💀 The Abyss 💀 (Open 24hrs)

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Kratom is so stupid.

Fuck it i'm trying 10 grams right now and if it does nothing, again, i'm giving it to @Effect.
YEah man I got nothing out of it w/ bupe tolerance. I wouldn't try it now because there's better stuff the doggos bork at.

STAY SOBER you are WONDERFUL WITH YOUR SEXY BRAINS just the way you are, do what you can to get by and enjoy yourself, jerk your sexy dick off a lot and you'll be having a great time before you know it
Maybe 10 was my sweet spot. I feel something. 15 minutes in.

Reminds me a bit like gabapentin how it's sort of stimulating but also sort of sedating.

Will my shit turn green?
Nah it won't. Kratom is alright. I started my opiate days with it back in 2003. No one here knew about it yet and the only form you got it in was whole or crushed leaves (like 1cm by 1cm dried leaf pieces). The only info about how to consume it was to use like 12 grams and do the traditional method, which is to gently simmer it in water for 20 minutes, then strain out, do it again with new water, combine the two liquids, and drink. It would cool and turn from a rusty red into what looked like very heavily creamed coffee, and it got kinda thick. It was SO gross, way grosser than tossing and washing the powder. Different taste. Me and all my friends I introduced it to used to get SO high from it, especially after smoking weed (we were weed veterans though, but weed mixes really well with kratom). Some of the best highsd of my life were on kratom using that method. It was kinda coke or MDMA-like with a rushing come-up that had me bouncing off the walls and talking nonstop, and then an hour or so in, it changed gears and I was in opiate bliss. I swear when they changed to the micronized powder form when it got popular, it changed. I was already very dependent on it then, but it just seemed to get worse and worse. I'm sure a big part of it was my opiate-naive brain, but I never hear anyone describing kratom like it was when I started using it.
There's a lot of shit quality kratom out there, I'd say like 9/10 are shit. It took me a while to find a good one that works plus I tapered down to like .2mg bupe before I switched over. I only use like 4-6g at a time.
Nah it won't. Kratom is alright. I started my opiate days with it back in 2003. No one here knew about it yet and the only form you got it in was whole or crushed leaves (like 1cm by 1cm dried leaf pieces). The only info about how to consume it was to use like 12 grams and do the traditional method, which is to gently simmer it in water for 20 minutes, then strain out, do it again with new water, combine the two liquids, and drink. It would cool and turn from a rusty red into what looked like very heavily creamed coffee, and it got kinda thick. It was SO gross, way grosser than tossing and washing the powder. Different taste. Me and all my friends I introduced it to used to get SO high from it, especially after smoking weed (we were weed veterans though, but weed mixes really well with kratom). Some of the best highsd of my life were on kratom using that method. It was kinda coke or MDMA-like with a rushing come-up that had me bouncing off the walls and talking nonstop, and then an hour or so in, it changed gears and I was in opiate bliss. I swear when they changed to the micronized powder form when it got popular, it changed. I was already very dependent on it then, but it just seemed to get worse and worse. I'm sure a big part of it was my opiate-naive brain, but I never hear anyone describing kratom like it was when I started using it.

Yeah man when it became popular the market was flooded with garbage. I remember like 6 years ago the stuff I used got me high af, but like you said I was also rather opioid naive having just used hydrocodone and bupe very occasionally.
I see.

@Xorkoth - Thank you for taking the time to explain it. It sounds like it was really good fucking shit that you had! Man, this 10 grams of the modern day pussified kratom.. isn't that bad. But legit, i need to take at least 10 grams. Anything less than what i'm feeling now wouldn't feel like i'm "high". I feel "nice", but being a stim junky, i'm not sure if i will do this very often. But man i am so desperate to break the monotony.

@devilsgospel - Do you mean that different smoke shops likely have different quality shit? I figured it was sold like tobacco, which is all basically the same everywhere you go? Or are you taking in regards to different strains.
I can't stop eating guys I am consuming 6,000 calories a day minimum and I'm not gaining any weight :O

I'm totally satiated with where I'm at and am gonna feel great today, just fantastic amazing balls.
my testosterone was raging today it was sick nasty but in a good sick way like sick nasty good

good yeah

it makes me want to find more music eat more food and trip more

By the way I am such a fucking rock star it's amazing the universe is fucking epic. I have friends looking out for me big time.

Let's just say, friends in, very, very high places.
I see.

@Xorkoth - Thank you for taking the time to explain it. It sounds like it was really good fucking shit that you had! Man, this 10 grams of the modern day pussified kratom.. isn't that bad. But legit, i need to take at least 10 grams. Anything less than what i'm feeling now wouldn't feel like i'm "high". I feel "nice", but being a stim junky, i'm not sure if i will do this very often. But man i am so desperate to break the monotony.

@devilsgospel - Do you mean that different smoke shops likely have different quality shit? I figured it was sold like tobacco, which is all basically the same everywhere you go? Or are you taking in regards to different strains.

Imho and exp smoke shop kratom is total trash. Except this one place I went to in FL that was a legit kratom bar and vape shop. Strain is also very important when it comes to kratom, at least I think so. White to me is basically super coffee, red is okay and works well for real medical purposes, and green to me feels the best.
uhmmm i just realized i ate all my food
and um by food i mean protein sources
yes this is bad

my instinct is to pile ice cream in gut I'm going to go out and get food with ataxia this is going to be challenging

wish me luck I'm quite nervous oh and not really because I gotta go out tomorrow and face the shitty world.
There's a lot of shit quality kratom out there, I'd say like 9/10 are shit. It took me a while to find a good one that works plus I tapered down to like .2mg bupe before I switched over. I only use like 4-6g at a time.

Yeah I have been taking 3-4 grams at a time when my lingering w/d gets jangly. Works just fine to make me feel better, not really high though.

Imho and exp smoke shop kratom is total trash. Except this one place I went to in FL that was a legit kratom bar and vape shop. Strain is also very important when it comes to kratom, at least I think so. White to me is basically super coffee, red is okay and works well for real medical purposes, and green to me feels the best.

Oh for sure. For me red is the best. But the stuff I got back in the day didn't have a color or strain description, it was just Thai kratom.
My buddy I loaned $20 to a couple weeks ago finally hit me up and said sorry it took so long I'll give you SEVEN ADDIES instead.

BRB going for a ten min walk :giggle:
i just burned myself making a pizza in a frying pan inna oven. hurtz lol like fukk and i have to sleep.
maybe just go wit da ice pakk now. 🤢

fukk i need xanie so bad.
its just my nature lololol 💟

xxxxxxxxx a n ieeeeeeeeeee
. . . . so i have kratom sitting around for like 7 or 8 months lolollyyy
. . . so would it still be fresh ! #?
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