• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

6-APB (1-(benzofuran-6-yl)propan-2-amine) CAS number?

All I can say though is that I did not experience any extreme vommiting which Vecktor mentioned to be very common on the come up on 6-APDB, all i got was a couple of dry retches and little quesyness which I always get off mdxx type drugs.

i thought vecktor was talking about 6-APB causing extreme vomiting?
you're thinking of enantiomers (R/S) being completely different molecules with differing pharmacological effects.

conformers can switch back and forth depending on a mild energy barrier. the two structures you posted are equivalent because the O-C-O bonds can swivel around on each other. and it is possible that this swiveling is part of MDA's action at the receptor site. remember that enzyme substrates do not simply fit into a pocket-- depending on the specific conformational change that the enzyme takes when activated you might have an agonist or antagonist.
^I thought you were thinking about enantiomers. Thanks.

(though situational chirality can be induced, as in page 7 here)

@thread: Lilly was assigned a US patent for this class as 5HT2C agonists and as antiobesity agents (US7045545). The HCl salt of 6-APB is specifically mentioned on page 18 of that patent.

After around 4 or 5 years lurking this is my first post! (Please excuse me if I have posted it in the wrong section.) I have been trying to locate the CAS number for 6-APB, however I can't find it anywhere. Does one actually exist?

Yes, CAS are available:

286834-85-3 (racemic free base)
286834-84-2 (racemic hydrochloride salt)

- Murphy
thanks for the info. And I could be wrong, but I was thinking I'd read that 6-APB was shorter acting and more of a 5-HT releaser, whereas 6-APDB had some releasing properties but was more along the lines of a psychedelic amphetamine, specifically MDA, I could be mistaken though.
6-APDB IS illegal in the UK

6-APB is not but won't be avail for a while.......anyone claiming they have it for sale are lying or have been scammed!

5-IAI is for sale in a few places now and I'm liking it.......better then anything else new other then 5-meo-dalt which ain't that new and well different anyhows!
i just got an confirmation mail that my 6-apb sample is going to ship tomorror :)

can anyone of you advise me on dosage? i read about doses varying between 50 and 150mg and i will receive 100.

would it be safe to take all of it? My typical methylone doses are between 180 and 230mg if its of any help at all :)
Oh...my...god... :\

In short: Start ALWAYS with a very low dose, like 1 mg in this case, to check for allergic reactions or similar. Then work your way up.
Everyone reacts slightly different to a drug, so the above procedure is recommended in ANY case.

- Murphy
^ Alternatively in the interests of long term harm reduction we should allow these morons to Darwin themselves.

Forget my last post and go ahead!
I'd recommend ~0.5 g as a starting dose. It's a day for winners! ;)
lol... since the samples are only ~0.1g perhaps ocular administration with a marinade injector could be used for potentiation. Probably wanna plug a large dose of harmala alkaloids as well.
MS of 5 and 6 APDB

where is the promised mass spectrum for 6-APB?

for reference these are the dihydro compounds. Neither as expected shows the molecular ion. but show 44 as the base peak (diagnostic for amphetamines)

6-(2-aminopropyl)-2,3-Dihydro Benzofuran,

m/z (abundance)
44(100) , 134(72) 133(22) 77 (9)

5-(2-aminopropyl)-2,3-Dihydro Benzofuran

m/z (abundance)
44(100) , 134(62), 133(20), 77(7), 135 (6) 91(6)

retention time slightly less for 1-(2,3-dihydrobenzofuran-5-yl)propan-2-amine but not significant enough It is therefore impossible to tell the 5 compound from the 6 compound with GC-MS alone.

also mass spectrum of authentic (genuine) 5-APB and 6-APB has been obtained.
Nice, i was just about to go looking for the CAS#.

AFAIK, 5-IAI was not siezed by customs, a bogus wholesaler blamed customs for the product not arriving when he ran out of other excuses.

The 6-APB keeps getting delayed, but it's not due to customs. My read is that it's probably a case of chronic incompetence. A round of samples will be going out in the next few days, by the way - we'll be getting another round of reports on it soon (including from yours truly).
no need to be a dick about it...

i wasnt planning on ignoring my standard precaution procedure i just wanted to know whether the dosage i read about was correct. 8)

i'm not unexperrienced but i have never tried this compound before just like most people on here.

i just dont want to end up taking a too small amount and having a similarly small amount left. since the amount im receiving is already so little there isnt much room to play.