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Harm Reduction ⫸Should I Try HEROIN?⫷

Do NOT try THIS ! I never tried and i will never try it !!!
This is for who wants to die or live in pain , and there are lots dangerous...
please guys pm about anything related to h or oc, i really need some advice im also thinking bout it
hello all please guys pm about anything related to h or oc, i really need some advice im also thinking bout it right now
See when I first started using heroin I thought that I would be the same person I was before I used it but just with the experience of having done it and thus able to make the kind of rational decisions about it I had at the time. What people (and certainly i) never quite realised was that using a drug like heroin seriously changes the way you're brain is wired in terms of the dopamine reward system. It basically hijacks it to include itself amongst the other things that system is set up to seek out ie. food, sex, love, self fulfillment (possibly). It sneaks right in there and rarely leaves once you've had any sort of habit.

That's the problem. We're not ever really taught this stuff about the hard drugs. We're just told to say "no". Which really fucking works doesn't it?!

Although I can say that through my recovery from heroin I learnt more about myself than I thought I could and have now got a life I am intensely proud ofWoWouldn't have happened without being a heroin addict. When you're using you're on stand by. Creativity definitely goes right out the window as does emotional connectedness with others. It's in the recovering that you grow.

Moral of my story: if you're going to be heroin user you better make sure you aim to recover at some point. Actually, not aim, actually DO.
If you haven't tried it, don't.

I run my own business from home and literally began working harder so I could buy more opiates.
Take it from a real life junky(IV).... There is no such thing as a recreational heroin user...anyone who says different is either chipping away at a big rock or full of shit...and if you chip a little piece off of a big rock every day of your life eventually it will disappear and you will be standing in a pile of sand. Some people can chip longer than others so dont be fooled by some junky you know that can "maintain". Some of us simply must do it and we now have known a suffering and misery that words would not be fit to convey...and by our own hands no less!! to those intrepid explorers that are about to enter the abyss i say good luck and godspeed...and (ffwd 6 months) no i dont have 20 bucks you can "borrow"...
agreed 100% here I am stuck in west Memphis with no connects sick and def not believing in a rec use
I'm planning on trying heroin for the comedown off of IV cocaine. I don't really like opiates or downers in general but I love a good rush. What are my chances of getting addicted to the heroin if I'm only using it for this?
Take it from a real life junky(IV).... There is no such thing as a recreational heroin user...anyone who says different is either chipping away at a big rock or full of shit...and if you chip a little piece off of a big rock every day of your life eventually it will disappear and you will be standing in a pile of sand. Some people can chip longer than others so dont be fooled by some junky you know that can "maintain". Some of us simply must do it and we now have known a suffering and misery that words would not be fit to convey...and by our own hands no less!! to those intrepid explorers that are about to enter the abyss i say good luck and godspeed...and (ffwd 6 months) no i dont have 20 bucks you can "borrow"...
I'm planning on trying heroin for the comedown off of IV cocaine. I don't really like opiates or downers in general but I love a good rush. What are my chances of getting addicted to the heroin if I'm only using it for this?
I wouldn't do it ull most def get addicted..... And that's a whole other ballpark
I have never shot up and am at the end of my rope, am already on dilaudid and it is not covering the pain. the pain is so bad, I have a heart condition too so my outlook isnt good. It is easy to get in my city and I dont deny I will get addicted but if the last year or two of my life will be in pain what difference will it make? the difference does it make my docs and family have judged me since I was 14 saying I was already shooting. Been labelled already, Wheres the exit?
The difference is by becoming addicted unless u have a steady flow of cash and dope you will continue to be in pain because of the heroin use
If it's good dope you'll be so high that you won't even care that you're throwing up. You'll probably be throwing up and thinking "I'm a throw-up breathing dragon! Burglglelglelgle!! Woooo!" Hahaha.

First time I tried DXM I threw up pink liquid (the cough syrup duh) into the sink and thought THE EXACT SAME THING. Lmfaoooo I can't believe someone else said that.

Anyways,as someone who has wanted to try H for a few months now just to cross it of the list and have the experience, this thread has given me a lot of info and made the conversation with myself much more complicated. Thanks to all the people who have posted info and experiences on here, I read through the first 4 pages only and can say that this thread epitomizes the beauty of BL. :)
Swim has tried heroin in the past a couple of times by i.v it smashed swim and made him very high and also made swim spew lol it was good but Swim prefers oxycodone as the dose and amount you are taking and need to get night is easy to calculate. Swim finds it safer!

so oxycodone is swims doc' the strength of herion unpredictable and it's always very very strong in australia and lots of people have died from heroin od! Also the oxycontin reformulated has only been out for 6 months in the country and now the original formula is out in generic form :) :)

swim gets 84 x 80mg oxycodone cr and for breakthrough pain 60x 20mg oxynorm instant release every month swim so gets a script for kalma/xanax 2mg 1 and 2 repeats and also antenex/valium 5mg for muscle spasm per month :) so swim gets great meds for his pain but is happy that normal oxy is back instead of the oxycontin reformulated
No one should be asking online if they should do heroin, ive never met anyone who did heroin and then just stopped forever, even if you do it again a few months later an stop for a year then again, your gonna get closer and closer to when you do it, i know soooo many people from ages 15 to 50 that do it and all started the same way thinking they can do it for a lil or once in a blue moon and now they all shoot up and have been thru treatment, especially the 15 year old, its fucking crazy, i was brazen thinking id do it a lil and stop now im thinking about it everyday an cant see my future without it, i wanna go back in time and stab my younger self so i wont do it, honestly, id stab my younger self to not do it. Once an addict always an addict for the rest of your life til the day you die with a needle in your arm or if you get old and die your still an addict and will have cravings, not worth it, be a normal person and smoke weed and thats it, im sure every other addict knows how good it feels and just the same down feeling as high, as good as youll feel, youll feel ten times worse for way longer, not worth it, im only 22 an i started at 19, i do t think ill ever not think of dope in my whole life, its fucking depressing, anyone reading this thinking they wanna try punch yourself in the face as hard as you can, that pain will be a million times worse for years and years and your family will know eventually and youll be ashamed of your actions and stealing and doing shit for a bag
FUCK OPIATES!!! im a heroin addict and like any other i love dope, an just like any other addict, i love it too much, my best advice is, look up all the people who tried it and how there on the street and how their family disowned them and how there all broke with no future or any chance of getting there life back, you never see a heroin addict with a nice house or a good job and family and happy with no problems, no such thing as a happy heroin addict, EVER, no matter what anyone tells you, all heroin addicts are depressed, more so than before they started, its a FACT, if i knew someone who asked me that in person id beat the shit out of them for their own good, if my father was alive he would deadass 100 percent beat me to a bloody pulp to the point of almost dying if he knew what ive done with drugs, and that would be a favor if he did that, it would save my life and future, thats it
Please dont try it, I've wanted to try oxy for a year before i did soooo bad, i kept thinking about it but was too shy to ask someone for it, then did and got it, since then ive done soooo many different drugs in every ROA there is, the urge to do it was strong but its so not worth it, and is so embarrassing when everyone you know eventually finds out and they will, when your stealing ten bucks from a family member just to not be sick an not even high, no one does dope and has an easy good life, even celebrities with money who can afford it for their entire life lose everything and some commit suicide, idk know you but i gotta tell you since your interested its the worst, and it wont mean alot hearing this from a stranger, i know cause if someone said this to me while i was thinking about it, i would have done it anyway, I'm just trying to persuade you not to cause in 2 years when your dope sick youll wish you listened to the stranger online saying not to, for a fact. I was shooting up heroin just a few months after my first oxy pill, the fun only last so short before life feels hopeless and everyday is depressing looking to rob someone to not be dope sick, its such an exhausting life, im still going through it, i had a friend recommend it to another friend and got him to do heroin for the first time, his first drug altogether actually, and i punched him in the face for doing that, he didn't care he was ruining my other friends life so we fought, ill fight anyone that gets another person to do dope even if i lose, thats soooo fucked up of someone
should you do heroin NO you will never have a successful life using heroin believe me I've tried and lost everything I've ever owned because of that drug..do yourself a favor never pick that drug up you will end up in jail institutions or death..and you won't put it down there's no such thing as a one time...
No. no no no no no. here's why:
i am a well put together 23 yr old femalee..or was. alwayd had a jpb, reaponsibilities, frienda, good family, good life. i started hanging around this super sweet guy...who did heroin. at this point he wasn't addicted. i would go on runs with him to get dope and he wouuld get it for friends and basicaly make money and free dope off them by doing this. he would give me lines and we would snort it and be all high and have fun all day. never thinking i would actually get addicted. iy was all fun aand games. Then suddenly we were going on runs by ourselves to get it and spending our own money to get it. next thing you know I'm addicted. i didn't realize it was happening until it was too late. i had to do it everyday or i wohld get sick. i wish sooo bad i never touched it in the first place. i always thought heroin was disgusting and i would never do it. and when i wasn't a full blown addict, i thought gell i just do it wfery couple days I'm fine..but the high is so amazing that before u develop a physical addiction, you just crave the high so bad which makes u keep doing it. I've been an addict now for about 2 years. i hate it more and more everyday. i can not believe this has happened to me. if i kneq then what i know now, regardless of the awesome high, id never had done it not even once. please, no matter how curious or what anyone tells you, do NOT TOUCH THE SHIT!!! it has taken over my liffe. i lkterally work 40hours a week to strictly to pay for mine and my bfs habit. its absolutely life ruining. i woulda nevver thought this could or wpuld happen to me. heroinn doeant care if u come from a good family or if you are hardworking or any of that. it WILLA TAKE OVER. even if u try it once. i promise. so please. dont sever do it.