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10 Years for 24 hits

pin said:
Remember, you can plead not guilty if you find the sentence being too harsh, am i right? Well seriously, making sure im correct on that.......
you mean a jury not convicting despite evidence because they b/l the law is wrong or punishment too severe? in theory they can, but they dont know they are able to
Recently in the UK a man got 6 years for raping a year old baby. One of my mates is currently doing the same amount of time for possesion of Class A, B and C drugs (ketamine, MDMA and weed; all pretty harmless drugs) with intent to distibute.

When i was inside we battered a rapist who was serving 4 months. I was serving a 9 month sentence for GBH (i glassed some chav who punched my gf).

If this doesn't make you lose faith in the justice system i don't know what will. I'd love for the judge who gave the kid (and he is a fucking kid, a smart one at that) that sentence to spend 10 months, let alone years, inside, and see how fucking cushty it is. Fucking prick.

I don't even get why LSD is schedule I anyway, that's some fucking bullshit.

As for the viva la revolucion comment, there's so many mother fuckers that the list of people whose backs should be against the wall is too long to count, so anyone who's disgusted just goes off and gets fucked on their drug of choice and leaves the status quo as it is. Because it's easier that way. Even though it's harder.

How the hell can these fucking judges sleep at night? And why doesn't anyone pay any attention to the numerous judges/ex-judges who speak out against drug laws and mandatory minimums?

How can shit be so fucked up, with the facts staring 'straight'/non drug users right in the face, and nothing change?

I wonder how many geniouses, inventors, innovators, have been lost to drug laws/the effects of prohibition fucking their life from an early age, even if they WEREN'T jailed. And especially the ghettos/lower-income areas where it's so easy to despair, and then turn to a life of drugs, which due to legalities, fucks them over even more. The fucking world deserves the loss of anything they could've come up with anyway. Fuck them all.

Sorry for the rant. I'll delete this later so as not to make an ass of myself.
zaineaol.nu said:
i'm in anohter country, were we don't think we are 'homies' - thus don't get treated as such. (j/k).

Tough luck - you kids serve as a lesson to all your 'homies' that old hippies can't be trusted .

What the hell are you talking about dude?

You dont think you are "homies"?

You dont think youre friends?

A homie is a friend. so youre saying that because you dont think you are friends you dont get treated like friends. what the fuck? you make no sense. how the hell does being homies relate to your sentencing. or are you just misusing the word "homie" in a misdirected attempt to mock these kids? are you assuming they thought they gangstas so started selling? you dont even fuckin KNOW them you got no idea. i said it before, these kids werent tryina be hardasses or NOTHING like that. they brought home some acid from a HIPPIE FEST to SHARE WITH THEIR FRIENDS. and it turned out that someone on the outer circle of the group of peeps they know bugged them so much for it that they sold to him, in a attempt to be nice and 'help a brotha out.' so dont fuckin talk shit about people you dont know or say deragotory shit when you dont even know what the word you are using means.
lacey k said:
What the hell are you talking about dude?

You dont think you are "homies"?

You dont think youre friends?

A homie is a friend. so youre saying that because you dont think you are friends you dont get treated like friends. what the fuck? you make no sense. how the hell does being homies relate to your sentencing. or are you just misusing the word "homie" in a misdirected attempt to mock these kids? are you assuming they thought they gangstas so started selling? you dont even fuckin KNOW them you got no idea. i said it before, these kids werent tryina be hardasses or NOTHING like that. they brought home some acid from a HIPPIE FEST to SHARE WITH THEIR FRIENDS. and it turned out that someone on the outer circle of the group of peeps they know bugged them so much for it that they sold to him, in a attempt to be nice and 'help a brotha out.' so dont fuckin talk shit about people you dont know or say deragotory shit when you dont even know what the word you are using means.

Narcs go to a special place in hell. Or they get sent there quick.
A buddy of mine was caught with 500 Ecstacy pills and a half ounce of crystal MDMA.

He was driving to west Donegal to us in a wedding reception and got pulled by the guards/police.

They took him to the nearest station and asked for his details, so he gave them his drivers licence and they phoned the police up North and he had no other convictions.

So they let him go and told him to be in court 2 mondays after that.

He went to court, got a €300 fine and basically a slap on the wrists!

Thank god i live in Ireland.

you have to be damn stupid to sell 30 hits to a narc.. i mean seriously know your clientel.. only thing i can imagine is having a huge deal go down to a narc, not some 30 hits bullshit
thats depressing..someone getting locked up for distributing something that makes people so happy...whats this world coming to?
flashbit3205 said:
you have to be damn stupid to sell 30 hits to a narc.. i mean seriously know your clientel.. only thing i can imagine is having a huge deal go down to a narc, not some 30 hits bullshit

One of them sold 200 hits to the narc, the other one sold 30 hits. how is it stupid? they werent dealers. they werent out to make mad loot. they just had shit, bought extra so they coul dhave some to trip whenever they wanted, share with their friends who they knew would want it cuz it had been dry of acid in the area lately, and the 'friend of a friend' or whatever thing came into it. sellin to someone you dont know is stupid but most people, ESPECIALLY if they aint dealers and aint got a "clientele" will be like, yea sure, aight, thats cool.

if youre a dealer and got a lot to lose then its much difeerent, you got a established set of rules of how you conduct your business. but when youre jsut some kid sharing what you got and makin a little loot off it, many people aint thinking like that...if you dont see yourself as a dealer, you aint doing it all the time, it aint a constant thing for you, you might not even be thinking people are out to get you. to me, im always paranoid, i straight up dont fuck with muthafuckas i dont know when it comes to just bout anything illegal, small or large. but if you dont see yourself as a target or mark for the police cuz you aint a "dealer" youre just "Selling" (the difference is a dealer is a dealer by trade, constant supply, long term distributing, etc, selling is "hey i can find you a gram of weed, hold up let me make some calls" or when you buy a ounce and sell a couple eighths out of it to friends) then you aint gonna think as hard about who you sell to

I think that anyone who is thinkin serious about long term consequences like someone who is choosing to be a dealer, will have a tighter circle of who they will sell to. but how many times have you had a friend call you and ask if you could help them out with somethin, and you either happened to have extra of your own and sold it to them, or made some calls and found it for them. that in the eyes of the law is dealing na mean...
The legal system and drugs just don't mix and justice is NEVER done when comparing sentences of those involved in drug related crimes to those involved in other crimes.

I will never forget watching a news report on how an Australian man was hung in Singapore for trying to smuggle heroin and the very next news report was how a pedophile would be imprisoned for only 3 fucking years for molesting children.

It's so sad because we're so powerless. The people enforcing the law know nothing about them really. They've just swallowed up all the shit the government has feed them about how bad drugs are.
7zark7 said:
Who was it that said something along the lines of: "The punishment for drug offences should be no worse than the harm caused by the drug itself"?

President Jimmy Carter. (the quote is printed on Pihkal, page 452).

"Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself."

I guess he said it Oct. 2, 1977.
lacey k said:
Yea buddy, im sure you would be saying the same thing if it was a family member or close friend right?

Talk all you want you can never say for sure until you been there.

not too many muthafuckas go on the stand, smile, and say "I did the crime, Ill do the time, with a smile on my face, cuz i deserve it."

Just because its a law dont make it right home boy.

no offense but you know what the laws are and you know whats going to happen if you get caught.

so these kids STILL sell the hits to some shady guy they don't know?

let them go to jail ! i don't give a shit, it takes dumb kids out of my way! you can see someone trying to narc you out from a mile away, and you can smell it a long time before you can see it.

LACEY, don't even BOTHER saying "THEY WEREN'T DEALERS" again.

they sold 200+ hits of acid for money. thats drug dealing.

i've gotten busted and i've sucked it up and dealt with it, and if i got busted selling 200 hits of acid i'd sure as hell be trying to get out of it too, but calling shit on the drug laws isn't going to do anything.

all of you sit here whining about how sad it is but they knew what they were selling. and you don't ever worry about the consequences til you get caught.

well now they have a long time to think about it.

they weren't spreading love or doing anything "wanna-be hippy admirable" with it.

they sold hits to some dude to make some money.

and thats what happens.
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jimmyHIP said:
no offense but you know what the laws are and you know whats going to happen if you get caught.

so these kids STILL sell the hits to some shady guy they don't know?

let them go to jail ! i don't give a shit, it takes dumb kids out of my way! you can see someone trying to narc you out from a mile away, and you can smell it a long time before you can see it.

LACEY, don't even BOTHER saying "THEY WEREN'T DEALERS" again.

they sold 200+ hits of acid for money. thats drug dealing.

i've gotten busted and i've sucked it up and dealt with it, and if i got busted selling 200 hits of acid i'd sure as hell be trying to get out of it too, but calling shit on the drug laws isn't going to do anything.

all of you sit here whining about how sad it is but they knew what they were selling. and you don't ever worry about the consequences til you get caught.

well now they have a long time to think about it.

they weren't spreading love or doing anything "wanna-be hippy admirable" with it.

they sold hits to some dude to make some money.

and thats what happens.

[Do not post ad homs - Skyline] And I highly doubt you have ever been to jail to think that way. Id be more than happy if you were banned from here cuz your posts sortof piss me off.
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dude, this is a forum for INFORMATION, and that's what i'm POSTING.

i don't care what you think about acid or kids getting busted! they sold 200 hits to a guy they didnt want to sell to! now they have to deal with it! i don't feel sorry for them so i should be banned? whatever brah!

like i SAID in my post, if I sold the hits of course i'd be bitching about it but they did what they did and they have to deal with it.
I wonder how much the trial and subsequent jail time will cost?
Would $100,000 per head be a conservative estimate?

Sheer madness for a few $100 worth of LSD!
it's all so the government can make their point.

and i bet no one here is gonna go sell 2 sheets to some random dude before this thought pops into their head.
Well one of em had sentencing this morning, thats a wrap for him today hes goin in, the other one got a few weeks left.

Fuck RIP, how bout Jail In Peace...
Were they given mandatory minimum sentences, or did they cop a plea?