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Meth ⫸Methamphetamine Megathread⫷

They need to allow people that've been on Adderall for 15-20 years access to legal meth. I only switched to it because Adds stopped working.
I hate to break it to you but the meth stops working too. Eventually you're tolerance will become so high and it will be hard to maintain financially chasing that feeling of it "working".

If I'm being honest I prefer Adderall over meth. The euphoria is better, feels cleaner, more clear headed. But I too caught myself chasing that dragon, my tolerance was up to. 120mg of Adderall a day, switched to ice and after a few months noticed my Adderalls had no effect on me and my meth habit started spiraling outward.
Hey guys! So I was a meth addict for about 3 years. I got clean for 5 years and for whatever reason started using again. I make sure I eat and take vitamins. I also sleep every night. So Ive been using for 2 months with a 3-5 day break between. I had used about 7 days in a row (30mg Iv, and 15mg last two days). I IV 90mg one day and didn't get much out of it, which was expected. Unfortunately I didn't get to sleep much last night because my 3 year old is sick but I still got 4 hours of sleep. I went to work this morning and I didn't feel overly tired and did a 25mg shot to make it through today so I could start a recovery break. I haven't responded is a single day and I only use in the morning. Anyway when I injected I felt a "rush" and I knew it wouldn't be euphoric, but this was unlike anything I've felt. It was like a wave of dysphoria washed over me and it made me feel like ass and confused. It's been about 12 hours and I feel better now but have very slight brain fog. The stuff I have is the same stuff I started with that was sourced from the DN. I'm in southeast U.S. has anyone experienced this?
I have a question for users who smoke it. I've only smoked and eaten it. I think eating it is the better high. I have been using since late 2017. I've taken a few long breaks, the longest being a year and a half. I've reached the point where I'm no longer getting 'high' and I feel pretty normal. I just have more energy and am able to focus on things a little better. I use mainly because I get chronic migraines but I don't get nearly as many when I'm using. Ive never shot anything. My veins are shit to begin with so it's not something I would consider.

This is completely off the topic that's been discussed so far but I'm curious how often you clean your bubble? How to you do it? I was called a snob when I first started because I always had to have a clean pipe. I cleaned after every smoke. I don't like foreign particles in there. I don't like any black or brown residue left over. I would try to just clean the bubble and leave the stem. A good stem could last me 2 days when I was out.
Now most people I know hardly clean their bubbles. They don't smoke the stems down. Most of them use bongs, don't move the torch at all and burn the crap out of their product. It has been an adjustment to get used to that. I usually can't do anything about it because it's not my pipe. I've been banned from cleaning them. Lol
I'm just curious what preference others have. And different techniques to clean. I mainly use a torch, let the bubble cool, then wipe it with a damp qtip. If it's really bad I'll use really hot water and a little piece of magic eraser. There have been a few times when there has been a white residue? for lack of a better term that will not come out with anything. That usually happens after using reclaimed bong water. I've wondered if it's a ph level thing that's acidic and eating into the glass. Anyone have any ideas?
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I might make another thread to separate this but:

Can we take advantage of any differences in solubility of L isomer and D in various solvents or water? People sometimes like to use water bongs to smoke meth - even though meth is soluble in water. So obviously some is lost but… maybe MORE of the impurities get absorbed by the water faster than meth absorbs? Is there any difference between D and L isomer?

What about making a bong not using water but have it bubble through PG or VG (like what e cigs use)? Or something else relatively safe for human consumption but that MIGHT absorb Levomethamphetamine faster than Dextromethamphetamine.

We can’t let the cartel impurities ruin meth there must be a way via much experimentation. Meth is cheap enough where I bet if people just think outside the box we can figure out how to take out more of the junk and leave more pure Dextro.

I noticed when I consume meth orally, it feels closer to pure dextro IF the dose is kept low. I think some of the extra psychoactive junk maybe gets filtered out (but not totally, just enough to notice it being cleaner) more when eaten.

I was thinking about GC/MS machines - I actually don’t know how they work other than a tiny bit I read about different compounds having different weights and it got me thinking about how every compound has different freezing and boiling points…. What about making a device with an Arduino and super accurate thermostats and some kind of tube where there is a gradient of a temperature difference along the tube. Have the arduino control a hot plate that slowly raises the temp, the different compounds including d and l meth will evaporate and then condense inside this tube but I’m thinking they will separate along the tube depending on compound. Anyone understand what I’m trying to think?

Then in theory you could figure out how where along the tube the d-amphetamine is condensed and scrape it off. Possible?
I might make another thread to separate this but:

Can we take advantage of any differences in solubility of L isomer and D in various solvents or water? People sometimes like to use water bongs to smoke meth - even though meth is soluble in water. So obviously some is lost but… maybe MORE of the impurities get absorbed by the water faster than meth absorbs? Is there any difference between D and L isomer?

What about making a bong not using water but have it bubble through PG or VG (like what e cigs use)? Or something else relatively safe for human consumption but that MIGHT absorb Levomethamphetamine faster than Dextromethamphetamine.

We can’t let the cartel impurities ruin meth there must be a way via much experimentation. Meth is cheap enough where I bet if people just think outside the box we can figure out how to take out more of the junk and leave more pure Dextro.

I noticed when I consume meth orally, it feels closer to pure dextro IF the dose is kept low. I think some of the extra psychoactive junk maybe gets filtered out (but not totally, just enough to notice it being cleaner) more when eaten.

I was thinking about GC/MS machines - I actually don’t know how they work other than a tiny bit I read about different compounds having different weights and it got me thinking about how every compound has different freezing and boiling points…. What about making a device with an Arduino and super accurate thermostats and some kind of tube where there is a gradient of a temperature difference along the tube. Have the arduino control a hot plate that slowly raises the temp, the different compounds including d and l meth will evaporate and then condense inside this tube but I’m thinking they will separate along the tube depending on compound. Anyone understand what I’m trying to think?

Then in theory you could figure out how where along the tube the d-amphetamine is condensed and scrape it off. Possible?
Hmmm... I'm ahead of you!

£4.08 | 220V 150/160W Adjustable Temperature Solder Pot Tin Stove Melting Furnace Desoldering Tools
Hmmm... I'm ahead of you!

£4.08 | 220V 150/160W Adjustable Temperature Solder Pot Tin Stove Melting Furnace Desoldering Tools
ust about to give it a go.... No calibration so I'll titrate the heat carefully with the tiniest shard. I think I need a borosilicate watch glass on top. Easier...
Apologies for wonky shot.
Apologies for no shit! Tried using Google drive insert picture function.
Wasted an hour fiddling with it!
Hmmm... I'm ahead of you!

£4.08 | 220V 150/160W Adjustable Temperature Solder Pot Tin Stove Melting Furnace Desoldering Tools

Nice find! Even if it’s super cheap I still enjoy building things myself - I was into electronics and programming as a kid and teen, then my 20s for a total mystery it’s like I got suddenly bad inattentive ADD / desire to do things faded (which is the reason I started searching for reasons or solutions - which led me right into the drugs, meds, research chemical world). My main symptom is tiredness like I’m not asleep but no drive and stuck in a weird daydreaming all day type of thing. Anyways…

After so many years of trying to “tough it out” with no meds, all that happened was I just did lots of Kratom and stuff to dull the feeling of being unable to do anything but passive activities like watching movies. So I actually do LESS or zero other drugs when on a stimulant when it’s working, the nagging sensation of wanting to “feel something” goes away and I’m busy doing things.

Dealing with doctors is SUCH a pain these days, so much time gets wasted, pharmacy issues, some doctors you will be with for 8 months and still they think 50mg Vyvanse should be enough or 20mg adderall or whatever. There are some that do give people 90-120mg adderall.. this is the type I want to find - not to actually use that much (it really is hard on the body above 60) but to be able to stock up for all those times when mishaps happen (doctor on vacation, nationwide shortage, etc)

I actually think I usually prefer pure dexamphetamine to meth, sometimes, but really both are better for different things. I feel I should have the choice to have both and more than enough supply and not be talked to and treated like a criminal or always being suspected etc.

These “professionals” that go to school for so long should be way better than they are. Maybe psychiatrists should be required to take one dose of a few different meds so they have a clue what it’s like - they have zero experience (usually) and read outdated ancient information.

Anyways, orally meth works great a lot of the time but sometimes even the stuff that “feels clean” has made my blood pressure go WAY up. Even low dosages. Something ain’t right. Different batches do different things. I try to find the “least shitty batch” on the dark web. Also sometimes vendors will send one gram of excellent clean stuff but if you buy a bigger qty like 7g they send crap.

I got just one g of some recently and am taking it orally and the doses seem legit like desoxyn (but have never gotten ahold of that to try). Blood pressure measuring devices sometimes aren’t accurate- so I should try to find a medical-level properly calibrated one to buy.. I mean pharma Dexedrine doesn’t seem to mess with BP much and some studies show d-meth should be even less of a BP change.


It’s weird - I also would get these batches that WAY messed up my stomach even at just adhd oral doses. Like it would blow up like a balloon even get painful. Haven’t had that happen ever with Dexedrine.

So I really would love to find a way to be able to get some dirty but still meth and clean it to REALLY clean, like 99%+ dextro methamphetamine.

Or.. try to get a desoxyn script. Docs that allow that seem more liberal with the daily dosages - I’ve heard of people getting 100mg a day, 120mg (narcolepsy guy who is like 80 years old, he says it’s working as good as the first day after like 30 years and he seems fine). Maybe even TINY amounts of levomethamphetamine really is the danger.. and maybe 1mg makes your BP jump up 30 points. Or maybe it’s some strange active synth byproducts.
Found this: (most labs do not check for isomers, they just check for methamphetamine... which is why the DEA is always claiming its so pure)

According to the National Forensic Laboratory Information System (NFLIS)-Drug 2021 Annual Report, methamphetamine was the most frequently identified drug in federal, state, and local forensic laboratories. Methamphetamine exists as two stereoisomers: dextro-methamphetamine (D-MAMP) and levo-methamphetamine (L-MAMP). The D-MAMP stereoisomer is a central nervous system stimulant and drug of abuse, available in both pharmaceutical and clandestine preparations across the globe. As clandestine labs are rudimentary and uncontrolled, most street methamphetamine is a racemic mixture of D-MAMP and L-MAMP. The L-MAMP stereoisomer is also available over the counter (OTC) in nasal decongestants. However, most forensic laboratories (including seized drugs and toxicology) do not differentiate between isomers, assessing simply for methamphetamine. With advances in liquid chromatography technology and lowering costs, forensic laboratories are increasingly moving from GC-MS to LC-MS/MS techniques. With that shift, there is an opportunity to inform and empower toxicology and crime laboratories to separate and quantify methamphetamine and amphetamine enantiomers in casework. Separating methamphetamine enantiomers will maximize information gained from existing forensic evidence and workflows.

Alongside increasing prevalence in drug reports, 2021 results from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) estimate that nearly one million Americans drove while under the influence of methamphetamine in the past year. Despite widespread methamphetamine use and abuse, translatable knowledge on the pharmacokinetics of both methamphetamine enantiomers across forensically relevant human biological matrices is lacking from the literature. Additionally, several metabolites (e.g., amphetamine and p-hydroxymethamphetamine) are psychoactive and may contribute to the impairment profile observed by law enforcement and other first responders. However, the stereoselectivity of methamphetamine metabolic pathways remains undefined, giving those who interpret toxicological testing results little to go on.

This project seeks to begin filling these knowledge gaps through a hybrid applied and foundational research project. Specifically, this work will have two major aims, (1) develop and validate an accessible methamphetamine enantiomer-specific identification and quantification method to maximize information gained from existing forensic evidence and (2) contribute to the fundamental scientific basis of knowledge surrounding methamphetamine pharmacology. Of note, the proposed work seeks to quantify methamphetamine enantiomer and metabolite concentrations in several human biological matrices following controlled study drug administration. We will also correlate analyte concentrations across plasma, whole blood, and oral fluid. Data gathered from this work will directly inform forensic science practice and translation of results to legal proceedings. CA/NCF

So basically it could even be different metabolites or different pharmacology of the metabolites from d-meth and l-meth. Maybe just a few % of l-meth is enough to do some funky weird stuff to the receptors that the d-meth binds to... changing its effects. I really hate when people keep posting the same line "no meth is exactly the same as it was 30 years ago, science proved it, you just fried your brain's dopamine... don't you trust science???" - there was a time when i thought that was a possibility.. or dopamine cells dying off or something but I personally chat with a guy who's old (never asked but like 70-85 range) he's got narcolepsy... takes 120mg of Desoxyn a day! And yet he's healthy, told me it still works exactly as it did many years ago, no noticeable potency loss, he talks like a average normal person. Not tweaking. He takes 30mg of the 5mg pills 4x a day. For like decades and he doesn't seem to have rotten teeth and tweaker issues or anything noticeable at all. I have always searched the internet for Desoxyn reviews or stories, and really have never seen a bad one except maybe a minority saying it was too relaxed compared to Adderall. Almost all of them describe it being such a light medicine that allows them to be normal and doesn't come with the nasty side effects the non methylated amphetamines have. I never see them complaining about how it used to work but now it doesn't... or feels different now vs then etc. Basically 99.9999999% of the people prescribed Desoxyn love it and have no complaints. Street meth ya got like 1000 different variations of bad side effects lol.

I'm not someone who bets but if i was I'd bet that its levoamphetamine. Its got to be partly that maybe something else that isn't showing up on analysis? There are many ways to analyze a substance, some can't detect certain compounds. I have no idea what "level" of chemistry analysis equipment these labs have

Free Bubble Pipe Stand

How many of us have had a used up but still hot enough to melt, mark or burn things (including ourselves) & had nowhere to put it down? So we sit, holding a hot pipe until it cools down.

Or, just had pipes rolling around on tables, on chairs until... <<CRUNCH>> 😱

Well, this has been staring us in the face for years!

The large, bright yellow (well, they are in the UK) cans of butane we fill our lighters & torches from have a lid or cap that has 6 or so adapters, moulded with the lid, it's these going to use to support our pipes.

Take the lid off of the can, turn ?it upside down, and there is our bubble pipe support. Slip the mouthpiece end over an adapter in the lid.


The pipe is supported upright but away from the plastic side of the lid. You can drop a pipe over each adapter and once all adapters have a pipe on them those borosilicate tubes the harm reduction teams give out for crack can be dropped between the bubble pipes, keeping them safe from rolling off of the table too.

Pharm 😃☮️
Wtf can someone tell me how meth could last 5 or more days?

I'm beginning to think I'm being secretly drugged.

I'm completely serious. Someone please respond.
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Wtf can someone tell me how meth could last 5 or more days?

I'm beginning to think I'm being secretly drugged.

I'm completely serious. Someone please respond.
You gotta take a break. Drink some water. Eat. Sleep. It seemed like you were in psychosis last week or something. Not good.
Does meth break down when it's just chilling sitting out? How about when it's stored away in a jar? To clarify: I'm referring to a pretty dang humid environment (which you know always made me figure with how hydrophilic this is that it would get torn apart by humidity) as i know it will technically break down after being left out but would potentially take a while. Sometimes it seems like my shit is just.. evaporating. But I also have a really bad mold problem where I'm living at so I'm wondering if that could be related. The whole storing in a way in combination with the mold/humidity is kind of a catch-22 because I don't want to leave it out to get messed up by that stuff but when I store it away it's difficult to do so without storing it away with some of the humidity as well as some of the mold so when I go back to look at it later,seems like it's messed up again. But then again maybe this is all just psychosis in my head.

Follow-up: is there a best practice for storage in regards to humid spaces? I know that it's technically supposed to be airtight container cold dry dark spot but I'm pretty limited on the dry and cold spots currently.
So I believe I may have figured out why even clean meth seemed to have side effects and just not work like it did years ago.

Maybe some of us are just out of shape - I just started going to the gym daily about a month ago, and I’m noticing big changes. Weight lifting seems particularly extra good for stimulant use. I only go for 30-45 minutes daily and now… batches of meth are good and feel like super clean D isomer only. Blood pressure barely goes up at all. I am taking just ADHD doses orally (15mg, 10mg, maybe max 30mg in a day) and it’s working better than any pharma drug.

I bought a reliable brand BP cuff and been taking measurements several times a day, it goes up a little but only goes up way high if I take too much and it’s near the end of the day.

Also the anxiety and panic feelings are gone. It was giving me panic attacks if over 10mg before when I was sedentary.


This explains a lot if true. I noticed years ago all stimulants seemed to make my heart pound way more and more anxiety even tho they used to work fine. I was taking pyros for adhd and i guess not exercising much creeps up and somehow makes stims feel shitty.

Stim users might wanna try working out hard daily if you’re getting side effects. The benefits ramp up over a few weeks (but weight lifting seems fastest vs cardio, also way easier to do at least for me) and then last 24 hours/everyday.

My heart rate also went down. Also.. stomach issues disappeared! I can eat fine on stims now. So weird!
Any tips for smoking in hotel rooms? I used to do it a lot but nowadays I’m paranoid. For example, I’m in a non smoking hotel that’s also kinda moldy and the people below me are smoking…I literally feel the warmth and humidity rising from my floor and it makes my room extremely uncomfortable. How do I prevent the same thing from occurring if I smoke my meth?
Any tips for smoking in hotel rooms? I used to do it a lot but nowadays I’m paranoid. For example, I’m in a non smoking hotel that’s also kinda moldy and the people below me are smoking…I literally feel the warmth and humidity rising from my floor and it makes my room extremely uncomfortable. How do I prevent the same thing from occurring if I smoke my meth?
I wouldn't think smoke would raise the room temperature higher like that. But idk. That's not something I've ever worried about and I've smoked in lots of hotel rooms.
Cartel, Canada, and Research Chemical Labs Networking?

The Mexican Cartels have been partnering with research chemical labs in the Netherlands and Germany as well as small low scale pseudoephedrine meth labs in the Czech Republic for two years, and replacing them with consolidated superlabs creating resolved P2P meth. A cheaper product to synthesize than research chemical stimulants, far more potent meaning smaller shipments to smuggle, and much longer lasting with an RoA option similar to the needle for people afraid of the needle. Since late this summer, the Cartel have partnered with Canada to route shipments to Australia, and recently Spain as well as targeting smaller European ports. Organized crime groups in the UK appear to be recieving shipments.

I suspect/fear this partnership is an attempt to replicate the US strategy in forcing a fentanyl and meth market from the supply side. The timing of so many beloved Netherlands research chemical stimulants like 3MMC and 4MMC seemed strange, but now massive meth shipments are being siezed in the UK and Europe where no sizable market exists for it. With the Dutch labs involved, they can just force it and gain an operation which is:

More consolidated into fewer but higher output labs- smaller quantity of drugs needed to smuggle into ports- organized export/import teams- monopoly of another continent- capability to produce enough product to monopolize highly desired markets with multiple options for smuggling routes- infrastructure in place to bring fetty to Europe

Like so:

Step 1. The Dutch bring back beloved and fiendishly addictive research chemicals 3MMC, 4MMC etc and flood the market along with meth. Maybe MDMA too.

Step 2. Consolidate large number of small research chemical labs into small number of insane output industrial scale P2P superlabs. Pull synthetic stimulants and MDMA off European market except small batches and jack the price. Make metric tons of meth cheaply, tank the price

Step 3. Use Cartel/Dutch/German/UK gang members as boots on the ground marketing dealers to push addicted stim users to meth: "cheaper, longer lasting, crystal lattice means always at least 70% unlike dirty amphetamine sulfate"

Step 4. Convert UK network ot dummy grow houses into recrystallization labs. Begin dissolving meth freebase in solvents to smuggle in as liquid which isn't detected by drug dogs, and is more versatile to get in. Meth has an addicted market now, appealing to cost potency and addiction-substitute

Step 5. Use better and established smuggling techniques and united Dutch, Canadian, Czech, Mexican, Spanish, and UK network to corner out the expanding East Asian and Middle Eastern syndicates from establishing a market in Europe

Step 6. United North American/Europe syndicates excess production of resolved P2P meth exported to high street value markets like Japan Australia, and New Zealand

Step 7. Begin attempt to introduce fentanyl
