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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(5-Methyl-MDA/9.5mg) First time: Definitely surprised me.


Bluelight Crew
Feb 4, 2004
So I went into this compound thinking it was going to be pretty much a pure hallucinogen with mild entactogen properties. This is not the case at all. While I did have a rather nice hallucinatory experience with my eyes closed (I even had MMDA-like brain movies which was a lot of fun), this compound is definitely as euphoric as MDA, if not moving closer to MDMA territory. And nobody can say my judgment was clouded because I stayed sober 6 days before I did this. The only thing I can say is the duration appears to be quite short, HOWEVER, as we all know with MDXX if you don't start off with a good dose right off the bat, you will never get to where you want to go. So with that being said, I knew less than 10 to start would be a threshold dose... Maybe 25mg next time will last a lot longer. Anyway, here it is. The time structure is based on my local time... I don't do the start at 0, add the minutes crap, too much of a pain when I am fucked up.

T+2:33 - 9.4-9.5mg ingested
T+2:46 - definitely starting to feel a come up of some sort. It is very cerebral. Reminiscent of a 2C more than an MDXX. Like a faint buzzing sensation rather than a rushy one. Breathing feels better than normal.
T+2:55 - focus is a bit hard. Feel somewhat sedated, much like 4-AcO-DMT or a mild benzo. Very pleasant so far. Little more than a hint of stomach ache but nothing major. Chemical taste in the mouth even though I took it in a capsule. Having a hard time focusing on my Xbox game.
T+3:11 - some mild euphoric rushes starting to occur. Vision is hazy and dazed, qualitatively like the come up of MDA but far less stimulating. Some mild patterns with closed eyes are noticed and colors seem to be enhanced. When eyes are closed, rushing starts to go through my body. I feel almost as if in a meditated state.I would say this is a ++ right now but it is building up.
T+3:23 - some definite MDA style stoning going on. Mild OEVs beginning to form. Head is hazy... I totally forgot what I am supposed to be doing in my video game yet I am content to just continue to get lost in it, not knowing what the hell is going on. Very little on the physical side other than the odd taste in my mouth. Heart rate and BP are normal. The rushing is kind of an odd mix - it feels more like a tryptamine rushing than a phenethylamine rushing but it is quite pleasant. Text on the screen is starting to blur a bit, eyes feel like they are about to start wiggling. I definitely could not operate machinery right now though I am nowhere near as intoxicated as I have been in the past when operating machinery. The overall feeling is very pleasant, the bodyis definitely warm and comfortable. A blanket sounds nice but at the same time, other than being soft, it seems it would add too much heat.
T+3:49 - lots of yawning. I feel rather sedated. It feels much less like a stimulant than a mild hallucinogen. It definitely seems as though it is still building but I am yawning every 30 seconds or so to every few minutes which is kind of odd for a drug experience. I was quite wide awake before the experiment started. I have noticed that there is a slight mental component going on. I was bitching in my head about how boring this game I am playing is and I realized that I simply bitch too much. It doesn't matter what it is, I will find something to bitch about. Definitely something to work on. Going to smoke a cigarette to see if that picks things up any.
T+3:57 - cigarette didn't seem to do much - checked for pupil dilation and found there to be none. This dose may be too low to exhibit effects. If I stare at the wall for a little bit there is some slight static and with closed eyes, there are mild dots of color. Nothing too extreme. Head feels funny and the body feels somewhat disassociated like a very low dose of ketamine. There is a slight increase in pulse now but still nothing compared to MDA or even methylone. Very mild. I feel like I could actually fall asleep at this point. I have decided that this game is too uninteresting so I put on some Shpongle - the remix album to see if that kicks up anything.
T+4:42 - effects seem to have plateaud at this point. A redose is being considered as there is not much at this level. A slight alteration in consciousness, mild visual phenomenon (mostly tracers) not much going on with closed eyes either. The material definitely has potential to bring about something but at this level its not quite "there"
T+4:53 - bowels seem to be moving - only noticed body load at this point. 11.8mg redose. It really seems as though its already fading at this point. Dose definitely is above 10mg - this was mostly threshold. I'm guessing that a full dose will be 20-25mg of material much as wiki specified 15-25mg being considered an active dose. We will have to see. There is enough research material left for more trial runs in the coming weeks. For now, going out to have a cigarette.
T+5:06 - Erotic is definitely there with this one. Music was changed to Sasha and Digweed - Northern Exposure II (Expo 2). Familiar rolling effects are now starting to manifest. This chemical seems to come up quicker than the rest of the methylenedioxy family with the exception of the beta-ketones, which start to exhibit effects within 10-15 minutes and peak about 30-45 minutes later. Milkdrop is entertaining me. I died on Arcania (Gothic 4) and have given up on the 360 for now. Takes too much concentration. Pulse is about on par with MDA, maybe a bit lower. Bowels are getting obnoxious though.
T+5:19 - Just spent the last minutes dealing with the bowels... but left with a nice strong euphoria not unlike MDA - definitely a cleaner buzz than methylone and mephedrone. After the bathroom, pulse is back down to resting (84) and the drug is definitely coming up. Some mild jaw clenching, tracers are starting to become thicker, like smoke in my room when there is none. Some color is noticed in the monitor along with some movement but no patterning as of yet.
T+5:25 - definitely rolling now. Eyes closed, visions are starting to appear. Geometric patterns, symbols, lots of spiralling activity. Eyes open, eyes are trying their damndest to start wiggling but there are definitely OEVs starting. Stoning like MDA without the stimulation. If I didn't know it was 5-Me-MDA I would swear someone gave me a medium dose of MDA but completely sucked the stimulation out of it. Its even more laid back than MDMA in my opinion.
T+5:36 - we have a winner folks. Finally after all the let downs, we have a real legit winner. I just spent the last time since reporting with my eyes closed watching visuals and brain movies ala MMDA, OEVs are still minor but with the eyes closed, you get immersed in the euphoric rushes and the visuals are something to behold - they range from being very realistic movie-like imagery to being geometric patterns and are highly affected by music.
T+5:40 - it appears I am reaching the peak now. I can feel the all too familiar trisma. If the peak lasts longer than methylone, we truly have a winner - because this is off of a redose, which with methylenedioxy compounds usually doesn't get you much higher and I'm in the sky. Amazingly lucid for how I feel... Temperature increase is null. 98.9 when I'm usually 99.5 in daily life - and about 100 or so when rolling.
T+5:51 - I am literally about to start moaning becaus of the euphoria... this is amazing to find something other than MDMA that can bring this out seriously...
T+6:10 - Just got back from another trip to the bathroom... I don't care though - if that's the worst thing to look forward to with this stuff then bring it on because I've dealt with it on other things before MUCH worse.
T:6:29 - Seems to be winding down now. Hard to say whether it was due to the small initial dose + redose or not but this compound definitely impressed me and I think it is a step above methylone and MDMA (I prefer MDA to MDMA) but if the duration proves to be as short as its seeming, then its going to lead to lots of binging to keep the high going and nasty crashes.

I wonder if 2-Methyl-MDA would be subject to the same issues. It has slightly less affinity for serotonin than 5-Methyl-MDA though and significantly more for dopamine and norepinephrine. I think 4-Desoxy-MDA would be the best of the bunch if someone could get the synth right since its affinities are the closest to MDA out of anything else.

So... questions? Comments?

I know its only 4 hours worth of a log... I'm definitely still up but the main effects have subsided. I think a larger initial dose will bring about an entirely different response and hopefully a longer duration.

My rating on this one based on the duration, effects, and side effects... 6/10 - I enjoyed the effects but the running to the bathroom was a bit annoying, the duration was short, but when it was peaking, it was divine.

I will reserve my final judgment for when I've had a chance to study larger initial doses. I do think that this is most likely less neurotoxic than either MDMA or MDA and certainly appears to be easier on the heart. I don't have any signs of vasoconstriction nor hyperthermia - I took my temperature a few minutes ago and I am at 99.1. I haven't dripped sweat tonight even though its 70 in here (usually would cause me to drip sweat like nobody's business) and I didn't have that annoying MDA/MDMA effect of fluid retention when trying to piss either...

EDIT: Mydriasis has just now appeared, which I think is weird, and I just ate because I'm starving and it was wonderful. This compound is going to be an interesting one indeed... I'm betting it probably has the safety profile of MDMA too due to the total lack of signs of cardiotoxicity or fluid retention (renal impairment)... But that doesn't mean go bomb 200mg and come tell us how it was. I'm just saying this one is something interesting.
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Color me surprised; I believe we spoke about my skepticism the other day, but I'm happy to admit I was wrong and hope to try this sometime soon.

Thank you for sharing, the report really makes this one sound like a gem.
Well just an FYI, I wanted to see what it would really do with an "active" dose taken all at once... I popped 21mg in a capsule and I'm flying harder than I ever did on MDXX... the visuals are so intense that I am having a hard time typing on the screen... well typing the message... and the euphoria is off the charts.

And better still - my pulse is 79. My temp is 98.7. I just ATE. I have had no fluid retention problems... and these visuals are just wow...

As soon as this comes out, I'm buying it bulk because its gonna go the way of the dinosaurs - and FAST. All the benefits of MDXX with no serious negatives and a 20mg dose? You know where this shit is going to end up - in E pills... But honestly I think its safety profile is probably higher than MDMA and MDA themselves because it doesn't seem to exhibit any renal or cardio toxicity AT ALL.
I think 4-Desoxy-MDA would be the best of the bunch if someone could get the synth right since its affinities are the closest to MDA out of anything else.

This is 6-apb.
Also, people run into trouble dosing on entactogens this often.

4-Desoxy-MDA is 6-APDB is it not?


Versus 6-APB which is 6-(2-aminopropyl)benzofuran

Its a much harder synthesis but it would be worth it - the profile between 4-Desoxy-MDA and MDA as far as receptors goes is pretty spot on, its actually a little closer to MDMA in that department.

EDIT: And as far as my entactogen usage goes, it all balances out in the end. I go back to work on the 8th so it will be bye bye copious amounts of drugs - plus I hadn't rolled in like 2 1/2 years before I started again about 2 months ago... so like I said, it all balances out.

I definitely see the abuse potential in this one though. It feels better than mephedrone and mephedrone makes me feel on top of the world.
Good catch; I think you're right.
And yeah, I wasn't trying to lecture you, but I'd imagine this thread of general interest to the public, and it should be known to pushing this class of drugs beyond once a month tends to be unsustainable.

Good catch; I think you're right.
And yeah, I wasn't trying to lecture you, but I'd imagine this thread of general interest to the public, and it should be known to pushing this class of drugs beyond once a month tends to be unsustainable.


Oh no I agree completely. And by the way I'm still rolling quite hard at 10:30 so this has the long life of MDA it seems. It just looks like it has a really intense peak and then levels to a plateau - but doesn't MDA do the same thing? It has been so long I don't even remember.
"5-Methyl-MDA - First Time, Ever, in the whole wide world."
I would be honored.

And yea, MDA plateaus that way also from what I can remember.
"5-Methyl-MDA - First Time, Ever, in the whole wide world."
I would be honored.

And yea, MDA plateaus that way also from what I can remember.

I don't know for sure that I'm the first... but its quite possible... nobody else seems to have gotten their samples yet...

I'm still rolling QUITE hard... and the visuals are starting to manifest themselves now as well.

The CEVs have been there all night but now things are starting to morph and flow a bit... hopefully I get the kickass technicolor multi-dimensional visuals when I start coming down (whenever that ends up being lol) like MDA because MDA gave me the coolest visuals...
Honestly when I took the 21mg, that rating went to a 10/10. Even with the bowel movement issues, it is totally worth it. And thensome.

Now I will see how the crash is and then update that as well. lol. Considering that its been 10 hours and I'm still very much in the plateau... And my last dose was 5 hours ago... a little over 5 hours ago actually. 5-HTP in large quantities shall be in order!

I'm thinking the dose for this one will be 20-25mg... I don't know if I would be brave enough to push past that barrier.
Honestly when I took the 21mg, that rating went to a 10/10.

Hahaha...people on entactogens don't do well with quantifying how much they like stuff. :p
glad to see this TR. sounds like something I'd be interested it. Hopefully I'll be able to try it at some point in the not too distant future. How was the comedown?
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loved the report! it does sound like it could be a winner! I love MDAs euphoria and visual/psychedelic aspect. I cant wait to get a hold of some and try 15mg or something.

how was tobacco or cigarettes on 21mg?
Hahaha...people on entactogens don't do well with quantifying how much they like stuff. :p

Actually, was not feeling like lectured while high - I took the 21mg right after posting my trip report and got the most floored I've ever been, ego death, full transient hallucinations (due to massive eye wobbling), pretty much passed out and fell into e-land... total ego death. Had someone walked in, I probably couldn't have answered them at all. The peak was a good hour at that intensity then I came out of the "e-hole a bit" and had a slightly less intense peak for another hour then hit the plateau from 9AM until 2PM.

glad to see this TR. sounds like something I'd be interested it. Hopefully I'll be able to try it at some point in the not too distant future. How was the comedown?

I haven't come down yet. Boyfriend wanted to try it. Combines fantastically with M1 and Meph btw - this one keeps the stimulation at check and the euphoria is even better with those two thrown in and the visuals get much more intense.

loved the report! it does sound like it could be a winner! I love MDAs euphoria and visual/psychedelic aspect. I cant wait to get a hold of some and try 15mg or something.

how was tobacco or cigarettes on 21mg?

Same as before... but I think my body is over cigarettes really, now it is just my damn mind...

And yes this is an excellent material. My boyfriend and I continued it through today... Separate TR coming.
sounds excellent, class A unfortunetely in britain, no idea how i will get my fiending hands on this one :\
Good catch; I think you're right.
And yeah, I wasn't trying to lecture you, but I'd imagine this thread of general interest to the public, and it should be known to pushing this class of drugs beyond once a month tends to be unsustainable.


there are only two certainties in life: death and tolerance.
Sounds like great material! Like others have asked and as you stated would report back on - how did you feel in the days after the experience?