must be taken after doing appropriate research on what it does.
SO I agree with those who say that moderation is key. Everyone is free to experiment with and use drugs. Maturity in doing so can be determined by the amount of information/education a person gets before popping a pill.
Then again, this is what I think. I might be wrong...
I do, wholeheartedly believe that if every single person in the world used MDMA once, then we would have a lot less violence and crime.
Much as I appreciate the idealism of your post, I can't even begin to agree with this point. One, two, or even three uses cannot possibly change the personality of the user enough for the change to be permanent.
A single six hour session of spiked serotonin levels for each person could not possibly reduce the violent tendencies of the species as a whole.
yeah but think what percent of people would have breakthroughs in this 6 hour session...a lot, etc
On what basis do you believe that?
I really think people overrate their first ecstasy experience.
Feeling really, really good for six hours is not likely to make one a better person for the rest of their life.
And what kind of breakthrough? For most of the people I know, the breakthrough was, "Hey - this ecstasy stuff feels incredible!"
Well, yeah... of course it does.
i have to agree that every person in the world should try it at least ONCE because it probably would resolve a lot of our violence issues. however, i'm so pessimistic about the future of this planet what with the increasingly weird weather and the idiots out there that could potentially destroy us all, that i just say fuck it...fuck the consequences, long-term and so forth, because the end of the world will probably happen within most of our lifetimes. i'm sorry that that is a horrible attitude, but that's just the way i feel. also, i do agree that taking in moderation and not abusing, as well as pre/post-loading are all ways to reduce the harmful effects later down the road. nothing like the present, though, and i'm livin it up while i can!
I think the original poster was trying to get at the fact, that yes, he took MDMA regularly, no he wasn't trying to lambast it, etc, he was trying to point out problems that even the educated user, will, let's say, conviently overlook.
I look at it this way.
I am in control of my mind. Always. If i feel sad, i make my self happy, without chemical use.
I love E, i love rolling. I dont get depressed. WHy? Because I am not that weak. The depression is just as much hype as the E itself. You only get depressed if you think you are. Sure, if your mom dies the night after you roll your gonna feel like shit. But i have witnessed people say "oh i rolled last night and im so depressed." That, imo , is fucked up and weak. Listen to a happy song, talk to your friends, do what you normally do, YOUR NOT DEPRESSED ITS ALL IN YOUR HEAD.
Nuff said.
Why not use moderation and do it for a long time, eg twise a year for a few years, maybe 30.
you should listen to your body, i feel fine so im going 2 do again nxt year. if i feel bad after next year, ill quit
Why am I not content to stay on a even keel? Well, I'm not on one, for starters. Okie, now I know one is not supposed to use drugs as an "escape." Do I believe this? No. In all honesty, I believe it depends on the person and their situation. You live on this isolated island with this stigma placed upon you and you need this "escape" to realize that there is more to you than what everyone says. Only recently, since my ecstasy use...or more so abuse...have I been able to look at myself and, with exception of a pimple or two, say that I look beautiful. I used to live my life trying to please others, trying to get them to accept me. "Hey! Look at me, I can be like you too! Please, just like me." Why? Why are you any better than me? Why does your opinion of me matter? Why are you so God-damned special? Oh....what's this?...::the lightbulb suddenly decides to flicker on::...you're not. ("you" meaning my peer group here, not the author of the post) Okie, now I know you (the author and anyone reading) think I got off the freeway and started heading down some isolated dirt road here, but really what I'm trying to say is this: the spike that brings me up briefly gives me the glimmer of hope that I desperately need. So basically, for me, the subsquent effects (comedown, feeling 8up, etc) are worthwhile. It allows me to realize that the events and realizations surrounding my life at the present moment are not a mirage but an infallible truth.
As for the possible continuation of my use after leaving this....place, it'll simply be because I enjoy the feeling, the "blowing up", the light shows. I can honestly say this will hold true because the one time I did roll outside my hometown, it was an entirely different experience altogether.
What a release...I was finally able to verbalize the chaos of feelings and thoughts summersaulting through that head of mine. Thanks for the post :)
i tottally agree with faris's post
fucking live it up while you can!!!!!!!
but always do so in goddamn moderation, other wise you will pay for it.
also i feel that 'moderation' is diferent for everybody,lisen to your body and find out what moderation for you is
whether it be once month or once a year, dont over do it.
the most intelligent use of MDMA is once every 2-3 months. take a dose that works for you but dont keep taking it when it gets weak. 2-3 pills for the experienced is a good max (2-300mg).
take 10mg of an SSRI (prozac,paxil for example, easily obtained from doctor for mild depression, you are depressed aren't you) right at the end of your trip or asap (within 6 hours) to alleviate the damage. (this is information that does not get told to you by doctors, but it is practically an antedote). also, 5-htp (i think thats the name, from herbal or health shops is also used after trips, probably the next day.)
3)and, of course, vitamins, water with salt (gatorade), fruit, etc you should know that stuff and how important it is
if you dont believe me, do some research, websurfing, search engines and patience
happy trippin
well, damn good question and damn good answers.
one thing i have always felt about pills is that the day the come down isnt worth the night before, u should stop, fortunatley for me it hasnt happened yet but as soon as it does, thats it for me no more.
as for maturity, i do think it isnt about maturity, a part of it is but its up to the individual.
maturity only comes into it when theres 15 year olds munching pills because their friends said it was 'cool'
i didnt take drugs because of anyone but me, i just needed to find the right to try it with and i did, my beautiful although now ex girlfriend
and as everyone knows(and if they dont their fukd)MODERATION, none of this eating 15 pills a weekend. find out what moderation is for u and stick to it.
well yeah thats it