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Meth ⫸Methamphetamine Megathread⫷

The mystery of if meth is clean, or if it’s got weird shit mixed in…

Most of the stuff I’ve had, from multiple sources, sometimes varied a little bit, some of it was mega clean but still weak. Some had more physical side effects. Most of it, I just cannot seem to get properly stimmed off any amount. Like it almost feels sedating.

I just thought it was perma tolerance but then a few years back I got a sample of some local stuff and it blew my mind. Psychosis off of just one night. Blast of dopamine. Still clean. Def felt WAY better and stronger than 90% of what’s out there.

So I am sure there is something added there has to be for all these differences between batches.

There’s the “big shards” stuff that is almost wet and brittle, like it wants to melt at human body temperature. Often it’s sold as cartel meth. Have to use high doses and still can’t get too blasted. Idk 🤷‍♂️ maybe there’s a lot of contaminants and the testing that’s been done hasn’t been done recent enough or just somehow missed those compounds.

Sometimes it feels insanely “clean” but high doses have a ceiling effect.. or even start to sedate as you raise the dose. Weird shit.

Also, when I see videos online of people supposedly blasted on meth they act a certain way that I’ve never had happen to me. Like they’re dosed on something else.
So this sounds simple, but it never really works the way i intend.

So i got my pipe and have some mini shards in the bubble.

I'm using a bic (i don't have a torch)

I hold the flame about an inch below the glass and as it heats up roll the pipe from 2 to 10 ( im trying to figure out how to breathe because it feels like when the pipe is ready to be hit im out of breathe) is that the basic process ?

Put the lighter about an inch below the glass bowl, heat the dope as your rolling your fingers from 2 to 10? It always seems like the bic is literally putting blisters in my fingers before i can get a good hit.

Is there a certain pattern i need to be rolling the pipe in or any special tricks i need to know.

Or anything i should avoid doing?

Im sure it seems simple but I'm a newbie and I'm having trouble getting decent hits.
I think you’re holding your flame way too far away, you only need to hold it that far when using a torch bc a torch gets way hotter . If using a bic (or any lighter) you actually want the tip of your flame to be just barely about to touch the bowl, almost touching , but not touching. Got it? Try that and lmk
Anyone care to comment on whether racemic meth or the dextro enantipmer is better for adhd/getting stuff done?
Racemic fucking sucks for that because all the annoying ridiculous physical side effects not only hurt but also kill your stamina 🥲

I can get a lot done on the computer.
Sorry I couldn't read the whole thread, but did anyone ever figure out what "smoke yourself down" means?
So I found that wearing light soft gloves will keep you from chewing the living shit out of your poor fingernails. Like mine used to have really pretty nails, and now it's ground beef, some were bloody, and I couldn't stop doing it, knowing that I was hurting myself, so now I wear those gloves. Like that cone dogs wear to keep them from chewing on their crotch.
I didn't mean pnp/Chemsex as being only for bisexual and gay men, but I thought chemsex/pnp means having sex on METH, coke, or basically almost any drug? I remember when sociologists and the media both LGBT and non-LGB Claimed that chemsex/pnp was somehow super new in the late 1990s or early 2000s, only ever happened or was done in large cities, never in small cities, towns,villages, etc. When in reality it had been going on and super mainstream since the 1960s.

I have never used a dildo with a lady either. If she wanted me to I would. I have used dildos in men but condoms were used, and I did this as they were bottom/versatile and I am super careful and picky about which men I fuck with my cock and these were guys I assumed could be Poz and we were just very casually dating or hooking up. I have no desire to do receptive anal sex or much anal sex at all, personally.

I was then living in what to me was a super rural area, but was a traditional university town and a gay friend who preferred to have chem sex and pnp on heroin, any opiates he could get, alcohol, weed, and at rare times coke and meth unfortunately got pozzed with HIV and HEP C from receptive anal sex or sharing needles, and he became extremely sick with delirious fevers and opportunistic infections, had AIDS with a very low cd4 count, and he was not the only person this happened to. He is on meds for HIV and HEP C and is otherwise in excellent health and the only drug he uses is marijuana as needed for (no pun) chronic pain. Luckily when he thought he was "neg" he never infected his then partner, or a guy we all knew who hooked up with him.

I never had anal or oral sex with him, only mild w/s (watching each other piss in a club toilet while I was drunk), some mutual touching, kissing, and spanking which is all safe sex. I did this as I assumed correctly that he is Poz and I get super horny, insatiable, and love public sex and exhibitionism when drunk or on drugs.

I am HIV NEG, have no sexual diseases or parasites, I stopped hooking up in 2008 I believe, and I no longer use drugs by personal choice.
I think you’re holding your flame way too far away, you only need to hold it that far when using a torch bc a torch gets way hotter . If using a bic (or any lighter) you actually want the tip of your flame to be just barely about to touch the bowl, almost touching , but not touching. Got it? Try that and lmk
Thanks dude
The mystery of if meth is clean, or if it’s got weird shit mixed in…

Most of the stuff I’ve had, from multiple sources, sometimes varied a little bit, some of it was mega clean but still weak. Some had more physical side effects. Most of it, I just cannot seem to get properly stimmed off any amount. Like it almost feels sedating.

I just thought it was perma tolerance but then a few years back I got a sample of some local stuff and it blew my mind. Psychosis off of just one night. Blast of dopamine. Still clean. Def felt WAY better and stronger than 90% of what’s out there.

So I am sure there is something added there has to be for all these differences between batches.

There’s the “big shards” stuff that is almost wet and brittle, like it wants to melt at human body temperature. Often it’s sold as cartel meth. Have to use high doses and still can’t get too blasted. Idk 🤷‍♂️ maybe there’s a lot of contaminants and the testing that’s been done hasn’t been done recent enough or just somehow missed those compounds.

Sometimes it feels insanely “clean” but high doses have a ceiling effect.. or even start to sedate as you raise the dose. Weird shit.

Also, when I see videos online of people supposedly blasted on meth they act a certain way that I’ve never had happen to me. Like they’re dosed on something else.
It's the p2p variant a bet. I'll try to find the article. It's about a 44minute listen on audio but well worth it!
So my friend usually snorts a bump or a line and was wondering (it sounds dumb) but where is he trying to snort it too? Like up his sinuses or what? Secondly, how long does he let the pulverized dust sit in his nose before dropping water drops down his nasal passage. And thirdly when can he snort another line? And should he blow his nose first?

I know these seem like very novice questions, but i got to double check. Usually meth will run out of his nose in mucus. Not all of it but some of it. How can he prevent this?
When you snort drugs it mostly gets absorbed in the mucous membranes lining your nose. A portion of it drains down your throat into your stomach (the drip) which effectively turns into an oral dose. It doesn't get into your sinuses.

It doesn't matter much how long you let it sit in your nose, but saline should always be used at a certain point. Meth is particularly damaging to snort, but this happens during the act of snorting because the crystals are effectively tiny razor blades and cut up your soft tissue. Try not to rub your nose while meth is in there either.

Meth should be crushed as finely as possible into tiny particles to minimize the damage. Eventually you will probably encounter a nose bleed, it's almosy inevitable of you repeatedly snort meth. I would stop snorting if this happens to avoid a potential infection.

I wouldn't suggest blowing your nose for awhile, as this will cut your nose up more if there is meth in there.

I enjoy snorting meth, mostly because snorting is my favorite ROA of any drug, but it's not really advisable because it is damaging. I usually mix up ROAs when using meth for this reason.
If it drips out of the nose then use tinier lines, snort harder, or both. Grounding the crystals as good as possible is relevant to minimize harm to the nasal tissue but using a saline spray to dilute the meth before to its administration will work better by avoiding the razorblade effect Snafu already mentioned.

And yeah, snorting is way more fiendish/moreish than oral dosing, the substance hits the brain almost instantly so both is there more rush and more of an addiction learning effect.
Yeah, it is. It's difficult to put that pipe down and theres no natural limit to how much you can ingest during a period of time like snorting.
What if my nose is broken and deviated? Will this Impact the surface area availability? Cause the inside of my nose is fucked up from getting broken. So my mucous membrane linings are kind of really bent on the one side (where there's a big hole, my nasal passage) and on the left the linings are kind of smashed, and there's barely a hole for my left nasal passage because it's so broken.

Do you guys thinking snorting in this case would really be worth it? I'm worried I'm losing most of it to my stomach. I know it's kind of a hard question to answer, but would i just be better off smoking it?
What if my nose is broken and deviated? Will this Impact the surface area availability? Cause the inside of my nose is fucked up from getting broken. So my mucous membrane linings are kind of really bent on the one side (where there's a big hole, my nasal passage) and on the left the linings are kind of smashed, and there's barely a hole for my left nasal passage because it's so broken.

Do you guys thinking snorting in this case would really be worth it? I'm worried I'm losing most of it to my stomach. I know it's kind of a hard question to answer, but would i just be better off smoking it?
If you're having trouble snorting just take it orally - it's an excellent and underrated roa

Smoking it is just asking for trouble. It's super fiendish, incredibly compulsive, massively unhealthy, ritualistic, instant hit too which makes addiction 100 times more likely, and honestly, all things considered, not even as good a high as oral

So, no - you're not gonna be better off smoking it