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Harm Reduction ⫸Should I Try HEROIN?⫷

I watch enough intervention to stay away from it, although I've always been curious about how it feels.
you use you lose simple as that drugs will never make you happy ..experienced drug abuser for 8 years..never got nothing positive out of addiction..it turns you into a loser end of story don't throw your life away
Great thread. I just don't agree with how OP said it takes weeks-months. That should REALLY be changed. It took me 3 days to get physically addicted that doesn't even round to one week. A lot of my friends felt withdrawal from less than one week of continued use too. We get really potent dope in my state.
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I have been a herion addict for going on six years and a opiate addict going on 18 years. I would never recommend anyone to try herion. Also most people start with snoring and then wants to use a needle the one time saying I just want to try it this one time and won't use a needle again I'm here to tell you from experience it won't be the last time once you use the needle it also becomes an addiction as well so now you have two addictions to deal with this has been the hardest thing in my life to stop it have lost everything my home my car my family and friends and now my kid's have been taking away from me as well you become so dependent on this drug that nothing else matters I am at a point in my life where I want so badly to stop this and having a hard time doing so I have hit rock bottom and they say that's what has to happen before you stop so once again I strongly encourage anyone who wants to try it don't
True. The answer is pretty obvious to me. NO!

And this really goes for most opioids or you wouldn't see people like the last poster coming here just to share their experience and how much it sucks. Don't.

You would think it's obvious but then again it needed a megathread to stop the clutter of naive people asking the very question...
Ruined my life. Family relationship. My marriage. Wasted away for what?..... A high that I can't keep and continued to chase .... Time wastedwith mmy daughter.... Money wasted.... Evictions....rehab... Constant craving.... Life undone.... Hardship all the time.... Constant failure. Its a terrible addiction n life... Not worth it.
^watching people IRL chasing this same fucking demon with the same goddamn consequences. If only a single person learns from this misery publicly shared it'll be worth it.

A state or feeling of great distress or discomfort of mind or body.

Is an EPIC understatement.
I mean no offense when I say this bc as I have been reading a lot of u currently or in the past have used H but it boggles my mind y if after everything that has been written on here about the many bad things that can come from "just trying it"...y anyone would wanna still do it??? Has anyone ever met a 60 or 70 year old heroine addict??? Unless ppl get some serious treatment they almost certainly die at some point...who reads that n says...we'll hell sign me up for that???
There's every reason not to do heroin. This stuff just wasted 5 years of my life. It killed my 2 closest cousins at the same time. It ruined every real friendship I had and also nearly destroyed my family relationships. If it wasn't for my parents asking me if I wanted to go to rehab I'm sure I would be dead right now. And I started doing it like a lot of people got addicted to oc's and when they dried up in 2009-2010 I started using heroin. Biggest mistake I ever made the sickness will make you do anything for money and turn u into a completely different person. Like someone said u never hear anyone say man I'm so happy I did heroin. DONT DO HEROIN..... It will destroy your life!!!
Short answer


I'm 22 and have been using for 6 years now and iv had times of being a fictional heroin addict with work and school but that never last's very long. Almost always the drug use will become overwhelming, and slowly but surely everything will start to fade away wants needs friends family work school goals potential until the only thing that's left is heorin it will consume u until there's nothing left of what u were before..

(This is not in all casses, people have been known for h not to be for them. This is my personnel experience I have an extremely addictive personality with anything in my life so the heroin complimented that in a self destructive reaction and has been the thing that I haven't been able to get away from. I progressed into using iv after a few years and haven't put the point down since. Iv been struggling and unsuccessfully been trying to loosen its grip on me for years now.
I do not wish this dance with The devil on anyone that said there is nothing I know of that will ever compare to the euphoria that heroin gives you but be weary that euphoria quickly slips into the belly of the beast
Yeah, opioids feel like you can't get that fucked off with them until you'e up shits creek and you realize you never had a fucking paddle to begin with.

Like Wylie Coyote running over the cliff, he doesn't realize or think he can fall.... until he looks down and realizes how high up he really is, and it may be a light-hearted analogy but if you think you were good at lying to yourself before, you have no idea what a smooth talker mu agonists can be (this post being meant for people who aren't familiar with opioids...).
Good answer, I prefer the classic NO. I still can´t believe people want to try something that lethal and addictive. That was this guy who insisted he was only going to do it to get the knowledge, maybe he was bored and now, guess what he thinks, everyday all the day is about?
I can understand naive people and also many of us who jumped without knowing the consequences, but once you know precisely what is going to happen??
No....after saying I'd never use I did and spent 9 months addicted eventually getting way too deep but I haven't touched it in 5 months
Well.. being someone that loves hydro, im scared shitless when it comes to heroin. Every person ive known that did heroin has ruined their lives. Not only their lives, but their young looks. They turned ugly and mangy. Zombie like and progressed zero in thier careers. Just this observation has kept me totally notiinterested .
First thing I want to say is I am new to this forum and have joined to try and help people avoid years of mistakes I have made. Please feel free to ask me anything about any drug. I have taken them all. With the exception of one or two. I have used for over 20 years and have bags of experience (no pun intended). In answer to the question should I try heroin. It doesn't really matter what anyone says whether you know it or not you have already made your decision. To answer your question though if I had access to the Delorean I would travel back in time and visit 1874 where I would beg an Englishman called Charles Wright to stop his research on the Asian poppy. It is the most destructive, ruthless, soul destroying substance man has ever made. It is responsible for millions of peoples misery and countless deaths. It has the power and determination to ruin the strongest of relationships and turn humans in to a shadow of their former selves. Never, ever try
Okay I do opiates a lot smoke weed every once in a while an dabble in a little white now and then I love mdma an all forms do Sheooms and acid when I can but in my 16 years I've been doing drugs ..I'm 27.. I have never and will never do heroin ( meth or crack either) but heroin is the stupidest thing to try there are so many better choices with way less consequences yes it's cheaper but upswing is a habit and a vice if you can't afford it don't do it pure n simple
And I promise that this is.

Mostly anonymously people are grazing over this thread and changing their mind without leaving a trace of evidence they were even here.
But they were.


I would have been one of those people, not leaving a trace of evidence that I grazed over the thread. But then I read what you said and just wanted to pop up and say thanks ;)