11th Issue Heroin Discussion v. So I warmed the piss up in my mouth

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I need to understand something. I have been a pharm user for 3 years now, longer if you don't count regular use. I have obviously copped D here and there but never wanted it over a yellow 40 or blue 30 or whatever. I have always felt like D is to Pharmies as E pills are to Molly... D always seemed dirty to me, and until a week ago, I always got a yellow or brown powder. Each bag contained maybe a small line and I needed a full B to get high. My tolerance.. I don't even know anymore. I blow around 1mg of suboxone daily, sometimes 2mg. So, what I'm saying is I have prefered pharms over D because I never got consistent or good D. I am afraid that one day I'll buy a 1/2B or a B and it will be SHIT because theres no quality control system like with pills. If I get an Opana 40 I know I'm gonna feel good, if I get 2 I know I'm gonna feel great and have aneurisms. I recently got a banging B of some white colored stuff, and I have to say, with around 7 bags in me, I was about as high as I would have gotten off of a yellow (opana40) and a 1/2.

So like, am I supposed to be hunting down specific stamps? Like if I get a stamp that says "RED HOT!" with a thermometer and it sucks, then the rest of that batch is gonna suck? But I just got this stamp that said "30/30" from Hartford and it wasn't too bad. It was white powder, but it wasn't as good as that white powder shit that got me as high as 1 and 1/2 yellows that I scored earlier in the week. So I'm realizing that powder color isn't really what I need to be looking for either... I'm confused. I want to be copping good bags, its getting cheaper than pills. A yellow is going for $55 all the way up to $85 when my town is getting dry. The prices of pills literally fluctuate upon dealers running out for the month. Meanwhile, I can get a B of some good D for $60-70, or even $50 from a less reliable dealer of mine. I don't have a car, I can't drive up to Hartford myself, so I'm going through middlemen for the D and its STILL cheaper than pills.

Can you tell the quality of D physically?
Can you rely on the stamp to tell you whether the D is good/bad once its in your hand? (once you know the stamps, of course)
In most cases, if I had a car, would I need a connect or would I be able to find some D by driving around, asking obvious dealers?

I dont know, the whole heroin buying process is elusive to me. Throughout my whole opiated life I have relied on pharms and now its getting harder and harder to find them and the prices are getting ridiculous.
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^ Yea no prices bud.

The quality and size varies so much from place to place. My rule of thumb is that if a bag doesn't get you higher than 40mg of oxycodone, then it's not good, or the bags are too small, or both. That's lowballing it too, since bags should be feeling more like 50-60mg of oxycodone at the low end.

In some places stamps stay more consistent than others. Like the stamps size and quality will be the same until the stamp runs out in some areas, whereas other areas play stupid games and put out a good quality stamp at first and then cut it more later on to make more profit.

At the end of the day it's only worth it to do dope if it gets you higher for cheaper, it's as simple as that. When awesome deals on opanas come around, I may get some of them instead of dope since I have a guaranteed high at that price for the opana, while the dope might not be so good at that moment.
"What do you mean? I'll give you five! You've got $X, so that's five... five. I'm getting fed up with you guys. All you guys ever do is complain. If you don't like what I've got, go somewhere else." And he hung up on me. I think he was just in a bad mood, but it actually kind of hurt my feelings lol because he's never spoken to me like that before. He's such a nice, nice guy and we've never done him wrong, ever.

But it was good advice, and we took his advice... we waited for our other guy to turn his phone back on; got out of work, and picked up those big, fat bags of nice, fluffy dope. 'Twas totally worth it... LOL

i hear ya... i had the same thing happen last week. when i was use to getting 13 for a jab and now its like 11.... he called me saying that same shit "if you don't like it go somewhere else..." guarantee if we really stopped calling or hooking up i am sure they would be calling... yeah i think there is some turf wars going on so my guy is stressed... and has been in a shitty mood since like saying hit me back up in an hour etc. when he has never done that. so who knows. but he stuff is usually the best from the streets and decent size... oh the dope game one day i will be out. and yeah i keep missing here and here i wish to someone i had good veins and could hit everytime. the struggle we go thru you would figure that one thing would work out. i wish i could snort it like some of you guys but it does not to much for me unfortunately...
I don't have a car, I can't drive up to Hartford myself, so I'm going through middlemen for the D and its STILL cheaper than pills.

Hartford? Oh, man, you're in my neck of the woods... (New Haven/Bridgeport/Hartford) So, here it is for you:

I can tell you that, in my experience, I've had stamps that were insanely good and then insanely bad all in a weeks time, so there's really no chasing a specific stamp around here. I can also tell you that we don't get too many of the more professional-looking stamps you'll see coming out of NY/NJ. I've come across a few, but not many, and a lot of the stamps are what I like to call dollar store stamps. They'll say things like, "good job!" or "terrific!" So, in other words, they're stamps you can pick up from dollar stores, for teachers grading papers or whatever. (I guess that dealers know we like to see something stamped on the bag, whatever it is... so that's what they do.)

It's not to say that the dope isn't good because of it and you can't get consistently good bags, but it just makes chasing stamps a little more difficult around here as opposed to copping in NY or NJ where stamps are unique and consistent.

I do know what good dope looks like, but that doesn't help me because until I get the dope out of the bag, well, it could be virtually anything: good dope, bad dope, or no dope at all. (I haven't had that happen to me yet, thankfully.) But, for the record, good dope around here is an off-white color, beige, tan, or egg-shell, and it's fluffy, sort of stands up on itself.

As far as coming across a dealer, well, that too is difficult around here. I'm jealous of everyone in NJ who sort of know where to go to get dope and can get served by any number of dealers. Here, you sort of need to know someone, and because of that, middlemen can make a killing. Eventually, you'll be able to get the number of a good dealer, but it can take a while. It took me a long, long time to get the connect I have now.

So, basically, yeah... there's good dope around here and you can get your hands on it, but the specific stamp isn't always important, and you might have to go through middlemen for a while as there's no stretch of street or one designated spot where the dealers hang out, at least not one that I'm aware of.
Well shit, in my 3 years I've never done a bag of D that felt like 30-40mg of oxycodone. Damn it! I think that may be my tollerance. My girl, whos only been at it around a year, year and a half, believes that a bag of D is around 30mg oxycodone. I don't see that at all. I need to do 1 to 2mg of suboxone daily. (So that is where my tolerance lies.. wherever that is!) If I wake up wanting to get high, I cut my suboxone dose in half and try to snort only a pin tip sized line. Then, if I get an Opana40, and I do it to my face, it gets me high, euphoria isn't great/spectacular. I liken it to using an oxy 80 with no suboxone/naproxin in me.. Anyhoot, I need to find a good D dealer in the NewHaven CT area because jesus christ, the pill dealers in my town are literally sucking my entire paycheck up in one night, and its impossible for me to get ahead. I blew everything my (deceased) father left for me, 4k, and since then I got on suboxone and I was able to keep from getting high to only once or twice per week as compared to daily... But now I'm screwed, with the pill prices raising $5 every 3-4 months I'd like to move to D and hopefully save up enough to buy some car insurance to apply to the car fund my mothers got for me. If I had a car in the first place I'd be able to shop around. I don't understand how the people in my town take a trip to Hartford and find D every time.. Are the dealers holding picket signs or what?? lol Damn it I wish I didn't live in this small crack infested town.
^ Well the suboxone can be blocking the other opiates, so make sure to wait at least a day after dosing the suboxone before taking another opiate. Waiting until you are in withdrawals from the suboxone is a good indicator of when you can get high without it blocking the dope or other opiates.

My dealer texted me just now saying that he got arrested last night. I'm not sure if I believe that, and I just got 90mg of oxy for free so I told him I'm straight, but he said he will give me the bags or the cash back on friday when he gets paid. I'm not gonna hold my breath. I asked him what is gonna happen at his girls court date (I named the actual date) so he knows that I can check online to see if he actually got popped, although it usually takes a few days for it to show up on the nycourts.gov -> e-courts (webcrims) website.
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Well shit, in my 3 years I've never done a bag of D that felt like 30-40mg of oxycodone. Damn it! I think that may be my tollerance. My girl, whos only been at it around a year, year and a half, believes that a bag of D is around 30mg oxycodone. I don't see that at all.

Yeah, that's about right. The bags we get around here are pretty good and the equivalent to anywhere from 30 - 60 mg of oxycodone depending upon size and quality. It's probably your tolerance.

Anyhoot, I need to find a good D dealer in the NewHaven CT area

From what I've been told, New Haven gets the best dope around here. It's where I go to score, and the bags are decent. I've also picked up Bridgeport dope, and Bridgeport dope isn't bad, either. Never scored Hartford dope, but I hear it's garbage... cheap, but garbage.

I don't understand how the people in my town take a trip to Hartford and find D every time.. Are the dealers holding picket signs or what?? lol Damn it I wish I didn't live in this small crack infested town.

And that's the problem; Crack is popular around here, even in New Haven, so scoring crack is never really a problem but dope, dope's another story. From what I've been told, Hartford may have one stretch where dope can be easily copped. But I don't know any more about it, and I've certainly never been there. We're also treading into that against-the-rules territory of sourcing, so I'll just leave it at that.
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I been gettin these fire blanks outta Staten Island that are mmmmmm just so sexy. Fluffy white dope nice count mixes up like applejuice so damn cleannnnn.

It's sweet as fuck.. for some reason the crew that packages these often gets 2 bags stuck to each other while making up the bundles.. so for every 1 or 2 bundles you'll usually find 1 or 2 extra bags. LIke when you rip the tape and unfold the bag you realize there are two and your like yayyy.

LOL it's a nice surprise for a junky.. kind of like a toy in the cereal box for a kid.
you guys get shitty dope if you say 1 bag is qual to 30-60 mg of OC...i always thought my bags were 70-100mg of OC with the average bag being like 80..

and yeah you say you want to get your car goin to shop around but i dont know how they do it in CT but here if you get caught with dope they can take your car and you cant get it backl..and car insurance isnt expensive, if you can afford to do pills and dope, then you an afford car insurance..just fin d a broker or call the general..lol

and tommy what do you guys do that they keep getting arrested so often with this shit? do they have to go into the deep hood or something or whats the deal?
you guys get shitty dope if you say 1 bag is qual to 30-60 mg of OC...i always thought my bags were 70-100mg of OC with the average bag being like 80..

and yeah you say you want to get your car goin to shop around but i dont know how they do it in CT but here if you get caught with dope they can take your car and you cant get it backl..and car insurance isnt expensive, if you can afford to do pills and dope, then you an afford car insurance..just fin d a broker or call the general..lol

and tommy what do you guys do that they keep getting arrested so often with this shit? do they have to go into the deep hood or something or whats the deal?

bags from paterson are REALLY small (all NJ bags really). They are pitiful. An NYC bag is definitely equal to an 80mg oxy (if it's good).. and that is if you sniff. If you shoot there is just no comparison, it woul dbe like shooting 200mg oxy.

I am always blown away when I hear about people getting popped in NYC. It's call and meet and its nothing like copping in an open air place dodging police like in paterson. I feel so damn safe there.. but maybe I am just naive.
Yeah, the dope's not shitty but the bags are super small around here. I've bought bundles that weighed out to .3 in total. I've seen pictures of Tommy's bags and they're like 2-3 times the size of the ones I get around these parts.

I'd agree, the New Haven is the best around here. I live about 15-20 minutes away from Hartford, but I still get most of my dope from New Haven which is about an hour away. I'll usually go thru a middleman/friend and that saves me some driving but still it's a pain in the ass to deal with.

You get stamps up in Hartford? I come across them in New Haven but usually end up with blanks in Hartford. Tbqh I've only seen blanks from Hartford even when seeing bags that friends of mine have picked up and we have different connects.
It's ironic that I am trying to get clean and I just found a source for heroin for the first time in my 7 years of drug use. I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be planning on getting any.
you guys get shitty dope if you say 1 bag is qual to 30-60 mg of OC...i always thought my bags were 70-100mg of OC with the average bag being like 80..

and yeah you say you want to get your car goin to shop around but i dont know how they do it in CT but here if you get caught with dope they can take your car and you cant get it backl..and car insurance isnt expensive, if you can afford to do pills and dope, then you an afford car insurance..just fin d a broker or call the general..lol

and tommy what do you guys do that they keep getting arrested so often with this shit? do they have to go into the deep hood or something or whats the deal?

I was taking into consideration the smaller bags they get over there when I was saying they should be equal to at least 40mg of oxycodone. Once this G6 stamp fell off it was down to like 60mg of oxy, but when it's good it's closer to 80mg or so. I've puked after sniffing 2 of them when the batch was really good, so I would estimate that to be closer to 100mg of oxy per bag, putting the average around 80 for this stamp. Since I've seen the size of bags from other places in pics and they seemed to be not even half the size of the NYC bags I've been getting, I could see how they can be equal to around 30mg of oxy, which is pretty sad.

I knew this black dude that used to bag up the D at the stash houses over by me, and I tried explaining to him that the whole point of dope is that it's supposed to be cheaper than prescription opiates. His crews dope was fire, but no joke a whole bundle of their dope was equal to like 2 bags of dope from the city. That's why I don't deal with the local gangs that set up shop in the ghetto suburban towns over by me when dope was getting really popular and they tried cashing in.

When it comes down to it, the hispanics run the dope game in the northeast since they are the ones getting it shipped in, so if you are buying off of blacks you are either paying more for the same stamps the hispanics packaged and flipped off to them, or paying the same price and getting smaller bags. It only makes sense since the dope is changing hands one more time and everybody has to turn a profit. Even if the blacks are picking up kilos, they are still getting them from the hispanics, so if the hispanics are bagging up half their dope into stamps to sell within their crew, and flipping off the other half of the raw kilos to the blacks who then bag them to sell, you know the hispanics are going to have fatter bags for cheap, or the blacks will have those same bags for a higher price, or their own bags for cheap but small or not as pure.

As for dealers getting arrested, it was really only that one guy that always gets arrested. He never even got arrested in the hood, only in the suburbs where he was doing deals at houses that were under surveillance, or by driving erratically while talking on the cell phone on the way to sell to all the dopesick people blowing up his phone. Basically just getting sloppy after a while, the same way that weed dealers get busted when they let their guard down. I don't think that my regular dude actualy got arrested last night, but his girl did a few months back, and that happened in the suburbs even though they have driven to the city every single day since late September to cop. I think he just didn't have enough gas to make it out to me and back, and since he's broke he made that up. He probably will pay me back in some way though. Funny thing is that he told me to goto my backup, but my phone had randomly turned off and I didn't get the texts from the backup asking what I needed until today, but I don't trust him anyway.
Yeah, the dope's not shitty but the bags are super small around here. I've bought bundles that weighed out to .3 in total. I've seen pictures of Tommy's bags and they're like 2-3 times the size of the ones I get around these parts.

I'd agree, the New Haven is the best around here. I live about 15-20 minutes away from Hartford, but I still get most of my dope from New Haven which is about an hour away. I'll usually go thru a middleman/friend and that saves me some driving but still it's a pain in the ass to deal with.

You get stamps up in Hartford? I come across them in New Haven but usually end up with blanks in Hartford. Tbqh I've only seen blanks from Hartford even when seeing bags that friends of mine have picked up and we have different connects.

I have a lot more experience in New Haven then Hartford, but I'll come across blanks every now and then in either city. The only place in CT I've gotten anything was Bridgeport. I haven't been up to Hartford since early summer, but bags used to always come double-sealed up there. So there'd be the normal stamp bag plus a clear sealed bag around the stamp bag. Never seen that anywhere else, always thought that was weird. Not sure if it's still like that.

I used to just go through a friend who had a solid connect. He was pretty into dope and would middleman all the time, which was a pain, but I kind of liked since our meetups wouldn't be sketchy. My friend moved away, but gave me the dudes number. Always has good bags and is usually around. Plus, I never met another H dealer who kept their shit together as long as him, at least 5 years now. It's slightly sketch, but I think that's partially because I only get something once in a while. I don't even think the dude knows my name and the only thing I know about him is his nickname.

Usually people I've met IRL and here on BL know more about Hartford than New Haven. People usually trash New Haven's dope and just talk about how easy it is to get crack there, but I've almost always got decent to amazing bags there. Plus, I ALWAYS here about people getting arrested in Hartford. I've heard of people getting arrested in NH too, but not nearly as often. With UNH, Yale, Southern, Gateway (probably some others I'm forgetting), there's a lot more younger people around and driving through the city. I don't usually feel out of place (or not too out place) in certain neighborhoods there.

Edit: Does anyone know if the old BL photo gallery can still be accessed anywhere? I used to have a good picture of the double sealed Hartford bags in there. Never mind, found it:

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A dude in New Haven actually used to give me those extra plastic bags too. They're like a weird thicker plastic than a normal plastic bag and they were tinted yellow, not clear like yours. (same guy that gave me brown powder in a bag corner a couple of times too his shit was always strange). I think that's pretty uncommon to get those anywhere though I've never seen them anywhere else except for a few times by that one guy, and never seen them in Hartford.
From what I have read on here and other drug forums, double sealed bags are standard in Philly PA and Camden NJ. I have gotten them in NY probably around 10x or so, varying from clear, to red, to an almost black plastic slip over each bag. They are convenient if it's humid or raining out, or if you need to transport them where the sun don't shine, but other than that they are kinda a pain in the ass (no pun). I doubt that anybody can swallow them if they got pulled over, so they are just an extra obstacle and added paraphernalia IMO.

If tampering with bags was an issue than I could see that helping with quality control, but I have never come across bags that were messed with, so it really doesn't help me in any way. I guess that dealers wouldn't waste time double sealing crappy bags, but I have never noticed them to be any better or worse than regular stamped n taped bags.
When it comes down to it, the hispanics run the dope game in the northeast since they are the ones getting it shipped in

Can;t speak for Newark or Jersey City but in Paterson 99% of street level dealers are black.

I doubt that anybody can swallow them if they got pulled over, so they are just an extra obstacle and added paraphernalia IMO.

LOL my friend claims he swallowed 2 bundles hwen he got pulled over, and they were not even bagged in plastic. I find that hard to beleive lol like these jagged rectangular cubes. But he only got 2 out of 3 down and still got arrested lol.

But yeah I always find the double seal thing odd.. it's like a big extra step to take. I have never had the pleasure but that's pretty cool. Every single bag is sealed in a little plastic bag or they seal the whole bundle up? If they are individuals thats coool as fuck. Thats great if your dealing wtih a middle man..you don;';t gotto worry about him tampering with your shit lol.
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I have be copping for over a year in New Jersey & only ran into the heat sealed glassline slips inside an dime bag only Once in my life & Jersey City Street level stuff is sold by the blacks...but if your talking about Weight than that comes from the Spanish/Latin folks
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A dude in New Haven actually used to give me those extra plastic bags too. They're like a weird thicker plastic than a normal plastic bag and they were tinted yellow, not clear like yours. (same guy that gave me brown powder in a bag corner a couple of times too his shit was always strange). I think that's pretty uncommon to get those anywhere though I've never seen them anywhere else except for a few times by that one guy, and never seen them in Hartford.

I haven't seen them for a few years now, but when I first started getting bags almost all of the ones that came from Hartford were like that. Could just be the part of the city at the time or something. This was more 2005 and 2006 though. I've seen them a few times since then, but it's pretty rare. Then again I hardly ever go up there, so I don't really know how things are.

The only period I was going up that way somewhat regularly was about two years ago and the quality was pretty good. The bags were a lot smaller than New Haven, but the prices were a lot cheaper.

I have never had the pleasure but that's pretty cool. Every single bag is sealed in a little plastic bag or they seal the whole bundle up? If they are individuals thats coool as fuck. Thats great if your dealing wtih a middle man..you don;';t gotto worry about him tampering with your shit lol.

Each bag was individually sealed
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