11th Issue Heroin Discussion v. So I warmed the piss up in my mouth

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My physical symptoms take 3+ days to show up and then last only a few days at most. It's the depression and anxiety that gets me for a loooong time. Fucks my brain all up. I actually stop thinking straight, I get pretty nonsensical. Then again I get depressed and crazy while using too so who fucking knows.
i dont last long wth wds ill go cop or take some subs as soon as day 2 comes along
I take subs the next morning. Been doing that for years and only experienced precipitated wd once. Early wd malaise is not the way to work.
My physical symptoms take 3+ days to show up and then last only a few days at most. It's the depression and anxiety that gets me for a loooong time. Fucks my brain all up. I actually stop thinking straight, I get pretty nonsensical. Then again I get depressed and crazy while using too so who fucking knows.

Pretty much the same for me. Day 1 I'm fine, day 2 light withdrawals, day 3 is the peak, and day 4 and 5 are light withdrawals like day 2. After that it is all mental. When I use heavier my bones ache for longer though. My most recent withdrawals were pretty minor, and my bowels didn't even get messed up at all.

Today was a pretty nice day. After copping a few bags of local shit (luckily the guy only had a couple bags so I didn't spend much at all), my guy came through with them NYC bags, and myself and 3 others got high and played handball.
took a sub around 5, got offered half of a free stamp at midnight. it's like the opiate gods threw me a bone today.
I've got some straight fiiire dope right now. Also bought a $10 rock.. forgot to get a crack pipe from the guy though so maybe next time im down there ill grab one. This rock is gonna be sittin here for like a week haha. I'm kinda interested to see what it feels like to smoke a rock.

For today though, im just gonna nod all day.
yay! get all my scripts refilled today, then i just sit around all day, lol.

kpins, ritalin, and gabapentin. omnomnom
OG i got a rock the other day, first one in a few months, felt good. i love getting some rocks every now and then!
crack and meth. the 2 i wont touch. but yay! 3 stamps, a fat j, and a xanax. now i just need to get to my friend's place...
OG why do you have to wait to get a pipe? They sell them all over

I bought rock one time and I didn't really see anything special about it and never bought it again..to me its a waste and not worth it..I don't like spending money on 2minute highs..that 10$ rock will be a tease bro..
OG why do you have to wait to get a pipe? They sell them all over

I bought rock one time and I didn't really see anything special about it and never bought it again..to me its a waste and not worth it..I don't like spending money on 2minute highs..that 10$ rock will be a tease bro..

that's why rock is a no-go. that and the only things i'll smoke are weed, tobacco, and dmt. i'd try smoking h but im not too good with foil and shit + putting it in my nose is way easier.

now the waiting game begins por mi amigo y los party favors.
Yea I would rather snort a fat line of coke even though I'm not a fan of that either..

With rock you turn too much into a hype and its not cool or fun
Hearing all this stuff makes me so jealous that you guys live in areas where people actually do that stuff. I'm from Chicago so that's what I'm used to. I recently moved to Kansas for school and I swear to god people here don't know how to get down at all. The strongest opiate around is vicodin lol. It's pretty laughable. Keep on keeping on people...don't take the fact that you live in areas with a lot of people in them for granted because once you leave those areas and wind up in some underpopulated shit hole, you'll miss it. KANSAS SUCKS.
Well yeah Chicago is the shit, but isn't the quality in Flroida better? You'd think it would be because of it' proximity to the ocean.
So I'm pretty sure I'm the last "sniffer" left out of my circle of fellow dope users. I have another friend that had been sniffing the whole time too, but the other day I found out he made the switch to IV. Looks like I'm the last of a dying breed.

Hearing all this stuff makes me so jealous that you guys live in areas where people actually do that stuff. I'm from Chicago so that's what I'm used to. I recently moved to Kansas for school and I swear to god people here don't know how to get down at all. The strongest opiate around is vicodin lol. It's pretty laughable. Keep on keeping on people...don't take the fact that you live in areas with a lot of people in them for granted because once you leave those areas and wind up in some underpopulated shit hole, you'll miss it. KANSAS SUCKS.

And conversely don't take living in an underpopulated area for granted. I lived in such an area for a few years, and it was nice to get a break from the dope game. I'm looking to do it again because I'm getting sick of the game pretty fast and would rather it be back to using on special occasions.
Man go to the bar and find some Mexicans that cn get you some coke..and after you buy it and do a few lines with them..ask if they can get you some dope, or if they know some one you can get it from..

Once you find the coke, the dope won't be too hard to find..especially if its from Mexicans...the only thing is since your from chicago your used to powder and out there if your gettin it threw the Mexicans it will prolly be tar

Now I could be wrong about the tar but that would be my guess
I hear you for sure. I've been clean a year and a half because of it. It just gets frustrating if you know what I mean. Not like "I'm gonna kill myself" frustrating but just mildly obnoxious.
Also, I could find that, but I have no interest in coke at all. Also, I live in an area where the biggest thing is Crystal Meth. I also have no interest in that. There's like 3 million people spread across my whole state and only 50,000 in the town I live in. No one is on shit around here. It sucks but I'll be alright.
started off doing just a bag last night. ended after the first half of the third bag, lol. 2.5 stamps + 1.5mg xanax + lots of weed = me falling in and out of conciousness, lol. now im just chilling with some xannies, coffee, and a nug for later. ALSO: i found out that i haven't been getting blank stamps, i found 2 stamp bags in the bundle. i guess they're "frankenstein" bags. they're yellow with a small frankenstein head as s stamp. I've never heard of these thouth.
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no mean to double post, but fuck. i straight blacked out last night. im still buzzed from it, remember last night only in fleeting parts, and am continuing with a benzo coma today.

oh lordy.
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