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Miscellaneous 45yo new “rational” Psychonaut exploring mind and consciousness.


May 14, 2024
Hi Everybody!

As I said in my presentation post, I’m a 45yo father of two and totally in love with my wife.

Life is good, I got to retire from a white collar job and live life my own way. That includes lots of time of studying (came back to University for a second degree in Psychology, since I already have a MBA in Business and Finances) reading and researching , fascinated about the human mind.

I wanted to explore psychedelics personally because of the potential knowledge they can provide to understand our own mind and our consciousnes. I’m a somewhat special person and I’m used to a lot of introspection and exploring my mind, specially with cannabis, which is the only “psychedelic” I’ve ever tried. I’m kind of intellectual and believe in the scientific method, I’m not the kind of mystic guy, and most of the psychedelic woo is something that, at least at this moment, I’m not interested, but I know that psychedelics are great tools for self knowledge and self improvement. And that’s what I’m really interested.

I’m totally new to psychedelics, but very experienced with weed, specially instrospecting and navigating through my mind when high. I’ve spent countless hours high in total darkness juat listening to music and my head. I always wanted to know what “trip” feels like, guess I’m finding out what is all the thing about. I’ve read A LOT about psychedelics, psychedelic culture, trip reports, neuroscience behind…..love to read and study, and made a lot of homework the lastyear before divingin the experience. Of course, I have to try other psychedelics, like LSD, and try shrooms. Only tried 4-HO-MET, and next will be 4-HO-MiPT

I’ve done 3 experiments with 4-HO-MET (metocin) so far, 10mg, 20mg, 30mg, and I’m beginning to make my own map of my mind under altered perception condition.

With 4-HO-MET, at 10/20mg dosages, I can’t feel barely any effects or headspace. I’d say + at 10mg and mild ++ at 2mg. I feel slightly different, can feel my senses affected, but no crazy visuals or headspace, even in the supposed peak. Then you vape some weed and…boom, you are getting somewhere else. +++ very nice trip, with visual, colors, euphoria and introspection and mind tripping, but manageable.

Yesterday , I tried 30mg 4-HO-MET. Solid ++ experience, saw visuals and some headspace, but nothing impressive, little headspace. Once peaking, I vaped 0.50g of weed and came to a +++ GREAT experience, with very nice insights, introspections and feelings, a total trip I guess, but still “manageable”. I’ve fallen in love with 4-HO-MET, for sure will stash some for future experiences.

Guess we have our own way of tripping, and substances simply take us there. I really believe set and setting has more to do with the experience than the psychedelic substance itself. Shulgin already stated that 4-HO felt like psylocibin, guess the difference between the experience with these susbstances are more relative to each one brain biochemistry and the set and setting, but the tool is the same.

Next time, I’ll try 20mg of 4-HO-MiPT it is. I like the headspace, is what I most appreciate of this experiences, and seems like Miprocin is a good next step in my journey. Next will be old good shrooms…or LSD.

I appreciate any insights and comments, and of course any guidance or help. Hope I can share and learn through this psychedelic journey of mine.

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My advice would be not to fuck with MDMA and dissociatives….these drugs are often lumped in with and associated with psychedelics; as evidenced by the title of the sub forum.
MDMA is a methamphetamine analogue. Dissociatives are highly addictive dopamine and serotonin reuptake inhibiters which is cocaine related pharmacology - these drugs open the door for serious addiction.

MDMA is way more neurologically taxing than serotonin agonists and dissociatives are way more organ toxic than agonist psychedelics.

Keep your exploration to serotonin receptor agonists is my advice.
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My advice would be not to fuck with MDMA and dissociatives….these drugs are often lumped in with and associated with psychedelics; as evidenced by the title of the sub forum.
MDMA is a methamphetamine analogue. Dissociatives are highly addictive dopamine and serotonin reuptake inhibiters which is cocaine related pharmacology - these drugs open the door for serious addiction.

MDMA is way more neurologically taxing than serotonin agonists and dissociatives are way more organ toxic than agonist psychedelics.

Keep your exploration to serotonin receptor agonists is my advice.

Thanks a lot, very good advice. That’s the kind of things I expect to get from the community.

I totally know the ”map of drugs”, and I know your advice is very valuable. Drugs are a very dangerous thing, information and knowledge are basic tools, and vicarious experience is invaluable.

First time I tried Cannabis (first “illegal drug” I’ve ever taken) I was 38 years old, and did because I was still working in a big bank and the stress was literally killing me. I went to the doctor because of stress / anxiety issues, he prescribed me some benzodiazepines…. and I never took them. I know how benzodiazepines work, I’ve seen a lot of colleagues addicted to benzos because of the work stress. So I studied Cannabis, bought myself a vape, and started experimenting once a week. 7 years later, I really think that Cannabis enhanced my life, and still have a very good relationship with Cannabis. It really changed my view of the world somehow and helped me to get where I am now.

That’s the main reason I’ve been interested in psychedelics in the last years, why I’ve been researching and studying and why I finally started my personal experience research less than a month ago. Guess psychedelics can be a great tool, used wisely and safely, of course. I’m a lucky happy family guy and I wouldn’t risk that even a smidge for using ANY substance. But substances can be used as tools, and I guess psychedelics are the ones I really could use in my life path. I’m only interested in tryptamines and lysergamides, as tools for exploring my mind and my consciousness. Not interested in any other kind of drugs. I’ve studied most of them as I said, and I totally agree with you about the dangers of certain substances that people try, IMHO, sometimes uninformed.

I’m gonna mention something I usually keep to myself for several reasons, no big deal, but I really think it is relevant for the advices and the info others can provide through my psychedelic journey: I am what some people call ”gifted” (I don’t like the word at all), high IQ guy or whatever you want to call it. What that means on my personal case is that my head processes information very fast, I have a really good memory, I’m very curious and my way of thinking somehow differs from the vast majority of people. I have what is called arborescent thinking, which can be overwhelming sometimes, and I guess I’m kinda of anxious by nature, that’s why I usually overthink everything because of my ”mind thoughts speed”. Said that, I don’t have any of the typically issues that people with high IQ’s sometimes complaint about, I know myself and I know how to handle some of the challenges that this kind of thinking brings.

I’m mentioning this because I believe that it can be relevant when talking about the effects that psychedelics have in my mind and my personal experiences, and the way I intend to navigate through this journey.

Thanks a lot again for taking the time to give valuable advices.
Hi Everybody!

As I said in my presentation post, I’m a 45yo father of two and totally in love with my wife.

Life is good, I got to retire from a white collar job and live life my own way. That includes lots of time of studying (came back to University for a second degree in Psychology, since I already have a MBA in Business and Finances) reading and researching , fascinated about the human mind.

I wanted to explore psychedelics personally because of the potential knowledge they can provide to understand our own mind and our consciousnes. I’m a somewhat special person and I’m used to a lot of introspection and exploring my mind, specially with cannabis, which is the only “psychedelic” I’ve ever tried. I’m kind of intellectual and believe in the scientific method, I’m not the kind of mystic guy, and most of the psychedelic woo is something that, at least at this moment, I’m not interested, but I know that psychedelics are great tools for self knowledge and self improvement. And that’s what I’m really interested.

I’m totally new to psychedelics, but very experienced with weed, specially instrospecting and navigating through my mind when high. I’ve spent countless hours high in total darkness juat listening to music and my head. I always wanted to know what “trip” feels like, guess I’m finding out what is all the thing about. I’ve read A LOT about psychedelics, psychedelic culture, trip reports, neuroscience behind…..love to read and study, and made a lot of homework the lastyear before divingin the experience. Of course, I have to try other psychedelics, like LSD, and try shrooms. Only tried 4-HO-MET, and next will be 4-HO-MiPT

I’ve done 3 experiments with 4-HO-MET (metocin) so far, 10mg, 20mg, 30mg, and I’m beginning to make my own map of my mind under altered perception condition.

With 4-HO-MET, at 10/20mg dosages, I can’t feel barely any effects or headspace. I’d say + at 10mg and mild ++ at 2mg. I feel slightly different, can feel my senses affected, but no crazy visuals or headspace, even in the supposed peak. Then you vape some weed and…boom, you are getting somewhere else. +++ very nice trip, with visual, colors, euphoria and introspection and mind tripping, but manageable.

Yesterday , I tried 30mg 4-HO-MET. Solid ++ experience, saw visuals and some headspace, but nothing impressive, little headspace. Once peaking, I vaped 0.50g of weed and came to a +++ GREAT experience, with very nice insights, introspections and feelings, a total trip I guess, but still “manageable”. I’ve fallen in love with 4-HO-MET, for sure will stash some for future experiences.

Guess we have our own way of tripping, and substances simply take us there. I really believe set and setting has more to do with the experience than the psychedelic substance itself. Shulgin already stated that 4-HO felt like psylocibin, guess the difference between the experience with these susbstances are more relative to each one brain biochemistry and the set and setting, but the tool is the same.

Next time, I’ll try 20mg of 4-HO-MiPT it is. I like the headspace, is what I most appreciate of this experiences, and seems like Miprocin is a good next step in my journey. Next will be old good shrooms…or LSD.

I appreciate any insights and comments, and of course any guidance or help. Hope I can share and learn through this psychedelic journey of mine.

Overall 4-HO-MIPT felt nore pleasant as 4-HO-MET ime, a slight differerence but noticeable. In general Tryptamine's don't seem to like me, some inlandish hand picked 'Psilocybe semilanceata or Liberty Cap's' and 4-HO-MIPT my body/ brain tolerated best. 5-MEO-DIPT and aMT the worst.
You don't seem to sharre this weird reaction to them. Consider yourself lucky, I alway's liked the afterglow, very positive vybes and short (actual time) duration of the experience.

PhenethylAmine's same story.

But somewhere in between the Shroom's and analogue's, the PhenethylAmine's also came the availability of RC Lysergic's, I decided to try out a Lysergic. The 1-st was ALD-52, a superiour choice, and that fit in all the right place's. To bad ALD's availability declined. But the other's are about as good.

And none of the Tryptamine related problem's. Once took I took aMT (alpha-MethylTryptamine and was stuck in a Mushroom feel for over 12 hour's, lacking the nice visual's but with that unpleasant headspace. And it last's long, if you include the time dilation.

Ps. 50 year's and Father of 2, only exception divorced. Don't see my kid's. Have very little obligation's. Lysergic's imo need's at least to 2 free day's. 4-HO-MIPT one.
Btw I don't drive, only use my feet or public transportation.

Anecdote, the biggest party in our municipality is called L.S.D., how bout that :LOL: and their rightwing. Making it even more hilarious.
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Overall 4-HO-MIPT felt nore pleasant as 4-HO-MET ime, a slight differerence but noticeable. In general Tryptamine's don't seem to like me, some inlandish hand picked 'Psilocybe semilanceata or Liberty Cap's' and 4-HO-MIPT my body/ brain tolerated best. 5-MEO-DIPT and aMT the worst.
You don't seem to sharre this weird reaction to them. Consider yourself lucky, I alway's liked the afterglow, very positive vybes and short (actual time) duration of the experience.

PhenethylAmine's same story.

But somewhere in between the Shroom's and analogue's, the PhenethylAmine's also came the availability of RC Lysergic's, I decided to try out a Lysergic. The 1-st was ALD-52, a superiour choice, and that fit in all the right place's. To bad ALD's availability declined. But the other's are about as good.

And none of the Tryptamine related problem's. Once took I took aMT (alpha-MethylTryptamine and was stuck in a Mushroom feel for over 12 hour's, lacking the nice visual's but with that unpleasant headspace. And it last's long, if you include the time dilation.

Thanks for your inputs!

I totally think that each substance affects differently to people. Of course some effects are related, but with 4-HO-MET I can’t relate to some of the bad things people relate too (uncomfortable come up, nausea…). What is your issue with tryptamines?

For me, the length of the experience is very nice, I usually take the substance around 9:30 and by 14:00 I’m already coming down, and the evening afterglow is wonderful. Guess 4-HO-MET is gonna be somehow very similar to 4-HO-MiPT, and guess not that different from real shrooms or psylocibin. I’ll try some mushrooms probably in a month or so, I know people say is way different to Metocin and Miprocin…. But I guess they are not that far apart and the different effects are more related to the concrete experience and of course the set and setting. That’s why I like to experiment with some fixed settings, like the place, music, etc and I try to be in a good setting for experimenting. Try not to change anything but the substance, so I can really appreciate if theres any differences in similar dosages.
Thanks for your inputs!

I totally think that each substance affects differently to people. Of course some effects are related, but with 4-HO-MET I can’t relate to some of the bad things people relate too (uncomfortable come up, nausea…). What is your issue with tryptamines?
The two you mentioned, the restless fatique. Plus under influence of Tryptamine's or PhenethylAmine's I don't totally melt into the trip. So I am constantly brainshifting between trippin and feeling uncomfortable.

But you will love 4-HO-MIPT if you allready like 4-HO-MET. Even I like it, as it is side effect wise very clean.
Hello fellow parents!
44 yo mother of three, not divorced, not on good terms with my hub either 🙄

Should say I am by far not exclusive to psychedelics, and I really appreciate the dissos btw, since they do have a very trippy part to them and can bring you insights as well. Not denying what's been said before though.

As for weed I never got anything psychedelic out of it, it's just another buzz for me - like opioids it's good to relax or fill the void...

BUT! Like you my primary interest was always hallucinogens and the worlds they can open up. Way back in my school days I read a lot about them and my biggest dream was LSD. When I finally got it - as a ticket, probably mixed with MDMA or whatever - it was a once in a lifetime amazing experience. Patterns were flowing through the room and I could move them with my hands - and the others could also see that! It blew my mind really. Though the next three days were a case of braindeath... Couldn't make any sense of what I was trying to read and just lucky there were no tests written...
LSD will always be the godfather of hallucinogens for me ig.

When I had my first laptop ( the internet was all fresh n new that time) I ordered the ingredients for Ayahuasca (traditional preparation of DMT) and brewed that beautiful dark wine colored liquid with one of the most horrifying tastes I ever had in my mouth... Acid and extremely bitter and you get to enjoy that twice 😒. But - the trips were great: very detailed patterns moving and felt really like a presence being there... Though we didn't use it for introspection tbh. It made "Finding Nemo" the best comedy I've ever seen... 😜 It was due to my troubles with the vomiting that I finally gave up on it for good. The big advantage though, if you care, is that it is a perfectly legal high, and very powerful and effective.

I have really no idea about all the alphabet drugs you may be able to get your hands on, or whether they are legal in your country or not. I personally am not willing to use the darknet, so I bother experimenting with all kinds of plants.

I grow my own mushrooms, which is really easy and convenient, simple to hide also - nothing compared to trying to grow weed secretly

And then there is Salvia divinorum. Definitely fascinating since it works very differently to other hallucinogens. It reacts with opioid receptors instead of serotonin and the result is a strong, extremely short and not necessarily euphoric trip. It can be VERY uncomfortable. And you need a good extract and smoke it fast, otherwise your body will clear your system of it before you reach the necessary plasma concentration. Just don't try to smoke the pure leaves... Tea might also work ( needs a huge amount of leaves though), but I personally have not yet tried that. For salvia it is always recommended to have a tripsitter exactly because it's easily becoming a "bad" trip. And for the short time it lasts you can't move, beware of taking a benzo/tripstopper on your own.
PS: Lay down before and have something or someone ready to catch the pipe or bong when it blows you to another dimension within seconds.
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Hello fellow parents!
44 yo mother of three, not divorced, not on good terms with my hub either 🙄

Should say I am by far not exclusive to psychedelics, and I really appreciate the dissos btw, since they do have a very trippy part to them and can bring you insights as well. Not denying what's been said before though.

As for weed I never got anything psychedelic out of it, it's just another buzz for me - like opioids it's good to relax or fill the void...

BUT! Like you my primary interest was always hallucinogens and the worlds they can open up. Way back in my school days I read a lot about them and my biggest dream was LSD. When I finally got it - as a ticket, probably mixed with MDMA or whatever - it was a once in a lifetime amazing experience. Patterns were flowing through the room and I could move them with my hands - and the others could also see that! It blew my mind really. Though the next three days were a case of braindeath... Couldn't make any sense of what I was trying to read and just lucky there were no tests written...
LSD will always be the godfather of hallucinogens for me ig.

When I had my first laptop ( the internet was all fresh n new that time) I ordered the ingredients for Ayahuasca (traditional preparation of DMT) and brewed that beautiful dark wine colored liquid with one of the most horrifying tastes I ever had in my mouth... Acid and extremely bitter and you get to enjoy that twice 😒. But - the trips were great: very detailed patterns moving and felt really like a presence being there... Though we didn't use it for introspection tbh. It made "Finding Nemo" the best comedy I've ever seen... 😜 It was due to my troubles with the vomiting that I finally gave up on it for good. The big advantage though, if you care, is that it is a perfectly legal high, and very powerful and effective.

I have really no idea about all the alphabet drugs you may be able to get your hands on, or whether they are legal in your country or not. I personally am not willing to use the darknet, so I bother experimenting with all kinds of plants.

I grow my own mushrooms, which is really easy and convenient, simple to hide also - nothing compared to trying to grow weed secretly

I live in the European Mediterranean coast, so I have access to most RC’s that are still legal in Netherlands. I grown my own weed, I have a great outdoors private space where I can grow, but I’m researching about mushroom growing. Uncle Ben community, etc. I can get some tryptamines analog to Psylocibin, but since 4-ACO-DMT is not available anymore here, I’m considering growing my own mushrooms. Anyway, Psylocibin RC’s pro drugs / analogs seem to work well for me, but I always like to go “natural”.

Guess Psylocibin and LSD (1V-LSD ot other analogues) are the path to go. If I could get old school LSD-25 I would, but I guess LSD prodrugs are close enough to the real thing, and since I can’t synthesize LSD myself, that’s what I’ve got.

If I can do mushrooms well with no nausea (had bad nausea experience with truffles, so I’m not very eager to eat mushrooms, lemon tek is my way to go) I’ll probably leave the RC’s…but I’m liking Metocin and maybe I’ll stash some for future researchs, to be honest, so far so good looks like an ideal substance for me, since I have no nausea or uncomfortable body load.

Next week, I’m trying 4-HO-MiPT, and I’m thrilled to see what it can brings new to Metocin.
I live in the European Mediterranean coast, so I have access to most RC’s that are still legal in Netherlands. I grown my own weed, I have a great outdoors private space where I can grow, but I’m researching about mushroom growing. Uncle Ben community, etc. I can get some tryptamines analog to Psylocibin, but since 4-ACO-DMT is not available anymore here, I’m considering growing my own mushrooms. Anyway, Psylocibin RC’s pro drugs / analogs seem to work well for me, but I always like to go “natural”.

Guess Psylocibin and LSD (1V-LSD ot other analogues) are the path to go. If I could get old school LSD-25 I would, but I guess LSD prodrugs are close enough to the real thing, and since I can’t synthesize LSD myself, that’s what I’ve got.

If I can do mushrooms well with no nausea (had bad nausea experience with truffles, so I’m not very eager to eat mushrooms, lemon tek is my way to go) I’ll probably leave the RC’s…but I’m liking Metocin and maybe I’ll stash some for future researchs, to be honest, so far so good looks like an ideal substance for me, since I have no nausea or uncomfortable body load.

Next week, I’m trying 4-HO-MiPT, and I’m thrilled to see what it can brings new to Metocin.
Oh my. Guess I had to blast my own stupidity to finally get it 😅. The RCs alright..
As for the shrooms you can simply get a readymade grow kit. That's a good start and should last for a while.
The nausea is unfortunately a quite standard part of tripping for me, too. (Except for salvia)... Oh. That reminds me of the LSA seeds 😃. Forgot them before, but if you already suffer from Truffles (at what dose btw?) those might be a no go, since they are infamous for nausea...
Lemon tek is just as disgusting for me, but might be somewhat lighter on the stomach. Making tea might also work for you and if taste is the issue you can go for blue honey.

In any case I wish you good luck with the 4-ho-mibt, guess I have some research to do myself now...XD
Oh my. Guess I had to blast my own stupidity to finally get it 😅. The RCs alright..
As for the shrooms you can simply get a readymade grow kit. That's a good start and should last for a while.
The nausea is unfortunately a quite standard part of tripping for me, too. (Except for salvia)... Oh. That reminds me of the LSA seeds 😃. Forgot them before, but if you already suffer from Truffles (at what dose btw?) those might be a no go, since they are infamous for nausea...
Lemon tek is just as disgusting for me, but might be somewhat lighter on the stomach. Making tea might also work for you and if taste is the issue you can go for blue honey.

In any case I wish you good luck with the 4-ho-mibt, guess I have some research to do myself now...XD

Last time I did 15g of the strongest ones. Lemon tekked, to be honest, mild experience, felt like 10mg of 4-HO-MET.

I don’t mind about the taste at all, I can even eat them raw…but 40 minutes after, get nauseous and puke. But eith the lemon tek and not eating the flesh, it was totally OK, I’ll do the same with the mushrooms.

Yes, maybe I should get a ready to go kit, but I’d also like learn how to grow the proper way.
I see. 15 mg is the standard dose for me as well... Do you mean Valhallas by chance? Different vendors claim different strains to be the strongest... In that case I would say same here but then again there's really a long lasting tolerance with shrooms and truffles (essentially same anyway), and that was just two weeks after the last trip so I doubted that to be the reason...
What works for me with the nausea (not only with truffles) is actually to divert my attention away from it. Every time it comes up, I consciously direct it towards something else. And that should be a suitable focus. For me it works with music and movements. I dance and try to work the pain out of my system - or just embody the melody... That takes all my attention and the nausea stands back. And just in case it ever crosses your mind: eating is not a good idea. Even more so with LSA, which was the one time I couldn't help vomiting after curling up in pain on the floor... I thought the trip was already over and had the most regretted midnight snack ever...
But it looks like you already found your way. 😉
Hi there! I'm 43 years old and happily married but without children. I have a fairly extensive history of tripping earlier in life, including through the many years I was a student of engineering. I basically quit at the same time I dropped out of my Ph.D., and I didn't try psychedelics again until over 11 years later.

I see you mentioned being exclusive interested in lysergamides and tryptamines, but please don't forget about the excellent psychedelic phenethylamines. Sadly, almost all are difficult to obtain and/or are illegal, but you might be able to get mescaline containing cacti. I highly recommend trying mescaline and/or cacti. It's not for everyone and may not agree with you, but you won't know until you try.

I'm among those who don't get along as well with tryptamines, particularly mushrooms. I've still taken them many times, but I only take them when I have absolute control over the dose and setting. In practice, this usually means that it must be my own material that I've dried, powdered, mixed, and titrated myself and that I am in a setting in which I can lie down and not interact with anyone for at least the first three hours or so. I did seem to get along better with 4-XX-MiPT, but I took a recent trip with it that seemed to hit my body very hard for some reason. I'm still learning about my body, which has changed a lot since I was young. I seem to suffer from auto-immune and chronic inflammatory problems including close to five years now of Long COVID. Psychedelics have been a radically life-altering treatment for my conditions, but I'm still learning how to use them most effectively.
Hi there! I'm 43 years old and happily married but without children. I have a fairly extensive history of tripping earlier in life, including through the many years I was a student of engineering. I basically quit at the same time I dropped out of my Ph.D., and I didn't try psychedelics again until over 11 years later.

I see you mentioned being exclusive interested in lysergamides and tryptamines, but please don't forget about the excellent psychedelic phenethylamines. Sadly, almost all are difficult to obtain and/or are illegal, but you might be able to get mescaline containing cacti. I highly recommend trying mescaline and/or cacti. It's not for everyone and may not agree with you, but you won't know until you try.

I'm among those who don't get along as well with tryptamines, particularly mushrooms. I've still taken them many times, but I only take them when I have absolute control over the dose and setting. In practice, this usually means that it must be my own material that I've dried, powdered, mixed, and titrated myself and that I am in a setting in which I can lie down and not interact with anyone for at least the first three hours or so. I did seem to get along better with 4-XX-MiPT, but I took a recent trip with it that seemed to hit my body very hard for some reason. I'm still learning about my body, which has changed a lot since I was young. I seem to suffer from auto-immune and chronic inflammatory problems including close to five years now of Long COVID. Psychedelics have been a radically life-altering treatment for my conditions, but I'm still learning how to use them most effectively.

I’m a big Shulgin fan, I have both PIHKAL and TIHKAL, wonderful books… but I must admit that I don’t have that much knowledge on phenethylamines. I saw them at first as more recreational drugs, not to mention the potential dangers associated with some of them, and also the neurotoxicity. Since the world of tryptamines and lysrgamides are totally new for me to discover and seem to fit my intentions more, I'm focused in these by now. Damn, I even haven't tried LSD or analogues EVER.

But I'd like your input on phenethylamines. Of course, I can only get my hands on legal stuff, RC’s and analogues. Seems like they are gonna be banned soon in Europe, only bk-2C-B HCL and 2C-B-Fly available. I don’t know if they will release new ones. Maybe I still could get my hands on some Borax Combo (Blue Bliss or Pink Stars) and stash some in case of being banned, as I said, I’d love your inputs about what these substances can provide comparing to tryptamines and phenethylamines.

I’m too old for dealing with the dark web, Archetype, etc….. I’ve read the Darknet Bible, and I can surely go that way… but seems to be too much hassle and, what worries me the most, very less reliable about what you arereally getting and the purity.
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I’m a big Shulgin fan, I have both PIKAL and TIKAL, wonderful books…
TIHKAL is probably better suited for me, as the Lysergide's are placed with the Tryptamine's.

PHIKAL, contain's lot's of PhenethylAmine's which ime have too much bodyload, 2C-T2 was an exception. DOC a disaster. Generally a psychedelic dose would be uncomfortable, more then the Tryptamine's (my favorite 4-HO-MIPT, least discomfort).
They share a different discomfort, but at least Tryptamine's make me trip, aMT btw. not.

Don't diss me for one dumbass mistake I made. Throwing away kilo's of homegrown San Pedro's, the wife found the spines 'dangerous for he baby'.

Instead of drying them. As Mecaline, a PhenethylAmine, seems among the best psychedelic's known to men.

:eek: regret's, but no turning back.
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I use to trip alot, but don't have the time anymore in life.

if you can get legal psychedelics, then make sure to def get some good LSD prodrugs like 1D-LSD etc,

I would start with 100-150 ug of a LSD prodrug such as 1D-LSD.

This will differ alot to the tryptamines.

You can dose either daytime or night time. Night time my fav.

Setup a nice room where you can keep it darkish with some moonlight coming in if night tripping, or if you have a good daytime nature spot is great. Beaches awesome, forests great,

I use to go on massive night time hikes with my friends, sat outside in a forest all night once lol great times.

You will find your own way you like to trip.

If you want to go deep exploring within slowly build yourself up to doses around 200, 250 ug and finally 300 ug.

Don't go to too deep to fast. Lsyeramides are super powerful.

Music plays a big part, if you feel like its getting too much or your thoughts are going south, a change of enviroment such as simply moving into another room and changing up the music will help alot.

You can explore all types of genres and find what you enjoy.

If you want to really trip hard.

250 ug + this album by OTT

play around 2 hours in, sit and meditate, close or keep your eyes open and just let go, breathe, focus on the breath.

also this on the peak of 250 ug. If you want to experince ego dissolution. Dark room, headphones, close your eyes. Focus on the world, everything, everyone, focus your mind on the universe, feel your inner energy, push this up through your body into your head and out of it while meditating on the THE WORLD. you will most likely have a whole bunch of fractal visuals with your eyes closed at this point. Let it flow, the energy the love the peace, let your mind open up. Keep focusing on infinity, everything. Then let go by keeping your eyes closed and now roll your eyes back into your head over and over keep it up.

I came up with this method a couple years ago and had many folk experince a very powerful ego dissolution. Hopefully if it goes well your body will go limp into some automatic posture and you will have a once in a lifetime experince that will you alot to reflect on and digest.

MDMA is indeed a phenethylamine, but it is not really a psychedelic. This makes it rather more suited to recreational use, but all kinds of psychedelics have been used successfully in recreational contexts too. MDMA is also likely to be more toxic than most of the "common" (at one time or another) psychedelic phenethylamines. Of course, there are no guarantees of safety with anything that hasn't been extensively researched, and this holds whether we're talking about tryptamines, lysergamides, or phenethylamines. Even for well known things like psilocybin, there are lingering questions about possible consequences of 5-HT2B receptor stimulation which might lead to heart valvulopathy. My guess is that the risk is pretty low if psychedelics aren't used too often, but I don't think anyone knows for certain or knows what frequency of use is safe. Some effort is now underway to try to understand this because it's a significant barrier to getting regulatory approval for clinical use. So I would suggest taking into consideration each psychedelic on its own. Even if some drug is "chemically very close" to another, the effects and safety profile might be quite different between the two.

As far as phenethylamines goes, I am personally experienced with 2C-D, 2C-E, 2C-C, 2C-B, 2C-I, 2C-T-2, 2C-T-4, 2C-T-21, and mescaline cacti. I also had a tiny dose of DOC but not enough to properly evaluate the effects on myself. Of the phenethylamines I tried, I've found things to appreciate in all of them and would take any of them again under the right circumstances. Though of course I like some much more than others. I have no experience with any bk-2C-X or 2C-X-Fly series drugs, and so I can't really comment on them. It's a major bummer that most of the 2C-X are so difficult to get and of such dubious quality. If by chance the opportunity presents itself for you to try one of these 2C-X (and assuming you were comfortable with the quality of said product), my personal favorite was 2C-E. I credit some of my experiences on it with radically altering the course of my life. I also enjoyed 2C-T-2 and 2C-I quite a lot, but these experiences were typically more recreational and/or rejuvenating than life changing. Fortunately, I regard mescaline as one of the very best phenethylamines, and it is probably much easier for you to obtain cacti that contain Either fresh or dried plant are suitable for preparation of a tea or for doing an extraction of some kind. There are definitely differences in the results of these approaches.

As for the differences between phenethylamines and the others, I am going to overgeneralize a bit here because every drug needs to be considered separately. I tend to find phenethylamines to be more lucid, energetic, and sense oriented. Some would say they lack depth, but I think it's more fair to recognize that they offer different kinds of experiences. For example, high doses of psilocybin and DMT are both associated with out-of-body experiences and entity contacts. Whatever one makes of such experiences, if one is seeking out those experiences, than these tryptamines are probably the way to go. A drug like LSD is a very effective inducer of ego loss with a bit less of a tendency to send one out "out of body" than the aforementioned tryptamines. If one wants a very clean, archetypical death/re-birth experience, then LSD is probably a great way to go. Though I admit I enjoy LSD a lot at lower doses too. With phenethylamines, one is less likely to be confused, go out of body, or lose ego. One can be tripping quite intensely yet possess a mostly sober and maybe even sharpened mind. I happen to like this property because it helps me to bring back more useful insights. I feel like with tryptamines in particular I could have a trip that felt like this huge life changing thing, yet I couldn't really say how it changed me other than perhaps humbling me or making me appreciate my sober existence more. These were good experiences for me to have, but I couldn't grow through them alone. Some of my phenethylamine experiences really set my life in motion in ways I hadn't previously anticipated were possible. At least this is how I feel about these things.

I must confess though that only very recently I learned that psychedelics may have been treating chronic inflammatory disease that I did not know I had, and much of what I attributed to "psychological breakthrough" during the trips I took in my early adulthood may have actually arose due to physiological effects from these drugs, which are actually quite profound and understudied (by contemporary medicine at least) and under-appreciated. It's entirely possible that my chronic disease responds better to phenethylamines than tryptamines as well, for who knows what reasons.
I use to trip alot, but don't have the time anymore in life.

if you can get legal psychedelics, then make sure to def get some good LSD prodrugs like 1D-LSD etc,

I would start with 100-150 ug of a LSD prodrug such as 1D-LSD.

This will differ alot to the tryptamines.

You can dose either daytime or night time. Night time my fav.

Setup a nice room where you can keep it darkish with some moonlight coming in if night tripping, or if you have a good daytime nature spot is great. Beaches awesome, forests great,

I use to go on massive night time hikes with my friends, sat outside in a forest all night once lol great times.

You will find your own way you like to trip.

If you want to go deep exploring within slowly build yourself up to doses around 200, 250 ug and finally 300 ug.

Don't go to too deep to fast. Lsyeramides are super powerful.

Music plays a big part, if you feel like its getting too much or your thoughts are going south, a change of enviroment such as simply moving into another room and changing up the music will help alot.

You can explore all types of genres and find what you enjoy.

If you want to really trip hard.

250 ug + this album by OTT

play around 2 hours in, sit and meditate, close or keep your eyes open and just let go, breathe, focus on the breath.

also this on the peak of 250 ug. If you want to experince ego dissolution. Dark room, headphones, close your eyes. Focus on the world, everything, everyone, focus your mind on the universe, feel your inner energy, push this up through your body into your head and out of it while meditating on the THE WORLD. you will most likely have a whole bunch of fractal visuals with your eyes closed at this point. Let it flow, the energy the love the peace, let your mind open up. Keep focusing on infinity, everything. Then let go by keeping your eyes closed and now roll your eyes back into your head over and over keep it up.

I came up with this method a couple years ago and had many folk experince a very powerful ego dissolution. Hopefully if it goes well your body will go limp into some automatic posture and you will have a once in a lifetime experince that will you alot to reflect on and digest.

Awesome post! I really love music, for me is something essential for tripping. I love all music, but electronic music seems to suit really great to me, and to my tastes. Dream, chill….even trance, nothing too hard.

I can’t wait to try LSD. Is probably what I will stash if the tripping is what I expect. I have 150mcg 1V-LSD blots, which is supposed to be like 120mcg LSD-25. The idea is, as I do with every substance, try a first low dose of half a blotter. I don’t know if maybe is too little accounting the dosages I need with tryptamines, but always good to start cautious I guess. On the other side, I’d love to have a lovely first experience trip with this substance. I’ve read so many about it, I’m also a musician and music culture is very related to LSD.

The idea is start in my man’s cave, which is my save and safe comfortable setting, and then go walking to the beach (5minutes walking from home, a quarter mile). Experiences in the beach have been, so far, just AWESOME .

I’ll try your method, though maybe ego death is still something I’d like to have more psychonaut experiences to deal with in higher doses…. But I’ve felt this disconnection from my mind and feel myself floating with the music, totally forgetting where I am if I let go. I’ve felt my mind wondering while my consciousness, pr my real me, whatever you want to call that feeling, was observing me and my thinking from outside. Really fascinating, sometimes it was a little “scary” in the good way to let go, but I can feel where letting go can take you.

I’m very happy since I know I have a lot of journeys to do and experiment, good thing I’ve started doing this with 45yo and a lot of time to spend.
And then there is Salvia divinorum.
That's a good point. There's not a lot of there that can compare with Salvia divinorum for the dedicated psychonaut. I personally prefer using it as a quid to smoking it, but the two are such different experiences as to defy comparison (not unlike ayahuasca versus vaporized N,N-DMT.)

Salvia is inactive as a tea. I've read that it was traditionally crushed (and pseudo-emulsified) on a metate when used orally. As to whether that made it orally active, or whether all of the absorption was still basically buccal seems unclear.
Oh, not working as s tea? I read it can be done.. Looks like I have to verify 🤔😜
I shall report when the experiment is done...
Quid always sounded horrible to me, but might have to give it a try as well... Tell me what you use for it: leaves or extract?
I can’t wait to try LSD.

You mentioned you messed with weed and didn’t become a pothead and only use it 1X per week. Myself and most drug addicts find weed pretty addictive and compulsive (ie we either use weed daily or almost not at all). so if I had to guess I would say you don’t sound like a drug addict or that you really have it in you.

But when it came to psychedelics, being a drug addict, I found even lsd to be pretty addictive. I used it the way I would use weed or even something like amphetamine. Microdosing almost guaranteed a good trip and a dopaminergic like rush of a clean feeling stimulant. It was one psychedelic that didn’t seem to have the built in abuse deterrent of a “bad trip” so I used it for the wrong reasons. 2CB, 2CI etc are similar in this respect.

Psychedelics I “liked” became just addictive drugs to me I would use for the same reasons as say cocaine or heroin and would not get anything special or meaningful out of them other than an escape.

Psychedelics I didn’t “like” which are the harsher and more unpleasant ones like mushrooms, DMT, or salvia, I stayed away from…because they weren’t recreational. 2CB is another one that definitely became a drug of abuse basically.

I know ppl have these great revelations on psychedelics but in my own life I eventually realized they taught me nothing that a beautiful day and night alone in the wilderness by myself didn’t teach me. All those “lessons” were already inside of me by middle age and could be accessed without drugs. I will admit that trying psychedelics at 17 was a shortcut and knowledge dump I didn’t have access to at that age…but by middle age most ppl have a better understanding of what is important in life and I don’t see what psychedelics are going to add to that. Plus I had already accessed these lessons thousands of times with psychedelics so I wasn’t leaning anything new anymore tripping. Why was I doing it then?

There an old saying around here about psychs: “once you get the message, hang up the phone.”

They aren’t some endless wormhole of new discovery upon new discovery. They all boil down to the same thing at the end of the day and you hit a brick wall where nothing new that will change you or your life comes out of it. They are definitely a reset button for when their lessons fade but like I said these lessons can be accessed without drugs. I could give you my personal examples for accessing them but they basically amount to living your passions in life and experiencing the things you most want to experience in life and finding new experiences that provide this passion for life.

This is where psychedelics then turn into straight up psychonautical curiosity not some sort of tool. And the psychonautical purpose makes dangerous things like mdma and dissociatives enticing.

It just seems strange to me; you’re older. You seems happy in life. You seem to have life figured out. Is this psychedelic use really about growing or are you just trying to bring some action to your life? Drugs will definitely bring action that’s for sure.
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