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Opioids A life supply of opioids, how would it affect you?


Apr 18, 2015
this might sound like a really stupid question, but my research has given me differing, ambiguous and off topic answers. my question is, does opioid dependence produce serious changes that may cause people to drop out of work or withdraw from responsibility, assuming they had cheap/free of charge on demand access to opioids? let’s suppose I discovered a free life supply of morphine and became dependent on it with no intention to give up. do you think I would be able to live life as normal including holding down a job.
Actually, just remembered a very interesting conversation I had with Hexenstahl Who suggested this may well be the case. I just want to check with others on here to see if anyone has additional knowledge, including their own experiences.
Thanks in advance
I feel happier and more motivated using kratom than without personally, I think think a lifetime of opioids would have a negative impact unless dosing gets out of control (maybe?)
i’d like to think it’s the lifestyle that comes from getting those illicit supplies to stay ‘normal’ - if you had a life supply and a safe supply ie not fentalogues, i’d say you could work and be just as effective as any normal person. i know it seems counterproductive to think, but most people lose their job from needing more / getting sicker quicker, y’know? so the side hustles start taking over, the manipulation, lies, despicable behavior etc etc
I use kratom this way; it increases my efficiency and ethic at work, and dampens my pain from being on my feet and surrounded by the worst people in society. I would argue I couldn't work without kratom now.

A lifetime supply of methadone would do it even better for me. I'd have so much motivation and be able to ignore so much more bullshit.
I feel happier and more motivated using kratom than without personally, I think think a lifetime of opioids would have a negative impact unless dosing gets out of control (maybe?)

Never tried kratom, but I would love to because apparently it’s really good for helping Extreme procrastinators like me Who hate doing any sort of mental work. in regards to addiction to other opioids, I’ve heard that people escalate their dosing up to a certain point and then stop.
Never tried kratom, but I would love to because apparently it’s really good for helping Extreme procrastinators like me Who hate doing any sort of mental work. in regards to addiction to other opioids, I’ve heard that people escalate their dosing up to a certain point and then stop.
works really well for me as well, i use it daily to maximize production.
i’d like to think it’s the lifestyle that comes from getting those illicit supplies to stay ‘normal’ - if you had a life supply and a safe supply ie not fentalogues, i’d say you could work and be just as effective as any normal person. i know it seems counterproductive to think, but most people lose their job from needing more / getting sicker quicker, y’know? so the side hustles start taking over, the manipulation, lies, despicable behavior etc etc

I’ve heard a tiny number of anecdotes where people claim that addiction to opioids is actually therapeutic for them and that they are in a much better state once dependent on opioids than they were before starting. I think there’s definitely something to this, because I’ve had the same experience with nicotine where I benefit psychologically from its regular use. for all their talk of smart drugs and brain hacking, apparently many in Silicon Valley have turned back to good old opioids and amphetamine like stimulants to help them through the day. i’m not encouraging this as a lifestyle, but I do wonder if addictive drugs might off and do a better job than Nootropics.
works really well for me as well, i use it daily to maximize production.

Great. I’ll definitely give it a try. i’m aware that it can be addictive, but at this point, I’m desperate and I really couldn’t care less. of course, I’ll use it carefully but it definitely sounds promising.
I use kratom this way; it increases my efficiency and ethic at work, and dampens my pain from being on my feet and surrounded by the worst people in society. I would argue I couldn't work without kratom now.

A lifetime supply of methadone would do it even better for me. I'd have so much motivation and be able to ignore so much more bullshit.

Thank you so much for sharing that. The only issue I have with methadone is that I’ve heard it can cause memory impairment due to antagonism of the NMDA receptor and many users have reported serious cognitive impairments, not seen with other opioids. then again, everyone is different. personally, I’m very interested in trying Kratom to help me fight procrastination, doing research at work is just so painful for me, and having to do it from home remotely is 10 times worse.
Thank you so much for sharing that. The only issue I have with methadone is that I’ve heard it can cause memory impairment due to antagonism of the NMDA receptor and many users have reported serious cognitive impairments, not seen with other opioids. then again, everyone is different. personally, I’m very interested in trying Kratom to help me fight procrastination, doing research at work is just so painful for me, and having to do it from home remotely is 10 times worse.
remote work was always hard for me, as a millennial who grew up consistently swapping browsers and tabs scrolling for content, it’s hard to differentiate in my brain for online WORK and online PLAY and my brain just gravitates towards the play/procrastination side of things
I have MS so a life long supply and it's awful. I was an addict before the diagnosis but hard staying away when I have pain,then I relapse
Up until 15 years ago I was a normal non addicted person. Now I'm delt a shit hand and I don't see a way out.
I'm trying to take as needed when it flares but that rarely works.
It's not as good as most addicts thinks. It's either suffer debilitating pain or risk a relapse.
remote work was always hard for me, as a millennial who grew up consistently swapping browsers and tabs scrolling for content, it’s hard to differentiate in my brain for online WORK and online PLAY and my brain just gravitates towards the play/procrastination side of things

That’s exactly the same for me. I think I’m quite unfortunate that the first Job I ever got, which is my current one, is a Home/remote working Job right from the get go. As a blind person, this has made things even more difficult because I can’t get the direct support and assistance I need on a personal level, though the company really are trying their best and things are slowly improving. nevertheless, the main and most devastating obstacle is still my extreme tendency to procrastinate which is massively magnified by being at home full of distractions and the lack of boundaries between home and work life. A lot of education is also distant (self learning) and apparently it’s increased the procrastination and associated anxiety of many students with an increased rate of failure. i’ve always held the view that work should be strictly separated from home unless absolutely necessary. aside from Internet destraction, there’s also that miserable feeling of getting out of bed and switching on the computer with a feeling that work is hanging over you and knowing that you will ultimately procrastinate and pay the price later. I know for a fact that if I went into an office every day, I will be much more productive and I might even get tasks done in advance.
And no I couldn't go back to work and live normal. If I could only get them when absolutely needed it may be different, but my neurologist just sends the pharmacy enough to take daily
There would be both extremes and everything in between. Kind of like hitting a jackpot. And like suddenly having a lot of money, most would fuck up. Not saying that many wouldn't mostly benefit from such a thing but most would fuck up. Most DO fuck up anyway. Just think about all the people inside various unpleasant occupations, doing it mostly to achieve something similar to personal drug utopia.
I like to think I'm one of those who would mostly benefit, as I kind of already did in a such way. But I wouldn't do it 24/7/365 even if it would rain opiates every day and that helps A LOT to not fall into, bad place. I've met more than one person stopping opiates even supply wasn't any kind of problem. And decision to get clean while being in a such a position can be various, disregarding some supposedly use opiates for decades and experience just good side.
My doctor told me about dude in his fucking 70s or 80s doing I.V. heroin for most of his life, being of perfect health and having only fire stuff. Guess what, he's trying to stop for years now.
I know quite a few examples of people getting sick of opiates when purity & supply weren't any kind of problem, some people I know personally and some I've heard from someone I trust.
But I didn't answer main point. I would continue work along unlimited supply if it's work that I love doing, drugs or no drugs.
I can not know. While some people report that they maintain some level of desired effects while chronically administering same dose of opioids, I think there are few threats.

1) numbing yourself is not as good option than good health (I know there is more to it than just numbing but numbing is anyway something that commonly follows opioid use).
2) Hyperalgesia, hypersensitivity to pain stimuli. If you get it, there seems to be huge luck factor involved.
3) Hypogonadism, low levels of testosterone. This is obviously shitty for anyone and there seems to be huge luck factor involved.

All in all, I am feeling contradictory. For my many conditions, I am classic example of guy who just needs some buprenorphine, if there is such a case in the first place (yes, I'd prefer that to many full agonists in therapeutic reference frame). But I will take word of people like Jennn who have lots of history with opioid use, about it; chances are, it would produce more pain than relief.
1) numbing yourself is not as good option than good health (I know there is more to it than just numbing but numbing is anyway something that commonly follows opioid use).
Simply take psychedelics to regain feeling.
2) Hyperalgesia, hypersensitivity to pain stimuli. If you get it, there seems to be huge luck factor involved.
Simply up the dose, get life supply of some different pain-relief or if only one hand or leg hurts, discard it.
3) Hypogonadism, low levels of testosterone. This is obviously shitty for anyone and there seems to be huge luck factor involved.
Low and high is subjectively anyway and since no need to work for drugs, work for boob-job.

THEY want us to think that using opiates for orphan receptors is optional while THEY overflow their whole clans with DADLE and plan to live for centuries.

this might sound like a really stupid question, but my research has given me differing, ambiguous and off topic answers. my question is, does opioid dependence produce serious changes that may cause people to drop out of work or withdraw from responsibility, assuming they had cheap/free of charge on demand access to opioids? let’s suppose I discovered a free life supply of morphine and became dependent on it with no intention to give up. do you think I would be able to live life as normal including holding down a job.
Actually, just remembered a very interesting conversation I had with Hexenstahl Who suggested this may well be the case. I just want to check with others on here to see if anyone has additional knowledge, including their own experiences.
Thanks in advance
According to my shrink, addictionologist, a special on opioids, a counselor at a rehab center, and a doctor who is actually pretty famous (he went from a coke head brain surgeon to one of the preeminent addiction specialists in the country) only pharmaceutical grade heroin of all things can you take forever at a non-lethal dose with no damage to your body. For some reason your body accepts it as a native chemical. Probably the same reason it's so addictive. It's the garbage that it's cut with that does the damage. That and the constant dose increase.
I worked at pizza hut in my early 20's when my opioid dependence started.

I had to make all the food, do all the dough prep & put away that annoying truck in the freezer like twice a week. So lots of running around & lifting shit.

I actually worked harder & longer on opioids. But I ended up losing my job due to having to go through withdrawal once. Couldn't sleep, could barely move, didn't go into work & my boss text me pissed off, so I flipped out on her & called her a name & she fired me.

So I'd say yes, if you have constant access to an opioid, you can be fine. It's the dealing with running out & waiting/withdrawal that really fucks up people's ability to stay functional.

If you're doing research, here's a Swiss study where they gave prison inmates heroin daily for 15 years. They expected there to be really negative health & functionality outcomes. But instead they found no adverse health affects & the inmates on heroin had a work performance comparable to those who did not use heroin.

I think everyone is different though & opioids could present a problem for one person, while another person like myself absolutely can benefit from having constant opioid access. In a way, I have had opioid access for the past 16 years in the form of either pain meds, heroin or opioid maintenance.