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Harm Reduction ⫸Should I Try HEROIN?⫷

^^^^YOU sound ignorant theres manu people who used for their first time and they got hooked.

i cannot belive this thread is even still going its completely ignorant.

just to let the easiest best answer is NO dontever try it!!!!!
I can't believe that after not checking this thread for months, the same people are posting the same tired exaggerated reasons about why to not try sweet lady H.
Yes, it is addictive and feels to good to be a good idea, but if H ruins your life don't blame the H. It's your fault for getting addicted and probably sticking a fucking needle in your arm which is just asking to get addicted. Have a career and life goals that are more important than anything else, and then have fun while being responsible. Very simple!
I have been pondering about it. Why should I use it? Just to know the feeling. Curiosity. I like to try new things. Then I looked at my poppy usage and thought, I should reverse the question. Which is the less pleasant one to ask: Why shouldn't I use it?

If I look honestly to my abuse of poppies, I probably can't handle heroine or any other strong opiate. Thereby I find withdrawal of poppies unpleasant, but doable. Heroine probably goes into the category undoable.

The pondering about, why shouldn't I try it, is for all the wrong reasons. It is not curiosity, but simple lust for more euphoria. It is not really new either, another opiate. Let's not step there.

Edit: I wouldn't try any other opiate stronger than poppies.
I have been pondering about it. Why should I use it? Just to know the feeling. Curiosity. I like to try new things. Then I looked at my poppy usage and thought, I should reverse the question. Which is the less pleasant one to ask: Why shouldn't I use it?

If I look honestly to my abuse of poppies, I probably can't handle heroine or any other strong opiate. Thereby I find withdrawal of poppies unpleasant, but doable. Heroine probably goes into the category undoable.

The pondering about, why shouldn't I try it, is for all the wrong reasons. It is not curiosity, but simple lust for more euphoria. It is not really new either, another opiate. Let's not step there.

Edit: I wouldn't try any other opiate stronger than poppies.
if you got yourself addicted to poppies then you will surly get yourself addicted to heroin; once you are addicted to heroin life is just down hill from there, trust me, trust us. whether you sniff, smoke or shoot, its never a good thing. and who knows, eventually we all end up w/ that needle in the arm to "save" money. before you know it you are spending more than you ever were and still jamming that needle in the arm. then the heroin addicted leads to a needle fascination and you begin shooting things that you never thought possible; maybe you are scripted seroquel to sleep, and you think, well, maybe ill just shoot this and see if it works. hell, there are days where you will just shoot water to get that "brain rush". it is a sick, sick, sick fucking thing, man, and it ruined so many parts of my life.

I can FINALLY and HONESTLY say I am over it; am I officially DONE!? absolutely not. just got back from CA this weekend and shot the tar out there. I am an East Coast guy so i wanted to try tar; before that I was coming off a month clean (suboxone/bupe). since getting home a week ago I have had no urge to use; I do not use needles anymore for ANYTHING aside from shooting the dope (when it does happen).

I am just so much more happy w/ life and what is happening than I once was; I was a complete and utter degenerate on the couch all day w/ needles around me. using the same needle over and over and over; because I was a LONELY dope shooter I never picked up HEP C or anything, thankfully, but that is another thing which most people may catch because of needle sharing and whatnot.

so, to answer the question if you should try dope or not - the answer is NO.. unless you want your life to turn to shit. then hell yeah! or, just maybe, if you are super rich and have the money for a never ending supply.. then by all mans, have fun but be careful.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo when you get addicted you either die or quit and quitting feels like dieing, plus once you quit most other drugs cause a craving for it again.
If you're not dumb about drugs and are educated in them, and know what you're doing, you should at least try it once.

Yeah I agree. I make it a point to understand everything about what its doing down to the change of your neurons in brain. This way you realize the science and understand that the down is temporary just like the high was but fucking idiots think oh no im gumna be stuck feeling bad forever so they do more and more and u got a moron junkie addict. I can smoke meth and im not addicted to it except duting the binge but once i go to bed for a full sleep im done doing it for 3-4 months. People are amazed that i have it jist lying around for months. Yeah cuz im not dumb. I thing giving littke kids amphetamine (adderall) is horrible especially since their brains are still growing! Thats much worse than what I ever do and it legal and what i do is illegal. Makes no since. Even methamphtamine (desoxyn pills) are legal for kids if they think regular amphrtamine wasnt making the kid conform and listen to teachers. Its cuz they are lazy and of we give kids speed and make them high they will be interested in what taught. Only later in life there pleasure system will be shot and theyll be depressed. Not a problem we got SSRIs to make them not care about anything and pharma companies can get richer!
Short answer - No, never try Heroin.

I wish I never tried it. I wish I never let me ex inject me after sniffing it for so long. It has destroyed my life more so than any other drug, worse than my mxe addiction.

I've seen it do nothing but ruin peoples lives. Once you start it's nearly impossible to quit unless you completely remove yourself from any and all connections to it, which more often than not requires long term rehab and recovery programs.
For everyone saying I know plenty of successful addicts I can handle my addiction blah blah blah

Yes, in fact some people do go on for quite some time managing their addiction and having a decent career. Not letting the dope get the best of them. However these people are rare. For every successful addict there's at least 10 that have had their lives ruined. I mean I'm not saying heroin will destroy your life. However I will guarantee that you will be in worse shape than when you started. Nobody gets out unscarred, some more bruised than others yes but heroin will negatively impact your life, so don't cast a positive light on the whole successful addict thing.

Bottom line is, don't even roll the dice. You may get addicted. You may not. You may even get addicted and keep your career and family. You may not. Don't even take the chance of trying to be that 1%.
Okay so I've read every post on the first 26 pages of this thread. Sorry to hear what some of you guys are going through, and I wish you all the best of luck.

I'll start off by saying I've been drinking for almost 10 years but been an alcoholic for around 5 years. I too have always had that strong urge to try H. I figured if so many people got addicted to it, it must feel REALLY good. It always scared me but I recently hit a low point in my life and I ended up trying it almost 3 months ago. I told myself I would just try it once to "check it off my list" And wow...I can't believe how powerful that shit is. It felt incredible. Put oxy/vic/codeine to shame. I never really felt much even from oxy, even taking a 20 with no tolerance. I guess I have a small past with opiates. Tried them one time 6 years ago, and then a year later I was on morphine for 5 days in a row, then 40mg (x8 5mg) oxy a day for 4 weeks. I definitely went through what I think were minor withdrawals. Mostly: trouble sleeping, constant cold sweats, headaches, and terrible vivid nightmares. Anyways, back to H. Me "trying it once" lasted about 6 weeks. I smoked it the first time, and IVd .3 the second time. The rush felt really good and I was nodding off hard. I never threw up until the next morning, I was so sick.

Even after that and remembering how sick I felt the next day, I still got the urge to do it again and found myself thinking about it constantly. Even crazier (to me) I completely stopped thinking about alcohol! Just shows how powerful this drug is. I did end up smoking it again 3 weeks after I IVd. Really enjoyed it again but I felt pretty sick, probably because I had 2 beers and hour before doing it.

I have a history of addictive personality traits, and self medicating. After stumbling across this thread and reading the shit out of it, I think I'm going to stop while I'm ahead now that I have more positive things going on in my life to keep me happy. I don't really regret trying it, because I hadn't felt so good in a long time while on it. Comparable to how much I enjoyed getting drunk for the first time.

Good luck to everyone here. I hope the people here that are addicted can conquer it and overcome the misery.
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No never try it its better than sex it becomes your one true lover like a dirty soulmate if u have plans on having somewhat of a successful life please stay away from it.
Not a possibility once u do it 2 three times even just snorting ull be consumed ull feel u found the one thing missing from your life. If you decide to risk it which noone can be a recreational heroin user in my eyes you will soon realize the best feeling in the world isn't going to keep u alive very long to enjoy that feeling instead find a way to be happy and safe. Ull lose your soul to heroin coming from someone who knows I wouldn't want to hear someone question if they should just start. Your lucky u were smart enough to ask even though it sounds like ur gonna do it and u wanted at least one person to say yea go try it but unless someone is a sociopath or heavily addicted noone would wish that struggle life time struggle of getting off of it.
U contradicted yourself by saying ixy will do nothing now once u do h. So what happens when u for some reason can't find dioe and end up in w\d for maybe weeks plus all the pain. I'm not mad I think ur point has relevance but only way h can help people in this country is to set up the system swedeb has where u can go do your dope with brand new needles in a clean environment and if you happen to overdose there's doctors all around the dope is clean though so no worries of cut and bacteria. I think h could be a helpful tool for people in severe pain and with certain illness and it should be an option on your death bed no matter who you are to enjoy the last bit of life with no worries and just happinesses
I tried heroin in 2003, because a boy I was really close to had a great time with his girlfriend speed balling when he went to visit her. He met her online. I had a crush on him, i wanted to get closer to him. I really liked his brooding nature, his beard, his smile.

10 days later I was already addicted. I went straight to IV use because IV was more economical. It made sense at the time.

I showed my mom my track marks and asked for help. I knew it was deadly. I had heard the street junkies we went to to find went to find dope talk about another user that had died of a heroin/xanax od. I saw a woman that wanted nothing more than to get her kids back, shoot up into her jugular vein in the back of my truck. As she was saying that she wanted to get clean.

I still wonder what happened to her. Despite these horrors...

...it is 2015. I recently got 100mg morphine powder fron the darknet. About a month ago in fact.

I split this with my partner, who has never done heroin.

Despite being a mod on reddit's r/quittingkratom, despite what I learned studying biochemistry after my mom helped me detox at home... I almost copped a bag right after.

It took a week for that desire to go away.

It isn't even gone. It is sleeping. Waiting for me to slip up.

Of the two people I tried heroin with, one is dead. She was the girlfriend of that boy I liked. She became a prostitute and was killed in 2006. The boy now has hep C. We haven't talked in probably 5 years.

All I have from that time is ghosts, and this dragon, this sleeping dragon that if I let my guard down and give in, will destroy me and harm everyone important to me.

Don't take that first taste and wake up the dragon. It doesn't care who you are, what you can do, how you can brighten other people's lives.

It only wants to consume heroin. It can only consume heroin through your body. It has killed countless people to satisfy it's hunger for over a century.

It won't hesitate to kill you too. Not if it means it gets to feed. You are just another victim it cares nothing about.

If I manage to avoid it, I will live the rest of my 50-60 years on this earth knowing the dragon is there, waiting for when I feel weak and vulnerable to strike.

I am already tired and I just turned 30. I have a long way to go still.

Please do yourself a favor and run far, far away. I am a strong woman. I manage a team of five people in a multi million dollar company. The dragon is still waiting. I know he will be until I die. I can't ever make him go away. I can only ignore his pleas for sustinence. He won't ever starve though. He will still be there no matter what I do.

Just don't.
I tried heroin in 2003, because a boy I was really close to had a great time with his girlfriend speed balling when he went to visit her. He met her online. I had a crush on him, i wanted to get closer to him. I really liked his brooding nature, his beard, his smile.

10 days later I was already addicted. I went straight to IV use because IV was more economical. It made sense at the time.

I showed my mom my track marks and asked for help. I knew it was deadly. I had heard the street junkies we went to to find went to find dope talk about another user that had died of a heroin/xanax od. I saw a woman that wanted nothing more than to get her kids back, shoot up into her jugular vein in the back of my truck. As she was saying that she wanted to get clean.

I still wonder what happened to her. Despite these horrors...

...it is 2015. I recently got 100mg morphine powder fron the darknet. About a month ago in fact.

I split this with my partner, who has never done heroin.

Despite being a mod on reddit's r/quittingkratom, despite what I learned studying biochemistry after my mom helped me detox at home... I almost copped a bag right after.

It took a week for that desire to go away.

It isn't even gone. It is sleeping. Waiting for me to slip up.

Of the two people I tried heroin with, one is dead. She was the girlfriend of that boy I liked. She became a prostitute and was killed in 2006. The boy now has hep C. We haven't talked in probably 5 years.

All I have from that time is ghosts, and this dragon, this sleeping dragon that if I let my guard down and give in, will destroy me and harm everyone important to me.

Don't take that first taste and wake up the dragon. It doesn't care who you are, what you can do, how you can brighten other people's lives.

It only wants to consume heroin. It can only consume heroin through your body. It has killed countless people to satisfy it's hunger for over a century.

It won't hesitate to kill you too. Not if it means it gets to feed. You are just another victim it cares nothing about.

If I manage to avoid it, I will live the rest of my 50-60 years on this earth knowing the dragon is there, waiting for when I feel weak and vulnerable to strike.

I am already tired and I just turned 30. I have a long way to go still.

Please do yourself a favor and run far, far away. I am a strong woman. I manage a team of five people in a multi million dollar company. The dragon is still waiting. I know he will be until I die. I can't ever make him go away. I can only ignore his pleas for sustinence. He won't ever starve though. He will still be there no matter what I do.

Just don't.
Well said. Stay safe.
I buy an 8th of Afghani brown about once a year. It IS a nice feeling, but friends who got into trouble started taking it to come down from speed, acid, MDA and so on. They ended up crushing & shooting cyclizine tablets allong with the H. I don't know anybody who has done that mix who then put down the needle.

I just take it for physical pain (a few hours relief is good) and because I like to gouch. I've tried all of the UK pills and potions and it's my opinion that Diconal & Palfium were the best there was. The stories of palfium having a wide range of potency depending what's in your stomach (nearly died on that once - 30 years ago).

IMO people shooting fentanyl are the walking dead - all for a 20 minute high (!) and the same goes for BDPC & some other high potency opiates - they bind to the receptors almost irreversibly so the MAOs can munch them.

Much better to find something legal that's around 2x morphine.

97% of first-time heroin users do NOT go on to become addicts. Of course, brown & tar are a mixture of alkaloids. Pure H is pretty dull.

It would be much better if people could order online rather than off the streets; have known too many people who are now dead due to a $10 deal going wrong.
From personal experience, no don't try heroin. I wish I never tried ANY opiates.

They will consume your life. Your passions. Your integrity. Everything.