💀 The Abyss 💀 (Open 24hrs)

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Look what's happening, haha. He's flirting with Zeph. I love this dude so much. He's so cute.

What's your name man, I don't wanna call you schizo
Has the abyss become a battleground now, as well?
Let me arm-up
fuckin goin to blast off on anything that moves... stay down
Was that directed at me? I wasn't fishing for a source, I have and can figure that shit out on my own. I've been here on BL literally 10 years longer than you, I know the rules. You just need some attention, so there you go little twat.

Lol ha ha ha ha ha ha

Ha ha ha ha ha



Ha ha ha ha

Hee hee hee

I suppose I could use the dark web

"I suppose I could use the dark web"

Fiddle dee dee

Hey why don't u use Silk Road?

Oh wait...

Why don't you go back to stealing scripts from the old-folks home's medicine cabinets? Or perhaps slinging your mangy pussy for rock? I've sourced higher quality drugs in more places around the world than you could ever hope to do.
What is more likely is that the buttons are same

Didnt intentionally aim to push any buttons. Sorry if you took it that way.
It was all me... I was fighting sleep and aggravated that all of a sudden videos stooped working....
If I copy video url and paste in browser the video plays as it is supposed to.
I can open videos in IE and they open in BL but no sound.
No sound anywhere on IE.
FF is my default.
Sorry schizo.
It ain't you, babe.
Plz forgive....
It was all me... I was fighting sleep and aggravated that all of a sudden videos stooped working....
If I copy video url and paste in browser the video plays as it is supposed to.
I can open videos in IE and they open in BL but no sound.
No sound anywhere on IE.
FF is my default.
Sorry schizo.
It ain't you, babe.
Plz forgive....

That's so fuckin strange. You can watch the videos posted here but they have no sound. I can't watch the videos here because I get a playback error but I can watch them elsewhere.

And man, maybe you saw. His name's Nick. Not schizo
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