💀 The Abyss 💀 (Open 24hrs)

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What dreams have you been having?

Just a lot of super weird but oddly normal and familiar shit. As if I don't go to sleep and instead transfer to a parallel dimension where I continue living until I wake back up in mine.

Last few included things like: being attacked by someone in my house and killing them brutally, having sex with a friend from HS then pimping her out to other people, and sitting on my porch watching Earth be swallowed by a black hole.

Those are some of the more explicitly intense ones that I remember. I can usually lucid dream, but for the past few weeks they fool me and I think it's all real.
Being awake early sucks. Fuck it.
I KNOW I sleep away day/afternoon to late evening way too often now and it's making me sick and tired of having used hypnotics "as needed" because the rebound is lasting forever. It makes going on/off round the clock anxiolytics like a joke.

That might be due to my neurology not sure
Just a lot of super weird but oddly normal and familiar shit. As if I don't go to sleep and instead transfer to a parallel dimension where I continue living until I wake back up in mine.

Last few included things like: being attacked by someone in my house and killing them brutally, having sex with a friend from HS then pimping her out to other people, and sitting on my porch watching Earth be swallowed by a black hole.

Those are some of the more explicitly intense ones that I remember. I can usually lucid dream, but for the past few weeks they fool me and I think it's all real.
most of my dreams involve me being murdered or dying. or suicide. or being pursued. nor not being able to use drugs.

pathologically afraid of sleep and the idea "we fear not sleeping" is a fucking joke I almost fell out the chair laughing when I read that. THAT MIGHT BE TRUE FOR MENTALLY HEALTHY PEOPLE. Try me.

Ahhh. nothing like a hot cup of coffee, bowl of frosty-green and 2mg alp to wake a MF up.
HEY, MFs!!!
Get up!
Get up!
Get up!
WTF you think this is a fuckin bed and breakfast sleep in til late afternoon and have your fuckin GRANNY serve you your breast milk in bed?!?!
NO you cant have my xanax and ditto on the green.
Eat fuckin maggots and love it you fucking long-haired ne'er do wells!

love you guys
time for more coffee and alp
Im down not up. Scored bupre and lyrica, waiting for lyrica to hit listening to this fucking banger.
Little whine for the end. I dont like the fact that my stressed look is "im going to kill You" but Atleast im used to it.
Im down not up. Scored bupre and lyrica, waiting for lyrica to hit listening to this fucking banger.
Little whine for the end. I dont like the fact that my stressed look is "im going to kill You" but Atleast im used to it.

interesting artist choice

i once made a noise parody using some of their stuff
Just a lot of super weird but oddly normal and familiar shit. As if I don't go to sleep and instead transfer to a parallel dimension where I continue living until I wake back up in mine.

Last few included things like: being attacked by someone in my house and killing them brutally, having sex with a friend from HS then pimping her out to other people, and sitting on my porch watching Earth be swallowed by a black hole.

Those are some of the more explicitly intense ones that I remember. I can usually lucid dream, but for the past few weeks they fool me and I think it's all real.

This happens to me regularly. I will dream that I wake up, and get up and start my day. Sometimes things are totally normal and sometimes they're off, like for example I will wake up in my bed in my room in my house, but walk out the door and I'm in my mom's house or something. It feels totally real. Sometimes I will wake up again, and realize I had been dreaming, but think I'm awake this time, but still be dreaming. Like a super boring Inception.
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