13th Issue Heroin Discussion v. fuck hope do dope

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I wonder how many total people got shot over arguments that started because someone scuffed someone else's kicks
Lol ^^

Mc- all this methadone talk making your brain dream about it or you secretly want it lol jk
alright... so im anxiously waiting for the day that my methadone clinic is going to drug test me. you see, ive been planning this little "drug test party", since if i piss clean, im going to get another take home (so i will have for saturday and sunday). so i see that as a good reason to celebrate. since ive been being good, and not using, just waiting for this day.. i havent been tested since july 2. and we are supposed to be tested monthly... so its been well over a month, and almost 2 months, which is a long time for a junky like me to wait to get loaded.

so, that test is coming up soon, i can feel it. and after that test, i am going to indulge in: at least 95mgs of oxy, a gram of heroin, a gram of dank sour diesel, a 6 pack of rolling rock to sip on casually, muscle relaxants 4 pills. also i am still looking for pills like oxy (percocets, k 18's, etc..), vicodin (10's, 5's), muscle relaxants, and tranquilizers like xanax and klonopins..

aaaahhhhhhhhhh i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!
alright... so im anxiously waiting for the day that my methadone clinic is going to drug test me. you see, ive been planning this little "drug test party", since if i piss clean, im going to get another take home (so i will have for saturday and sunday). so i see that as a good reason to celebrate. since ive been being good, and not using, just waiting for this day.. i havent been tested since july 2. and we are supposed to be tested monthly... so its been well over a month, and almost 2 months, which is a long time for a junky like me to wait to get loaded.

so, that test is coming up soon, i can feel it. and after that test, i am going to indulge in: at least 95mgs of oxy, a gram of heroin, a gram of dank sour diesel, a 6 pack of rolling rock to sip on casually, muscle relaxants 4 pills. also i am still looking for pills like oxy (percocets, k 18's, etc..), vicodin (10's, 5's), muscle relaxants, and tranquilizers like xanax and klonopins..

aaaahhhhhhhhhh i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!

You should remind them to test you. I read a thread on here about a person who wasn't tested for a while and didn't think much of it since they were clean and apparently when the clinic realized the mistake they took the missed tests as dirty drops, so took away their take homes.
Sounds dangerous, why do you want to relapse? Why are you on methadone?

I want to get high because its been such a long time... the thought started in the back of my head, and now its consuming all my thoughts. i cant stop thinking about popping all those oxy's and a few tranq's, waiting for the come up, and when it hits im going to start off with a trail, and if that doesnt get me high, im gona have to bust out the needle and do it up... this may sound dangerous, but i am very experienced with opiates and other pills too. ive been doing this for 7 years.. and if it seems wrong, like if im too high already and i havent had the shot yet, i wont do it till i feel right about it.. im not tryin to OD.

I am on methadone because ive been using heroin just about everyday for 3 years. i was blowing all my money on dope.. so i switched to methadone, and ive been doing so well.. saving a lot of $, staying busy all the time being productive.. not using.. turned my life around pretty much. i was just about to be on the streets if i didnt get clean when i did.. so i had to choose between using dope and ending up homeless, or doing something about my problem and turning my life around.

You should remind them to test you. I read a thread on here about a person who wasn't tested for a while and didn't think much of it since they were clean and apparently when the clinic realized the mistake they took the missed tests as dirty drops, so took away their take homes.

i have brought it up to one of the nurses, and she explained that the testing is randomly generated by a computer. so whenever my name pops up on the computer, is when i am going to be tested. by the way, on august 22 is the day i am going to get my extra take home privilege. cant wait for that!
Tommy i would just ask your buddy for his number and hit him up since hes already seen you a few times!Your buddy is lucky he didnt get beat the fuck down or a buck 50 for pulling that shit! Man i feel like i need a boat with all this rain.

To be fair, my friend went all the way out there to cop and the guy decided that he would only sell him the stamp that we know is really good if he bought 5 bundles or more. So while they were arguing the guy went downstairs to let his dogs out, leaving my pissed off friend in the room with a drawer full of raw dope. My friend was ready to stop using that dealer since he actually has been getting his shit together little by little, so he figured why not grab a chunk of dope and never see the guy again. It's not like the dealer has any idea where he is from (other than the general county name maybe), or a way of finding it out.

To add to that, I think the dealer will get arrested soon enough, and probably has a case being built against him. I headed out to him on foot from the train station (when I tried to snag the connect from my friend last week), and managed to see him leaving the stash house and when I went over to his house after that he was there with a few other people in his car. If he was alone I woulda hollered at him, but when I passed by his house he was inside while 2 guys were in his car, and I wasn't about to tell the guys in the car to get the dealer for me because who knows what they know. What I'm getting at is he's predictable as hell, and even uses the same stash house that got robbed. It's obvious to anyone in the neighborhood that he's a dealer, so if they know any stick-up crews (which a lot of people in that area do) he's gonna get hit again, if not by a crew then it's gonna be by police.
That is dangerous Rocky. I could see starting with a shot and then adding what you need but, starting with oral oxy, smoking, whatever else you might find and then adding a shot which you haven't had in quite some time on top of the done that's still in ya is a terrible idea. This is how people fall out. It's relapses.
Yeah Tommy that dealer doesnt sound that brilliant if he's using the same stash house thats been hit before! Is he in Bwick? I would guess cause I know of a lot of stick up crews that call Bwick home.
Meth is pretty much non existent everywhere in the north east. I never once heard of it being in connecticut

Meth is virtually non-existant in NYC. I've only gotten my hands on it a few times.. I wouldn't mind to try some again..but really, I enjoyed shooting coke more than banging meth. The rush doesn't last as long..but it's way more intense than the meth.

And you know what, the only meth I've ever seen in Chicago (and I'm OLD) has been through a gay acquaintance who told me that most gay guys are really into meth and GHB. And the scene is full of it.... His boyfriend is a meth dealer and i tried it and it was way too speedy for this dopehead. The aderrall the schrink prescribes is too speedy for me. I am bouncing off wall waiting for mailman to come so I can go score! 8)
Yeah Tommy that dealer doesnt sound that brilliant if he's using the same stash house thats been hit before! Is he in Bwick? I would guess cause I know of a lot of stick up crews that call Bwick home.

Yup, you guessed it. I remember the first time I went for the ride out there with my friend he had only mentioned that we were going to Brooklyn, but I guessed Bushwick before we even got to Queens. I can't say for sure if the guy is using the same exact room, but we drove to the same spot after he got robbed as we did before, and he goes into the same building, so if not the same room it's close enough for anyone to figure out if they really want to.

I want to get high because its been such a long time... the thought started in the back of my head, and now its consuming all my thoughts. i cant stop thinking about popping all those oxy's and a few tranq's, waiting for the come up, and when it hits im going to start off with a trail, and if that doesnt get me high, im gona have to bust out the needle and do it up... this may sound dangerous, but i am very experienced with opiates and other pills too. ive been doing this for 7 years.. and if it seems wrong, like if im too high already and i havent had the shot yet, i wont do it till i feel right about it.. im not tryin to OD.

I am on methadone because ive been using heroin just about everyday for 3 years. i was blowing all my money on dope.. so i switched to methadone, and ive been doing so well.. saving a lot of $, staying busy all the time being productive.. not using.. turned my life around pretty much. i was just about to be on the streets if i didnt get clean when i did.. so i had to choose between using dope and ending up homeless, or doing something about my problem and turning my life around.

i have brought it up to one of the nurses, and she explained that the testing is randomly generated by a computer. so whenever my name pops up on the computer, is when i am going to be tested. by the way, on august 22 is the day i am going to get my extra take home privilege. cant wait for that!

I know there is no convincing someone who has their mind set, but be careful most overdoses are being someone is off of dope for a while and then thinks yet can take the same amount as efore and it leads to an overdose
Be smart start slow.

Overdose= a clean dude thinking he knows dope.
Being on methadone is not like someone fully 'clean' off opiates. His tolerance might actually have gone up since he last used. That being said you know your own body best... I am just speculating.

I shoot 1-2 bags at a time now.. and when I was on the methadone clinic at 80mg I was doing bundle shots multiple times a day when I used.
That may be true and certainly he is a tolerant user but, don't forget that the done is still there. Anything he's using will be in addition to his mmt. The half life is extremely long and the drug doesn't just vanish because you want to get high and even more dangerous is that he likely doesn't really feel his mmt at this point.

Anyways long story short be careful Rocky.
Im zooted right now, for real. The bags i got were deff the fattest bags i ever had. Real white too. Just booted 2 and im straight laxin:p
Bout to bump some max b to feel that wavee
Being on methadone is not like someone fully 'clean' off opiates. His tolerance might actually have gone up since he last used. That being said you know your own body best... I am just speculating.

I shoot 1-2 bags at a time now.. and when I was on the methadone clinic at 80mg I was doing bundle shots multiple times a day when I used.
So you think since his tolerance went up he will e able to handle methadone ad all the other stuff and have a high tolerance?

I think your tolerance goes up with methadone I guess but if he's on methadone ad adds oxy benzo what ever else Will his tolerance will really matter with the methadone in his system to?
So you think since his tolerance went up he will e able to handle methadone ad all the other stuff and have a high tolerance?

I think your tolerance goes up with methadone I guess but if he's on methadone ad adds oxy benzo what ever else Will his tolerance will really matter with the methadone in his system to?

actually there will not be methadone in my system when i use, because the methadone blocks other opiates.. idk about it raising my tolerance, but it for sure blocks other opiates when its in my system.. so thats why i am going to wait till its out of my system... instead of having my take home on sunday, im going to use instead. so, by that time the methadone will be out of my system, and actually i will be starting to withdraw, with minimal symptoms like cold flashes/goosebumps.. that's when i know the methadone is out, is when i start to withdraw a little bit..
actually there will not be methadone in my system when i use, because the methadone blocks other opiates.. idk about it raising my tolerance, but it for sure blocks other opiates when its in my system.. so thats why i am going to wait till its out of my system... instead of having my take home on sunday, im going to use instead. so, by that time the methadone will be out of my system, and actually i will be starting to withdraw, with minimal symptoms like cold flashes/goosebumps.. that's when i know the methadone is out, is when i start to withdraw a little bit..

Cool. Be safe I'm just a worrier :)
The clinic I went to tested every 2 weeks like clockwork. I could guess within 2 days of my tests.
My clinic was completely random. I could go a whole month without being tested, then get tested twice within two days.
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