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Harm Reduction ⫸Should I Try HEROIN?⫷

Using heroin is something I have thought about. I have alot of injuries and I am a pain patient.The wayh it is gettitng harder to obtain pills in a sufficient amounit makes me look at heroin as an option4. And I'm sure I'm not the only one...

You absolutely are not. I am on the fence. I receive some pain meds a month, but it is not lasting. If I ask for more, I risk the chance of being cut off completely. Spoken as a true addict, I honestly cannot imagine getting through the pain and daily life without my pain relief, wherever it comes from....
Don't ask for more. If you are in pain the best thing for you do to is to follow you doctor's instructions.

There's this thin line that can put you in difficult withdrawal and increase you problems or managing this right now.

I've been there, done that. It's very tough to control the meds to limit them to just ease the pain.
Once you had that pleasure and euphoric feelings for it, I suggest you confront the situation asap.

Opiates are super difficult to deal with. Maybe you are in a process of losing control or becoming addicted to it regardless of your pain. So deal with it now. Keep it low, speak to your doctor and resolve this before it gets worse.

I once had a surgery and I totally lost control over this, so that's why I'm suggesting that you deal with this issue the soonest you can and be honest about it.
I would never reccomend anyone try any opiate. It's a feeling I will never forget. I've been mostly clean off opiates since rehab in July. (With a few tramadol slipups, and a smoked point of tar for Christmas ). The first time I took a 5mg percocet I knew I was gonna have problems. I was only 15 at the time, too young for that, and only 18 when i first shot dope. I had a good friend ask me if she should try heroin a few weeks ago. I said "fuck no, don't do that shit". Now she's addicted bad and I haven't heard from her in a few days. Slightly concerning to say the least.

Trying any opiate once is a bad idea but likely won't lead to addiction in the majority population. It's the select few like me, who decide to try out the needle " just once" who end up struggling with dope for years.

Just my 2 cents.
I would never reccomend anyone try any opiate. It's a feeling I will never forget. I've been mostly clean off opiates since rehab in July. (With a few tramadol slipups, and a smoked point of tar for Christmas ). The first time I took a 5mg percocet I knew I was gonna have problems. I was only 15 at the time, too young for that, and only 18 when i first shot dope. I had a good friend ask me if she should try heroin a few weeks ago. I said "fuck no, don't do that shit". Now she's addicted bad and I haven't heard from her in a few days. Slightly concerning to say the least.

Trying any opiate once is a bad idea but likely won't lead to addiction in the majority population. It's the select few like me, who decide to try out the needle " just once" who end up struggling with dope for years.

Just my 2 cents.

I agree with you.
Perhaps our brain was built to feel joy and warmth from our actions.
It could be love, or exercise it doesn't matter. IMO it's the as simple as nature rewarding yourself for what you have earned to feel. Somewhere in the line.

With time I've come to believe that doing heroin or other opiates/drugs qualifies as cheating the nature's game, and we lose all the time. Every time.

I have never heard of a happy ending for opiate or drug addiction.
Even when we manage to quit life becomes much more difficult do deal with.
Recently I started to try H and in my opinion more of an intense high that last longer. Only have tried it maybe 6 or 7 times in the past 4 months. I recently tried some overseas H #3 and it was garbage. Not powerful at all and a whole gram was burned through in under 2 days. The stuff in the US seems to be very much stronger. The H in the states gives a nice rush which can be described as awesome along with a warm feeling. I believe this warm feeling people get is what makes great to try out. I would recommend safe precautions be taking with IV use. Use rubbing alcohol to clean all materials included injection site before and after. I have seen people get super nasty infections. I recommend for first time use, to try a very small amount to see what your tolerance is and how strong the H is.

Anyways, if you are safe about it, can stop after trying it(I don't wish addiction on my worst enemy) I believe you should have some fun if you want. IV use seems to grab ahold of people and make nasty addictions. It has in my experience so I warn caution.
In my opinion I do not see anything wrong with a person trying a drug if they are able to not become addicted. Sadly, most drugs that are "good" for a high are very addicting. I find it funny how the legal drugs always seem to be ruining more people lives and be really good for buzzes. People like to talk about addictive personalities and i definitely have one. I have been on perc's for about 12 years with the past 3 years becoming a horror show. Ever since IV use of percs I have gone down hill. Bang about 100-180mg a night easily. Any drug I can get my hands on I always overdue it and its starting to fucking scare me. I remember growing up as a teen everyone just smoked weed. You never heard about percs or heroin except very very rarely. Now, the stuff is all over the place. I lost my little brother due to an overdose on Xanax and sleeping medication. He always took after me and he never did as many "drugs" as I ever did but he had sleep apnea.

I believe personally and in general that addicts are just self medicating. Everyone I know started after some life changing/altering event. I personally became a very bad addict after my brother died. I suffer from very severe depression and anxiety and I am only happy when on pain killers, or some other opiate like H. Who's to say I am wrong in doing so?

Good luck and be careful
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^ I would wish I had never tried. Since you have already done it. There's always time to think about doing something else.
We know how this ends.

I don't think it's possible to say that US has this or that heroin. It's a big country with a lot of varieties.
It would be the same as saying that Europe has the stronger or weaker Heroin.

Addiction can be your worst enemy, the enemy that you'll learn to love and hate.
I strongly believe that will make you hate yourself for falling into this.
I'm sorry about your brother. I really hope you don't choose this path.
It all depends how seriously you plan to take it. I had a bad previous coke habit. But the first time I did h I tried it twice in 2014 and never used for another 14 months, this time I've bought a .2 and a .7 from one guy and a .5 from the other (spaced out), and although I am feeling its allure stronger, it's like an allure where I want to enjoy it only. I seem to be in the minority who is happy with just a couple of small lines maybe 60mg total in a night of the brown we get is top stuff.
Coke is totally different IMO. I had also my Coke phase and it was gone in less than a year.
Heroin is different. Opiates turn you to a slave and lock your mind and soul, so to speak.

I think it's all a matter of time.

People die using regular heroin doses. It happens a lot.
This sort of thing does not happen as often with Coke.
I'm not saying cocaine is good. I just saying this is different.

We are all different and have different angles and perspectives. For me, it was the opiate that blinded me so seriously.
But it wasn't always like that. If I'd talk about this ten years ago I would say that I had my life totally under control.
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Unless u have serious, and I mean SERIOUS pain issues then I would say leave the h alone, even then if u have issues with other drugs then u probably shouldn't fuck with this shit right here. It's rough when u can't find shit or get totally garbage shit (happens more than anyone would think). Think about dropping $200 and then learning the shit didn't even get u high but wtf ru gonna do? U can't be sick right so u gotta cop it! Then in 4-5 days when that's gone guess what, u gotta do it again and hope u get better shit! So fucked up, believe me. U think u were depressed before, lmfao, wait til this happens a few times in a row.
Unless u have unbearable, I'm gonna kill myself type pain the I'd honestly advise against even trying dope. For some people we gotta do it, but u don't have to become one of us, and as much as u may think u do, u really don't. Your pride will take a major hit regardless of circumstance as well, for some of us this is the worst part... Good luck and god bless to all those out there thinking about jumping on the h train!
Coming from a guy who almost lost his life several times due to heroin abuse a few years ago, It's a terrible idea to start using heroin. In my opinion, it's literally a death sentence and if you're lucky, at least a prison one. It's a downward spiral and all it will lead to is addiction, incarceration, poor health, social stigma, rehabs, and ultimately death. I just shake my head at the people who tell me that they can shoot up with no repercussions like addiction. Don't do it, take it from someone who's lost plenty of friends because of it.

This. Don't do heroin. It's not worth it. Curiousity you can live with, heroin, you cannot live with. Period.
Thanks. Been reading these boards a lot lately trying to understand why someone would want to do heroin in the first place because a good friend recently lost his battle with heroin addiction. Not like I'll find any answers here, or that there are any answers, I just wanted to know more about it.

What an awful, destructive drug
It all depends how seriously you plan to take it. I had a bad previous coke habit. But the first time I did h I tried it twice in 2014 and never used for another 14 months, this time I've bought a .2 and a .7 from one guy and a .5 from the other (spaced out), and although I am feeling its allure stronger, it's like an allure where I want to enjoy it only. I seem to be in the minority who is happy with just a couple of small lines maybe 60mg total in a night of the brown we get is top stuff.

Stim habits are different IMO in that the bad shit that accompanies them hits your life hard & fast, and that sucks but sometimes it's shitty enough that you swear off the drugs and decide that you want something different...that's how it worked with me and meth, anyway.

Opiates are different in that the onset of your life sucking can sometimes last a really long time. People chip with heroin for years...sometimes people even use recreationally and never move on to real problematic addiction. It's really insidious sometimes, though. as my former heroin dealer once said: "with this stuff..." (points to heroin) "...it's like...where's the exit ramp, you know?" You feel like you're strapped to the driver's seat of H addiction and there's nowhere to pull off

I don't know, I don't moralize about these topics, people can make their own choices & no one knows you better than you know yourself. I will say though that when I started using it was a bi-monthly type thing, and I never thought I'd end up shooting up...I don't even really consider myself to have an addictive personality, generally-speaking. But lo and behold, I ended with glamorous injection drug use 8)8(
Like I said in one of these posts, if I was posting about this 10-15 years ago I'd probably say "That's cool. Look at me."

Well time flies and here I am, almost 11 months sober and having gone through hell to rebuild my entire life in my mid 40's.

I can stress enough how this fkn opiate messed up my life.
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As horrible as that is, you're lucky you get the chance to rebuild it. I'm proud of you, 11 months is no joke.
I have been using heroin for over a year, with two two month long breaks. I have never had bad WD symptoms, just RLS. Even with a 1g a day habit for a time. Can anyone relate to this? I insufflate all of my heroin.
I know the illusion of being on control.
The problem is that you are making yourself vulnerable and with time this could become a problem, specially if we're talking about heroin.

But as I said before, there's always this problem with timing.
Not IV'ing can buy you sometime, but from my experience you are playing with fire.
Not trying to judge you at all. Just showing that we are humans.

Good luck!
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gram a day is a large habit, I'm surprised that you don't have any significant WD symptoms from that.