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Have you made sure it's the real deal too?
Hell yeah please post it if you find itIt's the p2p variant a bet. I'll try to find the article. It's about a 44minute listen on audio but well worth it!
It's the p2p variant a bet. I'll try to find the article. It's about a 44minute listen on audio but well worth it!
Hell yeah please post it if you find it
Dudette** haha I’m jp I really don’t care & no problem bro ham, it has taken me quite some time to master hitting the bubz properly (meth itself also just has some crazy chemical properties which doesn’t make it any easier) without burning/wasting all my dope so lmk if you have any questions & don’t don’t worry about feeling like an idiot for asking. Good luck bro xxThanks dude
Just did a 0.3 shot about an hour and a half ago. Haven't used in a week and still have pretty low tolerance (have slammed about 10 - 15 times since I started a year ago).
This shit has the weakest rush ever but I'm a bit buzzed now I guess. Definitely not amped up tho. Just feeling quiet and laidback. Anyone have any ideas where the rush went with this dope? A shot this size would normally send me to the moon.
Especially with the racemic garbage. If you have good stuff, when the high hits you that’s when you put it down. But 12 hours later if you’re chasing that feeling again yeah it can be difficult to stop smokingYeah, it is. It's difficult to put that pipe down and theres no natural limit to how much you can ingest during a period of time like snorting.
I don’t agree that the comedown effects depend on a 24 hr cycle from your last use. The comedown is when the high wears off and you feel the effects of being on a strong stimulant for the last 12 or so hours. Sore muscles, mouth if you’ve been clenching your teeth and rubbing your tongue on them, and possibly psychosis although to me psychosis is something you get if you stay up for days at a time. Tapering off to prevent withdrawal should help for a long term user but after a binge I don’t think it matters, all that matters is if it’s going to spark another binge. So if you use Monday then you might again Tuesday and so on.Hey all - question about comedowns; apologies if this has been asked, but I've searched across the internet and not found anything that explicitly answers my question.
So - most of what I've read about the comedown says that the strongest effects start around 24 hours after the last consumption of the drug, including the dreaded psychosis... and, of course, the comedown is stronger the more you've had, etc.
What I'm trying to understand is the extent to which that 24 hour timing might be "reset" or "staved off" by consuming more, even if significantly less. As an example - say I had 6-7 days of decently heavy usage (with some sleep, good hydration, somewhat beside the point) ending on a Sunday night. At the end of that Sunday night, I obviously felt exhausted and slept properly, had a normal day the next day, and so on. But then 19-20 hours after the end of that binge, I smoke a bit Monday evening - enough to feel the effects, certainly not as easy as the start of the binge, and not as much that evening as any other evening during the binge.
In that situation, are you setting yourself up for a 7-8 day binge comedown on say, Wednesday? This might imply things like daily or 6x / week use is exponentially worse than 4-5x and suggest the "trap" of using frequently...
...or is it more like the comedown effects would taper and you'd start coming down from the first binge on that Monday and Tuesday, even though you're smoking a little more? This seems more logical just on the face of it, but obviously substances can work in strange and nonlinear ways...
Maybe it's a weird question and I'm a little too fixated on rigid endpoints; I'd imagine the truth is person-dependent and somewhere in between. I've been lucky so far not to get any really bad comedown effects (other than perhaps the very first time) - I'm good about hydration, though it's so easy to go a LONG time without eating...
I can see why it came off as complaining, but that wasn't my intent lol. I was just ridiculously spun and word vomiting without actually thinking much about how my tone would come off.edit- ^complaining about clean meth in 2023? I mean maybe we are spoiled that MSM works pretty good and hotcaps of fent are rare,
when I do more than 2 -3 points of meth in 12-20 hours to start, which is 90% of the time I start my monthly run, starting about 6 months ago - one of my eyes 'wanders' inward and upward and I cant see fuckall. Im pretty sure its me getting old and not the dope changing, but who knows.
anyone heaaad of this? btw I have a non scary doctor im going to tell this, but haven't yet - forgot both times I went since it started.
Yeah, I mean I guess there’s two comedowns. There’s coming down from the extreme euphoria of the initial high, where you still feel good and peppy and wired but dont have that omg I’m about to cum in my pants feeling and everything in the world is perfect. But then there’s the hard comedown or withdrawal, after you slept, and haven’t used for a day or two when everything feels bleak and pointless because you depleted your dopamine in your brain. If you’re at that point, then using again is definitely going to make you feel better but like opiate withdrawal you’re just putting off that inevitable crash. I think a lot of it depends on your dosages and tolerances. Theoretically if you’ve used the smallest doses required and haven’t spiked your tolerances then using again may not hurt, but if you’re like me and can’t control your urge to do more and more then you are just making it even worse for yourself because you’re shutting down your brain’s ability to release dopamine and the longer and stronger your usage, the longer it will take for you to be normal again without the drug. Just my two cents. Meth is one of those drugs that really should only be used on Friday and Saturday and then don’t touch it again til the next weekendThanks for your response! Yeah, that makes sense to me. The 24 hour thing did strike me as odd if you stop feeling high well before that, but I could see a handful of different explanations for it...