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Phenethylamines [2C-I Subthread] Dosage and Methods of Administration

25 mg is a perfect dose in my opinion, other than some stomach discomfort no noticable side effectts, produced some great visuals
I recently acquired and tested some 2c-i. I consumed maybe a 25-30mg dose. I sound the effects to be almost identical to 2c-e. Could my supplier have messed up the compounds? I didn't really get any pronounced euphoria, and the visual aspects was intense (although very like 2c-e). Next time I shall try a 15-18mg dose and note any differences.

At higher dosages 2ci can have an apathetic/neutral feel to it and be visually intense.
I find my sweet spot is around 23-25 mgs. Any more and it just seems to add to the already long duration, and also to the already nasty body load. I just get over stimulated. Ive done doses up to 100 mg, and its not like acid, where you just keep going up up up, theres a definite plateau.

afterglow - Alcohol. works better than xanax, and you wont really feel it, itll just kill the axiety and body load. also, you wont feel the need to keep drinking (normally....me and some friends went through 2 full bottles of jameson one night whilst tripping) so a couple shots or beers will do ya, and thats cheaper than xanax too
yea i snorted 30mg on friday night. it was fun for a while but then i got sick
After snorting 30mg I'm not surprised you got sick. Surprised you even got the "fun for a while" bit actually. Snorting 2C-I hurts at the best of times but 30mg is a hefty dose to be snorting at all. You may find other MOA for higher-range doses to be less unpleasant.
30mg is a hefty dose to take orally, let along snorted which is about twice as strong. Did you do any research at all? Nowhere would say that would be a reasonable dose at all, unless you talked to a reckless psychedelic abuser who tripped constantly and had a massive tolerance.
or just wanted to trip really really really gabermickflaberwhasit on some of that shit

ive done 2 doses of 2ci recently orally (previously ive only snorted the stuff) and 30 miligrams would be a heafty trip to eat.

to snort. fuck. if someone broke me out a line and told me it was 30 mg of 2c-i that shit would be gone before anyone even got a dollar bill.

tell us about your trip man
Out of all of the RCs I have been able to experiment most with 2c-i. I've had it orally multiple times at varying dosages (3mg - 27mg). And insuffulated a few times.

If definately is euphoric and I have experimented enough to know right dosages for different situations. My concert dosage is 12-18mg orally while my night at home dosage is 18-27mg orally.

I have recently began experimenting with Rectal Admin. My first trial was 7.5mg. Good effects. Had some of the difficult "have to poop" feeling that people get. 2nd was 9mg. Noticeably stronger in both negative and positive aspects.

Then I realized I could cut down in the amount of liquid by having a higher concentration solution and I just experimented tonight with 10.5mg in 3.5 ml of DI Water. The negative "having to poop" feelings were almost completely gone and I had an AMAZING experience.
yea i snorted 30mg on friday night. it was fun for a while but then i got sick

That is definately wayyy too much to be sniffing. If you have to sniff more than 10mgs, try another ROA, but I wouldn't suggest snorting 2c-i or any 2c-x for that matter.
2c-i can be weak at lower dosages. But at 25mg+ it can be fairly intense ime.
I took 50 mg the first time I did it and it definitely wasn't weak. That was the most disconnected from reality I've ever been, way better than acid.
Wow, 50mg? That's a dangerously high dose. Someone gave you 50mg? That's very irresponsible. 8o I'm glad you had a good time, but usual dosages are maybe 20mg max... I'd recommend 16mg for a first time.
Well, its not "weak" in the sense that 12-18mg's will get you royally fucked
18mg is kind of weak for me.

No insightfulness as such, but it is defintely not a weak psychedelic.
Maybe not to the extent that other psychs can be, but I've found it to be quite insightful and introspective if I seek to achieve that.
Prea said:
18mg is kind of weak for me.

Possibly your a hardhead or maybe your not getting pure 2C-I. 18mg should have you out there pretty well... As to insightfulness, I guess I meant it doesn't seem to expose much of the unconcious, but that said, I've only taken it in a party/doof atmosphere.

Wow, 50mg? That's a dangerously high dose. Someone gave you 50mg? That's very irresponsible. 8o I'm glad you had a good time, but usual dosages are maybe 20mg max... I'd recommend 16mg for a first time.

Hmm, I think it can be pushed up towards 30-40mgs; it doesn't seem to have an exceptionally steep dose/response curve like 2C-E, but when at the higher levels it seems very very stimulating.
Possibly your a hardhead or maybe your not getting pure 2C-I. 18mg should have you out there pretty well... As to insightfulness, I guess I meant it doesn't seem to expose much of the unconcious, but that said, I've only taken it in a party/doof atmosphere.

Or maybe you're just more sensitive to it?

I know it's pure, I'm getting it from a well-known vendor who always has good quality.

And I only take it by myself, so maybe that's why it isn't enough, idk.
^Maybe, maybe- though I usually need quite a lot of any PEA to feel substantial effects- but that I think is a result of having been on SSRI's for a long time (no longer on them)....at least, thats my theory. Tryptamines don't have any reduction in intensity- indeed I get blasted for up to an hour from DMT; but for all PEA's I've tried since ~3yrs ago, I've needed large doses to trip. I haven't taken 2C-I in several years, pre-SSRI medicated shite. However, even 2C-E requires a large dose to be taken.

Hang on maybe I'm getting impure stuff?? NOOOOOOOOO!!!!N ;) :D
Hm, gonna try out 22mg tomorrow, since 18mg was a bit unsatisfactory last time.

I'm also gonna take magnesium to see if it helps with the jaw clenching, since it works well with mdma.
Or maybe you're just more sensitive to it?

I know it's pure, I'm getting it from a well-known vendor who always has good quality.

And I only take it by myself, so maybe that's why it isn't enough, idk.

15-18mgs seem to be a standard highish dose for most people. You can definately go higher but there seems to be a law of diminishing returns where you the increase in negative effects outweighs the increase in positive effects. Set and setting will also change how strong the exact same dosage is for me.

Keep in mind, for every chem some people seem extremely sensitive and some extremely hard headed. It always pay to start with what is considered a barely active dose your first time to make sure the vendor sent the right product and you're not overly sensitive.
I'm glad that you had a great time, but that is WAY too much for a first dose. I've done it dozens of times and haven't gone over 27-28mg Some say 2c-i is not as deep as many psychs and I tend to agree, but it does have very powerful properties. Please tell your friend that while it's nice to share drugs with friends that RCs have a much more intensive dose response curve and he should not be giving near that much to first timers. I usually give 12-15mgs to a friend who wants to try it and doesn't feel the need to try a very low dose.

I just found out about 2c-i through some guy I met by chance. He convinced me that it just made you laugh and it wasn't intense at all so I wasn't expecting anything crazy. He gave me some and told me how to use it so I went home and my sister and I took it and I found out he was completely lying. I was so fucked up. It was the best experience of my life.

I thought that I was in a different reality and thought that maybe that was the actual reality and that we all really were living in a fake one. Everything was humming and I could see the energy emulating from everything. The floor would move like it was a water bed when I stepped on it. We tried to watch tv and I literally laughed so hard that I thought I was going to suffocate. I couldn't control myself and I could not stop laughing. I stared at the tiles on the bathroom floor for a half an hour and saw all the different dimensions inside of them like it was a whole other world below the floor.

It was a complete mindfuck and this description doesn't even come close to doing it justice. When I came down I was sad that it was gone, but aside from some stomach cramps from laughing so hard there was no hangover. I would recommend it to anyone that likes to trip but also warn that it is HARDCORE tripping balls like not able to do anything about it. Way stronger than acid. Definitely a great time.

Has anyone else tried it?