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Heroin A million and one heroin questions

if it's his first time trying H, i wouldnt recommend plugging. do small bumps until he feels good. u wouldnt want to plug too much and cause an OD. the first bag of dope i got was extremely potent and if i wasnt careful i might have OD'd.

it also sounds like the quality of the dope might not be that good if you're not getting any extrme euphoria. it's not a good sign when the dealer says that the dope isnt the best.
if you cannot look at the needle you have and tell if it is good for IV or not then there is no way you should even be considering doing IV drugs IMO

29 gauze or 28 is the needles commonly used for IV - and the barrel of that syringe is way to big too - can you imagine how much water you will have to add to make a little bit? and then how much blood you will have to draw back to register??? i am seeing nothing good come out of using this giant needle for you anyway... it will likely be too watered down and even if you can find a vein with it and not go through the vein - it is going to be a bitch shooting all that liquid - or even worse trying to shoot just a tiny bit with this syringe.

this would be a better syringe for plugging IMO

eta: i see you have already figured this out :D
Ok found a guide on plugging after some searching. It does say to use a 10 ML syringe, but mine is only 2 ML, does it work just as good, only that i can get less water in it??

2mls is plenty. I use a 1ml syringe to plug 180mgs of Oxycodone with no problem.
In my bed, lyin on my side ;) First time plugging, was not bad at all. No rush but more a steady increase.
Snorting dope is just fine - either your friend didn't do enough or it's not good quality.

I always felt euphoria from snorting dope - definitely not the same rush as IVing it though.

Don't use a 23G needle to IV, and don't IM street dope (bad idea - others can explain why).

-> A 1,000,001 Heroin Questions.
Heroin question

How many 20 bags are in a half gram of heroin.

Also are two 50 bags equal to a half g? or is that less than a half g?

Please no guesses, answer only if your positive.
A "bag" is typically 0.1g. A half G would typically be 5 bags.

However, when I got half G's, they came in one bag. At least the good stuff did.

Merged to A Million and One Heroin Questions.
It depends on the strength. Some bags will have a higher content of heroin than others so it's hard to tell.
Freaked swim's mouth is peeling after smoking H

Ok so swim just switched to smoking tar because the pill game out here is in the dumps, swim cant afford a 200$ a day habbit that pills cost, but swim can afford to buy a gram or two of H (heroin). swim only smokes, two scared to bang. anyways the other night swim was smoking about a gram of H over the day and then swim's mouth began to peel on the inside of him lips, has anyone ever expirenced this, swim is freaked out because it H makes his mouth peel, he can only imagine what it has done to his lungs.
no need to SWIM on BL

i never heard of peeling of the mouth but it could be related to the heroin smoking. I'd suggest a different ROA (route of administration) because smoking heroin is the most wasteful way to use it by far. If you're not a needle person try plugging or nasal administration (ie cook it up and draw into a rig, take off the needle and squirt it up your nose---same thing works but instead of up your nose up your rectum...sounds silly yes, but it gets you really really high because there's lots of nerves and blood vessles down there) goodluck
If it is someone other than yourself then why are you so worried?
If you used a lot of heat, it's possible that you burned the inside of your mouth with the pipe or hot smoke...
heroin shelf-life???///????

does anyone know how long dope lasts? i heard you lose potency when you hold onto it for awhile because theres some kinda moisture in it but i was always curious if that is even somewhat accurate?????8):\
I found a some bags that I lost for a few years

it got me high as hell :)

" This is number 4 powdered heroin "
If it's dry then it should last a really long time. Think about how old the heroin is before it even reaches you.