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Harm Reduction ⫸Should I Try HEROIN?⫷

Don't do it you fool! Ask anyone who's been addicted to it for a long time, by long time I mean 4-10 +years. 90% of them will tell you they wish they never tried it. I beat my addiction been 3 years clean but it was hard. I was originally hooked on oxy 80s for a year before I tried quitting by moving up to Canada and doing construction. Problem was they were way cheaper up there and I was getting paid very well. Anyways when they switched to the OPs I switched to the H, there was no way out everything went down the shitter. For some reason thought I never got found out by any of my family and friends. I beat my addiction by taking a drastic measure. I joined the army got stationed in Germany got deployed to Iraq and made it back to Germany. I tell stories all the time to my fellow soldiers (for some reason they think these stories r funny) about my old opiate days and I would punch anyone of them in the face of they decided to try it. So don't do it, I still think about it some times. In fact I would be 4yrs clean but about a year being sober I got an email from a friend saying he had found some of the old 80 OC' so like an idiot I dropped a leave packet, spend 1200 Euro on a flight from Germany to Seattle just to do Oxys one last time.
I have always wanted to do Heroin, but the fact that its illegal has stopped me. I have a job that requires a clean criminal record and as such I was just too afraid to go and buy some, just in case I got seen by a police officer. That, and where I live, the drugs are overpriced and crap quality. If anyone knows where I mean: my closest area to find drugs is Camden in North London.

However, recently I've been contemplating it more and more. My reasoning is because I want to reawaken my creativity. I used to write...a LOT. Since I was like 7 years old I had an amazing imagination. However, as I went though the schooling system, my curiosity became aimed at the sciences, and as a result I feel like I've list the creative edge I once had. I try to write now, but nothing comes out. My thoughts are really not the same anymore, and I'm stuck in a world of order and routine.

Do I still want to try heroin? Yes. Will I actually be trying heroin? Unlikely. The post by one member kace (?) yesterday about what happened to her after trying heroin, was horrifying to read. I also read another bluelighter write out in steps how one eventually becomes a junkie, saying thats the inevitable end to trying it. That was powerful.
I am also an artist and I understand the urge to use substances to open ur mind to new ideas...new ways of expression
etc. Not to mention some of my favorite writers have written in the midst of an addiction.. .Jim Carroll...William Burroughs... Stephen king...but I can assure u heroin will do very little to help ur work. Between nodding withdrawing copping etc. It will soon take over ur life and writing will become an annoyance.his is y all the above authors quit using. It only hinders brilliance and creativity.
Well, Gear "was" (key word) one thing i would never try, not in my wildest dreams. After doing all the drugs under the sun I decided to clean up and settle down. Fast forward about 6 years... Here I am, laying down curled up and uncomfortable as hell. Im on the 3rd day without H and struggling. When i mentioned earlier that I settled down, I did and it was fine until about 2 years into relationship when my SO picked up the habit of pain killers and then heroin. I've been trying to get her clean ever since and have finally ( about 2 months ago) stepped to the dark side to show my loyalty to her and that i would do anything for her to quit. I was only supposed to do it a few times by the time she gets the suboxone. Here I am lying in sweats and sick with blown away savings but still have hope that its going to get better by tomorrow.

No, don't try heroin, i sure as hell wish i haven't.

You're kicking cold turkey right now or do you have any suboxone or anything? Day 3 is the peak for the most part. You'll start to feel much better, though still shitty, in another day or two. Hang in there, man.

You're kicking cold turkey right now or do you have any suboxone or anything? Day 3 is the peak for the most part. You'll start to feel much better, though still shitty, in another day or two. Hang in there, man.

You're awesome Mr. Scag. No seriously I was just in BDD this am, and there's a lot of newbies on there, I guess just on BL overall. And I passed the fucking same retarded post "Should I try heroin?" I haven't gotten the chance to write my personal account on here yet because it is so fucking long, but my short answer Is no fucking way. Anyways I write this post back and tell the kid(assuming) go onto "Other Drugs." Theres a great megathread at the top "Should I try Heroin?" I suggested for him to read it. I just saw his response and hes like after I read that megathread I've decided not to try it, I had no idea about how bad the withdrawl could be and shit." You started this thread, im pretty sure lol(I'm stoned) and if one person wont go down this path of hell because of that, that's pretty cool IMO.

Wow thank you I really appreciate that. I really do. That is awesome. And yeah, If even one person out of a thousand chooses not to go down that route, than we've done our job.
Im a green lighter excuse me if im fucking up guys.
I have a pretty bad ooiate problem 200mg hydro codone a day just to feel right so what would an an appropriate dose of h be as a first time use of h and this is in the name of harm reduction as im not lookin for a source or anything now another question im in jax fl is it wrong of me to search for a mentor of sorts on BL in my area? Also this poppy tea everyone speaks of is there a tolerance there as well can you overdose on it? Thanks for any and all advice/help Oh and one last thing is there a way to reduce pill tolerance by using suboxone?
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Do not, do not, do NOT, start using heroin after only having a hydrocodone problem.. come on, man. You really wanna switch from a hydro problem to a heroin addiction? Contraty to what you may think is a large habit, 200mg's of hydrocodone is not that.. if you were to do heroin, you would require such a tiny dose not to OD, that it would be very difficult and you'd most likely end up still doing too much and getting very sick.

Your other question, yes you can develop a tolerance to poppy tea and OD on it, just like any other opiate.

Lastly, yes you can reduce your tolerance by using suboxone.. but you'd have to be on a small dose of bupe and taper from there, as it is very potent, roughly 25x as strong as hydrocodone. So 200mg's of hydrocodone would be equal to 8mg's of bupe.
Im a green lighter excuse me if im fucking up guys.
I have a pretty bad ooiate problem 200mg hydro codone a day just to feel right so what would an an appropriate dose of h be as a first time use of h and this is in the name of harm reduction as im not lookin for a source or anything now another question im in jax fl is it wrong of me to search for a mentor of sorts on BL in my area? Also this poppy tea everyone speaks of is there a tolerance there as well can you overdose on it? Thanks for any and all advice/help Oh and one last thing is there a way to reduce pill tolerance by using suboxone?
At one point in my life I took a lot of hydrocodone like you. 3 of us split a dime bag of heroin. It made me throw up for a while it was too much. But being the stubborn idiot I am I kept doing heroin thinking it wouldn't make me any sicker then the Vicodin when I stopped after a week of using h. Boy was I wrong and my habit started to grow out if comtrol.
200 mg hydro is to not withdraw no high comes from that dose and the worst part is I dont cwe ever because when I try it seems as if it doesnt work and roxy 30s it takes 6 7 to feel high so to speak trust me im not ready to jump to h I just want to lose rhis damn tolerance pills arent fucking me just my wallet and well gym body I used to weigh 215 at 5 9 now i weigh 175 before sub i weighed 130 played d1 ball lost scholarship due to failed piss tests....wait I guess it is fucking me lmao idk man I hear h has a wonderful high and I would love to experience that but I am not a stupid guy and im pretty sure with my undying love to opiates id get hooked damn near immediately
Heroin is a strange one for me, i have been using opiates (heroin & oxy, mainly IV) recreationally for about 5 years, at most probably once a month or id say less than 10 times a year. When i first tried heroin i was at a pretty dark stage in my life, had pretty bad alcoholism issues & a hefty nitrous oxide addiction. Yet after the first time i experimented with opiates i knew they would not pose an issue in my life, for one reason or another i never have the desire to repeat the experience in the following days/weeks. Dont get me wrong its an amazing high but it's just missing something in the escapism department which is where i feel my urge to abuse some substances stems from, that apathetic feeling the sense that my issues are still there underneath this opiate inspired veil, they are not forgotten like with other forms of escapism, i just dont give a fuck right now. Now that im no longer depressed i can slightly understand the draw to heroin a bit more, the euphoria, the warmth, no anxiety or concern in the world. Even with all the positives i still cant say im drawn to it & its stayed as a occasional social experience. Sometimes i wonder if my attitude towards heroin stems from educating my self on opiates & having close friends with addiction problems, & thinking to my self thats a path id rather not go down, wish i had the same subconscious thought process towards stimulants but thats a story for another thread.....

Heroin is not for everybody but im surprised with my addictive personality and mindset when im depressed that heroin did not swallow me whole!
Well thankfully it didnt man and I get wanting hell needing to escape but everyone has a different poison thats for sure
When I have it everythings fine. When I dont have it, its hell. Talk about a nightmare life. The sickness gets worse as you use longer and get older too. In my opinion. I USED to be able to handle going to work sick for a few hours, plan detoxes and do them. The dope has a hold stronger then over me. I say I will "quit" tmrw. And every single day comes and I dont. I have the idea but once that hot cold creepy feeling comes, the watery eyes, snot dripping, unable to stay still, then stomach pains and gastro issues worse then a sledge hammer to the face come along I decide "Nah, TOMORROW WILL BE THE DAY!". Im still young, but I have been doing opiates 7 years and dope for 6. To me its a long time. Never got the chance to try a real adulthood without this garbage. Now Im to the point where I can't hold down a job normal anymore so the next step though "I will NEVER do it" (right?) is whoring myself out. I hope I never sell myself for dope but the truth and the REALITY is if I dont get off, I sure as hell eventually will be. Once my parents kick my ass out cuz theyve had enough. ANd my bf leaves cuz he is on the brink. So, if you never want to face the possibility of whoring yourself, even if your a dude....stay away from the H. The withrsrawal is worse then pills, the tolerance is worse, you will have more of a stigma, and you will eventually start shooting up even if you think u wont. YOU will. When your out of money and sniffin aint gettin you nice that needle wont quite look so poiny. Prob is helping ppl when they have their mind madeup. I hope theres a lot of people who read this thread whom may not post about it get deterred from trying dope. Its just evil. Like the highest level of evil. You cant evil live on it. There are functional addicts but trust, they are arent living life to fullest potential. I am the perfect of the 5 plus yr functional addict finally starting to lose their shit. Yeah, it sucks.
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I never did heroin but when I was deep in my Oxy habit (400mgs a day) I'd always say, "If I could just quit doing these drugs then everything will be ok". And I'd try my best to quit but never could.

When I finally got on Suboxone maintenance and had the ability to reflect and start learning about myself I realized that my thoughts were actually upside down. What I needed to do was figure out what my problems were. Then and only then could I figure out why I wanted to do such a reckless, life threatening amount of drugs. Drugs that weren't doing anything productive for my life but actually were draining my bank account, causing me to lie and cheat, ruining relationships, and hurting my health.

So I pose this question to anyone who is considering doing heroin: ask yourself why you want to do it in the first place. Think about what it is you are trying to escape from. Everyone on this board can tell you that heroin ultimately won't help you escape from your demons. It might make you feel better temporarily, but then the problems will just come back ten times as big.

Take if from someone who is barely alive. Fix your problems another way. Not with heroin.
When I have it everythings fine. When I dont have it, its hell. Talk about a nightmare life. The sickness gets worse as you use longer and get older too. In my opinion. I USED to be able to handle going to work sick for a few hours, plan detoxes and do them. The dope has a hold stronger then over me. I say I will "quit" tmrw. And every single day comes and I dont. I have the idea but once that hot cold creepy feeling comes, the watery eyes, snot dripping, unable to stay still, then stomach pains and gastro issues worse then a sledge hammer to the face come along I decide "Nah, TOMORROW WILL BE THE DAY!". Im still young, but I have been doing opiates 7 years and dope for 6. To me its a long time. Never got the chance to try a real adulthood without this garbage. Now Im to the point where I can't hold down a job normal anymore so the next step though "I will NEVER do it" (right?) is whoring myself out. I hope I never sell myself for dope but the truth and the REALITY is if I dont get off, I sure as hell eventually will be. Once my parents kick my ass out cuz theyve had enough. ANd my bf leaves cuz he is on the brink. So, if you never want to face the possibility of whoring yourself, even if your a dude....stay away from the H. The withrsrawal is worse then pills, the tolerance is worse, you will have more of a stigma, and you will eventually start shooting up even if you think u wont. YOU will. When your out of money and sniffin aint gettin you nice that needle wont quite look so poiny. Prob is helping ppl when they have their mind madeup. I hope theres a lot of people who read this thread whom may not post about it get deterred from trying dope. Its just evil. Like the highest level of evil. You cant evil live on it. There are functional addicts but trust, they are arent living life to fullest potential. I am the perfect of the 5 plus yr functional addict finally starting to lose their shit. Yeah, it sucks.

I went through a lot of the same issues. Seemingly, a high % of heroin users end up in the same place. (if we live long enough.)

Wish you well.

I never did heroin but when I was deep in my Oxy habit (400mgs a day) I'd always say, "If I could just quit doing these drugs then everything will be ok". And I'd try my best to quit but never could.

When I finally got on Suboxone maintenance and had the ability to reflect and start learning about myself I realized that my thoughts were actually upside down. What I needed to do was figure out what my problems were. Then and only then could I figure out why I wanted to do such a reckless, life threatening amount of drugs. Drugs that weren't doing anything productive for my life but actually were draining my bank account, causing me to lie and cheat, ruining relationships, and hurting my health.

So I pose this question to anyone who is considering doing heroin: ask yourself why you want to do it in the first place. Think about what it is you are trying to escape from. Everyone on this board can tell you that heroin ultimately won't help you escape from your demons. It might make you feel better temporarily, but then the problems will just come back ten times as big.

Take if from someone who is barely alive. Fix your problems another way. Not with heroin.

I was always well aware of my "problems" but also understood there wasn't much I could do about them.

"If I could just quit doing these drugs then everything will be ok".
Ha, Ive said this a million times, then I'd get clean and remember why I decided to use heroin in the first place..
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i just want to say... to anyone who is considering doing heroin...
im so lucky to be alive. i relapsed. did my usual relapse dose. my girl found me almost dead on the floor. i might have some permanent damage... i hurt myself very bad. my leg got kinked up under me as i fell out and hit the floor, now its all messed up. i also hit my head hard and bled a lot. i scared my girl so bad she left me for a few days.

plz dont mess with heroin. u never know how strong it is. overdose dont always mean u die. sometimes permanent damage follows... my life is hell now.
heroin is not worth it.
i just want to say... to anyone who is considering doing heroin...
im so lucky to be alive. i relapsed. did my usual relapse dose. my girl found me almost dead on the floor. i might have some permanent damage... i hurt myself very bad. my leg got kinked up under me as i fell out and hit the floor, now its all messed up. i also hit my head hard and bled a lot. i scared my girl so bad she left me for a few days.

plz dont mess with heroin. u never know how strong it is. overdose dont always mean u die. sometimes permanent damage follows... my life is hell now.
heroin is not worth it.

At some point over the past few months I noticed you disappeared and was curious how you were doing. Sorry to hear, hope you can recover. I actually fell-out on my leg before to the point that when I woke up my whole left leg was paralyzed. It was one of the worst pains I have ever experienced. Luckily after about 30 mins I could walk again but couldn't feel my toes for over two weeks.

take care
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I nodded out on my arm before and I got radial nerve palsy. My wrist was limp and I couldn't move my wrist for about 4 months. I was terrified that I had done permanent damage and that I would lose the use of my right hand forever.