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Harm Reduction ⫸Should I Try HEROIN?⫷

I am still and forever Stunned by how much Stress Strain Sufferings etc some of you very young folks have been though. When I was 20 all I had lived were Good times. No substance use, no problems. I guess I lived a very Charmed life as compared with many.

I do not take this lightly.
I am a very grateful person.
Tbh I'm glad for a lot of my memories, have a few I'd like to forget, but they make me who I am. I'm not gonna be a 40 year old dude acting like a damn kid.
I'm not acting like a kid at all.

My point was just how shocking it is sometimes reading folks stories on the forums then finding out they are YOUNG and have new through as much as they have. That's all I meant.
Sorry it came off like I meant you, I was referring to a lot of the guys I've hung around.
I see your point . If you can learn certain lessons in life Early (tho sadly most come via Adversity ) you got a better shot at being an Effective (happy stable successful decent -living ) adult at age 30 40 50 etc
Exactly, would rather have my whole life to heal, than have those things happen late in life
I guess I gained most of my emotional maturity, life skills and healthy coping mecahanisms along with my personal World View in my 30s.
Just so happens my opioid issues were....... drumroll..... in my 30s.
It is not best to switch to H.
Perhaps ask your PM doc if there could be a higher dose? If you're afraid to ask that, see if he'd give you some gabapentin or lyrica alongside the pain meds. These gabaergic drugs (if taken a few hours prior to your first opiate med dose of the Day ) will potentiate your pain meds. This is my experience anyway and btw -- do NOT speak that term "potentiate" in front of your doctor. Perhaps just let doctor know you feel like the meds are wearing off too soon n see what he says. If HE hesitates to raise dose on painkillers or switch to a stronger / longer lasting one then you could mention you have a "friend" who takes lyrica or gabapentin with theirs and have had success. Ask innocently if that's something you could try adding?

***** pls be aware the medications I have mentioned, if used long term or in large doses, have addiction n withdrawal potential of their own. But my God I would rather see you on this combination, than turning to Heroin.

Pls consider talking w your doctor.

I actually did try Lyrica & Gabapentin. I never felt like it helped and just made me gain weight.

I'm already on fairly high dose of pain meds (I have both chronic lower spinal pain & neuropathy from chemotherapy a long time ago). And I really had to fight to fet the last increase I'm on.

I would just buy the same medication off the record, but I'm fairly isolated due to my medical issues (I havr Crohn's Disease and suffer from pretty severe depression). Since I don't know anyone to get additional pain medication, I wonder if getting H is easier. I could just go to a bad of the city.

I dunno...

I just worry that I don't process opioid medication normally. With the news all about ODs, doctors seem to be frightened about seeing people or changing anything.

I'm sorry to seem whiny, I'm just so tired of it all.
Dude h is not the answer, trust me I found my best friend dead, hed drowned in his own vomit. Because he'd gotten fent instead of h. All it took was one shot
I agree.
You do not come off as whining by the way.you state facts about The Way IT Is. We know and it sucks.

But if you could locate a heroin connect you could locate a pill-connect. I dunno. Maybe try a taper so you can lower your tolerance thereby making the dosage of meds you have available to you, Effective once again.

Gabapentin made me chubby too.
I dunno what else to suggest.... I hate the idea of graduating up to Heroin.
Dude h is not the answer, trust me I found my best friend dead, hed drowned in his own vomit. Because he'd gotten fent instead of h. All it took was one shot

I'm sorry about your friend. That's awful.

Can a person still die if they end up just smoking or snorting it?

I agree.
You do not come off as whining by the way.you state facts about The Way IT Is. We know and it sucks.

But if you could locate a heroin connect you could locate a pill-connect. I dunno. Maybe try a taper so you can lower your tolerance thereby making the dosage of meds you have available to you, Effective once again.

Gabapentin made me chubby too.
I dunno what else to suggest.... I hate the idea of graduating up to Heroin.

Thanks for understanding. I use Kratom for now when my meds run out. But it definitely doesn't have the same effect. Which is the only reason why I had been considering H.
Snorting yes, fent is dosed in micrograms. Smoking I couldn't tell you
Lottttttta ppl die smoking either heroin that's actually fentanyl (*dealers don't tell you cuts/ sometimes they don't even know ) and others have died smoking the gel they've harvested outta fent patches. Also in mcu -- ain't any way to ever know a fent dose unless you're using medical grade .

Heroin is too damn dangerous. You never know if fent is in there: even if it's not. ....

There are ways to Live with the pain. I know there's meditation yoga mindfulness based stress reduction. ... I'm just not learned IN these. Toothpastedog is. Look him up he's awesome
If use is inevitable these should be a priority these days. Fentanyl and it's analogues test kit, $26..

In addition to fentanyl, the following fentanyl analogues can also be positively detected:


one of the many problems with switching to or adding dope is you can no longer clearly see how you’re progressing. where as with pills, when a 30 doesn’t do it anymore there’s no not noticing and it’s a huge “oh fuck.”

also heroin is not some legendary best opiate. unless you are a regular comparing dealers against each other to find the best, it’s probably gonna be so so. and dealers with good are confused as fuck if you are not coming through regular like an addict. heroin is no better than hydromorphone or oxymorphone. i’m sure some people say “dopes the best” but that’s subjective and anyone being real will tell you those three give a damn similar high. i’d step over the best dope i’ve ever had for ir dilaudid pills. so if you’re wondering what those kinda opiates feel like you don’t have to leave pills.

everything surrounding heroin is dangerous and ugly. i count it separate from pain killers on my sobriety app because buying and using it carries so many additional risks.

I count it different too, although they substitute for each other in regards to depedency; and diectylmorphine is pretty much morpine with faster hitting pharmacodynamics. IR dilaudid is so much better - even extended release oxycodone is way better than good heroin in my opinion (with a low tolerance). Oxycodone is actually my favourite, because of how efficient it is when taken orally, and the high is lovely.

There are even ongoing risks with fake pills, that contain fentanyl or some other potent opioid. This stuff is in heroin so much, to the point that is you use smack these, you can assume either fentanyl or better yet fucking u-47700 legal status, or something like furanylfentanyl or acetylfentanyl. This wasn't anywhere as near as popular in the 90's, so yeah like you re not really doing heroin anymore statically speaking! It is becoming like coke was... so horribly cut that it is pointless to use it. Coke up getting more pure from the news if I'm not mistaken, while dealers are taking advantage of heroin users d user
:\Pretty fuckin depressed today:(
Snorting yes, fent is dosed in micrograms. Smoking I couldn't tell you
Lottttttta ppl die smoking either heroin that's actually fentanyl (*dealers don't tell you cuts/ sometimes they don't even know ) and others have died smoking the gel they've harvested outta fent patches. Also in mcu -- ain't any way to ever know a fent dose unless you're using medical grade .

Heroin is too damn dangerous. You never know if fent is in there: even if it's not. ....

There are ways to Live with the pain. I know there's meditation yoga mindfulness based stress reduction. ... I'm just not learned IN these. Toothpastedog is. Look him up he's awesome

Thanks guys. I appreciate the supportive words.

Shroomy, I'm so sorry you're down. My SO suffers from chemical depression...I've seen how taxing it is. *hugs*
No problem man. If you need any kinda support just pm me. I don't mind lending an ear
I made a post here. Apparently the damn thing disappeared into Cyber Oblivion
Was just saying to echo tubbs that I'm always around too n willing to talk. Bout all I can do is share information / make suggestions n offer my own experience n coping skills I've come up with.
I ain't got much; but what I've got I'll share. -- now THAT came from those awesome folks I had. My dear mom n cantankerous dad.... both in Heaven now. (*or at rest if you will )

I'm willing to talk to anyone.... guess that's what BL is For.