⭐️ Social ⭐️ ⫸PED Social v. Meathead's Tea-Break⫷

The paraventricular nucleus contains....

a. Parvocellular neurons
b. Magnocellular neurons
c. Vasopressin containing neurons
d. Oxytocin containing neurons
e. All of the above
According to the gate theory of pain....

a. Pain normally occurs because of increased activity in small myelinated and unmyelinated fibers
b. Activity in large myelinated fibers blocks pain sensation because it prevents the fibers in A above from firing
c. Dorsal column stimulation leads to pain because it inhibits the gate cell
d. Pain can occur spontaneously, but only when small fibers are damaged
e. None of the above is a true statement
According to the sliding filament hypothesis of muscle contraction...

a. Myosin filaments become shorter as they slide past actin filaments
b. Actin filaments slide past the sarcoplasmic reticulum aided by calcium
c. Actin and myosin filaments slide past each other as the sarcomere shortens
d. Electric fields cause t-tubules and sarcoplasmic reticulum to slide past each other during contraction
e. Actual bonds between calcium ions and myosin filaments cause the filaments to slide past each other during contraction
Goddamn I missed a bit haha...

Only thing I cbf adding (to a now old point) is that some of the largest and most damaging (to society as a whole) criminals reside behind mahogany desks in a leather chair, dressed in suits, essentially hiding in plain sight ;)
Goddamn I missed a bit haha...

Only thing I cbf adding (to a now old point) is that some of the largest and most damaging (to society as a whole) criminals reside behind mahogany desks in a leather chair, dressed in suits, essentially hiding in plain sight ;)

Ha ya I never got called back from my lunch for work so I just started venting like a 12 year old to CFC while gently wheeping behind my keyboard.
Those feels I know well; only right now I'm not even getting my lunch break let alone not having to return from it lol...far too fucking flat out at work to hit the gym midway through the day, and then far too exhausted both physically and mentally to give a fuck for it when I finally finish haha. Killing me, but I'll be SO GLAD once this month's PC swapouts are done. Actually can't wait to get diet on track again (still under eating currently, particularly protein) and have a word with the Tren I've got in my drawer. Kinda wanna try get some dbol too, though I dunno if I'm up for looking puffy haha
Those feels I know well; only right now I'm not even getting my lunch break let alone not having to return from it lol...far too fucking flat out at work to hit the gym midway through the day, and then far too exhausted both physically and mentally to give a fuck for it when I finally finish haha. Killing me, but I'll be SO GLAD once this month's PC swapouts are done. Actually can't wait to get diet on track again (still under eating currently, particularly protein) and have a word with the Tren I've got in my drawer. Kinda wanna try get some dbol too, though I dunno if I'm up for looking puffy haha

Man this board's members and trenabolone. You guys make me envious of how you can handle the side effects or if you even get side effects! I'll probably be on just test cycles for the rest of my life. Maybe throw in some stanozolol or oxandrolone, but really I respond pretty poorly to most AAS. At least the ones I'm willing to try or have the ability to obtain.
I get side effects :( little bit of trensomnia/night sweats, bit moody, sex drive is weird (generally slightly down, but randomly it's like a fucking beast hahaha), and unfortunately through whatever mechanism of action, my latent gyno from puberty flares up in the later weeks >.<
I get side effects :( little bit of trensomnia/night sweats, bit moody, sex drive is weird (generally slightly down, but randomly it's like a fucking beast hahaha), and unfortunately through whatever mechanism of action, my latent gyno from puberty flares up in the later weeks >.<

I started developing signs of gynocomastia one time and I immediately mitigated and removed any signs by using tamoxifen. It took almost 5-6 weeks for that hard nodule underneath the nipple to go away completely. I've read others using tamoxifen along with raloxifene for best results. I just picked up raloxifene this time around just to make sure I'm 100% prepared.

I'm not saying you do this, but I've seen people having this idea that taking an AI once you see signs of gynocomastia development will stop it. That doesn't even make sense anymore to me? An AI will simply lower the aromatase enzymes activity, but free flowing estrogen can still bind to the breast tissue. That is why you use SERMs that specifically target those receptors. I don't remember though if tamoxifen also interacts with the receptors in the hypothalamus.

My nipples get sensitive every cycle regardless of AI usage. I can usually keep the puffy look at bay, but they are definitely sensitive. Like someone just slapped my nipples for an hour straight and now are trying to gently massage them kind of sensitivity.
Man this board's members and trenabolone. You guys make me envious of how you can handle the side effects or if you even get side effects! I'll probably be on just test cycles for the rest of my life. Maybe throw in some stanozolol or oxandrolone, but really I respond pretty poorly to most AAS. At least the ones I'm willing to try or have the ability to obtain.

Tren 4 president
Tamoxifen is confirmed carcinogenic no?

Steroidal estrogens are known to be human carcinogens based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans.”

a number of individual nonconjugated steroidal estrogens, including estradiol-17β, estrone, ethinylestradiol, and mestranol”

You just reminded me of a post I completely neglected and forgot to touch up and finish. Refer to this..EDIT deleted the thread and restarted with a more proper revision

It is actually classified as a Group 1 IARC carcinogen which is pretty significant.
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According to the sliding filament hypothesis of muscle contraction...

a. Myosin filaments become shorter as they slide past actin filaments
b. Actin filaments slide past the sarcoplasmic reticulum aided by calcium
c. Actin and myosin filaments slide past each other as the sarcomere shortens
d. Electric fields cause t-tubules and sarcoplasmic reticulum to slide past each other during contraction
e. Actual bonds between calcium ions and myosin filaments cause the filaments to slide past each other during contraction

According to the gate theory of pain....

a. Pain normally occurs because of increased activity in small myelinated and unmyelinated fibers
b. Activity in large myelinated fibers blocks pain sensation because it prevents the fibers in A above from firing
c. Dorsal column stimulation leads to pain because it inhibits the gate cell
d. Pain can occur spontaneously, but only when small fibers are damaged
e. None of the above is a true statement

Pretty sure this is (b) - which is also why you gently rub an area that you just bashed (like when you smash your head)
Don't know the other one without looking. Ain't nobody got time fo dat! ;)
Shit I wish I would have saved the explanations. It was B, E, A, C. Those were some really complicated questions though.