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RCs 3F-Phenmetrazine (3-FPM)

4-MPH or 3-methyl-2(p-tolyl)morpholine

Just seen 4-MPH has become available any one tried it yet? 4-MPH or 3-methyl-2(p-tolyl)morpholine

Re-x from ipa/water/acetone. 500mg

Wow that gets you ducking high. Was a/b'd before that. No residue.
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Re-x from ipa/water/acetone. 500mg
Wow that gets you ducking high. Was a/b'd before that. No residue.
looks/sounds good.

same procedure would apply to the powder just as good, right? (if it matters:from a vendor that only has the powder-form available and has a better reputation than the shabby one already mentioned-'phenzacaine-bla', etc.-)
Since the chrystal stuff has to be dissolved, recrystallized and processed in much the same manner as the powder. (?) - I guessed. ;)

Sounded too good to be true. None of the peripheral stim effects that I hate so much I never take them now (last few years). Productive some said, prosexual, legal cheap.
Ive Been clean for ages but couldn't resist. I'll skim the details, but I've done many Gs compulsively for a few weeks now. I'd stopped binging years ago due to age, and mental health issues, and other reasons. But this has a crack vibe going on. Not the high, more the compulsion.
Oh and the fact I've IV'd most of it is disappointing to say the least (and obvious to anyone who looks at my hands. I don't go in my hands, but they're all purple and weird looking, just without the actual needle marks. My arms are fucked. Even with much care and cleanliness (for real, shit makes me clean and tidy big time) they are poked beyond their limit. Never looked worse or more lumpy. Not everyone will end up with this of course, but be wary, even if you're just a casual snorter (masochist) Or a take it or leave it weekend warrior .
I Set up this account due to paranoia, but I've been around for decades and know what's up, and this stuff is problematic IMHO. The high is great, pro sexual, yup. Fuck going to work though. Maybe when I was young and in a drug friendly industry, but not now. You don't get those panic attack/freakout things, so it's got a lot of positives. Shame about the bad shit. Being legit mental has played a big part I'd guess, but I reckon it could still fuck up stable, healthy, fit, young people too. So be cautious, careful etc. If you can, if you can't, then be lucky.(never works tbh) Oh, BTW, I've ordered more FFS That sums up the compulsiveness . I was able to stop crack easier FFS ( yeah, before the money ran out even).
Even as a self described psych case (stable until recently) with a history of abuse (clean until recently), buying more, and longing for it is quite something. Sorry for such a downer, and I've edited out plenty of ramblings) I just though I should share my experience. So far...
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looks/sounds good.

same procedure would apply to the powder just as good, right? (if it matters:from a vendor that only has the powder-form available and has a better reputation than the shabby one already mentioned-'phenzacaine-bla', etc.-)
Since the chrystal stuff has to be dissolved, recrystallized and processed in much the same manner as the powder. (?) - I guessed. ;)


Yeah, the crystal isn't much better than the powder. Dissolve the powder in hot IPA and let it cool slowly and you'll have some nice crystals. or dissolve it completely in RT IPA, scrape the initial crystals off the gunk and there is a purish product.

the crystals aren't much purer than the powder trust me.

if you want help with a complete clean up to glass crystals I can help you, you'd just need to buy some solvents and drying agents.
I will just contribute to the thread from a very different perspective maybe but with a similar observation about the treacherous feel of 3FPM. For personal but also pretty much the same basic reasons : extremely addictive and, in my opinion, fucks with your head. I do not need what others will probably call "nice or mild euphoria".

(btw english is not my native language)

Been clean from pretty much everything for about a year but I found a job and had a hard time adjusting to it. So last few months I've been using MPA, almost daily, taking two or three moderate doses per day. It helps a lot with my work, no complications at all. I have been active, productive, talkative, not forgetful, and most of all clear-thinking. So basically the same guy, just not as tired as I should or could be. That's what I need from a stimulant nowadays and my opinion on 3FPM is solely based on its ability to give you some "buzz" AND yet keep you a functional human being, at work.

MPA even with the vasoconstriction and the difficulty to fall asleep is more suitable for my needs : a clear-headed physical stimulation that lasts long enough to keep the doses more or less sparse. I can't afford myself to go on a binge or even make my free-time drinking longer, so taking a form of "speed" that doesn't encourage me in those things is appreciable. Overall I never used speed, or whatever was in those shitty bags that i used to buy, for "fun" anyway.

The issue for me about MPA was that some nights were too short because of it, "forcing" me to restart the cycle in the morning... And since it most definitely hurts the heart, I wanted to try 3FPM. I did, and it's not what I need.

I waited a leave from work to try it and ended up using the 3g that I had in a few days because, honestly, it is quite pleasant but not functional at all. Well, sure I took some pleasure in writing a few very long and pertinent/inspired emails/PM to coworkers and friends. The problem is that I kept redosing constantly and getting "lost" in various activities for hours. Nothing productive came out of it. For example I didn't clean my place like I wanted to, kept forgetting, maybe cause it's not "fun"... Well even on MPA I do it anyway. On MPA at least I try to go to sleep early, work or not and I enjoy various activities with or without it and it doens't fuck with my priorities.

On 3FPM I ended up taking a few benzos here and there to get some sleep but not because I'm a reasonable person, because I didn't want to "waste" the remaining lines... And when I say "lines" I only speak for the first day cause this thing hurts like hell, but I kept bombing it... I feel like I mostly wasted my time and my money just to be slightly excited for no fucking reason, other than the next dose, and chasing a greater high that never actually came... That's exactly the "mood" that I hate and fear, cause frankly, I'm prone to it. It made me slightly delusional, kinda like when a few glasses can very subtly make you say or do stupid shit, like for example take another one... That's how I would describe the effects of 3FPM on me : slightly euphoric and energetic, unseemingly loosing lucidity, loosing track of time (appetite suppression helps greatly in that department) and in the end just wasting time between the doses.

I just can't use it. It's not for me. For work, like alcohol or weed, it would be a disaster. And for fun it's actually not that strong, at least not worth it imo.

After months of using MPA, I could stop (almost) whenever I wanted, and I did the times that I needed to, for example on the week-ends. With MPA the rules are simple, it's bad for the heart, it tends to keep me agitated longer than I need but it never made me lose myself in it, or lose focus on my work, at least so far. I use it "carefully", knowing that it's a fucked up habit to have anyway, and I consider that I get what I pay for out of it. I use it almost like coffee, even though of course, I know, I shouldn't, but at least I know that I am less likely to abuse it, I mean use it against my better judgement.

3FPM it's fun, it feels nice, the veins and the heart feel fine, I even can drink a few beers... again and again and again. Mood-lifting and at the same time not powerful enough cause I kept redosing to get a better high... It's probably my fault but 3FPM felt so "forgiving" and "easy-going" that I could abuse it way more than MPA. Like I said MPA doesn't affect my mood as much, which for me is a good thing. I get some "sober" fun, cause it makes me talkative, but at the same time I have the energy AND the lucidity to do the shit that needs to be done. Also, unlike 3FPM, it doesn't disturb my appetite, and it "forces" me to drink healthy amounts of water... :)

Although MPA seems way more harmful for the cardiac system, probably the kidneys also, it leaves my head clearer and I "enjoy" it more. 3FPM is maybe closer to real "speed" or antidepressants, hence maybe the "manic" feel that I had. I'm just easily tired and easily irritated because of that, otherwise my mood is fine, or fucked up enough already, so I don't need to treat that "symptom", if I get only the physical energy that I lack, without the bullshitty "happiness", I'm good. Although I'm sure MPA can and will fuck me up in a different way, I do prefer it to 3FPM.
To give an idea about the mood at the moment, this report is being written at +4:30 after ingestion of a gel capsule containing 35mg 3-FPM and right after ripping the glass piece with some potent sativa hybrid inside. I have never been this clearheaded and willing to write something at the same time.

Woke up to a nice Monday morning. Took the 5-HTP supplement, drank a lot of water. Usually in the mornings I feel uncomfortable with my stomach for 20-30 minutes until the gaseous material finds a way out.(I love using the word “gaseous”) Anyway, after I ate 3-FPM, my digestion system’s discomfort didn’t leave but increased for almost an hour which I will mention later in the report.

00:00 – This is after 15 minutes of waking up and eating the 5-HTP supplement. I had a prepared gel capsule with 35 mg powder inside. This is my first experimentation with a chemical intended for functional stimulation throughout the day. (I’m a kratom whisperer, 3 months of mixing different ratios of different strains and still getting excited about it in the morning) Mostly I play around psychedelics. So, I will not be able to compare it to its functional competitors.

+00:05 – A sudden and big discomfort around the stomach. When my stomach is in pain, I am not able to function, which was the same at that time. Just laying down and trying to calm it down. Ate a banana but it’s still present. I decide to eat an apple at the last quarter of the first hour mark. Oh, My, God. Apple took me to the paradise after two bites. Stomach is now relieved J Just feeling normal and awake.
+01:00 – Right after the first hour mark I feel like my mood is elevated but it is not like a sudden increase. You feel the effects while you are floating inside them. You don’t feel as it builds up quickly and you can tell it is coming.

+01:10 – I’m totally euphoric. Awake, alert, all the morning sickness is gone and the music is traveling faster in the brain. Like a very light version of mdma peak to compare, similar characteristics. Euphoria lasted around 20 minutes, but again, you don’t realize it disappearing, you just check yourself at some point and realize that the high is slightly modified. I listened the same song for 5 times or something which I don’t prefer anytime when I’m sober.

+01:30 – Euphoria is gone but I feel content. I don’t feel any stimulation of any kind, neither mental nor physical. I just feel really good, awake, and ready to absorb whatever the day offers me. Later in the day I have an appointment I need to burn my brain on. I’m going over my ideas to present, taking notes and motivating myself mentally for an efficient brainstorming during the meeting.
Music is still good but Shpongle is always better.
+02:00 – Started sweating mildly. No bad feelings except for the discomfort caused by the sweating. I don’t like sweating anywhere except my bed. Lasted for like half an hour and during that time my kidneys stated their discomfort caused by the 3-FPM by making themselves obviously operational and existent for a couple of seconds.

+02:30 – All the body signs are back to normal. No more euphoria or feeling extremely content. Awake and ready to start the day as stated before. I just feel cool and energetic. Left home for the appointment but I will take the long walk to see how it is going. It is windy. The walk was very enjoyable. I took off my jacket just to feel more of the wind and the sun. Anything natural feels better including looking over some large green fields and flowers. At some point I checked the stimulation levels, my thinking processes were faster and brighter and I didn’t have any edgy body stimulation. Nothing weird with the legs as well, they act completely normal and I had the same amount of tiredness after the walk as if I was doing it sober.

I was sweating again during the meeting but I had it efficient as foreseen.

The walk back home was not as pleasant as before. It was still nice and normal but my body feels a little tired. I consider it normal because I have done many more things during the onset I would not be doing in a normal morning.

+04:00 – I sit in front of my desk at home checked my mails and stuff, drank a coffee, but I have a strange urge to socialize and speak. I mistakenly planned three video calls for the next 30 minutes ( I write them beforehand to check whether my friends are online/available or not). I remember reading some blackouts in the thread, yepp, I second that. At some points during the whole trip I felt like my brain was pretending to slip away from keeping record and the video calls coming through while talking to another friend justify that. Literally, I forgot that I wrote to two friends, found one already online after I wrote them, started talking with him and I was so focused while I was talking to him, I was surprised when the other two came online. It’s not like a benzo blackout or something, maybe it is not even a blackout, you just focus on something so much you forget about the rest. I like it. It makes you more like living the exact moment.

+04:30 – A little mental discomfort appeared because of not having anything to do or focus. I feel very slightly confused and bothered. I rip the bong and start typing the report. I feel like a multi-core processor, I can hear the music clearly, try to remember stuff and write at the same time. The first bong rip of the day around these times ends up with heaviness, brainfuck and a short nap but this time the clouds of the mind mentioned before were scattered and destroyed. I feel good, creative and willing to spend this energy on science. A little tired around the waist but rest of the body is cool.

+05:00 – I cannot say I’m completely back on the baseline since the day has already changed because of the way it has started. But the top and middle notes are gone. I think it can be considered the baseline. I don’t think I will have any problems sleeping since the brain is starting to get tired as well.

Overall, it worked exceptionally functional and satisfying for me. I suggest you not to forget about hydration during and after. No cardiovascular anomalies. Very slightly increased heartbeat comparing to 00:00. I don’t have an urge to redose. Everything played out cool. But it’s a sneaky one, I have noticed the potential it has to be binged on so I highly recommend noting this before experimenting with 3-fpm. For the moment, it is both good and true. But this is only the first round. It can still reveal its dark side in further trials.

Lots of Kisses,
Yo rugged butthole. Here's some good news: The pH at 50mg per ml was 6.5 here. Tissue damage begins below 3 and the osmolarity was adjusted to a physiological level with NaCl, assuming the molecular weight of 3F-P.
And here are the bad news: The paresthesia returned with full force. My legs 'fell asleep' to the point where I couldn't move them which has never happened before. I only injected into my arms, so it's no needle damage. 4 days later, it's already getting better again. And on a darker side note. This latest and hopefully last 'scientific excursion' resulted in an abscess. The hospital I had it treated at is kind of Hamburg's junky/homless/punk headquarters, where they often touch base with old friends during the night lol. In consequence I was treated with enormous respect, which came as quite a surprise. Ironically my buddy who used to abuse Heroin intravenously now works there as a surgeon, but had time off.
So after reading a bit through the thread it seems people's general view is this chem is no good, and they prefer MPA. Although there is no stim dick I have read and in small doses it could be used for sex.
That's horrible to hear about your legs crook, I truly hope you recover soon. Best wishes.

Snake - I read your question but cannot reply due to green status so I'll put my answer here. I wrote about two pages yesterday and it rinsed by phone battery so much it died just before I was about to press post!

OK I'll assume you know some basic chemistry and have access to solvents.
Equipment needed.
Test tubes or similar
1ml syringe with dropping needle
3ml pipette

Acetone (very very dry)
Calcium chloride to dry your acetone and possibly make HCl gas)
Distilled water
Dichloromethane (DCM optional)
Diethyl ether (best but extremely volatile and flammable! Both these solvents are dangerous in different ways. Both boil around 40'c except DCM causes cancer and ether vapour explodes if you look at it wrong. Keep them as cold as possible)

DCM and ether should be subbed for something less dangerous if inexperienced, eg toluene, xylene (stinks)

Sodium hydroxide

Step 1.

Dissolve each gram in 3ml distilled water. Make a 20% NaOH solution. Let it cool in the freezer.

While this is cooling you can wash your solution with DCM 3 times to remove any oils or tar. Or you can do that after but it involves rebasifying. I did it after but it's up to you .

Once it's cool add NaOH solution from your syringe drop by drop, stirring all the time. As soon as it goes cloudy stop, let the solution clear then continue adding the base. Once you hit pH 12ish all the freebase should have crashed out and be sat at the bottom of the test tube. It's very important to let the solution clear before adding more, the cloudiness is mostly freebase 3f trapped in the water. You won't need much NaOH.

Now, either pipette out the freebase and back extract the rest using your ether (or whatever you chose) or add around the same volume of ether, seal and shake like crazy for 10 mins. Ether seems to get it all in 1 go, I couldn't get anything else from it. But you should do that 3 times and pool the extracts together.

Now, you must wash your ether twice with saturated sodium bicarbonate then saturated salt solution. The salt should help remove most the water present in the ether. You could go further and dry with a desiccant but you'll have to filter it and working with such small volumes I don't think the loss would be acceptable.

To get your HCl salt you can generate HCl gas or use aqueous hydrochloric acid.
Get your extra dry acetone and put 0.5 ml in a small container and 0.05ml 37% HCl. Drop this in your ether and shake like mad. Each drop should produce a tiny cloud of crystals which vanish when shook. Take your time. It's easy to think you've failed and once everything has reacted, you check your pH and you've added too much acid. Remember youre putting a fraction of a ml in 10ml-ish solition, needs vigourpus stirriring to get round. You can even add a bit of acetone to help distribution. Eventually once you hit ph 6.5-7 you should have a small bed of crystals at the bottom of your test tube. If not try crashing them out with ice cold dry acetone. Then put it all in the freezer. If that worked, filter the crystals out and wash off the ether with dry acetone and leave to dry. If not, evaporate the whole thing and scrape up what's left. As long as your acetone is anhydrous there's no reason you can't crash most, if not all of the HCl salt out.

If you have to evap make sure to wash the solids extra well with dry acetone as contaminates the ether dissolved will be present.

Step 2.


Add 500mg to 1.5ml IPA with a drop of water from the syringe to aid solubility. Heat to boiling point in a lightly (so a small amount of vapour can escape but not so much it either explodes or all evaporates) stoppered test tube and see if it's all dissolved. Ifnot add drops of boiling IPA until it is. If something still won't dissolve you must remove it via filtration when hot (tricky)

Now seal the tube and leave in the water bath to cool to room temp as slowly as possible. Now place in cold water for a few hours. Now flood with dry acetone and place in the freezer for 6 hours.

You shoukd now have some large rocks in your tube. Repeated recrystallisation will yeild higher purity. Don't be surprised if you lose half what you started with, I'm convinced there are a few components to this mixture. The finished crystals behave much differently to the original clumpy product, lower melting point, no residue. Never throw anything away until you're happy with the final yield, you could have made a mistake somewhere.

But for sure, these clean rocks are far more potent and the other half left when you evap the solutions is pretty much inactive.

I think some freebase might be left in the mix which a DCM wash first would take so test the pH first. If you're above 6-7 then either do the DCM wash after the a/b or try to gas whatever it is out.

I think that should help but if I've missed anything just ask
Now that was some hefty reading, thankyou all for your shared thoughts and experiences, I believe that is enough said, I have been a reader for years, and would rather not mention my history lol, but I am well aware of all of you. This is deff something I consider to be in the safe range for an RC considering its parent compound, my usage history in various situations and walks of life, the way I look at it, take as little as you need, and if taking more doesnt really do more, its a matter of self discipline, which is why I call this safe, consider it like the last widely available PV(for who knows how long and how much more pollution and crap people have to experience/read), those of you who havnt been able to get it for years now, should know what im talking about, now say you had 5g, and could never see the stuff again, why on earth, would you consume in such a way, yet this is an RC.

As for others who even mention MPA or ETH, wtf, you are not legit, and neither are those compounds, like gtfo lmao, they cant even be used under the radar without bringing up a false positive, they are peasant substances.

This in terms of availability & pharmacology for the category it is in, I would say is legit, now let me begin my research and get back to you all, again I thank everybody, and apologise for any abrupt reactions caused, but some people seem to really have kaka for brain cells.
I have this arriving today and looking forward to it, interested to see if it's useful for my studying.. got some mpa too as a backup now eph is sadly off the market :( will see how it goes starting in the next few hours :)
A good idea everyone, buy a safe, and have 2 keys, keep 1 within the safe, when enough is enough, store the stuff in your safe, and hand the key to someone who doesn't live with you, easy as ABC.
Well when you buy a safe, they generally give you a spare key, I think placing it inside the safe for some other time/person to also have access when necessary, or I guess you could just throw it away or flush it as others do their substances, lol, I guess it is essentially the same, haha.
Im well into it at the moment, having no experience with stimulants aside from the traditional controlled drugs - amphetamines, mdxx, piperizine blends and methylone (never tried methadrone despite the hype.) Oh yeah, and cocaine, you crap, overpriced snob of a drug.

Because ive always used stimulants for dancing, shagging and socialising, ive never tried a functional stimulant more potent than nicotine or caffine

The firstdose of the day,( such as the 100mg im currently vaping alongside my morning coffee) always feels so nice and clean that i find myself making plans to make use of its functionality.

The above poster is spot on tho. While it helps with gross motor tasks (scrubbing kitchen floor, hovering) it impedes finer concentration when tackling other activities.

It really is a mashup drug first and foremost, and I usually use it twice a week, fiending away a gram over the course of a day. Of course, by bedtime the high concentations in my brain makes 3fpm almost indistinguishable from half decent amphetamine sulphate, especially when comparing neutral and negative effects. Of course, being the pussy i am, rather than face a comedown, i end up hitting the emergency stop by taking high dose high potency benzodiazepines and heroin, my stimulant antidotes since 1999

nb// that last sentence is awful HR, i only include it as i tell it like it is whenever appropriate. Of course, mixing benzodiazepines and heroin is risky. Im just an immature fucked up polydrug abusing methadone maintenance patient, performing my role as society expects me too.
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question - never used before but arriving today - how long can I expect 5g to last me? it's more or less going to be an eph replacement which I used daily for about a year but off it now it's illegal... just curious about my expectation levels being right
question - never used before but arriving today - how long can I expect 5g to last me? it's more or less going to be an eph replacement which I used daily for about a year but off it now it's illegal... just curious about my expectation levels being right

How longs a piece of string? If your dependent on daily stimulants, id guess the 2nd 5g wont last as long as the first five. Im more of a downer man these days so as a stimulant lightweight, 1g vaped over 12 - 18 hours leaves me pranged to fuck, like i said above

ps deemeein - i implore you not to snort this chemical, its so caustic. The pain eases after 25 seconds or so but its a long 25 seconds that can make you consider cutting your own head off.

It vaporizes beautifully on tinfoil, chased in a similar fashion to no.3 (base) heroin