9th Issue Heroin Discussion v. quit drooling on yo keyboard

When do you smoke cigarettes?

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The lady was nice and dumped it, and told me she wouldn't tell anybody, but to never fuck up again.

That's straight that she was cool like that, I always like it when people give you a chance/ benefit of the doubt
^ Yea, she loved me. I was always there during lunch, so I hooked them up with a 3 or 4 foot hero (sub or hoagie depending on your location) for free once so I guess I her letting me off made us even. It was obvious that I failed though, even though she said she wasn't telling anybody else, and that we would forget about it, put it behind us, and move on. She had called me back into the bathroom when she had gone in to test it, so anybody there knew something was up, and may have heard our convo. Doesn't matter now, though.

I ended up copping my last bag just now. I don't hear back from them until next week, and I have no idea if they are even testing me, but I will make sure to put it off until Wed-Thurs if they ask. I could even wait an extra day to call them back if I don't hear from them, and we're really not up to that interview process yet. In 5 or so days when I am pissing clean, I'm gonna stock up. I'm not sure about how much they monitor you for employment drug tests, so I would prefer to be clean so I don't have to worry.

I just had to get that last bag in! I had not expected to hear back from the company this soon, so had not had a chance to say goodbye to my dope. The bag I got is fire, so I'm ending on a high note. ;)
im in love with mary jane..shes the only one who really understand me
Me and money go together.
Loved her since I first met her.
If you touch her I get jealous.
She do jus what I tell her
I've been growing tired of dope, which is making stopping a lot easier. I had already cut down a lot too. I was getting sick of not doing anything, and I wanted my freedom back, and to use my money for other things, as well as starting a real career in the field I went to school for.
Yeah Tommy, I hear you on the wanting to do something and not wasting money thing. What job are you getting (or attempting to get)? You've already mentioned taking a test so I assume you're pretty close to landing it?
Now you can do snow or get wet as the rain
Me man I got jane in my brain
Of course I kick doors for white whores
But my wife mary-jane I never get divorced
Cause she be tha only one fit for a playa
The green eyes and the pretty red hair
You was born in Mexico but I took the chance
And brought your ass across to the promise lands
I love to lay you down so soft in my swisha
act like a freak and let all my niggaz hit ya
I got your picture on all my walls
mama caught us kissin wanna call the laws
My family thinks you nothin but trouble
Cant see how you helped me through the struggle
haha the NASADD Chronic discussion thread now

Fuck that. If you want to start a thread about that silly plant then go right ahead, but don't fuck up the threads about good drugs with that shit ;)

(actually there probably are threads about it in NASADD already, try searching it up)

EDIT: and don't worry I know you're just kidding around, I really don't care that much
marijuana>heroin imo

heroin would win if if didnt make you sick and also if you didnt get a tolerance to it

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Heroin would win if it had the smells the tastes the trichomes the high the availability and no withdrawals but that is not the case unfortunately.
marijuana>heroin imo

heroin would win if if didnt make you sick and also if you didnt get a tolerance to it


fact. i always make it a point a to atleast be able to obtain weed as opposed to opiates/other drugs. hell, what's the first thing you do when you start to hit wd's? roll one fat ass j (or spliff if im not too edgy) and sit alone outside somewhere.

but i'm having my friends/girlfriend/certain members of my family (my sister and 2 cousins, namely. 1 cousin i've partied with, the other wants to party with me, and my sis has done everything to the umpteenth degree. her shit blew up on her, so she really wants me to stay level) help me stay clean of opiates unless medically necessary. i even talked to my pill guy (because he's also my coke guy/a decent friend) about it. coke is something that's not feasibly sustainable, so i just bought an 8ball with the girlfriend for new years...with no intention on buying more outside of birthdays, holidays, and concerts (as I cannot do mdma anymore. coke + acid is a pretty nice combo*) since i can't afford it. i've just been really fortunate with free stuff lately.

should be able to do it though. figured i'd take the energy i use in drugs and force it into getting a career (through finishing my school shit/finding an internship/etc), saving for an apartment with the girlfriend, and chainsmoking weed/cigs.

* - coke + acid, for the record, can either be epic or absolute hell. a) have enough coke to last through the acid trip/comedown b) dont take enough to "trip balls" 2-3 hits max (enough to party on but function)/dont do the coke by the line, especially if it's quality. keybumps over the course of the concert + a tiny stash at home will be your best friend. i promise. and c) have a shitload of cigarettes and weed on hand during, and after (opiates too, if you can)

already planning my 2 month following that ^ celebration as going nuts when Rusko and Savoy come to town. oh lordy. im tempted to document that night, lol
Yeah Tommy, I hear you on the wanting to do something and not wasting money thing. What job are you getting (or attempting to get)? You've already mentioned taking a test so I assume you're pretty close to landing it?

I don't want to mention the field of work as it is somewhat specialized, and if someone knowing me were to read this it would be a dead giveaway.

I have to email some contact info to them tomorrow, so I might say that I will follow-up with them a day later than mentioned because New Years plans suddenly came about that will keep me from home til the middle of next week. It's really still the beginning stages of getting hired, but after my got my degree pretty much every company hiring in my field required the particular course in order to be considered for hiring. Now that I have it done, I don't have that holding me back.

That bundle that I got 2 weeks ago was what really made me realize how it's not fun anymore, and I barely enjoyed getting high after the second day. It's time for me to get back out there while I still look decent, and if I don't now, it may be too late by the time I finally would straighten out if I had continued getting high on the reg.

I miss having the freedom that I had when I was 19, and I don't just mean having less worries/responsibilities. I mean that when I was younger, I had a lot more money, a nice car, and a better social life than now. I've been going in the wrong direction by having less money, and a worse vehicle situation than back then. As far as the social aspect, I know that most people settle down with the social partying by their mid 20's, but I had gone from very social to barely social, and it was really getting to me. I've been getting out more, but have been turning down opportunities to chill with girls due to low funds, so I'm hoping that will change very soon. I don't have far to go, I'm still "in the loop" with a decent amount of people, but they know my cash situation so haven't been calling me to do things that they know I can't afford to do atm.

I made a lot of sacrifices and I put in a lot of hours of hard school work to get where I am now, so it would be stupid to throw that all away by getting deep into the scene again. Between August and October I was going pretty strong in terms of doing dope, but I have slowed it down a lot over the past two months, so now is the perfect time to step away.

Tomorrow is a new year.
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I am mad psyched!!! Usually I end up having no dope for the holiday.. like I end up using on retarded days then when the holidays come I am stuck home sick.

Well I timed it right toay!!! I have a bundle of the skulls plus 2 bags of pink panther left over for tonight new years eve!!!@ Not only dope but some eseroius smokers!!!@ Yeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww. Thankyou brooklyn for putting out that fire!!!

^ Those skull & cross bones are supposed to be the best stamps around, and are the old Empire stamps. Be careful with them.
Yeah I've been getting empire exclusively for like over a year until these came out. They are put out by the same crew. Same exact bags, blue rubber bands, they pack them the same way all facing the same direction. It's DEF a smoker!! Always..you never gotto worry it's gonna be a bad batch. The skulls/empire is always fuckin fire.
I am on bupe maint (6mg daily). I end up using pretty often.. like every 2 weeks i'll end up using for a 3-day block. The 1st day I use I am usually on 3mg bupe, and it by far is still the 'best' day in terms of my high. Soon as I do my shot I get a wave of euphoria, itchy nose, great high. By the 3rd day (even the 2nd day) I don't have NEAR the same amoutn of euphoria...no itchynesse except with the rush after a shot, no nod. Still a decent high.. you know like I feel good, but not a hard hitting nod like I get on day one.

It just amazes me how much it changes in just 3 days. I am trying to break this cycle. Maybe for the new year!!1 Yeah that's it. Tonight is the last night i am going to use!! :) It'd be nice.
my little brother who doesnt do drugs or anything just lost friend number 4 of the year due to dope last night..and i had to explain to him to not trip on it and that it wont be the last one and how i know 10people who have died from it..and my bro goes "population control huh? and and i was like "no more like greed ands stupidity"...this kid was 19 and i guess went and spent his christmas money on somethign and now the kid is dead and 2 of the other kids who died i guess was in the same group

the kid wasnt a close friend but still someone he saw around town and shit
yeah man and i dont think it bothers my brother cause the kid wasnt a close friend but it effects me more cause i do dope myself and just think about what would happen if that happened to me..and i call it greed and stupidity cause more then likely the kid was stickin a needle in his arm, ya know snorting just wasnt good eniough for him for whatever reason and he tried steppin up with the bigboys and now hes dead and you would think kids might learn when 2of your best firends die in the same year from it but no one ever does and the fact that he was spending his christmas money and shit on it, its like a slap in the face to his family

whats most scary to me is back when i was in highschool i knew 1 or 2 people who did dope and they were really like the social outcasts but now its almost mainstream and if i was in highschool nowadays and had all my friends doing it theres no doubt in my mind id prolly be stickin a needle in my arm right now, if i would even be alive...i mean hes know 4people in one year, and its the only people he knows, its not klike 1 or 2 died last year and the year before..this shit is just becoming an epidemic

but i made sure he knew that this wont be the last person he knows who ODs and to not be suprised by it when it comes again..me personally when iknow someone who ODs, i get mad i dont get sad..i get mad cause we all know people who have OD and you would think people would learn from the mistakes of the people who died but it never turns out like that
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