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Harm Reduction ⫸Should I Try HEROIN?⫷

i would think maybe its not very potent if u can do 1g a day, even snorted then not have much wds, or you are exaggerating...

but ya quit while u can man theres no happy end.
i would think maybe its not very potent if u can do 1g a day, even snorted then not have much wds, or you are exaggerating...

but ya quit while u can man theres no happy end.

totally. statistically you'll end up in jail or dead. there's nothing good coming.
Death, jail or hospital. Those are the classic endings.
There's always those who start low and control themselves until they don't. Others who only use it eventually until they don't.

Eventually you may lose a friend or his/her own life just using a bit less than the usual.
No happy endings, it's like math.
I believe some people accept this. In this case, at least they know so better chances of surviving.
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^ Thanks. I think it all comes to getting older and realizing you shouldn't have done that.

Why did I do this, or that. How could I have been blinded for so many years, etc.
Regrets make us sad and bitter sometimes. 'If I could just go back to that day..."
When I was 17 I was a regular weed smoker, but soon after got bored with the same high so I got heavily into opiates specifically the Roxi 30s, and for those of you that don't know they are oxycodone hcl 30mg pills. I ended up stealing 1000s of dollars over the course of a few months to feed my addiction. I felt bad stealing from my father so tried heroine once with a kid I barely knew nicknamed dopey and cracky. I ended up walking a mile so he could get 2 10 bags for me (not a lot) we went into McDonald's and he tried peer pressuring me into shooting up with him but I was nowhere near ready for that. He continued to shoot up in the bathroom stall and nodded out with the needle in him and started bleeding and was unconscious. I thought he was dead so I was stuck in a silent thinking if I should stay or leave. But minutes later he woke and said he overdosed. I ended up aborting the 2 bags and felt nothing probably because if the 4 roxis I bumped the previous day. It was easily the scariest situation of my life m. He was a heavy user for years abs acted like an expert but that proved otherwise. So for anyone considering trying it once please read this again and it should change your mind. This 20 year old is now dead and had a pregnant gf 17 yrs old still alive today on her own, and he left a bunch of friends and had a family that dispised him and didn't cry knowing if his death. Please think twice before every considering trying it because it's like dancing with the devil.
Thanks you Offgriddoc and welcome to BL.
Unfortunately this happens more than we can count.
And often it's the first time, or like you described just a regular dose that went bad.
It's like playing Russian roulette, every time.
ive never tried heroin as we dont have it in our country. we are the ONLY country in the world to have 3-METHYLFENTANYL instead, which is up to 600x stronger than regular morphine. When it first replaced heroin overnight in 2002, there were 30-40 OD's/per DAY for a week or two straight, because all the IDU's were still using doses that they used when using heroin, even though the new packs they got were VERY small compared to the H packs. It took about 2 weeks for the word to get out to NOT fuck around with this drug and that its NOT heroin but fentanyl and a VERY potent analogue of it, 3-MF or TRIMETHYLFENTANYL. Go check the article on wiki, even there it says that my country is the only one where it is widely abused as its the ONLY opiate available (we dont have ANY pain medicines over here, except codeine which is OTC and OXY which is for dying cancer patients, no way in hell is ANYBODY going to get OXY pills over here) so everybody is using it, either IV (90% of users) or smoking off of foil (10% users). some real newbies or first-time users can even sniff it and be high as a kite. its a regular light-brown powder and from ONE GRAM you get anywhere between 30-35 doses, depending on how big the dealer makes his foil wraps. One bag = 10EUR, One gram = not available on the street, only available if you know your dealer very well etc. or are in the game yourself. Usual price for a gram is 240EUR. From there on, the price decreases (5g, 10g, etc.)

I started off by CWE'ing my OTC codeine. In the end I was taking 480mg of codeine 3 times a day, yet i didnt feel ANYTHING from it anymore.
I realized it was useless and I was just spending my money so i dived head first into the 3-MF scene, knowing full well what type of a drug it is, how long it lasts (or should i say, how SHORTLY it lasts, being fentanyl..), whats the high like etc. Since I was born with a weird condition inherited from my father, that you cant see my veins, it is VERY difficult for me to IV anything. even in the hospital when i need to give blood, they must use a canyle which is a little thing that they but into a vein and it basically keeps itself in the vein and from the other side, drugs can be shot into it and they end up in my vein. the problem is, my veins keep "swimming" so even if you hit a vein, 2 secs later its "gone".
so the 10-20x times ive IV'd 3-MF compared to the 5000x ive smoked it off foil, i can say the initial rush from IV is something like 50x your best orgasm. It lasts for 3-5 minutes and from then on you just nod out, hard. That lasts for 2-3 hours. So basically its not a very long lasting drug. You weel the W/D's creeping in after about 6hrs since last using (either IV or smoking, although IV wd's are ofc worse).

It's been almost 4 years now since I've been completely off 3-MF and have only tried the fentanyl analogues available on the net like Acetyl-Fentanyl (A-F), Butyr-fentanyl (B-F) and Furanyl-Fentanyl (Fu-F). None of them come even close to 3-MF, but since I've been on methadone for close to 4 years now, they still got me high after i had abstained from methadone for 30hrs+. Other than that, I havent used any other opiates at all, no 3-MF or any other drugs available on the net. locally, its strictly 3-MF or nothing. nowadays i just smoke weed, eat my benzos and drink my methadone. Did You guys know that Russia doesnt even have methadone, even though its THE biggest consumer of afghan heroin? the mayor of Moscow said these golden words "We dont treat drug addicts, with drugs!". GTFOH.. But then again, its Russia, so NOTHING would surprise me as long as it happened over there. There is no "Russian Maffia". The fish is rotten from the head, meaning the real maffia is in Kremlin and all the criminal groups, from the powerful Moscow gangs to hundreds of Russian cities with all having populations of 500k+, have their own local criminal gangs and so-called maffia, but in the end, they ALL must pay "taxes" to higher up, meaning the politicans and the police. The whole of Russia is all a huge criminal swamp, to tell you the truth. Sorry for going a bit offtopic, heh.

Would I recommend heroin/3-methylfentanyl to anyone? if everything in their life is going well, they are AT LEAST 21+, know their limits, are grown-ups and so on, I, as a previous junkie, would tell them to stick to sniffing/smoking the stuff and to NEVER do it more than 3 days in a row, unless they want to feel physical pain. If they can do that and abstain after using a few days, enjoy it. But NEVER EVER cheat yourself by telling yourself "im going to use for a week this time, but this time only!". after using for a week, light WD's are guaranteed and from there starts your road to addiction because as soon as you feel that WD, the first thing you will do is call your dealer and tell him/her to come over or that youre coming over. To people younger than 21-25, I would just tell them the truth of the dangers of using ANY opiates and tell them that its wiser to NEVER try it in the first place, because you will NEVER feel the same way you did the first time you will use an opiate.
My first high from Codeine was equal to someone shooting up heroin. I was nodding out, drooling on myself, scratching myself lightly cause it felt so good, my pupils were pinpoint - i was as high as someone on strong narcotics. and that was from 480mg (3 packs down here) codeine.
I know Fentanyl is quite powerful and used for great pains, post surgeries, etc.
It is very strong, doctors say it's much stronger than Morphine, but IMO it only makes you drowsy and sleepy. Not as euphoric, but definitely very dangerous 'potency wise' and addictive.

There are other countries where heroin is not available so people rely on medications.

But when you mentioned about your Estonia it makes me remember what happened in Russia where they changed the formula and created a monster drug named Krokodil.
It's cheap, strong and very harmful. The pictures speak for themselves.
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Stim habits are different IMO in that the bad shit that accompanies them hits your life hard & fast, and that sucks but sometimes it's shitty enough that you swear off the drugs and decide that you want something different...that's how it worked with me and meth, anyway.

Opiates are different in that the onset of your life sucking can sometimes last a really long time. People chip with heroin for years...sometimes people even use recreationally and never move on to real problematic addiction. It's really insidious sometimes, though. as my former heroin dealer once said: "with this stuff..." (points to heroin) "...it's like...where's the exit ramp, you know?" You feel like you're strapped to the driver's seat of H addiction and there's nowhere to pull off

I don't know, I don't moralize about these topics, people can make their own choices & no one knows you better than you know yourself. I will say though that when I started using it was a bi-monthly type thing, and I never thought I'd end up shooting up...I don't even really consider myself to have an addictive personality, generally-speaking. But lo and behold, I ended with glamorous injection drug use 8)8(

Very very FEW people chip with heroin for years..I'd say less than 2-3% of heroin users can do that..I personally don't know anyone that successfully chipped for over 3-4 months..once those initial withdrawals kick in from weekend only use, it's so easy to start using daily so u can go to work..uggh beginning of the end
I think it's a matter of time, unfortunately. I believe this 2-3% might be those whose DOC is something else other than heroin.
they come in droves those just say no-sers self help im-posers who cant really know tha woes within tha throws of addiction. her primrose afrozen gaze upon emo junkies like monkeys in circus shows . how does father knows best googled it or guessed i bet .bequiet... i heard nothing .until
asound arose as if arooster crows summelancholy lyrical show bestowes itself upon my ears holes and stows away wisdom that only from experience grows. kudos to those fellows bros and hoes like me who knows they know tha highs tha lows friends from foes and the one true loves-let go.. someone really knows my woes advice from each other in our hearts enclosed he also chose not no.together down this road we goes
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Like I said in one of these posts, if I was posting about this 10-15 years ago I'd probably say "That's cool. Look at me."

Well time flies and here I am, almost 11 months sober and having gone through hell to rebuild my entire life in my mid 40's.

I can stress enough how this fkn opiate messed up my life.

Yep, I see these guys in their early 20s who have it somewhat under control now but they don't get it that once heroine gets the better of them, it will take a few years just to get clean, quite a few years to get your head straight(if that's even possible) and then 4-5 years repairing the destroyed relationships with family and friends..wasted years dud to a temporary high
^ Indeed. Considering that all of these periods (which seems accurate) but only if everything works as planned which is not always the case. In the best scenario you get your life back in a lifetime.
No, heroin is complete and total garbage. There are so many other great drugs out there than to gamble with your life with this drug. I have smoked H three to four times and just like you'd expect I had a blissful experience every time. Luckily I never touched it again. I gambled with my life and was lucky. My 4 closest friends I can't say the same. Each one has not been able to kick the habit until prison came. One got caught with 24 grams in Idaho and got 3 years in prison. Another recently overdosed and nearly died. He was purple by the time the ambulance arrived. My cousin is working off prison time working for the DEA switching because of this drug. This is a very personal drug to me. I've watched it destroy the lives of people I love and care about. Leave this shit alone please. Do anything else. Some Xanax, acid, or maybe some Adderall just not H.