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10 Years for 24 hits

^^one got 10 years with possibility of parole in 2.5 years the other got 10 with poss. parole in 3 years.
Whats so bad about giving a little simpathy, especially when its a fucked up situation and its a fucking human being that is/will be suffering?

Some of you people need to get off your high horses. You're not stating anything necessary saying he has to suck it up and endure. Of course, he has to suck it up and endure, he ain't got a choice. He'll go to to jail and do the 3 or so years needed. And the you break the law, you do the time argument, how does that argue against people giving simpathy when simpathy is deserving? Come on people.
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^^hey dude, i know youre better than me and all, but how the fuck is that related to this topic?

Just because you pick up something WHILE somewhere dont mean that was your purpose for being there. if you go to a friends house to chill and theres weed there and you need weed so you pick some up, is that not going to your friends house for the chillin and just for the weed? no. they went to go to the festival, found a good hookup there, and brought some home. whats so hard to understand about how i worded that before, or are you just lookin for a opportunity to talk shit to/about me/my friends like you have so many times before in other threads?
^ quoting Riley in ur sig might be the best thing i've seen on this site.

completeki said:
so they didnt go to the hippy fest for the music?

no of course not, nobody really likes music its just a big gay muslim communist conspiracy to push drugs. :\
lacey k said:
The funniest thing i seen in one of these threads is that in a similar thread a while back, someones signature was "If you trebmle at the thought of any injustice, then you are in company with me" or some shit pretty much exactly in those words, and he was saying "Whoops, too bad, do your time you deserve it. Cant change the law pissing and moaning wont help just deal with it cuz thats the way it is."

Erm... that would be me.
The thread you talk about is a completely different scenario, in-which a stupid fuck spiked someone's cookies (which is an injustice in and of itself) and then you incoherently rant and rave about how the kid responsible for the act shouldn't have been punished. Well, the crime he committed was hardly consensual and he could have caused some serious psychological damage to the victims. But, then you, again, rant and rave about how these victims involved should "know" what a pot high is and it's and basically say they shouldn't have eaten the muffins/cookies that were laced (like as if they're to know).

You bring up some smart points sometimes lacey, I won't deny that... but other times your logic completely perplexes me.

As for the article, yeah, it's fucked up these kids are getting 10 years for selling a few hits of acid and I am completely against the law behind that.
But, there's a huge difference between giving someone drugs unwillingly and selling acid. Way different.
So whatever happened to Mongo (the narc)? Did he get a lighter fine for his assault charge? Was it worth it to him? Kinda curious if anyone involved got a chance to speak with him about what he did to these poor kids.
Indelibleface said:
It's so sick. It's not dirty, bathtub-made methamphetamine. It's spiritual, mind-expanding LSD, for christ's sake. How one could put it on the same, or even lower level than some of the dirtiest, ego-fueling drugs out there is way beyond me. What a waste. Sometimes I can't believe our society is so backwards.

That is not the criteria used for determining these sentences. Meth may be harmful to personal (and often public) health but it's never caused hundreds of thousands of potential productive citizens to turn their backs on modern econ-politics. Government agencies experimented with psychedelics before anyone else did, they know what this drug is capable of and that is why they will go to any means to stop its use. My point being that making an appeal to reason based on the nature of the drug's effect on health is useless, LSD threatens western society (ie the power structure) in a much more fundamental way. Anyone who tells you its about "harm reduction" cannot be trusted, because they're either ignorant or dishonest.
Liric said:
Government agencies experimented with psychedelics before anyone else did, they know what this drug is capable of and that is why they will go to any means to stop its use.

Those government agencies who experimented with psychedelics consisted of people who rejected scientific method and came up with biased experiments based on their biased views.

It's the government. They can't do anything right. And they're second only to fundamental religious institutions in getting everything wrong.

My point being that making an appeal to reason based on the nature of the drug's effect on health is useless, LSD threatens western society (ie the power structure) in a much more fundamental way.

I'd really like to see a legitimate scientific study that suggests that taking LSD will cause people to become political revolutionaries fighting the system.
davesoviet said:
Those government agencies who experimented with psychedelics consisted of people who rejected scientific method and came up with biased experiments based on their biased views.

It's the government. They can't do anything right. And they're second only to fundamental religious institutions in getting everything wrong.

"Government" is not synonymous with "biased". Modern drug research may be biased because those experimenting are not interested in getting accurate results, but US intelligence picked up on the potential of LSD before any "bias" was even present. It's dangerous to assume that the government runs the country the way it does out of ignorance. Educating them is not the answer, its not hard for anyone with 10/20 vision to see that pot doesnt kill, that acid doesnt make people psychotic, etc. They do not want these drugs on the street because their use undermines faith in conventional values of civic duty, economic gain, and material acquisition. Keep in mind that loaded terms like "conspiracy" should be avoided here, from the standpoint of the status quo upholders it's basic common sense, as they lack the capacity to understand the implications of their own beliefs.

I'd really like to see a legitimate scientific study that suggests that taking LSD will cause people to become political revolutionaries fighting the system.

If your point is that not everyone who turns on really "turns on" so to speak, then that's certainly true. Many, if not most, people lack either the intellectual capacity or the depth of character to recognize the experience as more than a 10-hour light show. However it's impossible to explain the cultural shift of the late 60s without LSD. Psychedelics are not guaranteed to wake people up, but when distributed to a general population they will catalyze individuals given to critical examination of the values we live by as a society.
Liric said:
They do not want these drugs on the street because their use undermines faith in conventional values of civic duty, economic gain, and material acquisition.

Yeah... I've done a lot of drugs in my day, particularly psychedelics, but I'd have to write off my counter-culture idealism to being young and stupid and so engrossed in the books I read that I was completely ignorant to the practicalities of the real world.

If your point is that not everyone who turns on really "turns on" so to speak, then that's certainly true. Many, if not most, people lack either the intellectual capacity or the depth of character to recognize the experience as more than a 10-hour light show. However it's impossible to explain the cultural shift of the late 60s without LSD. Psychedelics are not guaranteed to wake people up, but when distributed to a general population they will catalyze individuals given to critical examination of the values we live by as a society.

Sounds like a bunch of projecting and assumptions.
^^Perhaps, and no doubt there are many sentimental, bored adolescents searching for self-image in Che Guevara tshirts and other counter-culture gimmicks they will soon forget about, but this doesnt have any bearing on those who, with the aid of psychedelics or not, arrived at their beliefs through logical, practical thought. Sentiment changes with age, logic does not. You sound like you ultimately became discouraged with drugs and youth in general, depending on what you mean by 'practicalities of the real world'.
Ever since Timothy Leary lead a revolution to turn on, tune in, and drop out, the US Government as been on an anti-drug rampage. The world is about to change soon enough, the DEA will become a thing of the past within the next 100 years. Freedom to enhance the persona of the person is what the government's fear, but at the same time they need to realize non-addictive, and unharmful substances can be of great use as they can bring forth a way of creative thinking.

LSD for life, fuck the po-po's, they need to get a life. Snitches got this kid, pfft, fucking snitches.