• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Recovery A new me.

Congratulations on your 13 days of no drugs. The sleepiness will last until you get stable. Coffee or Mt.dew is what I used to use to combat the drowsiness. If you sleep too much you will get depressed and have to get on a SSRI or welbutrin. Welbutrin is a God send on methadone. It takes the afternoon grogginess away and gives you energy.
^ Ha! It must be a sign. That was post #420 for me on BL.

How've you been doing, Kat? How's your sobriety going these days? Thanks for the props...it doesn't feel like an accomplishment, going from a partial agonist to a full agonist, infact it feels like a step backwards sometimes, but I was going down a familiar, yet dark path on the subs and I had tried so many times to try and make it work before I realized I needed something different. I'm trying to remind myself that everyone is different and than methadone is just what works best for me, nothing to be ashamed of. The drs and nurses told me from the get go that they thought methadone would be best, considering my tolerance level and the fact that I had been using pretty much daily for over three years straight, but the stigma of methadone made me refuse it. Damn, think of the money I could've saved had I listened the first time...oh well, you live and learn.

Hik, I've been on wellbutrin before and absolutely hated it. Though, I was in high school and had emotions and hormones all over the place, so it may make me feel different now.
It is a bit stimulating, lol . I would take 1/4 pills . The 150SR was too much . I do know one thing ,opiate withdrawal and welbutrin doesn't mix. It's a noradrenaline booster , so it will kick in WDs in overdrive . I think your doing great btw. If your stable then you took a step forward.
Hello BL, happy Tuesday to ya!

I'm on 2 weeks dope free today! Huzzah!

I'm still at 50 and tomorrow is the day i can go up, provided I see the Dr. (who will be in). I'm feeling good throughout the day, but still waking up in minor wd, mainly stomach problems and runny eyes/nose. The good thing is that it keeps me from sleeping in and I always get to the clinic nice and early and I've been having no problem with getting to work on time the past 2 weeks. However, I'd like to wake up feeling not sick so I may talk to the Dr. tomorrow about going up a bit more. I understand I won't get high from methadone, or at least not the high I want (trust me, I tried a year or two ago with a friend of mine's methadone, and the more I took just the sleepier I got, no euphoria), so I'm not going for that...I just want to not experience wd daily, even if it is just a little bit in the wee hours of the morning when I'm half awake. Honestly, I probably could stick at 50 if the Dr. let me split my dose some, 30mg in the am and maybe 20mg after work, but until I can earn more take homes, I don't think he'll let me do that. So, I'll sit down with him tomorrow and see what he thinks I should do.....just wait it out on the dose I'm at now and let my body eventually adjust, or go up a tad bit. I feel so damn close to the perfect dose. Honestly, I don't know how people take 100mg+ doses, I feel like that much would just make me comatose all day.

Question for methadone folks, especially hik, how did you end up being able to go from getting your methadone prescribed at a clinic, like mine, to being able to have a private dr. prescribe? I know dr.'s cost more $$$ and I'm fine with the clinic for now, but in the future perhaps I'd like to maybe go the dr. route. I'm sure its prob near impossible to get outside of a clinic setting these days with the whole opioid epidemic and all, though.

Anyways, things in my life are going well. I've gotten fairly caught up on all this work, well compared to where I was at yesterday morning. My boss has been out of town the past 2 days, so that's helped not pile anything extra on top of the already crazy long to-do list. The boyfriend is doing training for the job he just started a few weeks ago up in the city (where I live..he lives/works 45 min south of the city) so he stayed with me last night and will be staying until at least Sat (prob. till Sunday though)...so this week is extra great for me having so much time with him. He's definitely noticed how much more stable I seem on maintenance and seems to be gaining his trust of me back. I've been completely honest with him since restarting our relationship and it feels good. Honestly, I don't think I've ever been 100% honest with any s.o...probably why none of them ended up working out. I've been a bit of a homebody, socially, lately, but I've begun to enjoy quiet nights at home more and more as time goes on.

Anyways, hope all are well. Thanks for always supporting me Sober Living friends! <3 Much Love!!
Congratulations on the two weeks and taking the bull by the horns and getting into an ORT program. For me at least, the longer I manage to stay clean, the more I enjoy being a homebody and it sounds like this might be the case for you, too.
I was on 120mg of methadone split in two doses a day.

It never made me even close to drowsy. Everyone has different reactions to different things.

I didn't feel stable until I was on 95mg. Then came finding out I was an abberant metabolizer- which explained why I was sick every day by 4pm. It was found out during a random drug test. I kept being told that being sick every day was "in my head".

My experience with methadone sucked Glad your experience has been positive and you found something that really helps. Best of luck to you!
I eventually had my methadone prescribed by a Dr. I have chronic pain issues.

You have to research or call and ask I guess- if that Dr will or does prescribe methadone.

In my experience I found that some Dr's didn't want to write methadone for whatever reason and others were ok w it.
Congratulations on the two weeks and taking the bull by the horns and getting into an ORT program. For me at least, the longer I manage to stay clean, the more I enjoy being a homebody and it sounds like this might be the case for you, too.

Thanks, man! I mean, I jumped into this in Feb. but I'm taking it more seriously than ever. How have you been doing?

Going to Refuge Recovery tonight for sure and going to start trying to go to group sessions at my clinic too...I know it'll make them super happy if I do. They're not mandatory, but encouraged and I think going to one would be good for me. My counselor knows how I feel about AA/NA so he doesn't push me into going to groups, but he does throw the idea out there for me to think about from time to time. I'm lucky I got the counselor I did. He doesn't care about THC in my UAs, he is all about whatever helps my recovery even if its something nonconventional (like me wanting to do RR instead of a 12 step-based group, or me using marijuana for wd relief..just some examples), and he shares similar opinions as I do about certain staff members (for example, the dr. there is a real pompous prick, and we both agree about it, lol). I'm super comfortable with him and he's incredibly non-judgmental. He is a licensed psychologist but also a recovering addict himself (he claims he wasn't addicted to any one thing, but any drug or drink he could get for many years but has been clean 30+). Like I've mentioned before, this clinic is super awesome and I'm incredibly fortunate to have them located just a mile from my home!

Day 15! The dr. bumped me up to 60mg this morning and we're gonna stay there for another week or so and see if that's where I should stay. Feeling decent today and hoping that keeps up till medication time tomorrow. The plus side of waking up in low-level wd every morning is that the methadone isn't causing a "backing up" problem, because I get it all out every single morning when my methadone wears off (around 3 or 4am or so). I'm also getting up incredibly early which is making my mornings significantly less stressful having so much time to get through my morning routine.

Everything else is well! Boyfriend and I did trivia with my crew last night and had a great time...enjoying each other's company big time this week. The honeymoon phase has already sorta worn off, but not in a bad way...we're just getting used to each others company again without acting like horny teenagers the whole time. We have a really nice relationship even when were not all over each other so I've been happy. Work's still kicking my ass but it feels good to be productive and I definitely have been feeling much more valuable as an employee than I ever have in the past at this company. Things are good! I even get to take Friday off (without having to use my PTO!) to handle all the traffic ticket bs that's been stressing me out. I'm knocking on some serious wood currently and hoping everything continues to be this good as time goes on. i know something bad will eventually happen, I mean..that's life...but I need things to stay this way for awhile so i can work on my issues and better myself in general.

Anywho, I need to get back to this workload. Thanks again everyone, as always. Hik, I saw your message (thank you for it, btw!) and I will reply in depth once i get home tonight. Much love to all, as always and I hope everyone's sobriety journey is going as well as it can today!
Just wanted to pop over to see how you were doing, thinking of you!

I am so happy to read your lovey update, everything is falling nicely in line for you Kate. You are doing the work and it's really beautiful to hear how it's paying off for you.

What a great doc you have, sounds like he really works well with you.

Happy you're going to rescue recovery, how did that go tonight?

Very happy that you and your man are on solid ground together, what an amazing gift to have him in your corner. Sound like you have a very nice healthy relationship going.

Just wanted to tell you how special and wonderful I think you are, you have gone through so much but you're still going strong!!

Way to go love!!

Here if you need anything,
your friend,

P.S, whenever I read one of your posts you remind me of that Rhianna song, shine bright like a diamond. You are that special bright diamond Kate, and with an attitude like yours we all see it!!!
you're doing fantastic ladyh. does this time feel different at all to your previous quits? I know mine does - I have tried to quit >10 times this year, and this is the first time since like March that I feel genuinely and totally ready to do whatever I have to do to get off this shit. Are you feeling any different from before?

also, RR sounds amazing. its such a shame that in the UK its only available in a few cities, none of which are near me, because it sounds so ideal. let us know how it goes! also, I'm just curious because for me personally in the past couple of years when I've tried to smoke weed its been awful and made me overthink in a super-depressed way - have you ever experienced that with weed?? what effect does it have on you & how much are you smoking? Not asking to judge btw, I personally am of the opinion that if people can smoke weed or drink in recovery and it helps them then so be it, the dogmatic AA/NA view has always seemed retarded to me - "feel free to chain smoke, drink 12 cups of coffee a day and load up on sugar all day long but if you smoke a joint you're doomed" always seemed so hypocritical and stupid.
No, I?m not pushing for her to do anything with her methadone. If anything, I?m pushing her to take her time figuring things out what?ll work for her.

I understand that stability is the end goal, you just sound a little like a methadone pusher. Is your advice really tailored to ladyh's situation, or are you just trying to make her do the same recovery that you personally did?? Does it give you a twinge of jealousy when people can get on by less methadone than you did? I'm just speculating here. I'm probably totally wrong. As ladyh can attest to, I do have a habit of reading the worst possible intention in people, so I'll be happy to admit I'm wrong if that's the case.
I understand that stability is the end goal, you just sound a little like a methadone pusher. Is your advice really tailored to ladyh's situation, or are you just trying to make her do the same recovery that you personally did?? Does it give you a twinge of jealousy when people can get on by less methadone than you did? I'm just speculating here. I'm probably totally wrong. As ladyh can attest to, I do have a habit of reading the worst possible intention in people, so I'll be happy to admit I'm wrong if that's the case.
LOL...I wouldn't say that's always a bad thing. Some people have AWFUL intentions and it's good to not be caught off guard by people's terribleness. I DO feel like this time is different. Every time I think about relapsing, this time around, I think about it from a "im feeling pretty good every day and I don't want to fuck it up" kind of standpoint. I know if I relapse, my tolerance will go up and i'll have to readjust to the methadone, and I don't want to have to do that. Sure, one time might not mess it up, but I can never just keep it at "one time" and I know that. I was doing so well on suboxone, but once I started trying to "chip", the suboxone started not working as well for me until I started falling into massive, longer and longer, relapses. If I fuck it up this time, I don't know if I'll have another chance like this, I may require serious in-patient rehab that I can't afford and would probably ruin my job, relationship, life as I know it. Sure, maybe all of this is not as good of a reason as "im not going to relapse because i need the sober path", but it's working. Every "i should just use tonight, just this once" thought I have seems dumb to me at this point and a waste of money. Things in my life are going really well and I have these changes to attribute to everything being so wonderful...it would be the dumbest idea ever to mess this all up to feel that warm fuzzy high for a few hours. Weed does make me over think, and sometimes in a depressed way too, but I feel like sometimes that's the shit I need to think about sometimes in order to get my ass in gear. Also, I find that the more I smoke, the less I get those negative thoughts and I get much more used to the feeling over time. And, I totally agree about the AA/NA thing, I always found it stupid how they pick and chose what's ok to be "hooked on" (coffee yes, weed no, etc). Everyone has "something", whether it be drugs, alcohol, sex, video games, jesus, crossfit, yoga, their sports car, etc etc etc so I think that if it's something that isn't causing too much negativity on your life or health and isn't getting an unhealthy amount of attention from you, it's alright in my book.

RR was GREAT, guys! I think I've found my home. The meeting opened up with about 20 min of meditation..you're supposed to bring your own pillow but I don't have one so i'll have to put it on the shopping list. The meditation was so relaxing...I really enjoyed the peace and quiet of it all. The remaining hour or so consisted of some inspirational speeches by the group's leaders, not so much about drugs but more about personal struggles in general, and a few members sharing updates on their sobriety, if they wanted to. Everyone there seemed really cool, definitely more alternative of a crowd..tattoos, hipsters, etc. (my kinda people). I didn't speak this time, and I didn't talk to anyone..I kind of just observed. Next week I want to get there early and introduce myself to the leaders of the group and maybe stand up and introduce myself to the whole group as well. I'm not shy by any means, I just didn't get there till right as soon as the meeting began and I didn't really know the protocol at RR for introductions. I can't wait to learn and experience more next week! There's another RR group not too far from me that meets on Thursdays so I could even start doing both if I feel up to it.

Still at 60mg, btw. Feeling like I'm there, dose wise. I didn't wake up sick this morning, woke up feeling normal. I'm eating well, sleeping well, and feeling good in general. I have a good amount of motivation during the day (with the help of coffee!) and I'm able to relax and enjoy my boyfriend's company when I get home. He's been trying to get me to binge Game of Thrones to get caught up, so we've been doing that after work. Smoking herbs, lots of sex, ordering takeout, Game of Thrones, and a nice microbrew or two...that's been our week..it's been nice :) We're both working from home tomorrow. No plans for the weekend, as of yet, but I'm sure I'll feel up to something.

Ashley (I don't know how to "quote" multiple people in a reply...I'm too lazy to anyways, lol): THANK YOU, BABE! You are just the sweetest thing! I hope your quit is going as well as mine has lately! <3 Much love and respect to you, always!

...And much love and respect to all my other BLers in the struggle :)
RR was GREAT, guys! I think I've found my home. The meeting opened up with about 20 min of meditation..you're supposed to bring your own pillow but I don't have one so i'll have to put it on the shopping list. The meditation was so relaxing...I really enjoyed the peace and quiet of it all. The remaining hour or so consisted of some inspirational speeches by the group's leaders, not so much about drugs but more about personal struggles in general, and a few members sharing updates on their sobriety, if they wanted to. Everyone there seemed really cool, definitely more alternative of a crowd..tattoos, hipsters, etc. (my kinda people). I didn't speak this time, and I didn't talk to anyone..I kind of just observed. Next week I want to get there early and introduce myself to the leaders of the group and maybe stand up and introduce myself to the whole group as well. I'm not shy by any means, I just didn't get there till right as soon as the meeting began and I didn't really know the protocol at RR for introductions. I can't wait to learn and experience more next week! There's another RR group not too far from me that meets on Thursdays so I could even start doing both if I feel up to it.
Happy to hear it! I haven't been able to go for several weeks because of work obligations and I really miss it.
LOL...I wouldn't say that's always a bad thing. Some people have AWFUL intentions and it's good to not be caught off guard by people's terribleness. I DO feel like this time is different. Every time I think about relapsing, this time around, I think about it from a "im feeling pretty good every day and I don't want to fuck it up" kind of standpoint. I know if I relapse, my tolerance will go up and i'll have to readjust to the methadone, and I don't want to have to do that. Sure, one time might not mess it up, but I can never just keep it at "one time" and I know that. I was doing so well on suboxone, but once I started trying to "chip", the suboxone started not working as well for me until I started falling into massive, longer and longer, relapses. If I fuck it up this time, I don't know if I'll have another chance like this, I may require serious in-patient rehab that I can't afford and would probably ruin my job, relationship, life as I know it. Sure, maybe all of this is not as good of a reason as "im not going to relapse because i need the sober path", but it's working. Every "i should just use tonight, just this once" thought I have seems dumb to me at this point and a waste of money. Things in my life are going really well and I have these changes to attribute to everything being so wonderful...it would be the dumbest idea ever to mess this all up to feel that warm fuzzy high for a few hours. Weed does make me over think, and sometimes in a depressed way too, but I feel like sometimes that's the shit I need to think about sometimes in order to get my ass in gear. Also, I find that the more I smoke, the less I get those negative thoughts and I get much more used to the feeling over time. And, I totally agree about the AA/NA thing, I always found it stupid how they pick and chose what's ok to be "hooked on" (coffee yes, weed no, etc). Everyone has "something", whether it be drugs, alcohol, sex, video games, jesus, crossfit, yoga, their sports car, etc etc etc so I think that if it's something that isn't causing too much negativity on your life or health and isn't getting an unhealthy amount of attention from you, it's alright in my book.

RR was GREAT, guys! I think I've found my home. The meeting opened up with about 20 min of meditation..you're supposed to bring your own pillow but I don't have one so i'll have to put it on the shopping list. The meditation was so relaxing...I really enjoyed the peace and quiet of it all. The remaining hour or so consisted of some inspirational speeches by the group's leaders, not so much about drugs but more about personal struggles in general, and a few members sharing updates on their sobriety, if they wanted to. Everyone there seemed really cool, definitely more alternative of a crowd..tattoos, hipsters, etc. (my kinda people). I didn't speak this time, and I didn't talk to anyone..I kind of just observed. Next week I want to get there early and introduce myself to the leaders of the group and maybe stand up and introduce myself to the whole group as well. I'm not shy by any means, I just didn't get there till right as soon as the meeting began and I didn't really know the protocol at RR for introductions. I can't wait to learn and experience more next week! There's another RR group not too far from me that meets on Thursdays so I could even start doing both if I feel up to it.

Still at 60mg, btw. Feeling like I'm there, dose wise. I didn't wake up sick this morning, woke up feeling normal. I'm eating well, sleeping well, and feeling good in general. I have a good amount of motivation during the day (with the help of coffee!) and I'm able to relax and enjoy my boyfriend's company when I get home. He's been trying to get me to binge Game of Thrones to get caught up, so we've been doing that after work. Smoking herbs, lots of sex, ordering takeout, Game of Thrones, and a nice microbrew or two...that's been our week..it's been nice :) We're both working from home tomorrow. No plans for the weekend, as of yet, but I'm sure I'll feel up to something.

Ashley (I don't know how to "quote" multiple people in a reply...I'm too lazy to anyways, lol): THANK YOU, BABE! You are just the sweetest thing! I hope your quit is going as well as mine has lately! <3 Much love and respect to you, always!

...And much love and respect to all my other BLers in the struggle :)

your recovery thread is honestly one of if not the best one, you know that? I feel like every post you're not just giving us updates on your life & status but a little look inside your mind, laying bare your thought processes, hopes, fears, dreams, struggles - its fascinating, encouraging and inspiring.
Thanks my dear friend Lady! You're too kind.

Keep up the great work, you're making really great choices now, and i's beautiful to see everything fall into line for you.

Hugs and here for you always,
your friend,
Well aren't you guys the sweetest! I enjoy writing and consider myself a pretty good writer, but I feel like I just ramble on here sometimes. I'm a pretty expressive person irl so. naturally, I try to include as much as I can in my recovery journal. I want to be able to look back on this, years in the future, and get a feel for exactly where I was mentally, emotionally, physically, etc etc. during this entire process (so that hopefully my dumbass won't keep making these same mistakes!). Thank you guys for reading and caring about my insignificant little life ;)

Well I made a couple of poor decisions this weekend, but I learned some things and nothing too negative happened as a a result of these decisions, so I'm not being too hard on myself about it. I ended up using yesterday :(...but let me back up for a moment here.,. so Saturday, my curiosity (more like MY ADDICTION) got the best of me and I ended up taking my Sunday take home (making it 120mg of methadone total instead of my usual 60mg). I did this because I wanted to see what a higher dose felt like and if it gave me more relief (or more negative side effects) than my current, fairly moderate, dose. I probably also did it because I'm an addict and I wanted to see if I could actually get high off methadone. Turns out, I can't...well I didn't anyways. In fact, it didn't really feel much different than the 60mg except I became dreadfully tired..like couldn't keep my eyes open tired. And it wasn't even like a fun, euphoric nod out kind of tired, it just felt like I hadn't gotten enough sleep the night before or something. Totally wasn't worth wasting my Sunday meds for. So, even though I woke up feeling fine on Sunday morning, I decided to use bc I didn't have any methadone, I just had my monthly UA for the clinic and won't be tested again for a few weeks, and bc I'm an idiot. Well, I bought a reeeeally small bag (less than a half gram, more like a quarter of a gram) and did an amount that should've had me feeling something, but nothing. I did more, still nothing. I didn't feel bad, but I didn't feel high or even good...just normal, no matter how much I did. While it was a relief to not get sick yesterday, I feel like I probably wouldn't have gotten sick anyways since I had a large amount of methadone in me from Sat. on top of 3 weeks worth of daily methadone use built up in my system. So, I feel like the money I spent (which wasn't much, thankfully) was a huge waste and all using did was end my fairly impressive "dope free" streak of almost 3 weeks. I'm a big "Bright Side" kind of gal, though, so I'm trying to see this for what it is. I learned that more methadone does not equal more euphoria or even any euphoria at all...just a level of sleepiness that's not even very enjoyable. I also learned that methadone does a GREAT JOB at blocking the feel goods from dope (or any other full agonist, for that matter I assume) and using dope while on methadone is a waste of money, a waste of time (spent like an hour of my day getting the shit too!), and an unnecessary risk to me legally as I drive around with this drug that is VERY MUCH A FELONY. I'd read up on all of this..I knew that any dose over 50mg will block the euphoria from other full agonists...I knew that taking more methadone would probably not get me high, but would increase negative side effects...but I still did it anyways. My dad has always told me that I'm one of those people who has to learn my lessons the hard way....that warnings/advice/etc are never enough, I need to experience the consequences of my actions to truly understand the effects of my behavior...and, well, lesson learned this time. I definitely won't be repeating any of those actions again. I'm actually really glad I'm on methadone vs. suboxone; on suboxone, "breaking through" my dose on suboxone was always incredibly easy, no matter how high of a sub dose I was on, especially at night once it had worn off some. With methadone, using becomes incredibly pointless (no matter how much I try to "break through"). I know learning some self discipline is important because I won't always have methadone to block dope, but its nice to have right now while I'm still emotionally weak and am working on myself and my addiction. So yeah, I fucked up..but, I learned a lot, so I consider it kinda worth it. Relapse is part of recovery, but I'm not planning on making it part of my recovery from here on out ever again.

Besides all that, things are good. This weekend involved a lot of loafing (probably bc I was so zombified from the high 'done dose!). Today is exactly two years since my first date with my boyfriend, so tonight we're going to out to a friend of mine's property in "the sticks" about an hour outside of the city where there's very little light pollution so we can have a nice picnic dinner/couple of glasses of vino on a blanket under the night sky and watch the Perseid meteor shower. Every year I always make plans to go outside of the city to view the shower, but it always sneaks up on me and something always ends up messing up my plans. Today would've been the same story except for the fact that my bf has an amazing memory (and actually listens to me...a guy...weird right? lol) and remembered how badly I've always wanted to see the shower outside of the city, so he "surprised" me this morning with the night's plans. I can't wait :D!! So romantic!! I'm surprised too...bc my bf is amazing but hates the typical romantic, sappy stuff, so this is a little out of character for him. Though, he did say to me, several months back, that if we ended up getting back together he would try and be a better boyfriend to me and give me more attention, so maybe this is his attempt at that. Whatever the reason, I sure am looking forward to tonight :)

All else is well...busy at work as usual. We have a big conference next week and I have to do a presentation so I'll be spending this week getting that ready (on top of my usual mountain of work). Oy. Hoping to do RR this week again if I can. Several friends I haven't seen in awhile sent me messages this past weekend trying to make dinner plans for some night this week, so I have a feeling Ill be busy in the evenings this week as well. Good thing I really enjoy being busy. lol

Thanks again for the support, love, encouragement, etc. guys. Sorry if I let anyone down by using some this past weekend..but know it taught me a valuable lesson...that using on methadone is stupid.

Much love, everyone <3
I stayed up stupid late Saturday night/Sunday morning to watch the Delta IV rocket launch carrying NASA's Parker Solar Probe (even though the Cape is 40 miles away as the crow flies, we can still clearly see launches in Orlando) and I saw a huge shooting star 10 seconds or less before the rocket came into view in the sky. I was going to try and drive out of the city last night (too much ambient light) and see if I could see any more meteors but it too overcast so I didn't bother.
Yeah, it was supposed to be the best to view last night, but I couldn't see shit with the light pollution in the city. Hoping I'll see some tonight. Believe it or not, I've NEVER seen a shooting star! I always "miss it" when there's one above me that a friend points out. Hope tonight is the night!

My boyfriend is a HUGE space nerd (a nerd in general, actually) and is dying to go down a see a launch sometime soon. He watches the live feeds of the launches online, but has yet to see one in person. We're hoping to see one soon...it's just really difficult to plan since so many things can affect whether or not they launch on time/date and if it gets postponed (which happens a lot), it'll make the trip kinda pointless. Maybe we'll try and make a trip to view one coincide with a beach trip or something sometime.