14th Issue Heroin Discussion v. Hey white boy, what you doin' uptown?

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i didnt see one person in my 2months that had a cig, when i first got in there, i guess someone on the upper tier had snuck a jab of heroin and sold a 2or3bags for crazy prices but mainly did it themselves but other then that the only people i knew who had tobacco or anything else (basically just weed) was the guys in med/max..go figure the guys in the med/max security cells were the ones that had the drugs but thats what it was..i was in the lowest security with no gangs, old men, non violent cases and we didnt have shit but the drugs that we were able to get off the old guys and lopermide and albuteral...you take 3-4puffs off albuterol and it kind of fucks you up lol...i do know a nick of weed cost $50, and you could get 2 joint sout of that..but in that block there was only 1 person with a lighter and they sold 1 flick/light for like $5bux or something like that..and the only other way to get a light was to get a paper clip and fuck with the electrical socket to create a spark and when you did that you had to have a piece of toilet paper around (preferably with chapstick..so if you can cach the spark, the chapstick would help it to burn slow...its really amazing the ingenuity.

Well tobacco isnt allowed there either it was snuck in or picked up by work crews and shit. Thats why it was so expensive. I had plenty of money so i would help feed my homies if they didnt thats a big part of me spending that much. Plus i stayed fresh in those reebok classics on commissary. haha And yes the whole shabangs are fucking fire. Ill never eat another fucking ramen noodle again though. I felt like a freshmen in college again crushing 3-4 noodles a day to stay full.

Also HEROIN (forgot what thread i was in ha)

thats cool that they got "the whole shaqbang" out by you..those were the best chips

they actually dont have ramen on our commisary either..my favorite thing was makin burritos with the chunks of chicken breast that came in a sealed package on commisary(it was actually really good meat and you could get 4-5burritos off one package, each package was $4-5 though) and nacho cheese, hot fritos, hot sauce, mayo and whatever else we wanted on it, plus the rice,lettuce, or beans that was in the dinner from that night..it was actually really good food and theres nothing better then goin to bed on a full stomach..also when they served us noodles, taking that nacho cheese and making mac n cheese with it..i told this story before but i was the first person in that cell block/dorm to take the noodles and mix the package of nacho cheese and make it..and when everyone else saw it, they all copied and no one ate the plain noodles ever again, EVERYONE made mac n cheese from then on. and nacho cheese became the second most important thing aside from tortilla shells..everyone always ran out of tortilla shells before the next commisarry and you could trade for alot for a package of them, hell even for a couple single shells...cause the dinners wernt horrible but adding the extra carbs from the tortillas is important to fill you up..
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Well we had to go to a mess hall and couldnt bring food back from there, i wouldnt want to anyways it was fucking dog food most of the time. But i got into making some frito pie burritos that were fire. Hot cheetos jalapeno cheese some chilli refried beans and jalapeno slices. It reminded me of those burritos you can get at sonic. I turned my whole pod onto those mother fuckers. Mostly they fed us all starches to fill us up. I put on about 25 lbs but a lot of that was muscle too, 1000 pushups a day will do that. But damn i never wanna see white bread or ramen noodles again.
I'll try to take a pic tomorrow of it but out here my guess they usually cut it with quinine or lactose or shit similiar to it. Tried to break it back down into liquid but it wouldn't filter through the cotton and the cotton was gettin all sticky and shit. The cotton reminded me of soggy lucky charm marshmallows
dub...what do you mean mess hall and couldnt bring food back? like you had to go to lunch and dinner in the mess hall and couldnt bring it back but your commisary was ok in your cell? they ended up doing that for us also but i got out of there about 2-3weeks after they started it

they did it to save money, they made the peopke in the dorms, walk to the lunchroom at 5am for breakfest and then 11-12 for lunch instead of delivering it to us and you had the right to refuse to go(once i had to walk to get breakfest i stopped going and just slept cause i only drank the milk and saved the bread and jelly cause breakfest was the worst meal) but then the last 2weeks or so i was there they changed the rules and you wernt allowed to bring anyfood from breakfest or lunch back with you to your dorm cause people were juswt having other people bring them food back and they didnt like that..so they made the swtich to save money but really they were wasting more cause when they brought the food to us, 90% of the people would eat it, when we had to walk and get it id say only 50% of the people got up in the mornign t oeat but they had to prepare for all 100%, so the leftovers got thrown away(thats why they later talked about charging us for our food, they figured well if you have to pay for it regardless if you eat it or not, it doesnt matter if they have to throw most of it away, then they talked about eliminating breakfest alltogether cause so few ppeople would go but all these problems occured cause they didnt want to bring us our food)...plus they only gave us like 10-15min to eat, literally timed us and if you didnt finish you just threw it away..

lunch was different cause it was prepackaged but still it was timed and if you didnt finish, oh well..but when it came to lunch i would trade my chips and cookies or granola bar for a sandwich, cause i had chips and cookies in commisary so i didnt need that, but bread was hard to come by cause i stopped going to and eating breakfest..so thats why i traded that shit for a sandwhich and then i would just sneak back all the bread i could(someguys would put all the meat on one sandwich and so id get their bread and so on )but they literally would frisk random people or whoever they thought was sneaking food back like it was drugs or shanks and the COs in the dorms would laugh at us and not care we snuck shit back but the men in black in the lunchrooms were hard asses about it..but its fucked up they do all this to save money but yet they wasited even more money having to throw the food away and they had to pay all those guards(like 15-20) to watch the couple 100 people in the lunchroom plud eslking us to and from the lunchroom..instead of having 2inmates and 1 guard go around and feed everyone in their dorms..makes no sense really

now i didnt like balogna befoer i got inthere but you got to eat what you got to eat and it wasnt too bad when i brought mayo and mustard from my commisary to eat it... but i honestly havent had any balogna since i got out of there, not one slice ..i refuse and i never worked out while locked up either...i just didnt see the point of it..i dont work out on the outside but people do it in jail cause they are bored and are looking to kill time..but the cell i had and with the dorm, i was alwasy able to see and hear the tv and my family would send me books, wordsearchs and crosswords and magazines and i just had other things to do then workout..plus i only liked sweating when i knew i could take a shower right after(like in the dorms, but good luck getting hot water) and not have to sit in my cell and take a bird bath or wait til it was our turn out of the cells and then take one...i had that respect for my celly not to be stinkin, just like you wernt allowed to take a shit in our toilet unless it was an emergency..we got out of our cells for 3 hours, twice a day, thats when you showered and shit..not when we are both sitting in the cell doing nothing..1 guy was in there for 8months fighting a case and lost something like 75pounds by doings nothing but walking, he would jsut walk in circles or pace, whatever he could and it worked
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Yeah, it's like, they don't wanna see anybody do anything that makes their time more tolerable! What? You're gonna stab somebody with that extra bread you brought back? that's why they call 'em hacks! The real police at least deal with real crimes on the street1 Those bitches are dealing with writing paper, baloney and ramen noodles....Half those motherfuckers couldn't become real cops cuz they'te too stupid or too damn shady themselves!!

but shit, its the way to go for a career!...Those assholes make $20+ an hour with OT! just ask Rick Ross!
i wanna know why other places like nyc/nj dont use cuts like dormin and why chicago/detroit do..or why does nj/nyc, use the cuts that they do use?

couldnt tell you why NYC/NJ doesnt

but i can tell you DFW does

it got a bunch of media hype under the name 'cheese'

basically the news got ahold of some real shitty dope and some pretty stupid dopeheads

so for awhile everyone was saying cheese was super low purity dope cut with tylenol PM and it was marketed to kids who otherwise wouldnt use heroin

IME here's how it goes down around here,

mexicans 9/10 times sell straight tar, im sure some sell 'cheese' but if you're buying from mexicans you're getting tar,

the blacks mostly cut with dyphenhydramine, they dont call it cheese, your just buying caps of powder dope that has been cut with Dyph

one would assume that tar would be better then caps

and while this is sometimes the case and sometimes was the case in my experience it isnt always and i ended up preferring caps, partially b/c my mexican connect got all fucked up with stick up boys following the delivery drivers n robbin the custys but also cuz the dope was of equal or better quality 7/10 times and cuz it was cheaper n more convenient, i didnt have to call n meet i just went down to the trap, it was open 7-9 every single day.

i used to work with a dude who was a shooter n when i told him i was buying caps he kinda scoffed at me, then one day he was hard up n asked me for one so i gave it to him and he went to the bathroom and immediatly came out n asked me where i got my caps n if i could hook him up

then awhile later he hooked me up with some of his 'fire' tar, its was garbage, ok well not garbage but i thumbed my nose at him cuz we both knew the caps i gave him were way better then that black he gave me

whats this about not wanting breakfast? i have never done any real time, just 3 over nighters and one couple day stay, but one saying that i heard everytime, EVERYTIME, was when one or two dudes would sleep through breakfast other people would eat thier shit and when they woke up the one phrase i heard in multiple different jails was "sleep late, lose weight"

dallas county was a bologna sandwich every time, EVERYTIME, never once got a real meal in Lew Sterrit, just two pieces of white bread n one slice of bologna, 3x a day.

Denton County was alright, they tried atleast: cornbread, gravy with tiny pieces of turkey, the worst mashed potatoes ive ever tried. breakfast was gritz and half an orange n something else i forget

Denton City was good but small, we got hot pockets, but you got ONE hot pocket 3x a day, thats it

so yea, cutting with dyphenhydramine is common practice in DFW but its not universal, i would say there is more tar n DFW then caps but its a racial thing, mexicans sell black, blacks sell caps
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Yea chink we had wings with 5 pods each wing. So they call your pod of 25 people and you go eat and come back every meal. 430 am break fast 1030 lunch and 430 pm dinner. And being as we were pods we had our own showers so you could shower when you needed after working out. I got lucky and my rack was one that you could lay in feet up and see the TV. I rented my rack out on a few football sundays haha.
^you hear about the "scramble" in Baltimore....pretty sure that's Dormin....As far as NYC, Jerz, points north...historically, ya gotta come with good material or you're not gonna have custies! Theres just too much competetion for the dollar... In the nineties, NYC was ridiculously good for coke and dope! No matter how stupid you were, you got above average shit!

Where I'm from, about2 hrs north of NYC, it was pretty much the same, all the dealers were doin was drivin the shit 2 hrs up the highway....These days, the standards are down, even in NYC....wouldn't suprise me if Ive had shit that was cut with dorm in didnt even know it....but they still use mostly mannitol, lactose, sometimes benefiber if youre on the lower end...It's a regional thing...

Still, it's not like the purity is averagin above %50 anywhere....so they could easily use dorm on the east coast, but I dont think its really done that much....
Yeah, it's like, they don't wanna see anybody do anything that makes their time more tolerable! What? You're gonna stab somebody with that extra bread you brought back? that's why they call 'em hacks! The real police at least deal with real crimes on the street1 Those bitches are dealing with writing paper, baloney and ramen noodles....Half those motherfuckers couldn't become real cops cuz they'te too stupid or too damn shady themselves!!

but shit, its the way to go for a career!...Those assholes make $20+ an hour with OT! just ask Rick Ross!

or they are too fat, i swear more then half the sheriffs that dont do patrol(courthouse COs and county jail) are all massivly overweight, not thick or fat but obese..i dont get how they a;llow them to get so big

but yeah all you need is a 2year associates degree to become a cook county sheriff, so they definetly arent the sharpest tools in the shed..honestlty if i knew how easy and how much they made back when i was getting out of highschool..i would have done it myself cause its a city/government pension and thats huge

but my sister recently has been lookinbg into becoming a CO but shes been looking at being an IDOC one and not a CCDOC and im telling her not to do the idoc. she thinks im just alkin shit but its so much better to be a CCDOC person cause for 1) you dont have to deal with convicted murders and rapists and people doing life without..in county its people who are just charged and not convicted, they have a whole differnt mind frame, plus they being with the sheriffs, you dont have to strickly work at the kail, you can do partol, or the courthouses and change it up every couple years if you want..working with IDOC, thats like a dead end job, your basically stuck with that.

if i didnt catch this conviction i have no doubt thats what i would be doing right now...i honestly never thought of it until i went to county and seen how easy their job is and how much they get paid and the pension
Yea chink we had wings with 5 pods each wing. So they call your pod of 25 people and you go eat and come back every meal. 430 am break fast 1030 lunch and 430 pm dinner. And being as we were pods we had our own showers so you could shower when you needed after working out. I got lucky and my rack was one that you could lay in feet up and see the TV. I rented my rack out on a few football sundays haha.

for us it was basically the same we had them pods and i think it was 25-30 people..but we got split up by top tier and bottom tier and you were either in or out when it was your chance, cause they locked the cells..so say i was on the bottom tier and they would let us 15ppl out and then lock or cells after we got out, so our entire 3hours was really out, you couldnt go back in your cell whenever you wanted and get what you wanted and what not..so wewould watch tv and do whatever for 3hours in the morning and then they would lock us up and let the top tier out..so when they would lock us up, my celly would work out and then he would wash the floor and i tried working out a few time swbut i just a bigger guy and would sweat myass off and he was this tiny mexican who didnt sweat at all...and i just didnt like sitting in my cell sweating, i too got lucky and was one of like 3 cells that could see and hear the tv from my cell and i had the only one where i could sit and watch it..so thats what i did all day, just watch tv
or they are too fat, i swear more then half the sheriffs that dont do patrol(courthouse COs and county jail) are all massivly overweight, not thick or fat but obese..i dont get how they a;llow them to get so big

but yeah all you need is a 2year associates degree to become a cook county sheriff, so they definetly arent the sharpest tools in the shed..honestlty if i knew how easy and how much they made back when i was getting out of highschool..i would have done it myself cause its a city/government pension and thats huge

but my sister recently has been lookinbg into becoming a CO but shes been looking at being an IDOC one and not a CCDOC and im telling her not to do the idoc. she thinks im just alkin shit but its so much better to be a CCDOC person cause for 1) you dont have to deal with convicted murders and rapists and people doing life without..in county its people who are just charged and not convicted, they have a whole differnt mind frame, plus they being with the sheriffs, you dont have to strickly work at the kail, you can do partol, or the courthouses and change it up every couple years if you want..working with IDOC, thats like a dead end job, your basically stuck with that.

if i didnt catch this conviction i have no doubt thats what i would be doing right now...i honestly never thought of it until i went to county and seen how easy their job is and how much they get paid and the pension

Yeah man, there's people with masters degrees that are unemployed, but they always need COs....It wouldn't phase me to work in a prison! Benefits, good pay! Shit, third shift all you have to do is look at motherfuckers locked in a cell....your sister should go for it!
shit the 3rd shift in my dorn, he did nothing but play solitatre and watch dvds, while we slept and i know a couple times he fell asleep too

but my sister is like 5'5-5'6 and 100pounds, no joke literally 95-110lbs skinny chick...and i just dont want her doing state prisons corrections with convicts and people who will never leave jail now that we banned the death penalty..i mean i know chances are she will be safe but theres just so much more room for promotions and just safety being a cook county sheriff..if your IDOC thats a;;l your gonna do for the nect 20-30years...being a sheriff, you can do the jail, courthouses, patrol, you can be a detective, you can work missing people,,,.theres just alot more to do being a sheriff and if yhe position your in gets stale after 5years, you can do something else and like i said you dont have to deal with people who are never gonna leave prison, people who you might see everyday for the next 20years and if you piss them off once, they might hold a grudge, and tey and get you.. where as bieng in county, you might have to deal wit hthat person for a year max, and not even cause they switch positions in county every 90days..but in county they just ocme and go and alot are innocent and not looking for trouble, prison is way different..also cook county is huge and you can live all over, but if you get put in a prison, you might be 6hours away in the middle of nowhere and thats it. thats where you got to live

thats why if she wants to do that type of work, that i want her to become a sheriff
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Chinky, I don't think many other areas use dormin specifically but, i bet almost everyone has had diphenhydramine in their dope at some point. It's just not the name brand dormin. In fact they don't even sell dormin at stores out here.
holy fucking shit, the impossible has happened. over the summer i was getting the best possible shit. so good and such a distinctive taste/smell that one bag would have me drooling and not fiending (it was raw that was being bagged out without being cut by anyone but the importer *supposedly).......and it's back. my friend has been going her old middle man to the source for this and boy is it delicious.

so delicious that im trading the last of the 300mg lyrica caps i found, selling a few dvd box sets, and returning bottles and cans for money to pay her off for what she fronted me + get more.

on the other end of the spectrum, my other connect is doing a buy one get one free thing on bundles + this girl will trade for other drugs.

fuck you 2 days of being sober.......if i can ill grab pics of the raw (as im fairly certain shes coming over to smoke some bud/pick up her money/give me more)
Wow man that is a great deal. I mean I don't mind gabapentin and I hear that pregabalin (lyrica) is like a stronger version of of it but, I wouldn't trade a vicodin for that let alone fire dope.

I copped during lunch today. It's good but, whatever they cut with burns the fuck out of my nose. This dealer is so consistent that I really didn't expect it at all. So I am on my way back to work and I set up a fat ass line and take it all at once. It was bad man as I came real close to puking my guts out and tears filled my eyes. At least it's better than average dope though. It kind of reminded me of my club days a decade ago when I snorted an ecstasy pill.
Dude I snorted a e pill one time and my snot was blue for like half a week.
It made me throw up all the alcohol I drank and I was pukin so hard I threw up some blood. Not a pleasent feeling.
Snorting ecstasy is rough! I snorted molly once and it was bad for an hour....I crushed and snorted a pill and I was in agonizing pain for hours, tearing up, inflamed
i have ALOT of experience with mdma (due to me being a dirty rave kid/ working dj /working for a group that tests drugs with our test kits)......and snorting it isn't a good idea

theres a cap to how much serotonin is released due to mdma. snorting it will cause a much higher release of serotonin, but because its so quick it doesnt last and will fuck up your tolerance.

the best thing i can say is to get a half g of some real molly. 2 200mg caps (take one, than another an hour later) + 100mg to snort when you peak. now THAT is a good time. i typically go through a g myself. 3 250mg caps taken 45 minutes apart + 250mg to do dabs as i feel like/share/snort if i feel like it.

also, i couldnt find my camera so i cant take pics of my 2 bags of raw. bought one and got one fronted since i put my passport up as collateral. 900mg lyrica + awesome dope = nodding and an inability to walk or function. lol
i see you guys talk a bout lyrica and i saw a commercial i think for it on tv..but what exactly is it for and is there a recreational value for it?

i mean i know its for pain but is it on the OC,dilly, and the other one you guys talk about strength level or is it like tramadol?
its a painkiller for primarily neurological situations (i have a neuorlogical disorder). it works on the GABA system (like alcohol, barbituates, etc), so when you take enough you feel almost drunk (similar euphoria, loss of coordination and balance, etc) with a calming benzo-like feeling with an opiate mentality (the mental calmness and lack of cravings)

thats why i like it. + it goes great with opiates/benzos in terms of potentiation. i like it more than codeine and tramadol

and for the record, 900mg lyrica + 1 anf 3/4ths of a bag of raw nasal/1/4th plugged + some bud makes life a million times better
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