• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

6-APB (1-(benzofuran-6-yl)propan-2-amine) CAS number?

vecktor said:
I am not going to bother looking at any analytical data unless it is from an independent and trustworthy source.

the vendors are dishonest shites.
The last NMR seems to confirm your point of view...again... :(

@maumakmak: Look at the NMR that Shambles uploaded in this thread. The resolution of the picture may be low (and the spectrum impure, but anyway), but it serves as a good comparison as how a 6-APB-spectrum should look like. I provided an interpretation and named even the signals that were assigned to impurities.
If you don't have any clue at all how to look at a NMR-spectrum, well, then nevermind.

Just as a small reminder to the crowd:
Until now, we have not seen a single spectroscopic evidence for a genuine AND pure 6-APB-sample. I would like to know how many people did try their samples anyway, despite the warnings

Peace! - Murphy
Well it's for general sale now and many people have bought it and taken it, the thread for it went up to 60 pages in a few days. Despite the fact the vendor himself turned up in the thread and was asking for people to do analysis on the product basically admitting that he doesn't know what it is or what's in it for sure himself.
Well it's for general sale now and many people have bought it and taken it, the thread for it went up to 60 pages in a few days. Despite the fact the vendor himself turned up in the thread and was asking for people to do analysis on the product basically admitting that he doesn't know what it is or what's in it for sure himself.

I hope that there are no controlled substances or traces of controlled substances present otherwise a lot of people who have received this stuff are going to be in deep shit. The synthesis process could easily make class A illegal impurities.
What the vendor is doing is illegal and my feeling is that the vendor is going to be dropped on from a great height.
Any pro's out there wanna speculate on chances of it bein neurotoxic and at what levels? (ie high, low, mid, etc..)
I'm not a pro, but if I were to take this I'd be more worried about toxicity of the compound and its contaminants and not neurotoxicity of pure 6-apb. For neurotoxicity of pure 6-apb, the best guess would be on par with 6-apdb which nichols studied. However, if you read the reports of the first and second test batches they released, the potency is substantially different. I'd bet that the material people are taking in this first batch of pills is AT MINIMUM 1 part contamination for every 4 parts of drug. 20mg of toxic waste in every pill but like I said, I'm no pro.
Vecktor, maybe you should become a confidential informant.

why bother? these people are just a train wreck waiting to happen, they are doing more to create further prohibition than the authorities.

I dislike the prohibitionsts and the irresponsible vendors equally and will help neither. The sad thing is that the people taking this stuff are the ones at risk and they know next to nothing about what they are taking or the risks.
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Vecktor, that is the single best post I've read in a long time. It really is quite sad. I view the california medical marijuana community in a very similar way. Politically I consider myself an anarchist, but it's awful that people have lost any sort of ability to protect themselves or police their own industries without the need for government intervention. I hate to see anyone hurt themselves through ignorance or be taken advantage of and there's basically two options, watch morons ingesting toxic waste or live in a police state, simply because those living in western society have devolved into people with absolutely no ability to protect themselves without big brother watching over them.
This cannot be emphasized more.

Just look what they did in TR and PD...

I'm surprised the thread is still open it's basically advertisement at this point. The main vendors page even says to go to the thread on bluelight for information on the product...
posters please be aware I will not let this thread degrade into the low snr rubbish found on PD
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@maumakmak: Look at the NMR that Shambles uploaded in this thread. The resolution of the picture may be low (and the spectrum impure, but anyway), but it serves as a good comparison as how a 6-APB-spectrum should look like. I provided an interpretation and named even the signals that were assigned to impurities.
If you don't have any clue at all how to look at a NMR-spectrum, well, then nevermind.

@Murphy: Thank's a lot for your interpretion.
As it looked different than the one that was uploaded here before, I was already under the impression that it is not genuine, but as I really don't have a clue how to read an NMR, I posted it here to get it confirmed.

So to my understanding, two NMRs of the same substance should look more or less identical (in case the substance is pure), right?
maumakmak said:
So to my understanding, two NMRs of the same substance should look more or less identical (in case the substance is pure), right?
If the same solvent is used (!) than the chemical shifts, i.e. the position of the signals on the x-axis, should be identical.
When changing the solvent (chloroform and DMSO are standard, but several others are common, too: methanol, water, acetone, benzene, TFA, acetonitrile or DMF), the signals will shift their positions, some more, some less, depending on the particular proton in question.

Peace! - Murphy
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Is anyone here planning to analyze this stuff or get a sample analyzed ecstasydata or a similar program? I'm tempted to buy one and take it in for analysis but it will inevitably be pretty embarrassing asking the lab to do it, and living in the US buying this stuff is a bit sketchy especially with vecktor mentioning the possibility of illegal contaminants. The analyst at the lab is not uptight about analyzing illegal compounds, but it might be asking too much from him. If no one else is going to I might, but I don't really want to consider it unless I'm sure no one else is planning to do so. TBH, I'd rather give $20 to some charity than give it to these vendors.
Well, I would give the analysis a try, but all vendors that I could find do not offer 6-APB anymore; all say "out of stock".

And why the fucking hell are all of them offering pellets??? The last time I've seen pellets was when my grandma spread poison against snails in her garden 8) Are these already cut or is the producer just too lame to provide a clean, white, crystalline substance?

- Murphy
Is anyone here planning to analyze this stuff or get a sample analyzed ecstasydata or a similar program? I'm tempted to buy one and take it in for analysis but it will inevitably be pretty embarrassing asking the lab to do it, and living in the US buying this stuff is a bit sketchy especially with vecktor mentioning the possibility of illegal contaminants. The analyst at the lab is not uptight about analyzing illegal compounds, but it might be asking too much from him. If no one else is going to I might, but I don't really want to consider it unless I'm sure no one else is planning to do so. TBH, I'd rather give $20 to some charity than give it to these vendors.

I have been looking into sending off a capsule to a testing site as I am really keen to know what was in the one i took. It seems that the site turing machine mentioned don't accept casules just pills and they test for ecstasy so not sure if they'll agree to test '6-APB'.

If anyone can give me information about an independent lab who would do this (for a reasonable fee) I'd be happy to send one of my 3 remaining caps.

There is even abiguity as to the exact EZ-teast Marquis result to expect

Any ideas?
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Well, I would give the analysis a try, but all vendors that I could find do not offer 6-APB anymore; all say "out of stock".

And why the fucking hell are all of them offering pellets??? The last time I've seen pellets was when my grandma spread poison against snails in her garden 8) Are these already cut or is the producer just too lame to provide a clean, white, crystalline substance?

- Murphy

I think it's reasonable to assume the vendors are selling in the form of pellets to dupe the largely ignorant public. They're clearly cut (thats looking at some of the photographs on BL, I wouldn't even consider buying one of these things myself) and the pellet thing is a gimmicky marketing tool to hide the fact.
MurphyClox, for the record here......Are you able to offer insight into how a NMR would differ between 6-APB and 6-APDB?

P.s. Your input has been highly appreciated, thanks.
MurphyClox, for the record here......Are you able to offer insight into how a NMR would differ between 6-APB and 6-APDB?

2 Signals in the aromatic range should be missing and 2 new ones appear somewhere between 2.5 and 4.0 ppm due to the saturation of the 2 CH-groups of the furane-ring.

We have now 2 spectra of 6-APB in this thread for comparison. Solving your question shouldn't be too difficult.

- Murphy