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heya synthesis
you remind me of the folks I grew up with in northern nsw, hehe its all good, keep it up.
hastey boy don't be such a grouch, you know you're a big orange pants wearing kandy kid at heart ;)
aaah plurrrrrrrrr ......
okay everyone has the right to express their beliefs & opinions regardless of whether or not others agree with those beliefs. and if synthesis wishes to spread the love around, yeah great, we need more people on the planet commited to making it a more enlightened, less nasty place. but if this isnt going to be done in a non-denominational manner, i think the best thing to do in the interests of both synthesis and other bluelighters that this topic be moved to the religion & philosophy forum, even if its just so synthesis can reach his/her 'target audience' more accurately. it seems like a more relevant forum for the subject, rather than social. dont worry though, synthesis, those your message is intended for will still get it
NYE 2011: BunkerCore ;)
Nice ta hear from ya synthesis, i hope you got all your stuff back fine after earthcore?
Absolute genius. Please allow me to buy you a beer?
Primary school gem #72
"Don't drink drive,
it's a laundry detergent"
LOL! I knew someone would bump this...
That's the last time I provide a link in IRC... heh heh! :D
soooooooo synthesis wat magic pills are u munching on today? where can i obtain some of these? Quite frankly i dont belive a word of ur bullshit(sorry to all the religious zealots out there)
umm synthesis plz keep your religious ( *cough bullshit *cough ) belifes to urself we don't need to know about em... Thanx
right on vet sorry for the inconvinance everyone.
beh...i knew not having internet for 6 weeks would deprive me of something...but the resurrection of oceanboy?!? i never would have guessed.
welcome back plurdude, and i liked your old nick better ;)
can we bump the original now??
Yea, stick with Oceanboy, Oceanboy ;) .
Let's go, Team!
(start anime music...)
When the planet's on the brink,
When the music starts to stink,
We'll be there! We're fearless!
We're PLUR Crusaders!
City in a drought of G?
Dealer floggin wizz for E?
Don't be afraid! They'll fix it!
They're PLUR Crusaders!
PLUUUR, Crusaaaders,
Shuffling to the light!
PLUUUR, Crusaaaders,
Zeta gives us might!*
Into the scriptures we will delve,
And swat all day till twenty twelve,
That's when you'll see! You should've been,
A PLUR Crusader!
* : ref An Explanantion of Raving
i say we all get bob the builder.
he seems like he can fix anything rite?
if your all worried about the world coming to and end, i'm sure he will fix it!! :)
[ 25 February 2002: Message edited by: jermz ]
yaya - you should ruin a classic like 'our star blazers' like that ;)
I really don't think that this lives in
'Australia/Asia/NZ/Middle East Social' i think it would be more suited in the
'Spirituality and Personal Philosophy' Forum
God is Bob the Builder? That's fuckin scary! What oceanboy/synthesis said had some very interesting points, however the christianity shite got in the way what he was trying to achieve and sent me to sleep- innate defence mechanism preaching. God created your mind? Bullstaka, malaka u create and constantly mould your own mind based on experience. Bill Hicks was a fucking legend and now i have to ask 2 questions
Are you a creationist?
And ever noticed that creationists are really un-evolved?
One thing I have never understood about religious fervour is simply how someone can choose to preach a certain religion - disregarding the fact that their is in fact, no fact whatsoever to support their beliefs - when you are faced with one major point... and I honestly cant see how people ever get past this one... that their are simply *MILLIONS* of different religions.
And that all of these religions preach that they are the one true faith, and all the others are bunk?
This aside, the goal of religion is to instill a set of values by which to lead a 'better' life. (NB: I use the bracketed term 'better' due to the fact that most hardc0re religious followers seem to do more damage then good to themselves and the people around them). Yet every greivance man has ever shared with his brothers or his enemy since the beginning of time has been about religion.
Lets put this into focus as well. Were not talking about getting pissed off about a statue in your neighbours yard. Were talking about murder, violence, war, extermination of entire races, places and countries on a level that is unparalleled to even a small degree by any other thing man has ever known.
Sit their and tell me that religion has done more good then bad for humanity, say it with a straight face and believing it in your heart and then I will gladly take up the torch of whichever God you point me at. But the undeniable fact is that to make that statement you would be lying through your teeth.
The human being is an animal. We are destructive, horrible creations and as far reaching as our technology is, we are yet to encounter something in this universe that is remotely capable of the pain and suffering we can inflict, but yet in the eyes of -insert whichever of the trillion of religious symbols you may care to pick- we are apparently the best thing thats ever happened.
Why does the world need to blindly ignore what it really is, and that is simply an animal with an opposable thumb and an awareness of its own sentience. Because we have made houses and working lights, planes and nuclear weapons... have we also made ourselves a state of enlightenment to go along with our evolved technology ?
In 30 years technology has evolved at a million times the rate of natural evolution... Such a pity that our ability for compassion and reason hasnt matched it... and thats the point (Maybe... who knows, keep reading though please :p).
You have sinned... you are going to Heaven... you can't do that! This is the one true path... You are bad in the eyes of the Lord... Jesus wouldnt like that... Dont say that Jimmy, you'll go to Hell...
Dont do that Jimmy... its not nice and if you keep doing it people wont like you in life.
Dont do that Jimmy... YOU'LL GO TO HELL.
"God Fearing"... Are you a God Fearing man ? Hilarious when you think about it... Do you live in constant fear of the wrath that your 'saviour' can instill upon you?
Amidst my ramblings ive driven myself into a little dirt path that hasnt really led anywhere (let alone to salvation :p) and buried in the layers of sarcasm and bad analogy I hope someone somewhere takes something from this. Really their is just too much to say / argue...
Life your life because you are a person.. Not because some higher form is guiding or waiting for you. When you die, you will cease to exist and disappear into a collection of non-descript atoms. You wont go anywhere, you wont fly off to a better place... or maybe you will... I suppose the irony of me saying that is laughable considering im arguing the fact that no one really has any facts...
I just try to realise that when I pass on to wherever it is (a BigMac probably) that I will have left as much impact on this world as if I were a ripple in the Ocean. To that end I like to smile when I wake up, and I like to appreciate the feeling of being alive when I feel the sun on my skin as I walk down a road, or see a couple holding hands.
Fuck waiting for Jesus. Your already alive, make the most of it.
Regards, Phil
Seems as tho there are some narrow minded little fools amongst us who won't let one particular person let their beliefs be told. I must say it makes for some interesting reading whether you beleive it or not, its also nice to see a fresh opinion and information. Rather than live in our rich high quality poly-drug little worlds and think that the rest of the world is worse than us how about the 'live and let live' approach?
The level of acceptance has certainly been shown on this board time and time again and it certainly doesnt reflect well on us.
Respect to Synthesis. I'm happy to read anything you have to say m8ey and that goes for anybody else. Never be afraid to speak up, it's about time the white facist and racist attitude was disbanded ffs. There were other displays of beliefs in this thread but they were also trying to disband the original posters beliefs. Noone is right, we all have a different belief system. I'll accept yours, you just accept mine to.