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15 yr old, trying his first pill..

I wouldent do it. He is only 15 and wouldent understand the rights and wrongs even if you told him. I wish older drug dealing wannabe's had have not sold to me when I was young, because now I'm addicted to shit I dint even make a decision over, when I was young I didnt care about consiqencies.
I'm hoping to show him the way..as I believe I'm quite the sensible guy when it comes to drugs.

Mind you I'm going a bit hardcore these next 3-4 months. Going to some of the best raves in europe and well..I'm planning on making this year the most eventful and best year ever.

He hangs mostly around with his mates who smoke pot, one of his friends I know quite well. Hell, even though he's friend is 14, he knows alot more about drugs than me.

Maybe if he has a good time at the rave, he'll see that pills are a social thing and maybe will only do it on special occassions?
KostoN said:
Yeah, encourage to use alcohol ? ha. (99% of drug related deaths are alcohol(SOURCE: ABS.GOV.AU)

Let him have it, just make sure he/she doesn't hang around with the wrong crowd and turn out a pill head and a crackwhore!!

Show him the way.

Time for a reallity check - the guy is gunna want to take "something" at this rave - I'm just saying at his age responsible consumption of alcohol will cause less long term harm to his brain than starting on pills. I remember getting totally pissed for the first time when I was about 15 and it put me off alcohol for a few years ... lol
My first apprentice was only 15, just going on 16... i wasn't much older...

I've had a few of them... and if and when they do freak out, it's a worry, and you HOPE to god the kids mother doesn't know he's on shit - coz ur too blame, and the mum (which in my case knew me, i lived across the road) had no idea what her precious little boy was doing, even when he talked to her off his head...

That being said - this particular "apprentice" has already been through meth addiction+++ all infront of his mother, been busted by cops in psychosis - yet she still has no idea about the drugs, she thinks he just smokes pot - she even found his crackie... Maybe she just doesn't want to know.

Everything said, if this guy is a young dude you would consider a friend more than a child ur gunna babysit, do it for him, teach him well, show him H/R strategies - coz there is a good chance he's gonna go elsewhere and get ripped off by some dodgy guy outside a club or at a train station.

Party Safe
I didn't have my first pill till my early 20s...but having grown up with my my younger brother (8 years younger) was more than aware of the 'scene' and what I did.

Whilst he was extremely keen to try, and whilst a lot of his <18 friends were trying, I honestly told him he should wait. Whilst 18 may be just a number, and I don't necessarily believe it denotes an instant time when someone is ready, 18 in my mind was a reasonable time. Hell, before you turn 18 there's a lot to experience without the need/aid of drugs.

So, bless him, he did wait...and to this day he's glad he did...and we often head out for a big night together and 'share the joy'.

But, in your case you probably don't/can't exert the influence I could. So perhaps if you really can't get him to hold off, in the interests of harm minimisation...teach him the safest way...test pills, start with small doses (1/4 even if its a strong one)...
I don't think he's too young to have pills. Although i do encourage people to try pills i make sure i don't have anything to do with getting them for the person- In case something goes wrong.. ? Tell him to try a half first!!!!!!
Personally i don't think 15 is too young as i know and have known many people younger than that (mainly girls) who take pills.
mista_200 said:
Personally i don't think 15 is too young as i know and have known many people younger than that (mainly girls) who take pills.

It's all about harm minimisation - a 15 year old's brain is still developing and shouldn't be further stressed by getting all chemmed up. A few years of popping pills in his teens could lead to a lifetime on anti-depressants.

The other sociological aspect is that life's gunna be relatively boring for this kid if he pops a pill at his first rave. The difference between good and great times is all rather relative and subjective. Wouldn't he be better off to experience his first few raves/events straight, then try pills or other stuff later on to appreciate the relative difference?

I'm really quite surprised that none of the normally vocal moderators haven't jumped on top of this topic :X
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Yeah ok. I dont agree with kids just out of primary school taking pills, but we cant exactly stop them. Telling them off makes them want them more!
[S]alvatore said:
As other people have suggested around here. Closer to 18 would be better, as his brain won't be fully developed until then.

correction: the brain doesnt fully develop until about the age of 24 :)
I know you can't put an age on these things, but I really feel like 15 is a bit young, what with all the other pressures teenagers have to deal with. I dunno, I just think of myself at that age and despite being reasonably mature for my age, I don't believe I would have been mature enough to deal with the shit that sometimes comes with taking pills ie comedowns and emotional rollercoasters.
I know everyone's different and people are trying things younger and younger these days, but I really feel taking drugs at this age is potentially a recipe for disaster.
Then again, if he's going to do it regardless, I'm all for him having a safe night with more experienced users. It's just that that's not what worries me, I'm sure his *first night* will be safe.... it's just that the Pandora's Box that is opened may not be.
Anyways, my 2 cents. :)
"Then again, if he's going to do it regardless, I'm all for him having a safe night with more experienced users. It's just that that's not what worries me, I'm sure his *first night* will be safe.... it's just that the Pandora's Box that is opened may not be." -- I agree with this statement.

Ones first MDMA experience is usually overwhelmingly positive... it is only maturity and wisdom that can temper the enthusiasm for ecstasy generated by all ones reward mechanisms turning on at once. I have known people who have tried MDMA once and never returned to it, because they enjoyed it so much and were scared to repeat the experience... but none of those people were 15. I haven't seen many good examples of sensible drug taking in under 18s, it's not to say that everyone under 18 who takes drugs is going to turn into the candy kid who flashes out under too many pills at an all ages rave, but they do tend to stand out somewhat.

A few links:
BigTrancer :)
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That's what is worrying me, Pandora's Box.

The thing is, since he's so keen on doing it, I fear that if he doesn't try it with me or get it off me that he might get some dodgy one.

One part of me is telling me to go through with it, the other part is telling me not go through with it. :(

And BT...I shall have a look at those links..
I had my first pill at 14.

At the time i saw it as huge thing.

If you go ahead make sure you EDUCATE and let him know that it is not a little thing.

It should be treated as a heavy drug that you should not have very often.

Maturity level here also plays a big factor.
BT, you are the smartest man alive. The problem with pills is that they are SOOO great. If you get into them at such a young age, how are you going to be bothered worrying about school, university etc...

I didn't try it until last year of university, and I always thank god I didn't try it earlier, because I don't think I would have got where I am today had I...
yea man i kinda agree, 15's to young! if you wanna get off have a wank! jus my 2c
Why not just get the kid boozed up on Passion Pop like we all did at 15, and smoke barkies!
Coming at it from a slightly different angle, I couldn't see myself doing this zandesh.

From a legal standpoint you're putting an enourmous amount of responsibility on yourself by doing this. It's easy to forget that pills are not toys - and that they can have massive effects on some people. I've had to make the call to take a friend to hospital due to bad reaction to one reasonable strength pill. It was awful and i realised that there is a duty of care involved if you are in this sort of situation.

By supplying him if anything goes wrong his parents will be on a manhunt to find the supplier. Would you be ready for that?

Also i'm a big fan of people not touching this stuff until they've left school due to the brai not being fully developed and people tendign to be more mature when older. I see your point about him probably doing it anyhow and so wanting to do it from a HR point of view and it all gets complicated then. It's a tough call.
I havn't heard many ppl directly mention the honey moon that alot of users seem to go on after their first few times. I know that my usage started to get out of control not long after my first pill. After a binging period i woke up to myself and realised what i was doing. I know that many other users on bluelight have had the same experience. I did this at the age of 18 and hold my own immaturity responcible. I know I shouldn't generalise but I think most 15 year olds would lack the maturity to wake up to themslves.

Granted you don't think that he can obtain pills without going through you so you can monitor his usage. But I don't think that situation would be likely to stay like that for very long.

Nice Tits
I gave this young dude who was a friend of a friend his first pill after talking it up heaps (Come to think of it I don't really know where this chump came from.... anyway) he turns into this crazy pill head from hell and won't ever leave my house and shit, spends all his money on drugs and just generally makes a cunt out himself on a regular basis. I tried educating him the right way but he'd just never listen, you know after giving a 15 mintue lecture, he call a dealer and go get more shit, eventually it go so bad I called his folks (who didn't know anything) and said he's outta control.

I feel pretty bad about all this, cos he's really fucked up now. But you just can't ever tell how people are gonna go, so I'd really be careful about giving this kid his first pill, you don't wanna have someone's fucked up life on your concience trust me.
"Ignorance is Bliss"

Alot of people have clearly made the point that 15 is a young age to take MDMA...all i can suggest is that u educate him thoroughly about the drug...get him on Bluelight and make him read through the MDMA guide and the sort. Get him a E-Z tester so he can test his own pills.
I for one would not want to supply him with pills knowing there is a possibility that somethng could go wrong...small possibility perhaps...but better to be SAFE then SORRY.
and yes im sure he will find a way of obtaining pills, but if you have educated him enough then im sure he will test them, take half and hopefully have a great time on them.
Tell him your responsibilities of being 18+
that way u arent supplying him with the drug and wont have those responsibilities attached to u...
By all means if he has his mind set on goin out to a rave and popping, then do it with him.