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Harm Reduction ⫸Should I Try HEROIN?⫷

If codeine is all you've got, an opiates an opiate. You may feel a Buzz but I also agree w the above post. They're all the same : catch a euphoria once, Chase that fucker a lifetime. (And some lifetimes are farrrrrr shorter than others ).
I also wanted to point out that just "driving into the bad part of a city" is a good way to get into trouble, whether it be some not so nice people, or not so nice people in uniform. There really aren't many places that you can roll through saying "Yo, heroin. Looking for heroin over here." and it go very well. That said, best of luck Invictus, keep your chin up.
This shit gets in your bones man.

Used oxy's for 5 days. Been sick for a couple days now. Really doesn't take long to get physically sick without it, especially once you have made any sort of habit of it.

I had a remaining prescription for a 500-some milligrams of oxy, so I used it all over 5 days. Nodded the fuck out for the first couple days then had a lovely few days feeling nicely stimulated, carefree, and euphoric. It wasn't worth feeling like shit after though. My legs are shaking today, got muscle aches all over and my spine hurts, worst of all it gets in my fucking bones somehow. This will be over quite soon and the last thing on my mind will be using another opiate for a while. I do like to nod the fuck out though and reminding myself of a little dope sickness here and there isn't the end of the world for me. If you really want to experience opiate though I'd shoot a dilly 4 over trying heroin (without a tolerance and I really don't recommend doing this, I am just saying I'd do it over sniffing heroin knowing what I know now in a heart beat, and it probably has the best high and the rush is quite revered).

But yeah just keep away the shit eats away at your very bones. Since being dependent on them for pain relief / general relief and numbness of everything, I have become interested in the nod. So I like to take higher doses as I have baseline tolerance now and nod the fuck out from time to time. It is risky business that's for sure, and doesn't really feel that great unless you were addicted in the past. Having been dependent almost is a prerequisite for getting the most pleasure out of these drugs, it's so not worth it.

Today I am keeping positive. Helping my friend with her gender studies assignment she left for last minute. I did not study that but I am still helping and it has been an interesting day. She offered to take me out for dinner so we found another excuse, another date. I am going to have to write her a little 'thinking of you' letter while she is on vacation. I enjoy writing love letter. So opioids are not really on my mind today this lovely chick is. Aw. She just told me something very cute. I'm sure I'll nod out in another month or whenever I realize I have a perc script out... save 6, dispose of the other 100 beforehand haha.
Damn dude, be careful with the pills. Hopefully being sick did get you over it. And the lady sounds nice, something positive to focus on, and I imagine she was a nice, healthy Shroomy around too. I know my using, whether I was honest about it or not, has screwed up some of my relationships/potential for such in the past. The worst being when you're both getting high, ugh, talk about toxic.
No need to `try` heroin when kratom is still legal!

I'd been on pain pills for years before swithing to h for years more. Then was put on suboxone for near a decade. When I found kratom I kicked myself in ass for not searching for it sooner.
Kratom is the viable anewer to our opioid epidemic, though if you've followed the news, you know that is likely going to be schedule 1 soon mainly bc our govt has relations w/ big pharmacy who can't do their usual raping and controlling they're so adept at when you can grow this awesome plant in your own home.

The FDA comissioner recently has been regurgitating bold face lies about kratom's safety and efficacy even when the company her previously worked for has a patent for the medical use of kratom! This is beginning to take the shape of `reefer madness ` of the late 30`s onward. SAD!

My best suggestion is to take this plant into your home now! When the govt cronies do schedule kratom it will be a mad rush for people stocking up and getting plants for themselves before the hammer falls..

Growing tips, plants and more at kklones.webs.com
Damn dude, be careful with the pills. Hopefully being sick did get you over it. And the lady sounds nice, something positive to focus on, and I imagine she was a nice, healthy Shroomy around too. I know my using, whether I was honest about it or not, has screwed up some of my relationships/potential for such in the past. The worst being when you're both getting high, ugh, talk about toxic.

My past two relationships were chaotic, and my opiate use was a major contribution to that. I would lose my sex drive completely when using heavily and that messed us both up. If you are both using, at least it's potentially fair (drugs come before such morals and values, however). Sucks to see someone else being hurt who doesn't deserve it (even if it's something like not getting any, or watching me hurt myself, wasted time and money etc.).

This time I have been clean since meeting her and I have a new job. I am sick for the second day in a row, but my spirits are high. Why would I use more when it makes me feel this shit. There is no point but there is no point getting caught up in dope sickness either so I am just trying not to think about it. She is a lovely lady and since I helped her with her assignment today she owes me dinner before she heads on vacation. Just an excuse for another date really and I would maybe like to make out with her this time.

It is not possible for me to have a healthy relationship and be a heavy opiate user. Even nodding out and getting high for 5 days straight like this would be really hard to conceal if I was doing it on a regular basis, and it's just not something I'd want to do often due to the constant ups and downs. I almost always get high as fuck sometime during the holidays, so fuck it.

Worst is also thinking back to how a relationship would have / might have gone in a different direction if you weren't constantly relapsing on oxy's. I wouldn't consider this 5 day binge a relapse because I am over it already. Not fiending another hit or anything but really I was pushing my limits. As I am physically sick without them now and it is the 2nd day. Tomorrow, I won't be right either so it wasn't worth it as I already feel great most of the time.

Yeah she only knows the sober and tripping me. I had to convince her I am not a junkie, and pretty much stick with weed and psychs. I'm like... when we were partying that 2c-c shit ain't coke it just looks like it, psychedelic like lsd. That cleared things up lol she is cool with psychedelics and dropped acid with me at the end of one of our days together but she takes her time to analyze and think. She never forgets anything, it took me so long to realize that, but she has a photographic memory. I will ask her a question and it seems like she is off in her own little world and then she'll answer it a week later, after I forgot I asked it. She is crazy like that, acid and stimulants are her drugs. She would hate opiates oh man if she saw me nodding the fuck out she'd be like WTF that looks like the most boring thing ever opiates would bore her to death. All the waste time sick, and nodding off and stuff oh that would kill this girl. She likes the odd stimulant a little white. So do I so no problem there. Oh she is so damn cute and attractive I could write essays about her. She said something really damn cute to me today... randomly... she is like that. Wonder if I will get kisses next time. lol.

But yeah especially once you have had a habit in the past the brain doesn't forget. 5 days fucked my head up seriously and altered the course of this week for me. Luckily I have some chill time just working mornings, and helping her with her assignment I can do from bed. I will have to get up at some point and have our dinner date I think I know where she will take me it's a nice old fashioned pub. So hopefully that is a few days from now as I will likely be sick for as long as I was high.

Reminding myself of the sickness once in a while isn't so bad. It's not like I'm straight up heroin sick right now... feels like the very tail end of a hardcore heroin detox 10 days in or somethin... I've never been in a relationship where we both did dope. The chicks I have dated all enjoyed alcohol, and stimulants. Little Mdma, and white. Didn't smoke weed and I smoke all day so our drug use was separate and mine was far heavier. This girl is too nice to fuck with for a high man I already potentially did by getting myself oxy sick. If she wanted to hang out tonight I'd be a little overwhelmed to say the least. Driving someplace right now would be irritating as hell... those 5 days sorta fucked me up but I was nodding super hard and I'll feel better soon : )
Two things here Shroomy and I speak them out of LOVE really I do.

Chasing a nod IS idiotic so pls stop it. I know ya prolly dont have access for another month but see that month serves to lower the tolerance back down making you More susceptible to accidental overdose. Chasing the nod === idiotic behaviour.

I see as well , you're justifying this behaviour already by saying it serves you well as Reminder of those old days of dope-sickness following a binge. Come on son, NOBODY needs reminding of that Hell n you know it. It's a justification if I ever read one.

If you truly are serious about (again two things ) the Getting Away From Opiates for good and This Cute Fox, then may I ask -- why haven't you contacted the actual Doctor to CANCEL (discontinue ) the oxy script? We have seen your back pain does okay without it.

Right now you're just basically monthly -chipping. Okay they are Your meds. It's legal to access them. You are just being very reckless here n you're not stupid so all I can guess is that having that script available is simply Too Tempting. You don't need them for pain..... chipping away in this fashion can kill you just as Fucking Dead as a too-stiff line or shot of actual heroin can.

Please stop . Yes yes alot of users get fucked up around the holidays due to stress, internal anguish or simply tradition. (Habit if you will). You didn't tell us of any stress or anguish; in fact between work n Miss Cutie things have been going nicely for you. So why did you pick up? Is it only because of the Too-Easy and Too Hard to Resist access to the pills?

Please dont feel attacked or called on the carpet. I love ya I do and I would Hate to see your sweet name show up on the BL Shrine one of these days :
PLEASE TAKE A STEP BACK maybe while Miss Cutie is gone on holiday, to really look at your situation as objectively as anyone Can look at himself and answer the question to yourself : "Why haven't I gotten Rid of this Access to Pills?"

You don't have to justify ANYTHING to our community. I just feel it would behoove an almost 30-year old Man who admittedly wasted between 5- 10 years of his adult life using drugs, only to end up Suically inclined n self destructive Numerous Times, to take a good hard look at all this.

Last point: I know coming off a few days with opiates you'll be moody n rash at times (possibly) so if you blow up at me for being a nosy bitch-- I'll take no offense.

Take care ! And I hope the dinner date IS a few days hence, so you'll recover from the bender first. But keep in mind : starting off a relationship HIDING a chipping habit you know damn well she would disapprove of, is a pretty Shitty n immature thing to do. I do not wanna see ya miss out on a great girl
But I also dont think it's fair to her: either quit the chipping or let her know Alllll , and then let her decide if she still has This Interest in you.

Coming from a place of LOVE. Not judgment. Hugs!!
I appreciate your concern as it means that you care. Sign of a good friend running fox.

Truth is I don't mind nodding out once a month or so, maybe every couple months. The mild withdrawals that come on scare me off from using too much, and knowing my baseline tolerance with my experience makes it super easy for me to get the dose of dilaudid or oxy's just right.

I don't feel enslaved to them at all anymore, I have kept my fiery spirit alive these past few days even while sick. It wasn't enough time to ruin my life by any means.

It's still inherently risky. My supply is very much limited to getting high perhaps once a month, using 100mg a day or a little more for a few days and then I have no other source. Not that I would get more if I did. That is the last thing I'd spend money on right now. I'm debating between chron... shatter... chron... wax.... chron... oil... blueberry haze.... fat dabs. lol.

So I apparticate your concern but becoming a non-dependent and freed slave of opiates, does not necessarily mean never using them again. It is nice to have a reminder of mild withdrawal symptoms from time to time, in fact. Keeps me on my toes. Everyone has their own way. I might end up feeling the need to quit forever and I could totally do that right now without worrying at all about it. I enjoy the pleasure of nodding from time to time, it isn't like a looking for a cure type thing anymore. It's looking for a sick pleasurable amazing unbeatable high and that is way healthier (for me) than looking for constant pain relief because I only feel the desire to nod once in a blue moon.
Just an except from a book I'm reading:

"It will not do to kill the passions, like Klingsor; the sexless man is even lower than "the wounded king," Amfortas, the victim of his virility. The true hero is Parsifal, who feels the temptations. "A man of like passions with ourselves." The more acutely alive he is to love, the greater are his possibilities. But he must refuse to surrender to his passions; he must make them serve him. Dienien! Dienen!

Well dope definitely made me a sexless man I would go as far as to say that for a while I was completely asexual... no sex drive whatsoever for months / years on end, no real desire but anything for H or the means to get it. If I was working, it certainly wasn't for enjoyment of the job. I still like to nod the fuck out from time to time. So be it. I have too much going on to throw it away for a hit and I know that.
Well it's good you are speaking realistically and aware of the drawbacks. As long as this recreational use KEEPS you away from the harder drugs and doesn't cause an OD I suppose you're being as safe as possible, if catching the nod is gonna happen its gonna happen.

What about the young lady? Do you feel this small perhaps monthly recreational use is seldom enuf and small enuf its not worth mentioning to her? Perhaps since its not a Defined Relationship as of yet, you've got plenty of time to consider this situation. You say you haven't kissed yet? So its pretty early in the scope of things.
Yeah I wasn't thinking about that, if / when I am dating her I wouldn't really do that or I'd tell her and she wouldn't care if it wasn't a habit. We have already dropped acid together I could probably get away with an 8mg dilly shot at some point and get a really harcore nod going on. It is weird though we have been talking for over a month and have a crazy connection going on like we spent all day talking to each other I sense we both want to take it slow she is pretty much evaluating me as a potential husband (well, she definitely is) so I don't mind waiting for a kiss we keep going on nice dates now. I don't know what to think I am going to keep my ears out for other foxes in the meantime lol she is going away for 3 weeks and I am getting impatient as much as we like each other it has to be taken slow because it is very serious. We make a great team, we have realized this and she is helping me start up a business I have had the idea for a few months to start. She is really good with marketing and communications and business and stuff like that, I am just a creative burnout with a lot of really good ideas. Anyways... pretty sure we like each other haha.

We have such a strong connection an oxy high once a month isn't going to mean shit to her. She likes coke and Mdma once in a while and I like coke too not so much M. I am not thinking about us like that though. I just know drugs wouldn't interfere we are both beyond that at this point. There would still probably be occasional drug use I don't mean weed she doesn't like it (I know the reason why, down to the way that she thinks... she doesn't care how much I smoke or take psychs haha). She likes stims... opiates would bore her to death. She would hate that shit haha. Just totally not the personality for it but you never know... I'd never ever give her one. This is what is important to me not whether she approves or not because she likes me for who I am.

An opiate is an opiate, I'm doing hard drugs I'm not fooling myself. Dilaudid and oxy's feel better than really good heroin to me. I refuse to do H ever again though. I will likely get a gram of coke for the holidays. I don't care about being completely clean I feel that I have purified my spirit enough. I am interested in this girl a little too much its getting annoying and I am not going to go and hump my cat I'd probably get scratched so I don't know what to do. Maybe talk to her about it when she takes me out for dinner.
If you've been basically seeing each other / "talking" --seems to be what young ppl are calling it now--- for a whole Month I would say now before her vacation is the perfect time to ask her whether she's interested in this becoming More than just a friendship.
We already know that it is becoming more than just that. Doesn't really need to be said, I plan on writing her a letter while she is away and then she will for sure get the picture. I feel like bringing it up would just be questioning something we already know the answer to... we are weird like that. She is an unusual creature but always drops little hints. One day when we are out for dinner or whatever wherever however it is we are going about our day, it will just happen.

Like... it's so weird but it is almost like a love story the way I'd want it to unfold. I am being myself and any thoughts that get in the way (even ones about my relationship with her) are intrusive. We have dinner plans, she's in touch with me about her feelings all the time, trusts me with her schoolwork even though I studied something very different, we also have plans to work with essential oils and make candles and soaps and stuff, and plans to go on a trip to NYC. It's almost like when we hang out, we are already a couple and people probably see us as one. We are very open with each other like we will talk to each other casually in circumstances that would make most people very highly awkward (there was nudity on her part involved haha... along with casual conversation... but yeah I haven't made out with her yet).

Really a crazy experience started happening shortly after I got clean and started undergoing a whole-life transformation. I attracted a lot of positivity and beauty into my life... then she randomly came along. I don't want to question it. Since I am seeing her as a potential wife, I don't mind waiting and really would prefer it that way. Just not waiting any longer once she is back from vacation haha. Then I will be bringing this shit up lol if it doesn't just happen which... if I write just the right love letter to her and it somehow finds her way there... lol.
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Saturday. So while she is gone I will write her a love letter... I'll have to subtly ask for her address but... she doesn't forget things haha. She'll be expecting it I bet since she over analyzes everything but it will still be a surprise one morning while she is at another continent.

We have some time to hang out one more time. It's not a big deal either way I am looking at the big picture with her, and she never forgets. I think we will end up having a dinner before she leaves. She was being really amazing today and we talked almost all day long. We are both skipping work tomorrow... strength in number haha. She is getting sick again poor girl. I just realized they fucked up my schedule.

So we chatted almost all day today it was really nice. I would say a milestone with how things are going.
Can we get back on topic pls this is should I try heroin thread not pointless gossip anyway

Can I get the full raw truth(no patronising scaremongering)how good is h how does it get control with tolerance etc I would like detailed answers also if I did try it(not likely) I plan on putting it in a spliff I KNOW I KNOW ITS WASTEFUL!!! but I'm still gonna do it that way if I do has anyone who smiles so if anyone who smokes/smoked skag in a spliff and has anything to add.
Can we get back on topic pls this is should I try heroin thread not pointless gossip anyway

Can I get the full raw truth(no patronising scaremongering)how good is h how does it get control with tolerance etc I would like detailed answers also if I did try it(not likely) I plan on putting it in a spliff I KNOW I KNOW ITS WASTEFUL!!! but I'm still gonna do it that way if I do has anyone who smiles so if anyone who smokes/smoked skag in a spliff and has anything to add.

If you're just going to waste it like that, give it to someone who won't.
Ok.... trust me, chipping is Fucking Dangerous...most of my ODs have occurred due to chipping...low tolerance due to abstinence, then "careful' so I only do half a bag.... because I was a bun+ a day, 3-4 a shot iser, so I'll be good, right??!! NOT.....wake up with ppl breathing into me .... anyways I digress.
Should I try heroin.... Can I use "recreationally" is another question along those lines.... My answer would be: FUCK NO!!!!!!

I THOUGHT IT WAS COOL TOO....That was 18 years ago. Dumb and 15, wanted to be like my rock n roll idols LOL (not funny with hindsight) 5ODs (lemme tell you NARCAN is very painful) track scars on my arms (still!) ... plus I've had 3 bouts of cellulitis...but I NEVER thought that would happen to me... Because heroin is a very nefarious mistress. I never imagined when I first started that I would sell my body to use drugs....then 5 years at the methadone clinic...then BAD relapse.....started to sell boy and hard and let a guy run a stable of girls out of my motel room for get high for free profit..... Ad posted on backpage.....or resorting to walking the track when super desperate....nor did I ever imagine when I first started, and used to actually preach to people about the use of clean needles, that I would be so dope sick that I would knowingly use a needle from somebody that I knew had hep?! I didn't care it was the only rig around and I was fucking sick... all I'm saying is heroin will lead you to fucking places you never imagined you would go but it's your best friend when you begin and it turns into your worst goddamn enemy and I'm telling you I've been battling this shit for so long everyday still if I have a bad day I think about getting high but I have to remember where I came from and all I can tell you really (I'm sorry for rambling) but don't fucking ever go there you really don't want that fucked up pain
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