• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

6-APB (1-(benzofuran-6-yl)propan-2-amine) CAS number?

One of the more "reputable" large scale vendors just recently (no more than two weeks ago) added 6-APB to their catalog, available by custom synthesis only (in bulk, of course). Is it reasonable to expect this product to be cleaner than the pellet crap that's been circulating around?
I've sent one away for analysis, though it's only just gone into the post so it'll be a while before any results are known.
Here's a quote from one of the official 5 sites that I sure hope the vendor will honor (because mine has already been dispatched):

"In the unlikely event that an item sent to you is found to be faulty, we will offer you a replacement."

how are you going to prove it?

also to vecktor I get what you mean about sites "testing" results

I've seen some s'posedly 6-apb being mainly amph. di-soemthing or other and the plastic sole from a shoe
Would anyone care to apply SAR data to offer any educated guesses on whatever differences in pharmacology there may be between 6-apdb and 6-apb? Would the differences be expected to lean 6-apb more in the stimulant, psychedelic or entactogen category in comparison to 6-apdb or is it such an unknown to even wager a guess?

This has probably already been answered but I for one would also be interested in reading a description of the differences between the benzofuran dihydrobenzofuran and benzodioxole moieties from a chemist's perspective aside from the obvious structure and implied hydrogen placement which are visible from a 2-d molecular diagram.

Here is a lab analysis of some 6-APB that has been made. Nothing to do with the 'official vendors'

What can you guys make of this?

I am quite worried about these impurities in the 6-APB. My vendor's NMR looks the same, and its also in a zip file, i am very shure itś the same NMR.
Is there any way to determinate what the impurities are? I do not want to put my health at risk.
Acetone, you could of course evaporate. But what about these other impurities.
Honestly I have never thought of impurities with RCs.
Funny thing is, the vendor loaded up the NMR with this possible impurities to proove that it's the real deal. Looks like he has no idea about impurities. But the manufacturer of the 6APB should know, shouldn't he?
hotzenplotz said:
Is there any way to determinate what the impurities are? I do not want to put my health at risk.
A more sophisticated NMR (including 13C-NMR and other experiments like H,H- & C,H-COSY) and in particular a high-resolution mass spectrum could be helpful. But all these methods are quite expensive and not available to the layman.

hotzenplotz said:
Honestly I have never thought of impurities with RCs.
If this thread helped to demonstrate how dangerous semi-legal RCs are these days, I'm already happy. I'm glad you learned that lesson :)

hotzenplotz said:
Funny thing is, the vendor loaded up the NMR with this possible impurities to proove that it's the real deal. Looks like he has no idea about impurities. But the manufacturer of the 6APB should know, shouldn't he?
Not necessarily. It is rather the rule than an exception that sideproducts of a synthesis are not identified, in particular when they occur only as trace impurities.

One could make an educated guess by looking at the published synthesis, but this is a) forbidden discussion at Bluelight, and b) doesn't help that much: Even you knew what the impurities were (let's assume for a second that it's mainly a synthesis intermediate), it wouldn't tell you if this compound is harmful or not. The toxicology resp. pharmacology of random synthesis intermediates is usually not known.

Peace! And take care, pal!

- Murphy
I've sent one away for analysis, though it's only just gone into the post so it'll be a while before any results are known.

glad someone's done this. I was planning on doing the same, but had problems with the stock running out so quickly and some vendors were hesitant to ship to my location. I was planning on using one of the more well known ecstasy testing sites and asking for a copy of the results to post here.

Do tell when the results come in. I'm almost as anxious about this as the meph muppets were about the actual chemical's release circa the second or 3rd delay.
would the TCP (antiseptic that is, made of phenol & halogenated phenols) smell make sense for any of the impurities seen in the previously given NMRs
My friend just analyzed a sample of purported 6-APB and found it to contain 6-APB, caffeine, and a-PVP. This falls perfectly in line with the "Mad CAT Prolintane" a-PVP and green dye admixture which has begun to circulate. My guess would be that in preliminary tests 6-APB was found to be too serotonergic to induce truly fiendish meph type binging, so they added a DARI to increase the fiendishness quotient and, of course, increase profits. This would also make sense as 6-APB is a step toward IAP which, speaking in terms of fiendishness, is a step in the wrong direction.

EDIT: An even more obvious reason to cut the 6-APB with a-PVP is that a-PVP is much cheeper and less less difficult to synthesize.
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Interesting. Is a-PVP by chance a monoamine-reuptake-inhibitor like MDPV? And does this suggest that it might compete with 6-APB, effectively reducing its effects? How pathetic.
a-PVP is illegal in the UK though, banned along with the rest of the beta-ketones. If someone is distributing this they must not be all too bright...
Well, I think it has been pretty firmly established at this point that RC vendors have lost all semblance of pseudo-scientific legitimacy. The days of emailing chinese chemical companies with sesquipedalian explanations of your in vitro chromatophore expression experiments are long over. The grey market has been steadily getting darker in order to make things more customer friendly. People sell drugs illegally everywhere in the world, why should the internet be any different? Mephedrone demonstrated there is enormous money in stimulant RCs like there was cocaine money in the 80's. The market is established and vendors will do what it takes to meet the demand.

I, for one, find all this very exciting.

My friend just analyzed a sample of purported 6-APB and found it to contain 6-APB, caffeine, and a-PVP. This falls perfectly in line with the "Mad CAT Prolintane" a-PVP and green dye admixture which has begun to circulate. My guess would be that in preliminary tests 6-APB was found to be too serotonergic to induce truly fiendish meph type binging, so they added a DARI to increase the fiendishness quotient and, of course, increase profits. This would also make sense as 6-APB is a step toward IAP which, speaking in terms of fiendishness, is a step in the wrong direction.

EDIT: An even more obvious reason to cut the 6-APB with a-PVP is that a-PVP is much cheeper and less less difficult to synthesize.

Can we see the results of this analysis, thanks.
Sorry if this is against the rules, but was this a pellet from the 'official' sources or was it a cap?
Was the analysis performed quantitative in any way? It would be nice to at least have the ratio of 6-apb:caffeine:a-pvp.
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What colour does a-pvp turn testing reagents.

also does it smell like TCP ?
No one knows, it would be good to get a sample of a-pvp as a benchmark.

I would imagine a-pvp to be a long lasting stim much like mdpv.

though the vomiting and shitting were probably due to serotonin release.
So why is it that the powders do not have this smell and only the pillets did ?