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15 yr old, trying his first pill..

I wouldn't personally do it; theres too many moral ramifications if things go wrong. If he luvs the experience, well, he'll certainly wanna repeat it, and then you've kinda 'got him into' pills. If it goes bad and he freaks out or is hurt in some way then that kinda lies at your doorstep too. On the flipside of that is the idea that its his choice and as a friend you may wanna respect that . . . I've given a few people their first pills/trips or at least 'encouraged' them to do it,but only when I've thought they were really up for it and would get something good from it . . . but they were all my age so it would have been hypocritical to fob them off, particularly if I was drugged up at the time. But as I said, I wouldn't gie him one, you'll probably have a shit time worrying bout him (if you wanna put a selfish slant on it).... just say they fell thru, or give him aspirin and tell him to smoke heaps of pot, like on Go.
I think it's a bad idea, for the reasons that people have stated here already but I have just one more thing to add.

Say you go to this rave and give your friend his first pill and he loves it. He has the time of his life but while he's all loved up and empathetic he starts thinking about his 14-15 yr old buddies and how much they would LOVE this. Next time he sees them he starts talking it up to all of them. Now you have a whole bunch of young kids wanting you to hook them up.

If you say no you're right back in the same situation of them just going somewhere else to get it. If you say yes there is an increased chance that one of them will have a bad experience. Also, 14-15 yr olds aren't as smart about keeping their mouths shut about where they get their drugs, should any of them be caught.

Honestly, I think you'd be doing your friend more of a favour by making him wait until he is older. There's no need to rush growing up.
Nice Tits said:
I havn't heard many ppl directly mention the honey moon that alot of users seem to go on after their first few times. I know that my usage started to get out of control not long after my first pill.

Very good point. I remember my mate's exact words when he gave me my 1st pill (I'd been very anti-drugs in the past)...he said "You'll be fucked up for the next 6 months, and loving it".

And it was almost 6 months to the day when I realised that I had taken it all a bit too far, which is darn easy to do, because those 6 months are sooo much fun.

Really try and talk him out of it...think about what he's got to do over the next couple of years...hate to sound like a parent, but year 10 - 12 really do set you up for life...and being fucked on pills all weekend ain't going to help him whatsoever.
tell him you'll take him out on a fucken bender for his 18th if he doesn't take anything until then.
well my i smoked weed heaps when i was 14 then when i was 15 i wuit it and only had on special occasions, im 15 now and recently popped my 1st pill, half a green mitsubishi, then had a smoke. unbelievable peek and i shared it with a mate who is 21. right after dropping i was in love, i loved the experience but my mate wouldnt let me have one till about the 4th time every1 was dropping since that night. u have to control him and make sure he cant get the pills often. and its better he gets from u coz if he wants it he can get it from any1
Fucking hell, for fucks sake... I hate the fact people get into this so young :(

I was extremely lucky, in my opinion, not to have found drugs until I was 26. Much as I love them, I know I would have fucked myself up good and proper if I'd started at 15. As it was, I got to go through uni with my head in one piece, travel and start my career before I was aquainted with the evil, seductive, weekend-blurring, motivation-rotting, budget-wrecking substances I currently do. (come back... I'm sorry, I still love you drugs! :) )

It's an absolute gift to be free of the responsibility that goes with drug usage in your teens.

But, I have to agree with Pleo.

Pleonastic said:
I'd look at it from the other way - it sounds like he's going to do it regardless. If that's indeed the case, then it'd probably be better for him to do it in the presence of someone who's going to look after him, rather than have him go off and do it with people who don't care as much for his well being.

If it must be, do it right. :|
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mista_200 said:
Personally i don't think 15 is too young as i know and have known many people younger than that (mainly girls) who take pills.

That's so sad... what, you know 13 and 14 year old girls who take pills? That makes me sick. And the people who give pills to them make me sicker. I'm not even going to sugar coat that reaction.
Yes it's sad all right SLM.

When you're older, you look back and realize those early years provided many of life's best memories. Experiences which are set firmly into ones 'recollectable' subconscious. It's impossible to imagine what it might do to someone who looks back at that time and only remembers a blur. I'd hate to think where I'd be without the comfort of those memories, even the sad, the bad and the hurtful of that time.

There's plenty of time later in life to get fucked up on drugs. Those often cherished memories from this period become the foundations to adult behavior; how you learn to react to and respond to things in life.

I can understand why there's perhaps more temptation these days. Sure there's more drugs around, and more people doing them than at the time I went through puberty, but kids these days are also almost forced into wanting to grow up quicker. Society expects them to behave like adults at a much earlier age than when I was 13, yet society's expectations also places firm limits on what they're allowed to do, and at times restricts them like they're still little kids. In this light, it's hardly surprising that the rebellious nature of a typical teenager often sees them turn to drugs - perhaps seen to be something to prove that you can handle anything life can offer? Sadly though, drug use at such an early age doesn't empower or advance this one bit.

Let that growing mind - that sponge for knowledge and life skills- soak up real life experiences and firmly implant them in the subconscious. Then, later when drugs are played with, the experience can mean something, and may even add to, rather than subtract from your greater self.

mmm...that definitely sounds like the attitude of a concerned ex user/ parent :\
I was also fortunate to start late, at twenty-two.

The thing is though, a lot has changed, even in the last eight years or so since I was in high school. Kids today are getting into drugs earlier and earlier, and more and more of it is available to them through their social networks.

I think it takes some measure of balls to sort out someone so young, taking upon your shoulders the burden of responsibility if something should go wrong.

If it's a choice between doing that or leaving it in the hands of some dodgy bastard called "Shane" on his special work number 0411-PILLZ, then I know what I would probably choose.

Damned if you do... etc etc. :\
I had my first pill when I was 25 and it was my first real experience with any form of recreational drug with only brief experiments with weed after high school. Having said that I was feral at the front bar of my local hotel and gained quite a reputation in the defence force for my enthusiasm for drinking. I also since that first dabble have recently consumed my 740th disk of joy.

Personally I'm glad I waited till then to explore drugs as I was able to do it in the comfort of my own surroundings and I was able to fund it with my shirt and tie income. I would hate to imagine how I would have managed to manage it with my casual nightfill wages and coming home to my conservative, religious, european family on a sunday evenings when I was still in my teens.

My opinon as much as its worth, land a job that pays big bucks first. Second do a shit load of catching up.

JoKeRsWiLd =D
^ absolutely agree 100%. A year later for me, but exact same circumstances down to a tee ;)

Then again; think about it... *everyone* is going to say the age they took their first pill was the perfect age, because we all like to justify our actions. I rarely come across someone who says "yeah, in hindsight, I'm a tool. I fucked up by doing that"... it's refreshing when it happens though.
Pleonastic said:
I'd look at it from the other way - it sounds like he's going to do it regardless. If that's indeed the case, then it'd probably be better for him to do it in the presence of someone who's going to look after him, rather than have him go off and do it with people who don't care as much for his well being. Obviously it'd be better if he'd wait, but if he seems to think waiting isn't an option then the next best thing would be close supervision by someone with experience.

Don't encourage him, but if he chooses to do it anyway then support him in his decision and help him out in any way you can.

This i agree with, definetely don't encourage them but if its gunna happen... It seems strange to me some people here on BL would believe 15 year olds need older users to introduce them or sell to them kids do get into the pills and the speed at around 15, im tempted to say "these days" but really thats exactly the same as 5 years ago when i was 15, and far from needing adults to introduce them or sell them i know lots of 15-16 year olds who deal in pills and even ice and i don't mean a couple pills to their mates each week i mean big business.

Also i don't think its necessarily true that anyway who tries pills is gunna go nuts and thats all they'll care about for half a year till they start to lose the magic or whatever.
most of my friends started taking LSD and ecstasy pills when they were ~16, and speed not long after. at the time i felt like "yeah theyre having fun, but i dont think its for me". so i didnt try these things for about 4 or 5 more years. if i could have my time again, i'd probably have had my first pill when i was late 17 or early 18. I didnt though, and i dont really care too much. all my friends who tried these drugs back when they were young stopped taking em anyway after a few months for various reasons (nothing heaps 'bad though, like not addiction or failing school or getting fired or whatever), then got back into it a couple of years later. i dont think they were victims of 'innocence lost' or whatever things people on here are talking about. everybody is different, and what is good for the goose isnt necessarily good for the gander.

but sometimes it is.